Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1953, p. 16

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It busty Tier the heading the work of might 31 as well move into Bar rio for ohms weekmo starting with Thundays Opening Bunions of The annual area convention oil iti Womenk Izmuutcs 01 county Just tic convention clusuig on Friday evening tziel Simcuc County Art Exhibit will open doors in Codringlun Sclmol mid will Dcpi attraction of the county mum for the ncxts lwnduys II sonyimes Scams ing this bib town that activities mvc cud Thc just change Over 20 delegates mid great many micrestcd vaitors will be here for ttxc annual conference of the ill Winners Institute branches In Simtuc County in Collier Strccll faked Lfllulllllrllllf wreck and ll looks as ll tbc will how full two days With one of the busicsl we having TSt John Ambulance volunteers ccan manual muguzine making me icel likca hoe1 Altci received iVtllll Lift Mill sprightly and nomensmil Iilifl ol ten nauseating renew your sub scription miles for number years and always following lilacSe beuiitiiully Se lit with nice licliltiiy chequr for new twelve months sserrd ii of llilltptftIlIIllt this your and lccitlcci it change my brand Smcc thcn IliLlt has been flnuzl of pink and yellow ctlvclupcd iettvrs that are almost as gunzl eiiding as file publication was and if kitp ltLtlVlng tncse evcry week think ll ncvci new my Subscription Aftur coldly ignoring the enlirl laud Situation OI no magazine Tori Iil llllSli tlll Mr Sud Mrsfjolimfrancis Brennan 54533 Galloway EEnteriained Before WEddi ng Mrs Lilll Galloway enter mm chuesoa at trousscau At Gilt Shower 35 Bfii vmcrumcd vac tea honor of her daughter Joan gigglifn yglxgifamlam iwlxosr marriage to Carl mm Shcme um Hum writing in tuck place on Saturday Oct 10 ml boiler of Mr Hui IWMMI 32 AndrewsICnurtn lg Dunn marriage luck plum Galloway remiced the recently it its Scimimn Army WTAEYSWNIZ guc mm the brideaelcci The Ciladel wsil be Mm hr mm Sislll Miss Joann Golf The gggn may we present may Cluiihhl icwuy nnd Miss Elainc Shrigl maam gainful and Okra smuma 133 157363 10 5mm mmmm do gren inmost to mom xx 104 guests my helium 19933 cfflia 21sng immfguem here as tl will afford of gift oppounitjv to meat ISCF students The annual district rally rat mm Christina Fcllowshlpw tho 5135233 83mg insutuz an be vbrm In Ml ill pantry shower ut the home Of Ilcziihmnm The remainder of the eveni lnc tun tunic which was occun all collegiatcs mt highl Aim Gzn mm ML tends from Huntsvzllc to Owen MHZ Browning llmrns Mt Corbet Mrs with Rev Simmnniis T9030 The lillrllrU bad prevfnuglyl Mr Simmonds seriousness in amnmw lin imimr and llircc mg and mm pawl em cuxsion groupa ill infirm after Biownmgz nnd Mr Ken Bill and Mix Hzi and 5mm Asgfmgzmn Supper will bc sclvod at IOU pm Irozrv uan watchln tclmmon sitcd Willi pink and wrixte munzi 91h bde =gchocls the dililil which ex and wlizze tupcrs was prpded and Sound Mrs Galloway u533=t2d by Mrs Registratlnnbcgins at 200 pm iwitimm Sutton Mrs i1 Bui and Pane DlSCUSSlOn at the Anglican chur llllrS Hulunt =3 spoiikill for the Slim hem enthdmmz ill the 352121 05 Ctlmlil 1m Wc mgzimi Hotel glvvn iw friend liracw tecnmgy and his masxagc Shmwrs inisccilnneons Showers= What Teachers exp pm will bl particularly in thorn DISl held at inc lucncs of Mrs lime teachers will llic Subject cf which the studentu will min an Dfincl dsct=nri the Hiliczcn ml hm ER Elml mm on Thursday Oct 15 pure in the School cafeteria 5m attract ve Spot Such an occasion mum and physical Vrtorizi flcid Staf The szaents that pan Lorri and frim selves of this oppor mg wzt them Saturday Oct lung be icmcrn student uho ultcds The work the ISCF iiinaiiixnzzl in educator Annual we Held same Collegiate on Salllil in Thru tcachcrs and wll pattic pair Roan halflino lmmmun gmm mm several weeks have ItCllVLd mTl NS 3013 d0 ml halvilettcr tliut is dwelling rimming RFWSWmPI W1 Vll llgclllii ilic back of my mind mus d3 35 mw mm lhls swynn wukiny lioan Sltlllllalll lii Wmnens Institute column 10 XVJVTH End up ighhanti mncxof tin curt ml iittcrliciio ism actual plintogrupu 13 of luv slung tintset linuzmw sun2v tlic mm dulelul lnnlmxn Tvrcm women titration vcrc Inn in the 0llillll unucrlincd rceviwd bv tc St John AminoI the ll cow ance Corps This year 20 inc home Ilmlltlhgf my nutSing course which began twolho 30 can ntio work at in Trimty Parish Hall 10 Your whsmwmn and as the third lvclurc of lie succcsslul serum gels underway 01 hm mg an mm up FlinnV Vellum 37 Wlllldb Plvclopc each in saw his small Plcllls 11 ll lllllll olllfuutprints lII sud clnic puttcrn IllllllulV Wm the Cla$5 Tllliuguinst thc dclicutclavender cm 4793 13 30 mlmmd lemenv clopc mid gllmpsc that accusing incidentally as 10 men of inc Sump brown doggv 0W HM Sun 55 3d have Jmnl didnt mean to 101 my subscril 66 the C1355 nendllemuws by non run nut and it Just sccms tn M113 Flam Hammonuv Rugl lmc cnnt bcnr to go in this way Tim Owning szcwmrz SUP lr the publicl Will be in the BDCI unditnrium lwv Brampton on 0mm Chmh in Tnlnl Wm bring the cmsmg mestag Mr Brampton Ell talented you Spcaker who can rieul obiy the subject in band the theme xi the rallv Personal Evangclism Mlifxdwn LWlllri BK lIllE School Christian Fellowship Annlvrrsary Services mm on iscsidcs Wth licr dnughtcz Mrs li lllm ab Ti hf Anmtrsll lllxm Thom Vlil also be one ifthe speakers ell ll Illdrl ton United Church ll be held on Miss Frcwing was teacher mmllV lilmg Sundav Oct 18 Lil ll Tim and 7303 Mrstkiiison cumcs ofzi line Klia pm Ocpecial mimic bv the choir mm long lllL Her mother Mrs assisled Mun Corbett and Jon MllmgonmlV 53 l0 be Nevilc uricCorr Rev dlSulill ltllellt uf Pltld Marsliul NIOZILS Etroud Will be the Speak MOHIBUWIF WHS he 902i ycznl when she passed in Toronto aw The area of me Antarctic coni tincnt is cstimatcd iii nbou 5000 MAXIM THEIR HOME in Barrie jollowmg their early au tumn wedding On Saturday Sept 26 at 10 Oclock in the mom 000 square milesi lVaubausbene Lady Age 95 on Oct 26 Mrs Elizabcth Hnnnnn Atkinson of Vlnubnnsbcnc who is spcndiug lii winter in Bmvmnnvillc will 29 III on October 26 Mrs Atkinson is 51m lituitli for licr advanced years When in quibziushcnc she after the ing Tull gnu thus3 plt patriotiin for further dived The metting commences pm lt Members of itbc home nursing class grill have an Opportunity ill the beginning of thc year to enrol lan course that will include 13 type of nursing care for other cirg cumstancesc Corps members TIMOClrober Meeh ng start attending civil defence letll tunes next Tuesday given by Mrs ll Jciln yeyland RegN and will Ile COHUlage TOPIC taking from four to six vecksl training that will Unable them inl MW Good Turnout WCTU Holds Fined ThanksglVlng Rummage Boles Tinre was now turnout at mg in St Marys Roman Catholic Church here are Mr and Mrs John Francis Brennan pictured in the garden of Bay stairs Lodge where their wedding reception was held The PYREX BOWL bride is the former Sheila Burke daughter of Mrand Mrs Burke of Trur0Nova Scotla and the groom is the son of wwkmd rummage sales in Emil Mr and Mrs MuJ Brennan of Barrie HI Ming of Sam mun Very RevJames Clair performed the morriage cere tum l0 becomt instructors and llo ANTI Illll llm lllms Ulllglicnn Clnirclihiwomnnis Familiar mcny Quid smd the nuptial mass andweddlngplusm was play demonstration for the general put Cournmw at 1ch October mom had planned its annual mm Side ed by MISS Margaret McK1nnonohurch orgAnTSt who was also lit in January the other stud51m of the omens Christian Friday afternoon also and soloist Given in marriage by her brotherinlaw John Cron YDIS my 301 the 00m weESSEEEMRHEHBH ElEleithgp ajoyed bright and Sunny autumn inof London the bride was attended by her tWO SlSLEIS Miss as members the COTDS Iillwl 01 ll we Marie Burke of Barrie and Mrs Cronin Lawrence Brennan of Bariieacted as groomsman forms cousin and the ushers were lTomntO Street last Monday ulter The Essa Road Presby dame 51 mm lcrinn Qhurcb basement on Snlur John Lakmg and Joseph Whelangbrothermlaw of the groom both ofIBarric CORT PRICES FOR THIS COMING WEEKEND NOTHING TO SEND RANGING FROM pastelblue Pyrex Bowl is now packed IIIde Every Gian Size package of Prmccss Soup Flakes This smart utility bowl is gnarlnxeed heabresismm Collect complete sci Bowl olfcred free soyoull Try Princess the pure soap akes that wash your clothes uffywhite yet are so mild they can mually be used In it babys bath Today get the Giant Size PrincessTiakes With The free Pyrex Bowl inside gradually Working down lllllugh Courage in tlic fnce of difficul dnv morning an well ummga thc St John Ambulance pCISOHUElities and disappointments is forti 11541 succecqml Im 13 of mcl zmq has reached the level COllslcd with the word of Curly She ruin Iitld under the lplCCR oi membch forthe first tune in Bmsaid and closed with Deborahs me Evening Amilim ifmiqd lmengion ggnemllong 0f thankslllllng worthwhilc urncunt for cliurcli mllrmumn case or 3mm mi Miss Stmidcn and Mrs Creed work Tack stressing the care of the old led in praym and Mrs Dingmnul Mrs Charles St p42 ab and Doug en lo ect uai as com en er of the St Georges Stile held in Photo by Les Cowper Studio Burrle UNDERWATER TRAFFIC WILSONS PORTRAIT An underwater traffic artery be United States currency ihel tween Brooklyn and Manhattan elySeen $10000l1 billbears the stretches about 90001eet all of the late Wdoarow Wil lmmag 50 UP an Mrs Cliarles Smaney oi To ronto was hostess at tea in honor of her laughter Vern Eileen b9 fure her marriage to Rev James Richard IMnure of Hillsdale on Thanksgiving Monday in Rhodes Avenue United Church Tlironto Among those who entertained lfor the bride were Mrs George Bedwell Mrs Pearson Mrs Bruce Smith Mrs Douglas Mit cncll Mrs Rogers Mrs Skelton and Miss Slackars Lorne Shewfcll Mrs James Dales gt BRADLEY Manager Branch Office 15 linyfield St Karlie Yell 33 headdress Di hlyDllheva ey and she was carrying cascade bouquet of Mawroses and white mums gel atlondanr Mrs Moore Sgalley attention was wearing gown Oi grcen chanting lace toxic taffeta hcv WayneJA Smith BA 05 Iiit Carling tted as groomsman the were Rev tax at Victoria Harbor Rob Ie MooreOf Toronto and Ken3 M90e of Gravenhursi followed at Clar IorRetarded Children in Barrie which has recentlyxbeeu opened by theBdrrie and Diltrict Associa tion for Retarded Children Twenty club members were pre sent for the evening service club for the advance ment of women and aid to girls Soroptimism began inthe United States where the rst club was formed in Oakland Salli on Oct Wmwhm the mother of 1921 The Federation now has rue Irecewed rosewood lace 551 clubsin North and South Am memd WEI hat erica with total membership of Algrmisimmher W110 618019 16000 There are also the Feder II ed 1m in Alice blue crepe ations of Great Britaiu and ire1 1m Wits meg blue land and OiContinental Europe hat Welling of grey wool with Tvomen no 721an $013893 mo The name Soroptimism contest Wm hat After wad from two words fSoio meaningl moved irovlneg Rev women and 50ptima meaning Alf Willrlbe making hen4s for Women which isI YEARWRITTEN CGE AN alongg wugdale what Soroptimlsm mansf TEE outtted with Tn3133illielr featp uresf OUR victims 0fgtsupemmdem nance and interll an the arish mu DO reactianggmlvggq ofemlfgfisnent address on Th9 Christml andi fmmplhlee to Six 0530019 Pa9fhal Wzvthuught pyovokg day ing110ml and from nine ALL THE EXAMINER FOR ing an inSpirzu MixCumming led in prayer rs women tor the meeting bienThanks lvn Da gopened with the reading Of 1181 ll ELYSIANS 5the regular opening exeiciscs rl onOre al Home Im Hillsdale mm lgmlermg 1039 iTeas and Showers CAMEL HAIR WOOL STYLES Smallyhgo daughter utiliome on Owen Street for the IARIS flWEED FUR TRIMMED Charles Smalley of Torontolncxt meeting BAOfHiikdale souof Mrs Eliz abetii Moore at Port Carling took at 1WD Oclock in the afternoon Founders in Rhodes Avenue United Church the ceremony and the wedding music wasplayedby MiSKPryce SOprllmlSlS istgjilis Galleon Cgimpbeil The celebration of Founder Riven in Martin by her bro minists was maxkednbuhc Sorop Miss Norma Dalley and Mrs wag wearing gown of chammy timist Club of Barrie at its mouth Kama lacemr blush satin styled with mg Monday evening Wellesley Class of 51 and by the with lace bolerolier nglertip Miss Claire Tillman of Church Wcllesley Cass cf 55 to the bride Week and the history of Sorbptim lm Hami ton teacher of the School ssdsk mtionalrdaemwn VET ll ll im ml Eemmlly gobmk 5mm morning PRINTING PHONE 2414 may AN EXAMINER WANT AD Tlitu us lulye nunuut of fmmutcs oi the last meeting undl $50ch cup of tea MOLAINES LOOSE FITTED The mzlrriagcof Miss Vera IEil Mrs Atkinson offered her tOERcverend James Richard Mouren WORNPCHS place onManday October 12 1953 Towing Frid periormed ls wbb also accompamed the solo IWeek by the Federation of Sorop theg Moore Smalley the bride 1y dinner meeting on Thanksgiy presentation was made byhe bouam skirtand tted bodice ill gale paper on Founders Dinner speaker was Mrs George mun cosmic THE OE DAI LY DIPEER ovum PEAIIIIIEII with finger tip safety reknse heavy pressurebhlloon rubber foils self tilting drain flume and ONE MODEL MM9P Wm Capacity spounascfdry chasm JV Po quickempty pump van anew wmer Flt imth 3km 91959135 39 100 35155 guilty for small frequent washs for sfching II arid sterilizing for diapers baby cloths lin lgerie lacefabrics and woollens Remobves inl Members of tbeIWSOroptimist club the bride wore an include professioual mand business stantly for themg weekly wash Ipemlabme 1th drain mun WyMml II 169321 900 SIECIALFALISSALE momma Regulaoiitigvmgt special ion Wlmll if 99999f9l LYfiwllpll THE BEAR gt

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