Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1953, p. 6

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ms assumes ram1r ocroasn 1953 Can WANTED LADY SALESCLERK For ngellew Store 30 per week Apply Box Barrie Examiner 111511 STENOGRAPHER CASHIER Shortband required Modern office employee benefits Apply to Household Finance Corp am pm Phone 5529 1115117 BANK CLERK for Canadian Bank of Commerce Camp Borden No experience required lrnnsllor tation provided Good starting salary Ph 316 Camp Borden during the day Ph 4908 Barrie Evenings 1110118 LWWANTED 155i Class Sheetmetai Workers High Hourly Rate Day Week Hour Day Time and one half for Overtime Hospitalization Paid Statutory Holidays Plant with Downtown Loc ation WRITE Rhona on APPLY TO Porcelain and Metal Products Limited ORILLIA ONT PHONE 3575 LOCAL 5x LADY Hardresser wanted Mabels Beauty Salon Bradford phone 146 1115116 MOTHERS Helper experience not necessary Live in Apply Box Barrie Examiner 1116 WOMAN FOR Housework hours twice weekly Apply In person 13 Wellington St West I110th WH BOYS FOR Globe and Mail paper routes particularly in Allandale Good profits and commissions Phone 2223 1116117 WOMAN FOR Cleaning morn ings week hours to 12 Must be thorough Apply Box 71 Bar rie Examiner 1115116 WAITRESS preferably experienc ed excellent conditions good wa Apply Prysons Grill Dunlap Barrie llltf GRADUATE Undergraduateor ex perienced practical nurse for gen eral duty Inniswood Lodge Phone Florence Breakwell Home 4288 lllOtf FULL TIME Waitress also part time dishwasher Transportation in Barrie provided Apply Stew arts Restaurant orwpbon 81211514116 41 LADY Pram 3550 to earecr ldI erl lady some housekeeping ills on Some nursing Experience would be an advantage Phone 5872 or 2059 1115116 SALES GIRL experienced High est wages in Barrie Ideal worklng conditions Steady employment Bonus at Christmas Apply Jack sons Department Store 59 Dunlop sl West Barrie 111311 WANTED Man for steady travel among Consumers in Dame and Slmcoe County Permanent con riection with large manufacturer 811 reliable hustler considered its Icighs Dept Jl28131 1111311 1116 be received 001 20 operator ipIOyide ne salary expected and experi Tme house provided Duties Dec 1953 Len foc day modem1uo WSpndoy ma minimum sored mommmus runs axons nAas BATTERIES mlluanILIIIIIIs thngumm so my SALE COLORED FLAGSTONE GRAVEL FILL TOP SOIL oeuvnnr mums DENNIS MORAN Phone 2907 Barrio 7401 LEARN TO WELD Lincoln Arc Welding School ontinuous Tuition throughout the week course POSITIONS WANTED WILL GIVE day care to small blind Good home references Phone 6366 2110117 YOUNG Married Woman would like full or part time work sell ing years experience Phone 6673 21111 WANTED tiGHEST PRICES FOR 13ch Iron mnl Batterie lhgs iNDUSTRlAL IRON METAL Dunlap St West Phone 811r31 or 6487 Fcrndsle coming season ANDRADE SONS Specm High Paid for RR No Stroud Phone 10r14 ms ULTRY 97 1761 Highest Price Paid SCRAP IRON hid raw fur horsehair feathers PRICES SLASHED Elli WARDEN WALLPAPER Coll 11 all accepted cc 343 Thousands of rolls to be disposed of to make room for 1954 stock BOYDS PAINT AN WALLPAPER Phone 5200 7135119 Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS mamas LlIE POULTRY Our Inlch will call sullen Cl prires paid Special prices paid lilieo T5 USED WASHING 2983 MAXPUSHKOFF MACHINES Must Be Sold COMPANY Yard and Office 156 Tiffin St Your Choice $3995 each 340150 vicinity 76 Allandale HardWOre Phone 2944 Storm 98J298J GARAGE Required Puget St Barrie SCOTCH PINE and Spruce Christ mas trees wanted for delivery Dc cembcr 1953 Contracts placed now Enquire 71 Donald St 3114116 PLANTS Er FLOWERS DARWIN TULIPSmixcd 25 dozcn also choice doubleHolly llocks Canterbury Bells and Glnnt Shirley Fox Gloves Phone 4510 271164le 3110 7116 ROBINSON HARDWARE GREAT EALL EVENT AGENTSWANTED EASY EXTRA MONEY IS YOURS Sell NameOn Christmas Every day assortments for highest com missions Over sixty salestested items terrific customerappeal Unequalled Christmas values In cluding 25 card Prize Assortment Goldn Christmas Velvet Madonna Duets Surprise Currier and Ives Canadian Scenes Appealing Every day religious humorous cards Personalized cards stationery nap kins Gift Wraps Kiddies Christ mas stockings Popup books Bible stories paint books ribbons gift cards Write for complete cata logue samples NOW Print name address clearly NameOn Station ery Company Limited Dept 1A Room Yonge Street Arcade To ronto 4991161 W3 Accommodation Wanted WANTED by sales representative bedroom home excellent refer LISED ences Phone 014rl4 Engine117 on UNFURNISHED Rooms or apartmentb close in wanted for adults byOctgt 15 Phone 141655116 LARGE 0R Small unfurnished rooms wanted for working mother and Ryear old daughter Box Barrie Examiner 111 16 YOUNG Married Banker With two boys desires house duplex apartment to rent Referencesi Phone 2457 or 2970 1111511 COUPLE with small children ur gently require unfurnished house flat or apartment in the Barrie Edgar vicinity Phone 5169 11115116 AIR FORCE Officer requires bedroom unfurnished accOmmoda tion preferably Barrie or vicinity Goodtenants Apply Box Barrie Examiner gt 11116 2011 ROOM lrnished suite wantedalso landlady to care for l9monthold be from to pm except for wee ends Apply Box 45 Barrie Examinerj 1111011 BEDROOM Hausa or large apart ment wanted by Air Force couple with one child 12 years Will pro vide references Needed by Nov Apply Box 38 Barrie Exammer IllOSllOJMll WALLPAPER SALE Full Variety Quality Selectidn for every room NEW LOW PRICES HERES REAL VALUE Visit Our Basement Store for Some Real Values in COAL WOOD RANGES RANGETTES ELECTRIC RANGES WASHING MACHINES REFRIGERAgORs Take advantage of our La Away Plan start Christmas opplng today ROBINSON HARDWARE 311unlop Street East PHONEJiBl 7116 STORM Windows forr$5 Phone 4370 7116117 COOK STOVE white enamel years oldfstel top Phrpne1 153012156 ELECTRIC Stove Beach burn er $85App1y 76 Puget St Bar rie 7116 ROQMED FurnibhtlTrailer Must hesold this weekend Phone 5253 7116 PAIR of girls CCM skates sizefi also pair of Sampson skates me Phone 3266 71 161 2PIECE Green Corduroy Dress size 12 suitable for girl 12to 14 Phone 2734 7112tf BOYS Hockey Skates with tendon uard size used one season $450 hone 3803 7110 PIECE Dining rooma suite Wal nut in good condition Phone Strand 41111 7115116 CEDAR Pours no it to 30 ft to liter break era Phone dung 17415113 used one p111 at 7116 mammoth 1111mm Site minim W0 Li Wine Iggslable Apply 21 lilting heater type Sunday NORGE large size space heater ayfieldst Tam rlnliSrONr Deluxe nelrlgmtm cu 11 one year old Sacrifice 5190 Phone 2024 7116 GOOD CHEER wood Stove circu also number oil pipes Pfione 2603 7115116 QUANTITY OF Barrels Hampers and Lettuce crates Apply 22 CallI 101 St Phone 2571 7116 PIPELESS Hot Air Furnace good condition Apply Harry lwrss 15 Dunlap St East 7113116 lo BESSIE also 400 bushels of oats Apply Boyd betray Phone 39 chroy 7115116 GLASS Show Cases very r93 sonable Call at Canadian Ille Store or phone 22611 71111 COAL OR Wood annex with white enamel end Kitchen table with drawer Phone 3455 7115ll6 APARTMENT Size Upright Piano and bench Martin Ornle perfect condition Phone 4050 7110 COAL Furnace for house Price $323 100 Irrecskcs New Lowell Phone Creemore 432r15 7116117 3030 WINCHESTER Rifle with boxes of ammunition Apply John Bowman RR No Stroud 7113116F IIANO fairly good condition $65 also piece breakfast suite and Gladiron Phone 2781 after pm 7110 DRESS BUNION Solve relieves fnst Wear stylish shoes soon Drug gisis scll Cress Corn Salve tan 7110 STORM Windmvs in various sizes and good condition Rcasonably priced Phone 3111 alter 57 SMALL Empire Cook Stovcburlul l2 wood cream tIlm no reser voir or back $25 Phone 4927 after 19111 7116 NORMAN Motorcycle good con dition reasonable Apply Wood cock 25 Dunlop St Apt Barrie 7115116 CHICKEN House large colony shed roof on skidsxto be moved after apple picking llarry Morrcn Barric 7110 ADDING Machines and writ ers Sales rentals re airs Smcoe Business Machines Toronto St phone 4824 718011 HOUSE Trailers one 16 one 18 fully equipped all heated gas stove electric brakslnck Swalm Duntloon Ont 7115116 QUICK SALE Specdboat minus motor 18 ft long Can be seen or Monday Apply Crosby Lefroy 7116 Ill BACKACHES are slowing you up take Rumacaps and help yourf self to relief from pains and aches Ask your druggist SET OF Golf Clubs and Bag one and three woods two four and eight irons large size tricycle nearly new Phone 5674 or 5444 7116 LOYD Baby Carriage and metal Ill with Vinylite covered inner spring mattress Priced reasonable for quick sale Phone 4454 7116 HIVES or Bees with honey some comb extractor and number of supers Reasonable Wight phone Ora 171 nights 7115v116 TYPEWRITERS office machines portables adding machines cash registers sales and service Gosney 17 Frances St Barrle Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona representative 780tbe WARDROBE size wide high doors dark oak nish good con dition pair mans kid boots size fairly new Apply 21 Poyntz St 7116 MAIH LET USSupply your hog feeds Pay after your pigs go to market No interest Contracts available Phone or see Craig Hunter phone 53r5 Strand cu ft electric refrigerator years old100 Pullets New Hamp and Barred Rock cross Phane Creemore 408114 7116 STUDIO Couch vwith bedding drawer also chair and settee ladysski boots size ski slacks 29 waist Reasonable for quick sale Apply361lenry St 7116 RIGHT inch adjustable bench saw lathe and jigsaw with motor and line shaft mounted on table Extra saw blades and turning Chisels Reasonable Phone 3153 7115116 SMALL Single Cylinder air compressors 3x314 witltqut power small concrete mixer with new Briggs and Stratton gas engine Lloy Garage Apto Phone 9142 Elmvale ISEE CRAIG HUNTER for service on your Faster Feeds Frost Fence and Farm Supplies Salespservlce and demonstration on Graham Plows Phong Stroud 5315Hunters Poultry Farm 7110125 McCLARY Combination Electric and coal or wood stove burners large oven in excellent condition cutftiapartment type Frigid aire Extension wooden kite on table and chairs living room table lambs 67 Sangro Loop Camp Borden 7114116 NEW MASON Risen Pianos used Pianos reconditioned Phone Elmvale 9r11 Frank Kennedy Shellpston onec mil rst of iwa on on or 790147 mam Tans and Adding Ma chinesrgnswrsnd factory recondi tinned Service by factory trained mechanics Specialatu out rental rates Call Retain 03070300109 1756 14m x1 ya 109 nor are with ad 113m Mailma eye and 11 025 2113s 011 drug wilt idiots bot std suit outelder Phone Barrd 7116 7410125 WLATNOLFENDEN 7116 no In LEONARD Refrigerator cu it 585 Must be sold immediately Phone 6542 after pm GURNEY white enamel coal and wood range with waterfront per fect condition Phone 4622 7115116 AUTOMOBILES CASH$ CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUIES SEE Honestloe Cross Town 220 Bradford 8t 1050 PLYMOUTH Coach speCIal deluxe Phone 2759 13110 1936 CHEVDquxc Sedan in aod condition Apply 304 Innis13 1047 CHEVROLET Sedan in A1 condition Phone 4959 after five in on Saturday 131131f 51 MORRIS Oxford cxcoptionally good condition very low mileage 5995 Phone 2335 1311161111 1952 CHEV Sedan showroom con dition priced right for quick Idle Trade considered Phone 4424 116 1952 AUSTIN Sedan 14000 miles privately owned radio and heater in perfect mechanical order $1200 Phone 4522 13115l10 51 METEOR Victoria overdrive radio turn indicators chrome wheels Low do 11 payment Finl ancc can be arr nged Phone 5674 13114116 35 FORD in excellent condition recently overhauled fully custom izcd heater fan custom radio 90 Wellington 31 West Phone 1gleam 1950 PLYMOUTH twodoor spec ial deluxe ncw firm radio host er defroster Like new Owner leaving country Must sell Phone 2898 11116 1950 CHEV Sedan Delivery good tires $950 or best offer Terms can be arranged No trade in please Private Phone Cookstown 108 collect 111115116 1950 AUSTIN radio heater low mileage exceptionally clean Own er now driving company car Rea sonable Call Dick Perras phone 5946 Barrie betweenv9 and Terms arranged 13115116 MISCELLANEOUS For 1le iii121156116 call JOE BREWER Phone 3228 Remodelling Roofing Alterations Cupboards reels General Building 5251fF PAlNTI N6 DECORATING Prompt Interior and Exterior Work servics to all inquiries guaranteed ARNOTT WALTON Phone 0777 141 Collier St 57811 FLOOROOVERING Armsuongs Floor Covering gt Linaleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials supplied and Installed Free Estimates Ehone 5185 berland st 90 56514 Reliable Window Cleaners Walls Scrubbed wmdpws Cleaiied StormWindows Glass In stalled ii necessary Floors scrubbed and waxed Store filesFactOry Windows 1540011112 St 5116154 FURNACES AND Chimneys clean ed Robinson and Orr phone 4333 s115a121 EXPERT TREE Trimming and re moving Free estimates given Phone 3717 51113121r SIGNS leaf wlndo lettering sted phone 0482 discin Reasonable rates Wednbs day andSaturday only Phone 2135 51131181 Phone 6765 Lund uoau cultivating TRUCK Available for hauling obs Joe Phone 5116 Wood and doing odd Car2ny 30 North StBarr1e vhf at Napier at one syn 7141011116 7115 central P710111 PROPERTY FOR SALE Butcher and Armstrong Realtors 1706A Avenue Rd 133 Dunlap St Barrie Ph 6642 5005 room bungalow on nice located inner school area Reasonable down payment Sim7 room bungalow with bath partial basement very celli trot on large lot Terms 0005 mom bungalow just out side town limits with convenien cos load lot for garden Low down payment 11 Bruce Rep Barrie 5642 After hours call 2239 10116 Brown Burton Real Estate Brokers 81 General Insurance Beautiful Ranch style brick bun galow centrally located bed rooms living room dining roam and ultra modern kitchen Recre atton room all heating air coach tioned Very largelot This home has to seen to be appreciated Owner forced to sell as he is to in Barrie This is truly bang $5000 Terms Rough cast house hardwood downstairs rpoms downstairs upBothroom space heating close 10 schools and stores $5500 room Brick1 houSe furn ace bathroom bedrooms Very House in fair condition This is good buy $6000 Hillcrcst School area Small brick bungalow attached garage all heating bedrooms full base ment Terms Modern Brick dwelling store and half bedrooms ha wood throughout all heating good sized lot one block from school Full price $12500 Terms We have many others to choose from also vacant lots farms and good business portunlties See us be are you buy BrOWn Burton Real Estate General Insurance Dunlap St lEast Barrie Ont Over Sterling Trust Phone 2678 Evenings phone 33813543 16116 $7500Six Room House newumace $9000Beautiful Winterized Cot ta at Minets Point Fully furn is ed large living room sun room kitchen dinette bedrooms bathroom shower powder room 1101 and cold water pressure sys tem Garage $9400New homlarge living room kitchen bedrooms force air oil heating $11500Storey and half brick home bedroom and piece bath on ground floor piece bathroom and bedrooms upstairs 3140000 Room Brick Home Gar age early $14750Beautiful Brick Home bedrooms very modern kitchen forced air all heating garage $12400Beautiful Brick Bungalow years old Large living room dining roomrrkitchen bedrooms Nearschool and store Large gar age $19500Ranch Style Brick Home Lar living room modern kitch en ining room bedrooms beau tiful recreation room Close to new school This is an exceptional home Must be seen to be appre We have some good income homes fj ask to see them House to rentFurnished This house is oil heated and is avail able from November tothe first of April Ifsswercannot satisfy you with our selection of housesbuy alot and havc one built to suit yourself We have somegoocrbuilding lots for sale GORDON STOUT LTD REPRESENTED BY GEORGE WRIGHT 150 Dunlap so some PHONES 4835 4800 16110 LOTS including building Con trally located Phone 5126 or 6672 III1157116 ROOMED STUCCO hotair heat ing bedroomslliving room kit chen piece bath Phone 5429 WINTERIZED Homes bedr ooms Phone Wasaga Beach 2751172 or write Dales RR Elmvaler 111116118 mowMW 50 ACRES OF muck land good celery and truck land Easy terms and cheap W2J Patterson RR Barrie Phone 5623 161154 REAL BARGAIN at Craighurst 13 miles north of Barr1e on High way 93 storey asphalt shingle clad $1500 Phone 3717 illnous CHOICE BUILDING Lots in new east end sub lvision Close to school and trans citation Apply 011ti1191 ca 50179 StPhone 16116 CEMENT BL by 40 11 heavy wiring Pal114113 Florence St 15116Il7l lBest NEW 1100121138 House cupboards in kitchen pump inside $3000 terms Class to Angus Appl utchinson Grocery An gus 18116 RANCH STYLE Rug Brick house all heated bedrooms recreation room lira lot Owner occupled but leaning Barrie No reasonable offer refused Phone 4835 18116117 FULLY MODERN Suburban home large roams and bath three bed rooms hot air coal furnace One acre garden land Down3payment $1500 fl Lacey Realtor phone 5298 18116 FOUR ROOM Dwelling close to Town at reasonable price and other desirable properties short distance out of Town Agply Coulis Real Estate roker Owch St Home 2377 15116 15 GOOD LOTS excellent view of lake can be had en bloc at less than half current prices We bake nbmber of lots to chm from various locations suitable for good homes Sce Henry and Elrick Realtors Barrie 16116 NEW ROOMED Stucco Bunga low 26x40 1181roud village bedrooms livin room dinette kitchen bath iul basement furn aceI good location near highway school church and store Apply Gordon Rlx Stroud Phone 28r13 16116 UNDER CONSTRUCTION several loom brick or bevelled sidin homes on quiet street near schoo forced air all heating low down payment Marshall Repre sentative Coutts Real Es tate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 16116 NEW HOUSE solid masonry con structian bedrooms baths rec reation room in basement auto matie air condltion heating unit attached brick garage Overlooking lake inAi district 150 Blake St on far inspection Phone Stroud r12 16116 LARGE HOME oil heated suit ablefor duplex or four apart ments central location now avail able Very fine income home With Selfcontained apartment has everything close in substantial sh payment required Contact enry and Elrick Realtors Bar rie 16116 FOUR ROOM Bungalow quite modern immediate possetswn Very reasonable price and terms New four years ago modern home large living room replace large kitchen three bedrooms Oil heat ed NRA nnancing11ntier Nloe thousand Six room Brick no In excellent condition well rated under Eleven thousandPriced to sell ve rooms all convenlences Seventyveight hundred Others to chaose fromIContact Henry and Elrick Realtors Barrie 16116 CHICKS BRAY PULLETS for November youll need these forthe later Grade Large your mafkets de mand For December order broil ers Immediate delivery of some including started chicks Get par ticularsmow LR Copeland RR Beetom Phone Beeton 55r12 24116 POULTRY 11 YOUNGrGEESE Cleary Demp ster Angus 14116 50 HAMPSHIRE Rock Pullets 515 months old forgsale Phone Ivy 121216 Carr Thornton 14116417 TRIO BREEDINGEmmett Geese prize winners at Royal over 00 eggs this wandfairy Mor rem 14115116 100 WHITE Leghom and Rhode Island Red hybrid pullets laying Well for sale Apply Mrs George Horne Hawkestone Phone Gm 510 14116 Basilica Opportunities GENERAL STORE In the heart of the Barrie dis tllcl doing $58000 turnover an nually gross prot over $8000 yearly Business established for 15 years year round business With exceptional prOspercus farming opulation to erive Reason for so Owner re lr 11g operty consists of large store an excellent Barn for storage 10 Room Brick House attached to store with oil heatingthroughaut Bathrooms good water11ydro Located on main highway $23000 terms $715090 cash required This is one 11123607 real oppor tunities for the ambitiousperson BROWNSBURTON REALTORS Dunlop Street East Phone 26711 SNACK BAR for sale for demo await hoof eats Appy 236 Dunlap St East Basile 29115116 GRO AND Moots Rent $50 monthly Ample livingo accommo dation long lease ski jplus light stock Sce 01151361 Rpm inson St Colllngwoad 11 vnonxrviroa sALs 11 06K Building so ill one storey with flat roof Vicinity Queens Layed Summer resort and res FURNISHED ACCOMMODATION of references required Avail able November to April For Enquiries PHONE 5198 15116 leuso ROOMS Phone gem downsIla mm BEDROOM Phone 33 ED 15115116 FURNISHED Apartminl Adults Phone 3371 lSllttf ROOMED Winterizcd Cabin fur nished Phone 5253 IIIlid ROOM located Board centrally optional Phone 1111151111 5027 FURNISHED Bedroom Suit men Central Phone 6765 ROOM Apartment unfurnished SMALL roamed filrnishcd cot tage near Barrie Phone 15115116 ROOM Furnished Apartment Separate entrance Phone 3140 151115110 SINGLE ITllrnishedroom Breaklt fast if desired Phone 474315 ROOMED Unfurnished Apart ment Vacant On bus line Phone 5400 15110 FURNISHED roomcd apartment self contained Phone 5265 after pm 15110 WARM Furnished Bedroom with double bed near new factories Phone 4497 15115116 FURNISHED Rooms suitable for housekeeping or bedrooms Cen tral Phone 5211 15116117 UNFURNISHED Rooms newly decorated good llacation Phone 2036 after pm 15115116 NICELY Furnished front bedroo HOUSE AND Garage 11 miles west of Elmvale Phone 50rl3 lSllU central location Gentleman ferred Phone 3425 151 ROOM Apartment bedrooms furnished light housekeeping Ab stainers Phone 3919 215115116 ROOMED Unfurnished house and kitchen Possession Oct Separ ate entrance Phone 5573 15116 KROOMED Cottage partly furn ished mile from school store and train Phone Oro 197 15114116 GARAGE in excellent condition South west hockey arena 201 Dunlap St West Phone 3386 15L16 ROOMED Apartment furnished abstainers no children Phone 8964 daytlme 3073 in evenings 15115116 ROOM Heated furnished apart ment ground floor Adults ab stalners Apply 69 Henry St 15115116 LARGE Housekeeping room furn lshed continuous hot water Cen tral Phone 2852 or 91 Worsley St 518 LARGE fully furnished light hous keeping room with private bath room Abstainers Phone 5470 15113116FM UNFURNISHED Rooms main floor separate entrance Business glrl preferred Phone 2736 15115116 BEDROOM IN Allandale Teacher referred Board if desired Apply ox Barrie Examiner0 15115116 NEW Selfcontained room Iheated apartment blocks from post off ice Nov Box 75 Barrie Exam mes 15115116 ROOMEILJEwished Apartment also roamed furnished apartment Abstalners For information phane 5763 151104117 LOWER Duplex rooms and bath room fully tiled kitchen vene tian blinds $80 Apply Box 8Balu rieiEifaihiner 15116118 LARGE Bright heated room in apartment house furnished suit able for couple Rangefte Avail 2951 I5 LARGE Oilheated bedsitting room light kitchen privileges Very central Adults and abstain ers Phone 3801 after 130 p111 15116 NEW APARTMENT delightful v1ew large llving room bed rooms kitchen modern 3piece bath Central Phone3317 15115117 FURNISHED Winterized home convenienc Minets Point Immo diate possessson Phone Whit ty Barr1e627l or Toronto MO 4590 15116 ROOM Selfcontained apartment infalew home one year rent re ly eel1n advance No objection to Apply Box 256 BarriePost Offlce 15116117 ROOMturnished or unfurnished wrth kitchen privileges in new ig112111 migemuconveliences way at ut Phone 4481 Barrie 153f6 MOST Desirable room apartment heated and well furnished lovely able immediately Phone for quiet couple or busines woman Phone 3103 15115711 view and very central Suitable LARGE CLEAN furnished room with kitchen privileges facilities supplied if necessary One or two girls or vbusmess couple preferred Near bus stop Phone 3619 151113 Located on money 1mm mam winter 11 he Accesstoislra insomnia Would prefer lewhow 1219 1193529 1391 611 Barrie Examiner Idlost masons rooms all conveni cos was

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