TREEFAGEROBBERYCHARGE DOUGLAS AUSTIN WIGGINS 28rlght aJarmer at Bond Hendtogether with his lilred man Timothy ORourkeV28ileft and RobertMoore 32 Toronto appeared at Bradford court yesterday on acharge of at lt is any eyldeneé lleged the tehiptlng to robajétired Brltlshjenersl and his wife on0ttoher 14 The case was remanded Duane week without hearing lhre 80When the general and his wlf retused to let theumen pastthelr front door struck on the head and ln the arm helm his wife wasvshot nmo ecountiiidi the Chlldrens Aid County Ernest Cumberland or Alliston iniormedcounty F3995i The president of council on thevflrstdey of the November sesslo on Monday that the society had alreadya deflc imately $15000 and it was probable that this Would reach $39000 by the ends bbeyearr At the Jandary session County Council approyed of pa the deï¬cit of $4433lnhurred by the society in 1958 and gave mnt o£€$198801 for 1957 to cover the cott of all wards in care in and ï¬tof the county the cost of pro tection work done by the society the cost of investigating residence and making recoveries under maintenance nrd rs and the rental ofofllce spac the new wing in presenting nin month bal ance sheet up to September 30 County Councl that thematic arosein the imam through th actual amount paid to other soci eties for Simcoe County less the amount received from other etits giving deficit ï¬gure oft of 9009 VieWsol null dual Speaking as fortunate that ences of opinion they will be resolved by bickering and baelrhitiug but by the full cooperation between the council is the board As resident andytaxpsyer he My gt loyalin nner Dec this year Mr Cumberland tbld ï¬onft belleve ty Council for consideration It is also expected that the 5p committee ion Childréns Aid will be reporting to muncil today Emery persbh in the parish will be ask seriously eonsider what in faith really means to him and plan the churchmn top of hi udget Everyone beiree to give is they Â¥seerfil John saso Sash Flynn Diegnert Sea At 11 mes during the canvass wx bone in mind that cheerful giver Parish and Fath Rosettis St John Vionuevaarishuare in pleaSEdjwith themesulls ud he cooperation from exp Teamschairmen Charles lle uey Wallace Inisthohn annoy general chairman Eugenesmlth with the followi 0t er chair yrralsedrln lhls can vass Will be used theJollow ing purposes ï¬rstllvlarys Parish upkeep sc John Ne 11 available thng the ll highwwrcoundl lllustr mnngelxweumï¬w mu School Board Wm WWW campaign camm aisle of no momma hlansfleld ere thinking Ilene Ind Nominated candida III manppnortunlty oll diesslng themectlhg alter oclock and It the ermine tin omeellnxllgbt meme Smith sarila momzoon Damn Lions Club Hugh Glbaï¬h simian CanadaLtd the wives of the lltlmll in lrechuienls will beservcd by yesterdnyevenlngnlremier Leslie Frost expreissed unbound edeonxidencein thetutufre of Canada JWhen one looks etthe growth and development or Sim untylone se cwsection or the development at the he said The ability of Cnnadiansto adapt them selve to changing conditions wgmwand alter with the times makes us conlldentthat we have the ability in this country ociétv the bridge and then5w lnEwestnswmiftortratM pass atithe easlside of the rive is vehicle was struck on iven cast by Stephen Robingonyho had hit the sidde At that moment anolh driven itth cam 30 hobindoueidently excited mar and Carney vyareon th pasehssisted by Oillpers McClure and WJJ Juno County nners AWifler Fair séea andusngyj Sxmcoe County hibitors scor edhesvily til eedclésséa t= tile Royal AgncultulalWinter entryJwas 96011i 15 were from Great Britain Entrieswerc shown from sever sections of the United States and allpr vincestiorl Canada except New foundlaud There was even one Carl Peacock Slsyner kseventh prize for 59 while wxnter wheat 210th for tworowed variety barley and filth rn VCa Dunn of lborndsle the reservechampionshipfcr Gordon Mc datesn know Trophy for host exh it and also the xpreln em dged the eading she shearer IsnlselLaurln Penetang took math prize in the la par Peacock soan we and in sheaioathlnlh in lass 936 stone entry of peas from South Atrium boa won out prize inhale hay Class938 tomee the village ls set for anelection next Snturda Nov 23 date aremnte ng reove six have been nominated or our vacancies on councll emerging Honlmglie Frost Premier of Ontario was the guest of honor at the inforlnsldinnebattended by 120 members and stall of Shri coe County Council when they visited theRoyal Winter Fair yes terday Also welcome west31 the dinner waa Lance Rumble in trodtieed Judge JG Heme the sellmnstituted permanent Mayor of Hillsdale other guests were George Johnston MP for Simone Gen if Harry vicepresident four are seeking ection to we 13 school hoard seals llï¬ed liar reeye are An thony Bosh Arthur Hutchinson 93 etheLflv sborne received Zac clamation to th oï¬ï¬ce othde ssio rie at the Masonic inpl 591 Chkptcr of Rose cro Scottish Rite is beingheld today in kar greework willbe empl ed by groups from Ba hm eenh infloutl gt of pass poisoned HM in Toronto this week Total itls In of fence toput ï¬lls poison on Thereare 27 candidates will be held at St Church Leishman is Most Wi oflhe splendor as mumsanus or drenbelughampd velheenpub tingtbe atrychnlne outtoget ri oishunlrs uh Stain Mrs Margaret Joseph Magani ilerbert Taylor dLo Sixpersons are nominated for three scuncies on th Isehool Christopher ren Melvin lrving KeithLathsngde and eith iWood They had until in tn qualifyand amelection ionschonl hoard nk Mania was returned 18 when EHG Coughlm Bibby sold Vtherestahhshmeut to William Edgertcn slid Joe Fair Peterborough Mr Edger ton has previous hotel requirementso the new age into which we are Possible Park and hoped Johana solutioh t5 the problem soon Slincoe county has done very few tin its history but one of them was the lactthat in For mint the indians killed and ate him Ready toilielp The eJPresident the ONE Harm Price said that the dir ectors were Lryinfl moire the CNEEl frilly nationalaxhibitioxi and could lily be don thiough the cooperation of bodies Simcoe nly CqunciL risshyflung we ca do help you with fair les lentry hardess ponyvshoyvn to gig class Iake ï¬rstplace Dther features of the hors show were the rotï¬clalwisit jot His Excellency the Honorable Vincent Masey 08 Governor General of Canada thetvelemne tothe Britishequestrlsn team competing in th international Site on lake Fair The wagon were scaled down in sire and the horses draw ing the wagons were underlz F51 The group arrived attire fair early indie afternoon and spent the time before the dinner tour ing the lair lndlvxduany or in mil parties Also visiting the fair at thesametime were group of Jstudeufs from Barrie onmcolleglate Burris District CeltltEsl diglleglate visited Winler Fair was Kreat occasioth the and staï¬otSimQQe QualityCoun all file important Kwasenhanced1 by theectualVicwlyv the Rum and the knowledge Brothers pfstmud oliected two ï¬rst awards aetondiva third two fourth alvlardsand shahand sixth with their eavyliorses r©t County Thompsro pedestrian suffered pand pelvis and head injury when hit on Highway 103 an the night of ginsé He LEACOC Town conned have an non until May nextvyear tn some of the lh the oiBrle holding Night dinner atthe Stephen Lea cockHutel0riliia This is Bar rles 261 anniVersary and the 19th of illiaclub which for the town affording goodswim hingJana boating nausea was sponsored 17y Barri will beguestm Speci entertainment from Toronto