Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1953, p. 11

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tu ma an but only the am frame church raw Sept 1347md in cm St Gaorges rm anian Exclame wmxzsnu oer 1t 1953 tSHlONERS lNSPIRED av Problem for fay To Provide Road New High School problem wash czigagufg 13 Toxtnsmp Joan czl my ncccssnycf prancing IDAC ix ill llc of thcprcposxd ecunrlary Mzdland and Pcrzczang all sluis ml the former won TIA Department of Veterans fad3 has temporary mud part of the 8111 riulci lordcr to qualify for the Hgnuvays chparunents SUDSICI of LIST Tu fwl hays to purchuw laud 1021 Ethc DVA to extctld gfoot wide thorough about half v0lvcd Council held spcciai tthc matter on Oct jtou of Inspection ca iAnzcug thosc studying tnusi on the spot were Iay Cour Rccvc Fred Kinncar Deputy RLLV Councillors Purkcr and Ernie Hurl Road Supt Mu mm wmumhuu eriutcndcnt School Area Ch cuilough Acting Sccrrtazy toy 52mm Bu Km and Malland Mayor Intricslwcl and lunlu took part Among the large Rural Dcun Rc Cullitdil of Midland and turmcr rcctut of St Gco lroviucc Tar nodcrn brick church adjacent cxtrcmciy wcllkcpt com bcgctuy on onc sine and parzsh hall on the other make it difficult to visualize the pllllllllVQ 3urrtmndaigs which cxrstcd when of thc Church of Eng iaad vcrc first cxtcudcd to thc Junior Winner at Barrie Fair iPAR lFAlRVALLEY ANNIVEBSARY GEs ANGLICA the 11ch 3iil mm um msr News of Interest to Junta rmer attcriticg of Ta fST GEOR actual Bria of pa of live comznon mismanagement ill the By JAMES mscocu worry him Slstcck too late 12 the fall and too early in the spring By the latter part of October many pastures are they provtdc spam for the cases the live stock left in the pasture until an early Novcmbc soon forces htfr return actually lose some of the weight hcy Sullxlllff pour mazmgcmebl both of cattle and of pasture lake this when the supply of stored is abundant husbandmau will start feeding his stock befort the last blade of grass has disappeared The Cow vs The Auto From the OAC Review From the point of View of na we treat our ath gt lmobllc better than we do our dairv Twculd be nice to have fewwowIv 531d Magnum west acres of such forest Give Posture Chance most significant p35 wouldnt instant ch about waat people dunk if he realized how seldom they do Tull Trees atzie evidence zermizzs today or the mighty trees which challenged the first scttlers of Simeoc County The barn on the Cooke lot dome has frame which bear more evidence of the gigantic pines which once grew on that property her is 72 feet long and 12 inches square This would mean that the logs from would measure at least 17 incth Ln diameter at the small cud For cstrywaficials estimate such logs cut from trees less higll At present tiouai policy cxcccocu rue mi cc1tottgt1 cf ch rector Cruxcu offici vlll Ug little so dcpltled more than parking caztlc CV ct 31th all oil rcparalmn some and llc present 23 Tbittl farm of Buv ML in its during the concession timbers three 5W1 AJrcd with inc inn flowch and producc festival Each Um forages the careful lRaiph Dalton Coril tin JILl vztn which they were cut anmvcrsary Fred Ilcv Wood lhozras Mc Ii Ligillboum Arclzticacur Bolt of of could not be than 125 day prices the lumber from suc tree would be worth around $140 Phrkcr Sunday attcncizng fcct tort at Burns Church oil Sunday 95 aitcrmbn with fine congregaten comrmtcd When Survcy incill Marvn Rutt in recent ad the New Brunswick Farmers Association at Frederic touv seem to have little apprec ggielofgguinfcr pmmcm has tattoo of the real value of the farmers have Time was ago when pastures were grantd cvcrywhcrc thought be given to its cultivation lLdeut of the CPA dress before The choir zincriding tho anthem Wondrous Hand takzztg thc vcrsary hcid ill Burns Church ncx 230 and Burkholdcz Toronto zvzll bc tiic spcakcr and the vidc the music ltcccnt vrsnurs Ernest Suit Mrs Dan ch Willi solo roan largo Due PAUL CAMPBELL 10yearold junior exhibitor from Stroud took first prize with his calf in the junior calf born in 1953 class as the Barrie Junior Fair and went on to place first in the opcn class The Junior Fair he with the Barrie Exhibition last week was outstanding for its entries in all divisions eased interest in pasture not so very long taken for naturally should any national econ We hold the price of auto Rt mobilcs artificially high by tariff protectioneven though we found that we do not need it for farm tractms We placed an dairy cow in our 730 taken om and 1d in conjunctioni chm Wm pm hc sqlVlLLS have MIth that llll ni uwl pinwrurtiw appliml at litllc cml iiufn Illt tnnn us put in would have sawd lllilt tlu cost of ucu llflgtlgt mm Jarish In lliLSB Itcv Adam Elliott parish cxtcnucd from Lake Ontariol to the Gcorgian Bay and Mrs wow and Mrf and Mrs Grass grew so why WllllH and ban of used outright vullcd Robert lice Toronto and Mr and Sonictvtllc importation automobiles in 1930 and have held face of all the public opposition there was to the substitute par and management Gradually have come to the realization that in pasture wonderful quality an costs practically gtClVlCt5 homc of Capt Eltncs Stcclc and in thc ncxt two years made itci qucnt vzstts to tho district Iixc first pcrmuncnt ipcutnbcrt was Rcv Gcorgc Irlulicn Mm calm1 ind Officrutcd1 is rctircmcnt petition was son to the Bishop oil Toronto by Mcdontc parishioncrs against Kac Stunt Chicago and AIR Frank McLaughlin Midland hcld Thomas Skc and Sexton attcndcd hc Masi icyLclcitc vvdding in Toronto arca in lllt lclrliliont liuinc as around mtl nan llnmc lllltl it lwtlrr to In tho Jul lipltf in Illc lint plart and llhn limit iltcr It It ilic lnst uav lumw tn EHUIII luau Illlilil and rrplmImnl Illlb to inZ minuse and howevcr farmers and cliiidrcn Mrs ttnrtcr Mrs Thomas Hood icw weeks in Burrm tiic pucsl of M15 Ivan Grosc lcckcnd gucsts of Mr and Mrs Wood vcrc Mrsfhl Durward and Mass 13 Mc it there crop of and Mrs one which nothing to har vcst Thus we now have the seed ing of improved pasture fertilization even have Baby Band Meeting spundit Burns Baby Band hold mom ms at tho home of Mrs DcGuricr last Ihursriay proschool children and it mothch Itirs Vantlcrlaag charqc of the worship scrvicc they product for for higher wages pcr hour for making autos than we pay ban on butter men Biltk to The Farm gm lilligtl irc for hair IIlHllla Mr and Mrs George Illrick and family lonctimc rrstdczits of Iviliagc have movcd to farm on ith 2t from Engluz without pay mixtures rotational aficrnoun irrigation in farmch and skilicd farm iaborcrs for milking In one case dairy lllals nit trcat lclcplmm iltlll against rut tllY lucll our truck ltilll and in guml rcluir uh put up illm pasture grazing and Mrs Simpson Knight Simcuc cows pay high attcndmu was and Mcric and thc chlldrcn wch vcl likcd UldzllllLtll ldu Mu my In in lliclpston and Will no doubt ocl nisscd in good good neighbors on rst Avcnuc weekends when they work but nothing in the other case Yet in dairy cow is the forage harvesting utachinc on the Site is equipped with mower and griner on one end and manure spreader on the In between is an extremely complex and highly efficient man ufacturing plant specially designed for the Conversion of large quark titles of pasture some cases common pasture overtime fur GucFis at the home management practices Too Lute And Too Early that wages Scurvc Mrs IIuntcr Loblaw at tho vcckg33flfbmmoliig Rum Mc Sfdifnd on osxugliatll ingllldci Mrs lntyrc vas dcsignatcd and cursor qt 75 toulin Island Cookstown and Miss Shirley Wilson li Sunday visitors of Mr Russell Hood were Mr Wilfred Ruthvcn Edith Paisley which includcd the singing ofcnii drcns hymns prayr and Scrip urc tcutlttg by Mrs John King lhc lcadcr told Bible story and Mrs Monroc contributh tho story Mantu from Africa recreational drcn Gih lino imunmn wuw if arc In lump ultt costs drumand It lolnl Illl ll llt ll II If It III at II ltll bcst and oldest this modcrn ichargc in Hill Others who scrvcd in ordcrmof and Mrs Dmkcy jsucccssion to Mr McIntyre vcrc Flctchcr ition at Craigs Station Mcdontc and Mrschv Richard Homan Harris Reta James Human Harris the last two John 1L Rev WIIL5 Miss Joni Wilson Officials most agrcc During the IOI the Chll uu ltulfllfllm In 21 IvHI ilrfmlnuliuu vm tlu umnmlirr James Mchqu pre scnted an article of interest to the mothers and refreshments served cEnTRE VESPRA Congratulations to Mr and rIrs Ross Harris on the birth of twins boy and girl on Sunday Oct It looks llkc Ross is going to be into natures most nearly perfect Iiving in an apron now Mr and Mrs John Lewis took their daughter to the Sick Chil drens Hospital for checkup and found that Nancy Ann is doing well Mrs Rclph has rcturncd home after spending few days with or friend in Toronto last reports John Gossling was progressing quite well after his rcccut stroke Mr and Mrs Alfred Money and Sid Mil18113 among the guests to CLICDIHIC thc 45th anniversary of Mr and Mrs George Money at the home of their son Syd on Sopla Strch Barrie Mrs Barbara Reid of Syracuse NY has been spending few days with her sister Mrs Thomson market Rev with congrcga Iiumqu ul mle It WW1 Hu unlr Imva Inxlmls Lubumlolirs period and MV Dcpmlmnl lamina and Dcmupmcui iluuu and daughter and Mr and Mrs were Donald Ruthvon and son Iivcrton other VCYU brothers Rev Rev William William James Carson Rev Newman Rev Willl nce Rev Jack Willt BELL IELEPHONE common man Jones Burns Young People Have Social The young pc0plc numbering some 35 cu joyed social evening last Thurs day arranged by George McCague and Vernon Butchers the home of Mr and Mrs McCaguc thcycnjoycd period of group games on the lawn Later refreshments vildgooscclmsc style with food hung served at the homes ofiMrs lluntcr Loblaw Mrs Gcorgc Jaf Mrs McCague CALL THE EXAMINER FOR mm Charles PRINTING mom 2414 silage and hay the com mm Prov munity food4mm Meeting at Mr and Mrs LeFlcck Windsor visited Mrs Rose recently Mr and Mrs Ken Wilson and Carol visited Mr and Mrs Kenny Mr and MHPEWIGIIWIHDIIY Oril spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Kenny Miss Rita Labinc Toronto we visiting her parents here Mr and Mrs STON wcrc served in tray and Mrs Butchers Ihc mccting of Burns YPS will be held this vcck with Rc Mr Shilton addrcssing the young people Mrs vcrc first regular Willi Purchase of Mayhem REERIGER for RliMITED no Annas BEST BUY NUMBER of ancient JEnglisihx churches are replacing thcir equally ancient fools with alumi num One of these is the Chapel of St James in the village of Nether Wanon Oxfordshirc Its lead roof originally laid in 1665 brought 478 as scrap enough to pay the whole cost of installing the new root Larry Donovan Pat Donovan Long Branch spent the weekend with Herb Moreaus Mr and Mrs Thomas Dorien Miss Shirley Smith Toronto at Adrian Craddocks for ti weekend Mr and Mrs Communion Service Worldlide Communion service was conducted by Rev Mr Shit re Pat OKeefe and Mr and Mrs James Stephens vis ited at the home of Mr and Mrs William Stephens Leo McLaqu fcwgdays in Toronto Autumn Electric ICE CREAM FREEZER own CAPACITY MADE rou own uppermo ms oumous rcouomm SEE IT TODAY FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONSULT Stephenson OPTOMETR IST OPTOMETRISTS DUNLOP STREET BARBIE ONTARIO W3 WW7 Lm Aron lm spent Mrs Leaving for California Coughlin went to Toronto on Saturday to see his daughter Mrs Martin who is on her way to Cafifomia Guests at Hotel rhelpston and Mrs Harold Culliton sons and Jack McManamen ronto Leo Kenny Detroit It is neat ciamplc of how hilc most metals havelbecn gct Rbo ting more expensive through the centuries the cost of aluminum has bccnrgoing down Aluminum Company of Cauadziid Alcoa we STEPHEN SONS JEWELLERS and FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 4201 Weinart Jack and Hamilton union to Ell on NEED inthel1ell research together with the most advanced chain Saw rengineering and manufacturinglfacilities in tho world Choose the McCulloch model for your needs Heroin the 1953 McCulloch Models 33 and 430 is completelineofOneman Pawer Saws designed to increase production and reduce labour inall Woodcutting activities Each model isthe result of mom GBVQM fauna sun The fastest cutting one man chain Anchain saw of extraproduction per saw ever developed Light weight formance yel sold at surprisingly Weighs only 30 pounds he heavyduty featuresthat make it Stand up under the toughest work Six models available+14 to saw Mios It or Makers oremums oererz nous 19 to unuxs unitrung BEEIIGI mczo This is the worlds lightest power chain saw Rugged and powerful the Model 33 cuts through trees inches in diameter in less than one minute Availables With 12 or 16 blade ifwith maximum jpolyec delivered to the chain mblks the 430 at real production tool in timber to feet Six models labie14to36 blade and 15 how saw low price incorporates avat s369 03 Vancouver 53114 F0B Vancouvfr Yancouvcr 36bladeand15 bow osia McCulloch saw for every use Pimsc scrldfarfufi information r7tao75 Thar harp Get avionionsiraiion any Voftlw AOQMcUuliiick Dealersj Caiiqduor contact DISTRIBUTORS IETDC EitcluSivq Canadian Agents ageAve 861 Landsdownest Peterborough Ont Quebec CityQue all models33 and the norm of nourqst dcalcn 2zrwmoe 1055511uhsr 933cm Vancouverlo yEdmouto Nami Address 20 owun svnuur mums 52515LAV was thoraer

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