Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1953, p. 20

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2r we manna mammmmm ocr is money to optima pm an entirely NEW lDEA in Sewing Machines Elxn new better dams socks and invisible mending Monogram sows back wards and lorward and in any dir ection For lull information call ELNA SALES BARBIE mend 87 MAPLE AVE my AN EXAMINER WANT ADicided to give expertly Does PHONE 3482 BAW 30 Thomas Milan WA The monthly meeting of the Womans Auxiliarywas held on Oct at the home otMrs Camp bell Railrea There werewo members three visitors prea cut The president Mrs Milt Sut ton presided The meeting open ed with the singingof the hymn Master Let Me Walk With Thee accompanied at the piano by Mrs Robert Martin Mrs Bailres read the scripture taken from 2nd Corinthians Mrs Sutton led the group in prayers for miss ionaries Chinese students and teachers The secretary Mrs Mar tin read the minutes These were adopted as read Mrs Oli ver trcasurer gave her report and it was decided to donate some of the total to different comics It was decided to pay the rest of the years pledges and also the membership lee It was also de thc Dorcas some THE BROKERAGEFIRM 0F wOoo GUNDY co LTD announce the appointment of ellIR McCARROLL as Sub Agent of their company for Barrie and District Mr McCarroll will be soliciting your bilSl css for Eonndu Savings Bonds UNTIL NOVEMBER 16 1953 The Bonds sell at 100 ofiace value until November 16 1953 Rate of Interest 3l Principle and Interest guaran teed by the Dominion of Canada PUT YOUR SAVINGS TO WORK NOW Buy Canada Savings Bonds in any amount from $5000 to $500000 13 mos Al glcCARROLL PHONE 3763 Shanty Bay Road UaBIS OI lug wt Guaranteed by land Housekeeping 4l Ammo so volt no omaugrmion mac erronv SALES 10 Barrie ammary An amount was donated to CARE for the purchase gardening tools to be ten to farmers in India who had need of them on their Earmr The speaker for the eveningwas Mrs Lighthoum who spoke on the Womans Auxiliary study book Ior this year called Africa Steps Out Mrs Ligbtbomn gave the dulercnt reasons wily this book was chosen and acquainted the members with circumstanQes in Africa you cause the need for more fund landing toward the natives unch served by the hostesst Mrs Raikes and Mrs Oliver next meeting Now Trbasurer will be held Tuesday Oct 27 at Mrs Arthur Caldwell Thls will be Dorcas meeting and good attendance is requested members are reminded the money boxes as they are due at this meeting Visits Parents Here Mrs Allan Sorjeanl the former Peggy Olivcr was athornc with her parents Mr and Mrs Oliver last Weekend Peggy ex hibited some 01 her fathers prize at the Barrie Fair on Sat and won in quite few Visitors for the Thanksgiving weekend at tho home of Mr and Mrs Stewart Emms were Mr and Mrs Ernest Polk son Davidrand John Mackay Toronto We are happy to report that Murray Dingman sonof Mr and Mrs Frank Dingman is recover log nicely from his recent opera William Patterson also in Tor onto for an Operation is reported to be resting quite lot better Womens Institute tion in Toronto The monthly business meeting of Shanty Bay Womens Institute was held on Tuesday Oct at the home of Mrs Emms Thcro were eight members pres lcnt The meeting opened with lrcpcaling of the Mary Stewart Collect Mrs Ralph Hickling read the minutes of the last meeting The roll call was answered with the details of any event which happened in Shanty Bay quite few years ago It Was rcpbrtcd 2that on Oct 20 Miss Etth Chap lman from the Womens Institute Branch of the Departm at of Ag riculture in Toronto uld be in Shanty Bay community hall to lspcak on Aids to Effective Speak iingAnyone interested Ls cordi ally invited to attend Tea will on served It was decided that rundcr the supervision of Mrs Ralph Hickling the annual card parties for 195354 would start at the community hall on Thursday Oct 22 Mrs Prissick and Mrs Emms were appointed as voting delegates to the county con veniion in Barrie Oct 1516 Mrs ETEmms roported tocthe mem RUM limit LSCI AJUMINUM StormSure and Remember when you savings lave mile not tn the factory no middlemen to paybi you gelthe Convertible en Windows Doors You dlwuys get beer dedl with Alsco compare ALSCO ALUMINUM Convertible StormScreeni Windows COST NO MORE than ordinary Wood combine lion stormscreen windows 59 why not enioyjhe life ztlmacpmforl beauty and economy of Alsco Aluminum buy ALSCO you buy direct from 735 to bring plon boar LARRY CAMPEAU of the ac counting quicc at the Works of the Canadlah Ger Electric Co cccptcd thop lion of treasurer of the Social and Athletic Club at the plant suc ceeding Benny Strallghan to the office The former treasurcr left the cmnpuns employ on Sept In the past year the new officer was sports convcncr for the So cial Club 403 New bers on her visit to the district annual in Orillia Monday Oct Lunch was served by the hostess Tho next meeting will be in the form of fowl dinner for tlw members and their husbands at community mil on Saturday Nov Thanksgiving Visitors Miss Mona McGill spent Thanks giving weckcnd with her sister Edgar Luck Hillsdale Mr and Mrs Petersen and fam ily of Timmins called on Mr Pet ersens father Arthur Petersen on their way to their new home in Albcrta this week visitor with Miss Sheila Moron for the Thanksgiving weekend was MM Jill Smith Barrie REGWTJOW FOR YORKSHIRES AT BARRIE FAIR The Regional Yorkshire Showl for the counties of Simcoe Dufferi ill and York 15 held in connec tion with 135 Fair on Oct Gordon Schweitzer Kitchener of ficiated as the judge and prac tically 100 entries were shown by 11 exhibitors who were Gordon Brethet Sons Tottcnham Bill Braden Alliston Carscad den Stroud Percy Carscadden Bradford Chantfcr 8r Son Bradford Dodds Orange ville Gallaugher Son A1 iliston Vic Small Stroud Eugene Smith Utopia Sproule Sons Shelburnc and Ben Steers Bradford Ben Steers had the entry which was awarded the junior chant ribbon while boar was senior and grand champion Carscaddcns champion boar Chantler Son exhibited the junior champion sow and Per cy Carscaddenhad the senior and grand champion sow Carscadden winner the most points Percy Carscadden Cars cadden and Gallaugher Son also collected extra prize money on entries which were qualified in advanced registry NORWICH LIFE Dana and Alvin Galbraith both Seth Smith Panes Aftenltecent Stroke interment At Coldyoter Sth Smith rest home patient at Goldwater for the past year died on Sunday Oct Drilling at the age of 89 Mr Smith who had been blind for the past six years passed away following stroke suitcred rci cently lie was born at Eesscrtoa and had resided in Orlllla for many years Mr Smith had alsul lived at Fesserton and Waubaushv eat and was lumbcmlan In his cr days Immediately surviving are his wife two ms Percy of Midiandf arldWllliam of Toronto and two5 daughters Mrs Davidson Flosi Markham and Mrs John Balll Luna Victoria Harbour Service was conduclcd at Robl insons Funeral Home Coldtatci on by Rev of the United was at Coldw Mrs Lorenzo Mills70 Ross Cumming irch lntcrmcnt Passes At Goldwater Burial Held Al Orillio Attcsting to the high esterm in which shc was held by an unusual ly large circle of relatives an friends was the attendance at fund eral services IridaOcl for the late Mrs Lorenzo Mills It was the most largely attendz ed service lOcally for some time wilh great many paying thcl rcspcts at her late residen Main Street and at the service in St Andrews Church Colclwater conducted by Rev Charles Car ten Mrs Mills was born at RoseL lmount 69 years ago and was the former Margarct Elizabeth McInl doc daughter of the late William McIndoo and Margaret Chambers Sinceshc was girl shc had rci sided in Goldwater She was married to Lorenzo Mills at Cold Water in 1906by RowRobert Mc Kee of the Methodist Church Her friendly personality kindly ways and thoughtlulncss for othi ers won IVIlS Mills many friends who with members of her family were shocked at her sudden passl lnll Mrs Mills was for number of years secretarytreasurcr of Cold water Ladies Orange Lodge and until recent years was active in thchPresbyterian Ladics Aid and other community organizations She was member of St And rews Presbyterian Church Foll owing the service here interment was in St Andrews Cemetery Orillia Pallbearers were Raymond Scott Haliburton Ken Mclndoo Rosc mount Harold Mclndoo Orillia Reg Parnham Toronto Bert Bu of Goldwater Attending the funeral were rela tives and friends from Toronto Orila Midland Bobcaygeon Vic toria Harbour Stayner Barrie Hamilton Haliburton and Picker mg Surviving are her husband onc daughter Miss Rosella Mills at home one son Leonard Mills of Bobcaygeon six sisters Mrs Clay ton Iarzwell Violet Mrs Ern est Breens Eta Mrs Roy Stew art Elsie Mrs John Morrison Phoebe and Mrs Russell Will ett Orphialfiillof Toronto Mrs Ernest Scott Ethel of Halibur ton two brothers James of Rose cf EfLElE IEDH SHAW DISTRICT MANAGED 54 Dunlop St Barrie TELEPHONE 4760 The lml background man can haw sllquuni luuiramw NORWlCH UNION no on STORES HARDWARE CHINAw elm rovs Where You Buy More for Less SHELLEY BONE CHINA DAINTY BLUE BEGONIA HAREBSLL ALL OPEN STOCK PATTERNS CUPS AN SAUCERS ARE PLATES CREAM SOUPS CAKE PLATES 10 TEAPOIS Six Cup Size $925 LAZY SUZANS 14 inches diameter Nine Pieces in set Ruby and Crystal and Green Crystal BONE CHiNA curs SAUCERS Grand Assortment $100 up to $995 SZ50 $170 $235 and $410 TANDS 235525 $360 BUY TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS HOW Here are some recent arrivals DOLLS HIGH CHAIRS $200 $300lt$400 Colors are Pink and Blue CHILDRENS IRONING BOARDS $199 ARCHERY SETS BOWS only 595 DELU SINGING TOPS HOCKEY GAMES SEWING BASKETS BIIE Gold One Piece Design with 10 Blades M8169 ARROWS ONLY and up to $250 5935 $295 to $995 RAZOR Special The Thanksgiving Editorial in the Barrie Examiner should be read by everyone Young Old T00 out 00 many 0f US are prone to furgct from whence all comes thats worth while in our lives and in our living sou1mm nun snag GLASS AND VELVET FINISHES FOUR HOUR ENAMELS PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMELSNH Aliat the same price Gallons $325 Quarts 98 Thc best buy youve ever seen in paint PET ELECTRIC DRILL KITS Including 51 drill V1600 RPM Circular Saw Emery Wheel Sanding Disc Burnishing Cloth Paint Mixer PET ELECTRIC TRIPLE ALUMINUM SAUCEPAIN SETS $495 DRILL less saw $2 ALUMINUM PAINT SPECIAL This is areal good buy Gal 590 ICE SICAIIING IS LOTS or FUN SKATES FOR YOUNG AND OLD n05 LADIES FIGURE SKATES AT $995 MISSES FIGURE SKATES ARE ss75 MISSES PLAIN WHITE SKATESS725 KIDDIES WHITE SKATES FOR LADIES WHITE Specials $895 $1295 MENS SKATES $995 to $1400 MENS SPECIALS $750 $1050 BOYS SKATES with 550 cndon Guards $625 $72 BOYS PLAIN Sizes 13 to 5525 KIDDIES BLACK Sizes to 10 RUBBER dz WOODEN SKATE GUARDS 50 may and lllllllllll nusrnonc TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98l04Dunlop St Phone 280 mount and JohnIMclndoo of Coldlt water and two grandchildren FernvMills and Leonard Mills Jr of Bopgaygeon daughter Carmelita predeII ceased her 23 years ago at the age of 18 and Mrs Mills brother George died in 1947 Father ofMrs Ferguson Wright Passes Interment At Hamilton William Mansfield Wright died on Saturday Oct 1953 at his Stadium Cape residence Sturgeon Falls after short llies He Was born in Hamilton Scotlimd70 years ago and had lived in Hamilton On tario for 39 years residing on Craigmiller Avenue before moving to Sturgeon Falls about four years ago He had been member of New Westminster Presbyterian Church Before retiring in 1948 he had been employed by the Dominion Glass Company for 35 years Mr Wright was veteran of the First World War serving over seas with the 120th Hamilton Regi ment His wife the former Jean Lockie passed away in 1934 and his son Leonard died in 1952 Heis survived by one daughter Mrs James Ferguson Jean oi Barrie sister MrsHairold Bab cock of Sturgeon Falls and three grandchildren Interment tack place in Wood land Cemetery Badmilton Ontario on Oct Hlllll DAYS lg SOFT PLAID WOOLLEN material is used to make this smart little stadium cape which finds place in any college wardrobe The little all one color wool velveteen cape can also be made in an or corduroy If you would like to have leaflet withodlr ections for making the STA DIUMCAPE send stamped selfLaddressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper and ask for Leaflet No E2545 FIRST NICKEL COIN The rst coin of pure nickel 6971 Dunlap St Phone 4945 LARGEST POULTRY SHOW North Americaslmrgest poultry Show is major department of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Nov 1321 Seven to eight thous and birds will be exhibited EAIILIEsr roan Henry Fords first automobile in 1892 had twovcylinder engine producing about four horsepower Elm 3w Space Heaters YOU 5A VE $50 to son was 20centime piece minted in Switzerlnd in l881 001 151017 cup miscpunoiv FOR clicARsAvmos 32500 oNWALL USED oAItsIJPLrotsoooo VgtIINVALA6E form ma ticksDP $500 IN yawn DANGERFIELD 5l controller POWERGLIDE ORIGINAL Low coop common f7 crackles$175090 Lese Coupon $5000 it CASH voucuaR GOOD 1mm ocmnmmn AT Mamas 40 ton scorn Onl0wnerGood Tires Air Conditioning Heater neuritic $59500 HLess Corian $5000 Soul 134500 vistas font 5981 $9 $5000 on ALLUSED cansovanssoooo IN VALUE SAWS $10000 on ALL pann TRUCKS oval $50000 VALUE WOMAIIC $8 Anna ONIY Isms AS low As atwan DEPUXE l5 clean comfortable hen without work Just lighl lhis powerhouse set the dial end you get clean even heal 24 ours day it uses low cost ful oil and lower in operaling cast than any other lype of oilred equipment Easily install ed in few minutes Heals to rooms Hcolwoye Power Blower available at with Power Blower mo exlrocost no upwAND oerA memos Assolurrtvifrge NOW 110 ampgopa rerunnso it

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