Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1953, p. 10

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traumas 141953 HMSDALE Attend mu walnut Mr and Mrs John Rumble and atom attended the MN wcddinx in Toronto or nltcd Church on Mon Kerb pantry and man In city in Hlmiltpn It Allan Drinkill and Mrs 03 clarivcs in Maple note in it thrown into latte Huron 15 years ago found its wary to within two miles at the home of the Goldwater man who tossed it in the water and WM found by fricnd of his During an idle moment while nervih watchman on the SS Alamo owned by Alum Ccnttal Stcamahips 1931 Steve summary 54 of Poldwater new with the CPR vrotc note hearing his 311 dress and stating Requesting the bottles return note and container were con signed to the waves of Iresqu The vessel from Saxxdusky to the Soo walking shore of thc North River near farm Edgar liottle in The screw top was too rusty to turn so he broke the bottle and found the clearly written by his $991 visit thrown Mrs tam no snow Mrs day gt more and am Shopperdmn were weekend visitors lowsYour Ellinth evenin Mr and furs William Moon 0t tatva spent the past week holiday ing in Mrs Rowat residence Mrs Moore Port Carling spout the wcekend with her son Toronto with Mrs Lntanvlltc Bond Penn Motor am Mr and Mrs Elmcr French 1th $10079 Gcmldrcturncd from motor trip to Ottawa and other points Harland Thankstivlnx Services tnc harvest hankkvaing szrlccs in St Johns Anglican htrrchon Sunday wort vcll attcudcd Rev Bcvcrlcy MA of Toronto dtlivcrcd lhc in the morning and also dcdicatcdf tho rcnettcd gown ltd llh tho Honour Riv Prepare For Sup Unitcd Church WA on busy pron annual turkcyl dinncr In bc hold on Oct it Mrs lFishvr Clapton was thc limtcss for lthcu lilcllllg on Iucsda cwnmg Mrs Lcslio licl ifUiltltltlttl the din address votious Mr and Mrs palms Illmt isle ill Bishop lurilon Thompson While Mrs Gordon lelwat visrlcil onl av with ltlllll lriilta William from Sudbury on lucsday Mus lcorgc topct Wm NW Mr and Mrs Douala llmvcs and my in Tmmm ifamiiy lctcrborouph tir holiday Home in the floats tdlkt lsllv xtd Lloyd Wood my hump off lhczr boats with thou llnllltf tho ti scrzousiy ill Attended WA lrcsliytctlal Sivcral mcmbcrs tiltin Ulla lxurch WA ottcudcd tho semiAlvin Drcnnan lliortcr sang it duct VAltMttl intcrcsting and um ram Ilrv II Ittllut51liltl sylltz vax il xpcaks chaucv ltlunearn SAW Bu noble words lzt Mir llovmt ztitlt ncd legible note friend years before Will and Mrs Thom DthW St Andrews WMS St Audrcus Church tatS hold thaukuiloriru Mrs Salushury Mr Doble is wellknown turkey farm oper ator and has nearly 1000 tur athii North cto mccting iurncr Mrs thclr lucsday trtllhlrs ll Johnston tllll and Mrs Clifford llsv lfarlus gavc challenging Moorc closcrl thc mcciing vith prayir Earl Iver farm WES Womens lnstitutc The monthly mcctintz of Clowcs institute lrcsbytcrial xffvlio mt lucsday Oct llrcnuan Mr Mirazici llrcnnzuratul friend address RH spout thc vvckcnd vrlh iciativcs annual Simcoc Harbor and ltalivr ocll Very Wozncns in lav 59 LVN Hdtld ivith llllnfiiodihgjnigxrt illl Mr and Mrs ll liarhor MINE luliil Iian Turkey Supper tiltit Otlubvr ltlttilng at illc himc of 1on don MvAurov on Wedncsdav luta plans vcrc made supp on ctlnrda Oct 21 Loncv Moved in roll call Christmas box to scnd Ilclcgatcs county convcntion in Barrio wow lt Culid livid XENON Emulnttd Splendid Anniversary Splendid ccathcr largo Conrad gallons and spcclal music lll Miucsing Unitol Sunday Och5 Rcv Bradford for thc tulkcy hits MN llltktr tcndcd to Mr and Mrs Arthur and Sandra of King vcrc Sunday and Mrs William lrcsls and Mrs Norvai Mitchle oi visited Mr Mclaan and lit rs Larson for making fair cx udian Automotive pumm with Ontario Roadco Chain McLean or IilllltQIlllg patkripiun Bill Johnston by Mrs llickcr historical Mrs Ilttl luhit Motto vas makng Church anniversary mcmorablc occasion Maclavish chargc of thc iuorniup scrviccasI the pastor as root rmcnrch convcncr by singing Mr had ton ll icm lports vcrc rccctvcd and plans Dclicioi 1x5 Imadc to scrvc the dinner at the Snowball and Mrs mm RM EllA omnwnana butth in July was nailing along the so many was held last int of lrnctortrailcrs and second Waubaushene Harris logs mm iig Ea lsl During the pas summer Waubuu tiling Co Ltd 81 their sawznilli VCOMING TEACHERS TRURO INSHQCP 220 students registered new term at gmal College from last ycar qualications More Milt total of IAPPIY nd EIQQMIQ Pant Early applicatiodfor treesto be planted next spring body he Provincial Nor eigh fener but the educational are somewhat ltigftv tkprthlrjs l2 crlurzuon bctlcr Edith Add Note 15 ya Lake TractorTrailer Champs Found Riva you This have than lsed hylshene Lumber and the Ontario Department of ILandslbuilt mill south for 11809 to dress lumber Employment is pm for over half dozen men in planing and elite andlrorests asrequests will be deglt with in order of re vided ceipt Last year the department dis regawing tributed more than 20000000 trees ations large percentage of them to pri vate tan owncrs but still was un able to on an applications from its mm mm from Big anti dozcn nurseries Hence the ad vicc to order early The charge for trees is SH per t000 for Scotch pine and $10 per 1000 for other species The number of species to bcdistributcd has been rcduccd The following are listed on application forms obtainable from the Department of Lands and For ests Parliament Buildings Toronto IOIH forestry ofHstmd many ye emigrated from Scotland 811d scrvcd as factor at Winnipeg oper Logs are brought to the Wanv La Cloche Island near Little Current in scowx ullcd by the companyts tug or by rail to the CPR si prion whet they zirchippc tug at Fess picked up by tru George Buch and trapper and amateur not Wnbaushcne grandfather Buchanan was Company factor Javw$zwvwiwgw nan veteran hunter finalist law William Bayl states Alexander Hudsons at Big La Clochc hrs ago The lattcri also from district or tiers and comply agricultural oi flees Scotch pine whltt pine red pine Jock pinc white spruce white cod ar white ash silver maple red oak Carolina poplar and black locust In addition to the species listed there is also some stock of Norway Spruce tamarack hemlock balsam sugar maple rcd maple white elm rock trim whitc willow whit yellow birch csc viligbo supp imberlox is nonoxidizing and does not stain or weather out like varnish type materials Recommended for summer cottages Halflog SidingCedar FOR NATURAL an lhc convoy will procccd through to tho coast and return on to llalir fax in Eastern Canada his own trucking business in To main whom he has been living for th flitlt and will be present at they last Zoue forestc FRANCIS ARTHUR BELL formi cr Oro boy who attindcd school at Om Station sun of Thomas llcll supcrlntcndcnt with Allan ook Ltd Construction of Barrio has bccn making norm for him sclf in connection with tho handl was fourtime National TractorTrailer ltoadco Champion and is now lead ing driver on 10 truck convoy of the Guard Canada Civil Dcfcncc birch cherry lied as long as Frank has and black some thc roadco held at the CNE lo rnnto later in the fall Should ho ho with the convoy west at that be flown back for Each oi the other 10 drivers rcprcscnts Canadian pro whlch is on rs will gladly discuss with land owners suitable species for their land and proper planting technique Several counties and riv er authorities assist by providing free planters and elp of experienced rpgn 47 NM Miami time he will the cvcnt YOU some cases the in rince in tho convoy named for Truck Convoy which had reached giucn by Mrs similar lines to Alert Amcrica Frank is shown pliy which is for lion and he has Smaller scalc for china last Sunday Oct after lartridptt altcrnatc leaving Ottawa at tho curl of Sep lhanks was cx lumber on crosscountry tour and officially rcprcsonts the Can Association in holding the tro nnnual compctlL rcplica 0n permanent pos session Mc in loscl scvcral commiticc rc the hvhrs vzn tis av JV iSCLIlOIll mcctmg on social half hour with lunch con cludcd the mcctmg Mr Mclavxsh Tllt Irvsl on chncsday afternoon Mr and Misflat OBricn Bur tow days Vcals at 730 pm avc two inspiring addrcsscs soloists Mrs Elsie Pratt 01 Stroud with Mr and Mrs lml Ixanl and and Sleswr Barrio mm icd each two bcautiful solos Glco Club quartct consisting of Moyra Knapp Lorry Durniord anti lluntcr wash spcnding visiting othcr fricnds TM and Mrs and Mrs John McCrackcn Mr Douglas Mc nml Mr III In yespltal smOub ANGUS Mrs ll Marquis is patient Mr and MW Son visitors at ta dam and wore rcccnt airs Freemans CMdm Ff ir and Mrs Glcn Bcilby delight oval IlIlLIICIICL singing Blcss The local choir 5am bc rcstorcd to good health and Deepest Human This House thrcc appropriatc throughout Grant prcsidcd at the piano Miss Alice Vcir both of Omemcc and Miss ilk vcrc Vcals of Toronto spent the Vccki friends on cud at tho mansc GUT visitors Mrs Clarenco Hall West Orange Machod Jersey Mr and Mrs Scran inane Cullingwood all at Mr and Mrs DomzlasMillcr and daugntcr Belly Co l1lii lcdnmda with thc iattcrs moth cr Mrs KaYc Vatldling Visitors during thc pts vcck thc home of Mr and Mrs II Kcagh vcrc Mrs Sandra and son oiduatcrxund Mr and irsFrnk chlgny and son Toronto Mrs James Dorrian is spcuding couple of weeks with her daugh Mrs James Motto ville anti Mrs anthems capably Fllill ablc to rcturn homo vcry Anniversary and Mrs at home Saturday and Sunday and evening thcllfltlth anniversary of the rst Leopards settling on what is now known as Kildarc Form the home Mr and Mrs James Leonard Vcals Mrs William My afternoon irate were Mr andlA very happy time was cmoyetla To Attan Carnegie Hall Congratulations strong son of Mr and Mrs Frank Armstrong Painswick on being coop the Haa Recent limited Church WA New The Womans Association of thc Church met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs H11 prcsidcut Miss Iola Mrs Paterson mtc Watson as ncharcc Rcv Jamcs sewn mms 11mm new 955 WI mnduad me dmmimm tended thc International Plowing Match of Cobourg Mrs Pilkcv riai thmn tcso Pfw 31963 qnellmgvood last week and attended salv Octobcr Aftcr closing the Sunless served lunch Esci man Innate Sick List report Wicc who will trgc to Friday as guests cf radio station CKBB at lhcrsf all Canadian music concert in Carnegie Hall Mr and Mrs Alex Black visit chort liopc rclativcs ovcr the lwcekcnd Recent Mrs and Mrs Bond Mrs ILbl visited in Col part ief program inc Ctitpgwood Fair Recline Business wanerlAt Oro Council alkom is on the sick list Waiter is cmploycd by the Department of Highways with headquarters Rattix by visitors with Mr and Brolcy included Mr Percy Mrs Flossic Sul clifie and Mrs McMurchy Vic toria BC on and this Meetings Rev Morris was nth speaker at the Autumn Thank Offering WMS held on Wed afternoon Oct in the toll school room He spoke of RI Sam Sorrr tha Indiana engaged the Routine business 0m Council at their inlattcntlon lOctobcr meeting debenture paym was author ate Council is trying to spin out miles chu th countless bid in or but do are Show apprecration in living II also cx ent of $443423 zed for Barrie Colle owd Prize Catch Sl meeting of the nesday TFllhc budget for the 150 or so of Oro roads The matter of reassessment problem in some other municipal is not confronting the Own30 nsis 1135 Oill plaincd the work in the George Mulholland favored with vocal solo God Will Take Care of You and the roll call red with thanksgiv Announcement was made of the Sectional WMS meet to be held in the Stroud rch on Friday Oct 23 Renew al subscriptionswere received for Missionary watermark to packa bale ofaiser clothing and bedding for Korea at the next meeting Donations for this bale may be left in the church basement letter of ap preciation and thank to be sent beatuiful homeland lilies daily ship as thc new tained in Om several ycars agogg Present at the meeting Rccvc Smith Campbell Reeve Lloyd Scott and Councillors Ken Gillespie Andy Bartholomewlwas answe and George McKay October Rpspberries PickedNeor Stayner n21 raspberry twig bearing num ber of both ripe and green rasp berries tvas received this week from Mrs Howard Martin Box 34 Stayner RR anothcr indication that our climate is becoming more tropical each year or was until to me remix welneslay morning Wiles Mission 83nd Mrsz Herb Black we dish heifor her your years of spleudtd nd an invitation Was he Presbytery Thank anized were Deputy Mrs ing verse chu that they had berries and had also hyacinthjusrl leadership finished blooming and lily thatfacceptedlo was still in flower outdoors OF Crawford Co Est 1919 mamas 10mm STOCK xxcmnoa Government nunlyfpalv and Corporation Securities Offering mee up min ms WILLIAM no 80313 t5CoIlier Street hold up mound trout he caught in Kunpewclt Ba just as the sum glue to insure him prize in thEQnadi General Electric mszosh derby Mrs Some were the it Mr and about in thc tithe bay directly in gotme Manager nsongoathouse cough 353 when he 91 Dunlop StreetEgBurrie Telcnhone 2443 Evcning 2388a Direct Wires ERVlCE All iivlllORiANl daytoday lob is to help his and their families lasagna moreimponang toahem KL lace him at you service too mania 139139 plan for dict own Coddanythinghe call Will visa noted no cum qualiid so Celebrations James Leonard mm manyidcar son Billic it bcing and Mr and Mrs ford and Caledonia to David Arm BDCI studcnts Yogi mt Duckworth Flt Sgt and Mrs and family London as Wilkinson Mrs Dean Loakcs South present ll gs thur lilkmsofl veckcnd in Toronto camps being or Unitcd Church from 1553 Monthly Plans president or the ting on Oct 21 In at Moonstone Gardener Proud of Potatoes Great Yield Puritans Cumming 80yearold carpenter and gardener of Moon stone is proud of the early Puri tan potatoes he has just harvested llis four rows of tubers yielded There were 00 pota in three hills the smallest basket of po OCI Robert Humphrey barrels VClmm splm er Hamilton spent the weekend with many friends hopc shc may soon Mr and Mrs Charm Lmkmw cxtcnded to Mr and Mrs Leonard Langs ford Toronto formerly of Ar in tho sudden passing lOcS four inches long tutocs from one hill was taken to Moonstone storc and weighed lll runs their Mr and Mrs Duckworth Duckworth relatives nlunnlc Mu BE voua NEED when youre slightly on= voukmnf Listicsa sluggish feelings oftcn indicate your body nccds aid in getting rid oi waste matter Ilillions ofpcoplc find Kruschcn Sdlts givc them happy rolici in such cases fhcrc arc two rcusons First Spent three days with and friends in Waterford Brant Mr and Mrs Roscoe Moorcman and Miss Elaine West of Belloville spent the we with Mr and Mrs West Mr and Mrs Norman Kline Mrs Henderson of Toronto Sunday with Mr and Mrs nd friend ekcnd and Spent wmr Gonticr spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Thom Here is another opportunity for you to adopt thisitriedand testedsystem of saving money Canada Savings Bonds nev Ifcosh is needed you can get back the full face value of your bondplus accrued interest any timeat any bank in Canada You can buy Bonds for the Royal Bank mutanauge monthly instalments out of income The procedure dffull information available at every branch Mr and Mrs Richard Armstrong London spcnt thc vcckcnd uith er drop in value why Krauthon docs this Krusrhcn is gentle yet effective Sccond Kruschcn is diuretic it promotcshcalthy action oi the kidncys Thus Krusrhen sans work quickly and thoroughly to hlp you enjoy the pep and zest first come with complete cleanliness insidefTry little Kruschen in your morning bcveragc when ncedcd seehow it hclps to brighfcu the day Knuschan onuevsrous Zion Presbyterian WA IMS The WA and WMS of Zion Pres byterian Church held their mouth ly meeting at the home of Mr and Mrs Lorne Plaxton last Wed nesday evening with 10 members laxative ash or if you prefer for you to buy them by regular is simplicity Angus United WA Angus United Churc to be held on Wedne at he home of Mr an WA night fMrs Ar shay itself All forms an gm mit urcANAoA Fisher manager tenham Mrs Mary Woolsey Town SEQUENCE The town hall of Strptfordon Avon England records an broken scquenceof town officials lin ane Branch Branches also in Beeton Coo kstoin anrl Tut The Canadiaffmldir is second tononiosxa fightingi oian musth oimany weapons skilled technician trained to handle contplexf nt He is important toyou because his Work is your freedom Ho knows that Canddup defence against aggression depends on men like him More than likely he regards soldiering as his careerce lcommdeslayip opportunities military equipme likes the adventure to ledmund get about Today morewand more yng Canadians ore planning military careers Whilegoivveryone is ttedior Anny life you should agitate the gadvqniaqes of sewing Canada and yourself in ttheCmumfArmy Active Force new are magma Army service can include more than one Silents the cone of SSgl Nodelmunr Tim sgg Sexqggmt lies hudja gumber of different careers 5n mermy 193 at various times served as vehicle mechanic manager accountant clerk quartexmuster and as motcruansport Staff Seigpant Right now hols Its editor ofth Gurop Borden Citizen SSerqetanf corduroy Army in clear indication of tugnln outmodern Cuna idlmiilsasu Sergeant They are intellldnt hurd kgxounds These nien Myrund devote their lives to 019 safety Thorium the hour and backbone of man leiekp it varied Samoan It Nearing aviation PM 20 de Lwho hrs dbdicctad to out fragde the his Canada on wimxcollont buc

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