HENRY BEItNlCKL gssesxaemro Crosley Icons Ltd turned the sod lot the 100th houseto be bull this company in Barrie ï¬eleemmonnvms pertormedon Sat which lnaluded Mayor Willard urday Nov betore an interested group of spectators Inhale aer Blair sec reiArMeasurer at the Town banningBoard Mauri dredth houselsvbelng bunt at Bothwell Crescent new subdlvlslon near Davidson she just eastrot Barrie Collegiate Phelpslon the celebrantï¬eing nephewRev Vflwmas Hays John Cameron Oro Dies Alj SimcoeMonor Interment At Esson BliEloNLJohn Cameran res ident oi Slmcoe Manor died there in his 7ï¬th year on Get 21 He was born at Maryhlll Scotland and earns to Canada as boy le farmed most at his life in Ora Township He is survived by twoslsteis Catherine Mrs Charles Jermey at Orillia and Margaret Mis Alex Donaldson ot Maryhill Scotland also by niece Mrs Leonard Booth of Carley bro therpredeceased him in 1904 The funeral was held from Doo little Brothers Funeral Home and the service was conducted by the ev Hoy Webster The= pail ï¬esrers were Wesley Storey Al hert Forrester Ellis Forrester lack Woodrow Orval Breedon and Arthur Crawford Interment was in the Esson Cemetery 78 Years In erughursl John PorrieLMorqn 85 PassedAwoy in Toronto In poor health and confined to bed for the past two years John Patrick Moran passed away on Mondanyeptember 161951 at Oulk Lady of Mercy Hospital To ronto heartlcondition proving fatal The funeral was held ouihurs day September withsolemn high mass inse Patrickschurcli new nl sin swim Panda mo com nuua am can Mm Deaconwas grand nephew Re Patrick Manin and mbdeheun Rey Morrison Also prey exit in the sanctuary were Right Re Castex Rev Ralph Egan Requr Vooswerk and Rev Beriault Interment followed in St Pat ricks Chdrch Cemetery and pall bearers were Leo Fitzgerald lmflus Frank Moran John Leo Cavanaxh Ind Sterl ing McCauley There were manv masattains addition tarelatlves and friends here in this area some were present iroma distance in cluding Frank Moranuof Evan stony and Mrs Wilired Lowe seoï¬ We SoundMi and MissyEramis Moran miss Mary Hayes and Miss Marylnf tus all of Toronto and the Grey Sisters trom jMidland and Pen etanguishene The lnte John Harringtan He had lived in that municlality un 1950 then spent two years in Phelpston and the remainder of his days in Toronto Mr Moran had farmed such fully until failing health preVent edworklng any longer He was of iriendly cheerlul disposi him well liked hyallrwhoknew im was devoted father and bandyhadjnany friends was Roman Cath ic amember01 the VHoly Name Society in Phelp stonand in addition was an terested participantin commuméy activities Hisvwife th Iormer Hannah Murphy prede eased and there is oneson lo Toronto one daughten Sist emery use FRIDAY nov 300 rm ranri ans nu curlsunn uo llwï¬dy Doutv Jun soc we on rum son minis Mtan mm wmuY 300 Domino Eunh owWuum rnmu WW us rum Jamar moo use 1o aorqnn Sinel 50a 19 men upoclcium most of on Jlinlle Malu loo Langston Mohiunl 30 Th Plou IMs Jim col man show ms yony in spari lel ca NW lridl 500 count at lanh Er Wild Ml HIEKOK an an 1215 II WIW mo 1nl Ih sou Tuaboal Anni 100 ram For moo Studio on moo on Ioao muén Hayn pan Wash rhom ma shw uov moo clc um rodv in soom 20 Domanniv New 3001 PithI 815 Th alumnion we nI sum WWII nun 430 41de BM 500 TIA hm ram tolcmllinu QIVWIIMM Thu Farm Mlllflt pom moo of mm Armchair av Jan no You Brunet rs as anon Beer News sum sec on looo Hum um and Eeoru unorsion on Mary nose swam and hm ther Edmund in Toronto and sister Agnes also in that city ne Sydden Deal or Rev Moitland Of Bradford Unitedk Pcmbrokeioliserver Reverend Herbert Maitland alormer resident of Pemhroke died Sunday Nov 1957 at 113 age of so alterMa short illness He was brother oi Maitland of Pembroke Funeral service was held Nov at landlord andthe body was taken togEastons Corner or burh ial inIthe family flint Born at Shawville he spent his early life there and had beena minister of the United Charclfof Canada or numberorgans serving several congregations in Mr dims minimalism Richmond Hal spent gSimday 11 feline family Barr spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs am Hiltz Sundayslest Mr and Mrs Robso Sh TD ronto were Sunday ton at Mr and Mrs 1LPeaeoeki qllfford Homily Willowdal spent Sunday with his sister Mrs Palmer eek endtojo north hunting deer Weicqmaia Cohihunlty We welcome Mr and Robson landyeth Mntd gt eluding Arnprlor Murrlshurg and Alliston befor iagpgointment Bra ears was ickenwhile officiating at wedding about aweekago and was taken to hospital New market where death occurred Sun Ilg are his widow the former Genevieve Hashim of Eastons Cornersone son Alvin Hamill three hrothers Maitland Pembroke Alfred of Webbwooiand Webster of enham and three sisters ltygt NEED CQORDIINATION iomLLIAXCP Cramp has suggested appoin ent ivic coordinator to check em bodies and preventduplica lion of expense and effort LEAMINGTON be Stago and two helpers mployees complete rangevoil pm for Children Men We saeeIAI MENS CCM OCKEY SETS manMacturers samrles demonstrators uvlammonma snmmgom 384W Sport Bear igjnsuï¬guon torn uvees WN