eat AnnuarvaoriVen on 71Hesd7iCamp Bordeh personnel oi the Royal can Mailtum outlined his objee adhn lotjoint played host to mg or 130 teachers tromSim lives tor the taming year Thus duty on Friday Oct 18 be Cards rdassviaita by their our snotthe Teacher5 onvenuonflmceedinu awere lpencd with lively sinu ponz hrrahged by Mrs Church Atlas Mmeugall ondLLlnd say This was followed by very warmaddress 01 Welcome given11y Squadron Leader Mack on behlll of the commanding Oti leer Group Captain if West and alsoin his own capacity as Chairman of the Dependents Ptl lie School Board or short business session Mr Kittmer Principal of Barker ream School RCA Camp Bor denextcnded hearty welcome to the teachels andin his capa city as President at thc Teachers lnatitutc expressed the pleasure which the Executive tell at the tormation ot the tour Subject Committees Physicai Education Mathematics Social Studies and English and commended the merit hers for theprogressmade Mr Kittmcr thanked the members of the Ex utive in particular and the me rship in general for their ï¬ncvcooperationdurlng the past year and expressed his grati tudeto those who had helped In any way with the annual conven lion Macklcm HA BPacd Pulr iic School Inspector presented the Junior Red Cross Badge Ser vice to Mrs Joyce Morris Belle Ewart He then cohgratulated the executive or their accomplish ments during the past year and made particular mention of the growth within the inspectorate the curriculum meetings and the physical education demonstrations 315125 or iiili CONSULT Yotllt CNR TRAVEL ham lAllUNfISAIt If Phone one PA 84400 Barrio nooxmos nuisance ior this Fall Christmas VHWintrer and on 0nc Way By Steamer from $15000 gt RETURN BY STEAMEKV FROM $30000 RETURN 13 AIR crs and ptovement at visual aid program sped speakerle Bertha Dick BA BPaedL from Toronto Poetry in the Elementary Schoo and gave suggestions in the ul cct 11 ot poetry moans oi devel oping greater interest and appre ciationin childrenI and stressed thetact that poer should be heard murder to maife itslmpact upon the ears Alter short quea tion and answer session with Miss Dick the assemhiy broke into groups to heartspeclai speakers At the completion ot this por tion of the program Mrs Mae Simpsonchairman of the lesolu lions committee outlined proposa ais regarding the activitie ot the Teachers Federations an the setting up of workshop between the Teachers College and the practice teachers to make teacher training zmore effective Mr Metcaltc viceprincipal 0r tona Road Public School Comp Borden outlined proposal re garding the next convention CaptainDrennan chairman of the nominating committ pres ented the following slate oili cers for the 195758 executive past president It WHKittmer BA MEd pre Simpson first vicepresident Do aid Langtord second vicepresid ent James Metcalie treasure Mrs Margaret Downer and sec reta Mrs Moira Weli This exec tive vcomi were then given by the oh man the our sub ct com ttceszKen Glenn physical ueation Eugene Ennis social studies Miss Elizabeth Matthews English and John Schmidt BA BEd The Commanding Ofï¬cer of RCAF statlonr Camp Borden Group Captain KR West then gave bra outiin ganization fthï¬tation Mr Kittmer ankcd thcGroup Cap tain or his address and thememi hers ortednto the After dihner lecoch Acting 0mm CommahdingNo Technical Training School wei comed theteaehers and gave them brieï¬ng on the atteinoons ac tivities The assembly divided into three groups and proceeded to the Technical aining school where Flyingpificer Haynes explained methods of instruction followed in the School Corporal Teoli gave demonstratinn lesson on iueitanks in the CF 100 aircraft and the maintenance training de rtment conducted the teachers und FROM 5430290 display of armament training aids good things to eatanneal special and something diligent for your evening meal In the bedroom and bathroombooth will be poem est towels leather goods ondsn Ladies Curling 01p suck Theopeningdinncr otherrte 011$ will beheld 111119me Ciiih Wednuchy Nov is all plan ergwill be social as nine after the didner Anyouehtefétedltn ï¬nial an active or social member men novelties ChildrensclothosL mitts and toysin 1hechildrens room will solve many Christmas problem Attractive appointment calendars hasti notes gaychr mas stockings candles deeora lions and corsages you will tind in the novelty corner For your convenience during afternoon tea tree bahysitting service will be provided nursery CONSERVATIVECS The twoomelet women dqu bytes to the Qnthriolmgremve Conservative annual convention heidinloeontoat the Royal York this week ere MrsHerb Noble Mrs Lena Webb at Pailuwick The two voting del egates were chosenby Others who were interested and who attended the Monday morn lng husineSs sesle andjthe at ternoonreception were Mr He her Smith Mrs Grasct lilrs NewtonSmith Mrsl We and Mrs Bayliss mid and pig yea planned ior the anniversary mm 230 until and The couple were manlied in Allistoh and have arEaaii their lives SAVANNAH LODGE Znioying Sunday dinner at Savannah Lodge were Mand MrsM Eaten ot Barrie Mrs Riggs entertained friends on Saturdaynevening Mrs Mar shall andCapt Nelson and Mrs Nelso The Nelsons are leaving tor ermany around the middle of Decemï¬er icy Martin from in or tea Mrs Battle ved in the Mrs Shirf Stroud dropped muse Cln rlnlistree ronrwzrlpwwrsa Lsmavr Speakers orthe main conundrum infllcer the air jsldztlr 11$ Oltu William Finnlsgand chairman ot the civilian committee Barnes Please phone the lt Mrs Eleanor mm peep 90 wins the lawrm and Greatellvsun pmldehhMrsA ony welcomed the new memberssad wasvary pleased tosee sucho good attendance Repomo1eilconunittee were being lady curlers with curling expected to begin in another week orewo he nowexecutiveor 9575 president Mrs AgD Gray ylcepreaidcnt Mrs Guide and vicepr id Mrs rhy secretary Mrs Moore treasurer Mrs YxAdems icemnd mï¬tch Mrs Mickie Maternity Dresses 100 Collier st arris PA 53804 opposite th Library Latest infiaahion Your tor oneny McDowell so Foils Sims SLmirno mounts PA e2429 Mont gtsntnnntl mom in prams Motions 1890le NOW TO as fusion aooxao For Bahamas WILL pa Hire fit cont Event you connotafford tomiss come and see the wonderfulrfashions offered olundflhrenewool Ice and twos or veryspeci PVT