Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1953, p. 7

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The assure grammes mmar OCTOBER 1153 Plum vraners McINIOSH Apples for sale all grades any quantity Harry Mor ren phone 4510 2011641 APPLES Choice Sprayed hand picked Snows Deliclous Spys Also few luff grade McIntosh Cheaper wfh own containers Les en norms St Phone 4152 20116 CARROTS Beets Onions 3106 6111 Potatoes 25c Bqt Pepper Squash oc $123 bushel Apples Spys or Grapes 50c Sqt Cabbage Turnis each 40c dozen Pumpkins 30c Zinnias 30c dozen Apply 293 Hayfield St 20115ll6 AUCTIONSALE Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned has received instructions frbrn CLARENCE swnzss HalfILof Can Sunnidale lwo Miles West One Hill North of New Lowell IO sell by Public Auction on plaid common FARMrRS try marches PLOW POINTS Bath Cast Iron and Steel LLOY DS GARAGE APIO Phone Elmvale fir12 39116121 Peewaukce 50c dqt $125 bushel TENDERS TENDERS Wanted to wire house also plumung 11 Muihursl Column 19 an 51 New Too Into 213115115 PER NAL DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH SINCERE OFFER Massey Harris Pony Tractor Al Condition 38 HALF ASll Due to business pressure WQIIRVV no time to use this equipment for the purpose that it was purchased Attachments Include large Snow Plow Set of Field Cultivators Power Mower llower Take Off Complete OCT 51 53 ll Set of Discs at oclock sharp THE FOLLOWING HORSES Bay Clyde Horse 10 years 0111 sound Brown heavy 10 years old sound AIILE Grey Cow years old calf at 1001 Blue Cow old calf at foot lieu Cow years old due in December Grey Cow years Old due in Febru Iry Jersey Cow years old due Ill March Red Heifer years old milking calf at foot Grey Heifer years old calf at foot Red Heif er 3Lycars old calf at 1001 Black Cow years old due in April milking Hereford Cow years old due in April milking Red Cow years old due in February Red Steers cars old Heif ers 11 years 01 Steers year old Spring Calves Baby Beets ShoTthorn Bull years old Registered IMPLEMENTS ETC 70 Oli vcr Tractor good condition George White 2442 Threshing Ma chine new with Grain Thrower and Clover Attachment complete Illll Binder ft cut MH Mower it cut MH 13run Fertilizer Drlll new MH 10 ft Dump Rake new MH Hay Loader nearly ncwz ltdH Manure Spreader good condltlon Cocksbutt ft Tandem Dbc Harrow MH IIItooth Culti vator FlemyBissel 2furrow Trac Plow Rubbertired Wagon IQIy new and Flat Rack Octa Harrow4section nearly new 21 Cockshutt Walking Plow drum Land Roller Seuffler Wa gon Rubbertired Buggy Cutter Panning Mill and Dagger 2000 lb Renircw Scales Turnip Drill Sloop Sleighs Hay Rack Wood Rack Pig Box 24 Grain Bags MH Electric Cream Separator 2041 Well Pump small quantity Lumber 3611 Extension Ladder nearly new sticks Timber by by 12 long Wheelbarrow Hay Knife Hay Fork Gas Pump Stone Boat Trip Chain Ropes I40 120 good cand Set Breechlng Harness Sethiving Harness Set Back and Harness Horse Collars 10 cards 16 Wood 720 bales of Hay Cyclone Seeder Water Barrels 300 ft of Show Fence Wood Heater Kitchen Range wood or coal and Pipes other Household Furniture Forks halns and other articles Terms cash Nothing to he removed until Settled for Tractor and Threshin Machine Balance 511 months half cash credlt on approved joint notes ac ceptable at Bank bearing interest percent George Dodsworth Clerk Charles Foster Auctioneer 116 OFFICE SPACE For rent approximately 800 square feet Owner will ar range space for your personal requirements CANADIAN TIRE sarcoma Franck Owner Phone 2268 Draw Bars one is Tractor llitchlnitkef Guthrie Phone 3724 Oro Wheel Weights the wheels are loaded lift ANDRADE SONS Can be seen Miles East of No 11 Highway on phone 2813 Con 13 Innisfll FURROW Case Plow wide bot tom Apply Jack Hiclmes near Essa Station Phone Barrie 810r12 39115116 FORD FERGUSON Tractor in good running condition priced to sell $500 New John Deere hydraulic cultivator sell with or without tractor Phone 32113 Cookstown 4th line of Innisfii all116117 BR John Deere haeior fuel oil in first class condition good ruh ber Case 2furrow plow for pow er cylinder Cultivator for horse draw or tractor Stanley Siniin John Deere Sales and Service phone 860rl2 119115120 AUCTION SALES Wednesday Oct 14 Mrs Anne ne Terry Barrie StreetVillage Thornton Auction sale of high quality furniture and miscellane ous articles Terms cash Sale at pm Slessar Auctioneer 119118 Thursday Oct 15 pm Blacks Regent Garage No 90 Highway for sale by public auction do Mechanics Lien Act 34 Oldsmo 110 Serial No 47720 1951 license 32149 34 Oldsmobile Serial No 47583 51 license L239 Jerry Cough lin Auctioneer 115416 Simone Shorthorn Club Third SemiAnnual Sale Barrie Fair Grounds Tuesd Oct 27 pm Bulls 16 Fe ales All entries inspected by representatives of Ontario Livestock Branch Bulls eligible for bonus For catalogue apply William New Stroudl16121 NOTICE T0 CREDITORS All persons having anyclalms or demands against the Estate of THOMAS JAMES RENNICK late of the Town of Barrie in the Coun ty of Simcoe Retired deceased who died on or about the First day of July 1952 are required to for Ward their claims duly proved to the undersigned solicitors for the Administrator on or before 30th day of October 1953 And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the Ad ministrator will proceed to dis tribute the assets amongst the part ies entitled thereto having regard onl to suchlalms of which he wil then have notice DATED at Barrie this 2ch day of September AD 1953 Boys SEAGRAM ROWE Barrier Ontario VSOlifitors for the Administrator is iliisorciLrs AL 1111 ilugglsfs This tractor is equipped with handl 311116110 CALIES purebred Shorthom Edgehiil Drive Barrie Body Conditioning Arthritic Treatment remedial exercises Scientic reducing Licensed Graduate masseus 10 am till 10 pm daily Private Appointments Only Phone llllrll 313701 YOUR IISSNTIAL IlAtlLRL r111 may he awed by regular palatable NovaK911 To Avoid tiredness rundown fe nervousness and other icilc economical sizes LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 20 PIGS WEEKS OLD Phonul Ivy 9M 9110 ll PIGS WEEKS OLD Phalch 839d Ilarric 91115 GOOD Wcanllng Pigs and 20 Geese Phone 10r22 Siroud 9110 100 IULLEIS Horses John 9116 11 WEANED PIGS weeks old Phonc Arthur Gordon Ivy 17r22 9110 HOISIEIN Heifers vaccinated due Oct 10 Gordon Rix Strand 9115116 11R Barric 9113110 PUREBRED Registered llcrcford Bull Apply McEncherrl R11 No Thornton 9115110 REGISTERED Hereford Bulls 10 to 10 months or would trade for pigs Cyril Cook Baldwin Lone Allandale 91 101211 GRADE Holstein Cow years old TB tested due in October Apply Michael Yurkow mile south of Stroud on Highway 11 9115118WF HOISTEIN Heifers fresh Oct young cows due and weeks All vaccinated Apply iv Brown phone Stroud 43rll 9115116 GRADE Guernsey Heifers due October or will trade for bred sows or young pigs Apply Moms RR No Cookstown phone 4lr21 9116117 REGISTERED Foiled Hereford Bull 14 months old also one bred heifer Apply to Harold Andrews Bradford one 59r31 Con 11 West Gwil imbury 911311105 REGISTERED Bred Saws lst and 2nd litters large English white due October and November Ser viceable age large English white boars also Gilts months Boars and months Gifts Arthur Mor row phone 23r13 Stroud 911416 PUREBRED Oxford Down Shear ting and Ram Lambs Ewes and Ewa Lambs also Yorkshire Boars of serviceable age and $0le of all ages Both sheep and swine are being shown at all fairs in this locality Brethet and Sons Bond Head Phone Beeton 46r4 2116118F Charles Robson Phone 85412 WW MARKET PRICES OCTOBER 11953 noes carrm seas rooman As quoted by First Coopenuve Packers of Ontario Banlo llogs $34 Saws $23 EGG Large Medium ASmall 25 Special 1131131 Grade THE BANKRU PTCY ACT 1949 In the Matter of the Bankruptcy of Alexander Cameron Duff trading under the name and style of Concrete Construction Company Loretto Ontario in the Town of Adjgatin the County of Simcoe bankrupt NOTICE is hereby given that AleXancler Cameron Duff trading rider the name andstyle of Concrete construction Company Lor cetto Ontario in the Township of Adjala in the County of Simcoe made an assignment on the lst day of first meeting of creditors will be held on October 1953 and that they the 17th day of October 1953 at twelve Oclock hi the forenoon at the office of the Official Receiver at the Courthouse in the Town of Barrie in the Province of Ontario DATED at Toronto this 61h day of October 1953 RUSSEL GRANT 371 Bay sweet Toronto Ontario For beautiful Spring Trustee NOW 11011111111011th Hyacinth and other kinds ml Sill ls important The Dutch ow unicorn regimes pardon 1va bulbs low in or moroarouod PM in mild which Inlqlttooibldom tourwhy =RROWN LTD sWMENDINGEiIGlI lq Grade Grace to 01113 Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Under lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Capone24 over theabove prices 10er Grade Over lbs 30 to lbs 26 25 10 Under lbs 25 22 12 WW characteristics of Pine Funeral Service Ccmpofonco The memorable bcapty and quiet dignity of our service reveal the professional study and training required to di rest truly impressive fune ral service Pomnolimdunco Our private room for the family and our personal at tendanceon its needs pro vide it with seclusion and every possible comfort IIIlILI mo 13 ilsnlglssln TOWN LEAOISE Group CowlI DCIJXL 121x 17 Elli 11L$AJA4 Fix CG Dam Auto Wreckers Smiths Farm Dally Knights of Columbus Blillt Tanning Brewers lcicgrnplls Duncan Il2tcrllg KayItch Lunch rowo AIIIOIIIUIIL Copuco AFI High SingleMike Quinlan Iligh lliploSlcve Wiggins Group lBXRCAF KrnucllS Edgar Toppers lilldson Hornets IIEPC Can Legion Barbch Westonx Bread Barrie Examiner Chryslcrs Finlays High SingleJ High TripleIL Recvie 2720 No Bowling Next Week There will be no league ILJIJKQCQQCJ$ltJUICI $J+ACAC77LKIQH next Monday and Tuesdayhan ac count of Thanksgiving holiday on Monday Oct 12 c4LlL1 Kennell 281 rls lt3 3111 00 Vlc low and miss her so by Hazel 1141 NkJAJUIrJJcc ames and groups will resume bowling on Oct 19 and group will play their next Tuesday Oct 20 game $011 Illzlsc Cilil please lelIIy Two Mercurys Tie 7Cleveland In and 110 VICII Ill 11 II l9l3 113lut1il of Alice Will allrr of 11111 vlmu lic1111 IIIP rowiemo lerlrru 030 am to Forty Courtll Bradford DH 11 112115 at 111 Im Lin lllrlc CI meter cm 171 for IN 7111511110le Cl1iITlrl loving Ilzclrlury of and Culvert Zlllllttl lyll 1514 Iilllllllltulltl Ev l10 died Oct Sln Illwr could forget Allll we think that willlo Fllt iv curys outshot the pro ouckcnuscrs 2930 SIN llllhl lic lhllfllng yet Angels keep licll watch llp Illflt ltl llcr TIIIII we down litlt in not forget Ext1 remembered Iivclyn Mary and John 110 Kllk lCIAIlKEIn loving Iliclllory of fl dear Illothcl wife and grandma Ella Cllllke who passed away 001 II 1943 dear bright eyes smile Iovmg heart that knew no guilc Deep trust in God that all was right Her joy to make some other bright If sick or Suffering one She knew Some gentle act Of love shed do No thought of self but of the other know He said Well done dear mother Husband Will daughter Sadie Harry and family 116 McMORRANln memory of Mrs Violct McMorran who passed away Oct 10 1952 Dear loved ones am keeping tender tryst twixt thee and me ooos rsr srocn DEER HOUNDS provenrunner Apply John Bowman Stroud 118115116 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD on farm for elderly lady or gentleman Phone Cookstown 60r13 LOST FOUND FOUNDA pink angora baby net was found at the Barrie 12116117 bon Fair on Friday Owner may claim it by phoning 6240 and paying for this ad 17116 WOOD FOR SALE DRY HARDWOOD $10 per Alldred Fergusonvale cord 6109120 HARDWOOD Hardwood Slabs Softwood Slabs Sawed and deliv ered Dennis Moran phone 6107124 25 CORDS OF 4ft hardwoOd mostly maple Delivered if essary Apply Bruce Sanford mile east of Edgar Phone onte 6116 SOFTWOOD Slabs and Hardwood Softwood $12 cord Hardwood $22 cord Hardwood slabs $18 cord Cut and delivered 6113119 20 12 DRY HARDWOOD cut any length Phone 6567 and delivered Apply Gordon ginsRR No Bradford Phone 113ll8r Cookstown 15r21 27 18 WaterfallsVim Mobilising 2907 dry 118C one Med Body Wig children In company with angels Who guard us oer lifes sea And though you miss the foot fall And 1001 Ive gone away The thought that Im in glory Will help you through the day Sudly missed by family Herb Dpllic and Bertha 116 MUNTIn loving memory of dear father and grandfather Mr Israel Mum just year ago today he passed away They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget But time so far has onlyproved How much we miss yOI yet God give us strength to ght it No one will ever know What it meant to lose you World may change from year to year And friends from day to day But never will the one we loved From memory pass away Sadly missed and ever remem bered daughter Marion sonin law Howard Martin and grand 116 REYNOLDSIn loving memory lot dear husband and father Sahi uel Reynolds who passed away so suddenly on Oct 12 1951 Sometimes its hard to understand Why some things have to be But in His visdomGod has plan ned Beyond our power to see prawn know Exhibition rys from Burlington lfo lgrul for Merl1 form In of the season Jackie Gordon and Tom Wlhmmz 17111 markers cat 112L Clerc 15 ilicoullrli lLfl on 1hr lpowcr 1n the last 10 Illllilllcs of line game trying to snap They long shot from Illt blue line war lic succeeded wnell Wlllzdms right on the corner of the cage But Burlington equalized 411 sec omis inter flashing home back mmmm fun gt3 hand drive from 31 frc ill from Over the tillminutes 1111 Mel lN MEMORIAM Fred McMillan faithful husband one of the best 5011111111 May God grant him eternal rcsl 11nd 1111 Sadly wife daughter ROAClIln my door Roach lli 13 1953 Your Illtflllll Is my keepsake From which Ill never part God has you in His keeping have you ill my heart SIdly missed by sister Laura brotherinlaw Murray 116 ROACHIn lovmg memory of our dear son Reg who passed away 001 13 1952 His weary hours and days of pain His troubch nights are past And in our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest ill last Lovingly remembered by M0 iher and Dad 116 ROACHIn loving memory of dear blOlhfl Reg who passed away Oct 13 1952 You are not forgotten dear Reg Nor ever shall you be As long as life and memory lasts We will remember thee Lovingly remembered by sister Laura 116 Illisyvlli by laying Illcmory of brother Reginald passed away Oct ROACHIn loving memory of dear brother Reg who passed away Oct 13 1953 Your memory is as clear today As in the hour you passed away A1ways remembered by bro ther Gordon 116 WATSONIn loving memorv of our daughter Sandra Shbron who passed away Oct 12 1944 The deplths of sorrow we cannot te Of the loss of one we loved so well And while she sleeps peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep Always remembered by Mum my and Daddy brothers and sis ter 116 day of remembrance sadly re called Without farewell116 left us all To be with us in the same old W113 Would be Our dearest wish today Sadly missed and ever re membered by his wife and family its our to give your cars duck111de tuna 511 engine fuqdchmmndvcin TODAY Drive Into Our Service Station For Complete FALL LoanIcArIou CHANGE oven ooraomcuo 1111101111 ssfsaanuntor STREET dem look this suite is really the new shades are fashionwise BUDGET lms Redemptoristinc Superior Dies at Monastery Here that Mary Celeste Redezwurszme Redeemer Er on MI 45111 H153 1le1 Millllfvil 11m rm mmmum was alerted so communiy at South Devon and was three times until in the 11111 or he mwrionhinsho endowv ily resigned as she felt the or government too much for he adtancmg years When the Canadian 21311111181511 was made in 2947 in Tom four nuns from the Chudicigh cum munzty she was named as Mother roam the suddmr will an Mother Mary Patti the full responsibility young finallaaion again rested upon her When the numbers in the comes izzrreawd so rapidly that plopurzy was sought the Alolmsleiy cl Iltc lioly Redeemer 1Illllsflz3fl In Barrie 1n the What is MicroMix Ask any Graduate Feeding Advisor at Barrie Farm Supply RICMIILANIll loving Illcniory If NOTICE T0 scrum sullen surrnnmls The following Separate School Supporters are hereby notified that they must instruct the Assessment De partment at the Town Hall before October 14 1953 to transfer their school assessments to the support of the Barrie Public Schools Those who have children attending the Bar rie Public Schools at present Those who contemplate enrolling children in the Barrie Public Schools any time during 1954 particularly those wishing to enroll children in o1 Barrie Publicchool Kindergartens to start September 1954 Pleast thatSolaool Board Twigs for 1954 cannot be changed after October 14 Assessment must remain In 1953 favour of the Barrie Pub lic School Board during the entire period of attendance TheSe regulations will continue in effect from year to year aARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL soARo 110112111 for your 1171116 IIIIIIM new Kroehler design for your Fall home renovations With the long sleek mo See the wide choice Tor every type room 6lMding The gavels re wool frieze or nylonsin 49 00

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