Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1953, p. 16

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iWWM seventh prize 1t Smncr prime to Julian MAW of ninth prize to Margaret Utopia and 10th prize IN 7min RIF4 Stsyner llscrub bebilry it the Ontario 4H mam competition was made States Visitors ya as or gveto Georg Caldwell of Shanty Bay George McNabb RR Stayncr and Karold Pfcifer RR Stayner Glrll Wart prtzcx third fourth and sixthg lprizc Mm Donald MacDonald of Antcn Mills was the top prize Wm Ener in dire irls work open classes mm Jauswn of Hawke get the Junior Fair Other top prizes who shelved the best pair of If It the Junior Fair Cal labs in the Ontario 41 Call divided young people of Clubs competition among several Bimcoe County were Alan Gowanfock RR Or illia and Don McGratlr of Elmvalo tied for first prizc in the senior beef heifer calf class and en tries of Ross Rowalt of Elmvale Donald McNabb RR Black RR Foxmead and Corbett Adams of Mincsing sharerl top honors in the beef heifer calf born in 1053 class In the baby beef division Tom Ross of Oro Station and Don Van else RR Stayncr cntercd the winning calves and lvan Strachan Ind Mel Strachan 011 Station Ivan Clark of Shanty Bay and Mcl Mawdsey of llawkcstonc took sec and prizcs Don Orchard and Gitn McFar lane Mincsing Don Brothel of Tut tenham and Eleanor Cochranc of Thomton took first przzcs in tho senior dairy and dualpurpose heifer calf division with Marilyn Stayncr went to Ruby Leach RR Shanty iny Margaret Goodfellow RR Mincsinx Laura Anderson Barg lbara Gray of Hawkesrone Mam5 een Elphlck of Utopia and Helen Kenny of Shanty Bay MrsMacDonald took her top prizes with stuffed homu made toy and knitted ladys mius ller second prizes wcrc in two the wholc wheat muffins and plate of afternoon tea sandwiches classes she stood third in ztomatocs divrsion Her fourth prize was taken with half apron and and ccnlrc Ruby Leach was close contend crfur top position in this division tuking first prize in the plate of sandwichcs class second prize in ithc chocolate fudge and homc made toy classes third prize with her novelty table ccntrc four priz cs with licr whole wheat muffins and canned raspberries and fifth prize with her canned tomatoes Barbara Grays whole wheat muffins won her first prize and she took second prize with her novelty table centre and thircl prize with her homomade toy cn canned she stood sixth in the novelty table sA TWO VISITORS FROM the United States Ad mire Canadian Handicrafts George Wright Elmvale Brood mm with feel by side LGeorge Wright Elmvale BILGIANS Moreng years or over Kell Bros Churchill Shel don Walker Sharon Douglas PalmerSchombcrg Sanderson Bros Shanty Bay Kell Bros QIChurehiil Sheldon Walker Shara on whimold filly or elding7 Sheldon Walker Sharon Robert DougPalmer Schoriiberg Sanderson Bros Shanty Bay St and Eimvale Yearll filly or coil Doug Palmer Schiimbcrg Wants Sutton Shanty Bay Foal of 1952 in the womens section returned this year Doug Palmer Schombcrg Gralam Barrie Brood More with foalby Side Doug Palmer$chomberg Graham Barrie PERCHERONS Main 0r Gelding years or over Douglas Palmer Schomberg Percy Francom Elmvale Alex Fletcher Stayncr Reid Brampton Wilmot Shea Sunder land 2Iwoyearold filly or gelding Wilmot Shea Sundcrland Yearling filly or coll Wilmol Shea Sunderland Alex Fletcher Stayner Foot of 1952 Alex Fletcher Stnyner Reid Brampton Wilmot Shea Sunderland Reid Bramp ton Alex Fletcher Stayncr Brood mare with font by side WB Reid Brampton W11 mol Shea Sunderland Alex Fletcher Stayner Reid Brampton till undrojn years winners will get that award this month my Timy former mmber of the squadron and paw in the army was aroun last week for last visit with be boys betcre his trip overseas flfbe whole squadron wish him all the best and when he returns we Expect talk on all he has seen and done 1lrat will probably scare him from Well Morality night saw Smelever coming back year really get underway as each cadet was assigned to his own flight NCOs were given theirt the rst appearance flights and as squadron looked pretty good SLElllott our liaison officer from Camp Boren brought word that Group Captain Syme will officiate at the Wings Presenta tion Monday Oct 26 Parents and Awards Night Many other awards will be given cups shields etc all of which will be on dis play from the 17th of the month until the 24th in Oatcs store window In another week or so the 1953 54 recruiting drive will get under way Usually lasting about month the pressure is put on for week with the cadets wearing their uniforms to school and d0 ing everything they can to win the recruiting contest Every ca det who brings in recruit gets one point and the lad who wins gets an hour in the air Last There will be no Air Cadet pat ade next Monday evening bu Oct 19 will see complete re hearsal forth big night the foll owing week REAPRECRUITING in THE 0mm GROUND OBSERVER com Coch 201 Thornton placing scc at the Barrie Agricultural Society Exhlbl after an absence of 11 years Miss Bag thtI sinus 0nd lrst prizes in the dairy and dualpurposc heifer calf born in 1953 division went to Bet Tillman of Churchill Billy Coohrane of Thornton Don Bell Elmvalc Sam Srizley of Mincsing Don Brothel of Tottcnham and PatSy Jones RR try She was in fifth place in the chocolate fudge class and took sixth prize with hcr half apron Helen Smith took second prize in the canned tomatoes class and third prizcs with her whole wheat muffins and chocolate fudge She tion last week wereMlss Doris Larson left of Raymond Washington and Miss Mae Baggctt right of Salton Kansdsn shown admiring the first prize shopping bag ex hibitcd by Miss Jean Marshall 49 Park St and Miss La getts father evangelistic preacher who has been tra velling up through the States and Canada and daughter as pianist placed sixth in the canned rasp berries division Laura Andersons first prizes were in the novelty table centre and half apron 2105505 and she Mldand In the second prlzc group were Marilyn Cochrancuann Eleanor Cochrane Thornton Doc rune0r muffins class Margaret Goodfellows first prize was taken with her canned toma toes and she placed fifth in the whole wheat muffins the canned raspberries and the half apron First prize in the chocolate fudge class went to Helen Kenny who stood sixth in the canned tomatoes lscctlon Maureen Elphick had the best cannedraspborries in the Jun ior Fair and Margaret Smith took second prize in the some class and placed fourth in the the half apron went to Brenda Powell Loreen Johnston of Hawke stone took third prize with her canned raspberries and placed fourth in the novelty table centre and canned tomatoes She took lsixth prize in the chocolate fudge lclass chocoalc fudge Second prize in 0mm Barrie in the needlework section of the womens work division The brilliant flow or embroidery of the roomy burlap bag gelistic tour attracted the attention of several visitors placed sixth in the whole wheat on metal lathe class Chappcll who showed the best pro jcct turned on wood lathe an attractin wooden fruit bowl won top award and Ken Lloyd Whose large occan liner model was judg ed the best exhibit in the painted woodworking project division Bruce Chappcll took third prize in the wood lathe project class fourth prize in the metal lathe project and sixth prize woodworking project competition Beverley Cochranc took second prize with his metal 10hr projec and 11s wood latheprojcct and third prize With his woodworking project Pcter Hurdle RR Oro Station took sccbnd prize with his sheet metal project and fourth and fifth prize with his woodworking projects and Jim Miller took Secoml prize with his woodwork Brucc in the of Utopia placed first in onions fourth in late seed potatoes and oats fifth in baled hay and sixth in early seed potatoes Harold Pfelfcr RR Stayncr took first placing in the barley class second prize wit his sheaf of barley placed fourh in the loose hay class fifth in the out and eighth in the baled hay and Don Vancise RR Stayncr took first prize in the tomatoes second prize in the sweet corn class fifth prize in the fall wheat and placed sixth in the pic pumpkins Rodney Ralkes of Barrie placed first in the sweet cornand second in the hubbard squash and Mar garet Goodfellow RR Minesmg placed first in the parsnips second in the carrots and fifth in the on ions Other first prize winners were Morons LTD so mum Sylvia Kell of Churchill placed third in the plate of sandwiches division and took 42 fifthprize with her novelty table centre Belly Brown took third prize in the half npron c1355 and Carol Thorn ton RR Thornton placed fourth in the plate of fancy sandwiches section Industrial Arts and Crafts Ralph Price RR ThOrnton went home with three first prizes for his displays in the industrial arts and crafts section at the Jun ior Fair His end table took first prize inthe woodworking project competition and he also showed the best layout and plan for farm shop and the best project turned on metal lathe Other first prize winners in the division were John Dunsmore RR Barrie who showed the best pro ject made from sheet metal and Iplaccd third in the project turned WW lllllllll 5W John Bertram of 0m who placed first in the ensilage corn and fourth in the pie pumpkins Mrs Allan BrownRR Barrie who placed first in the table Swede turnips third in stock Swede tur nips fifth in early seed potatoes fourth in early seed potatoes and the baled hay and Margaret Smith and sixth in late Seed potatoes and Red Cross Alvards Badge of Merit To Ivy Principal Miss Grace Dunniil Principal of SS Essa has been awarded Badge of Service by the On tario Division of the Canadian Red Cross Societyfor directing Junior RedCross activities in her class roomfor 15 consecutive years On Thursday Oct Mrs Collis secretary of the Barrie branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society made the presentation to Miss Dunniil in her classroom in the Ivy school Mrs Collis was assisted by Miss Laura Lennox staff teacher and the officers of the SS Junior Red Cross Miss ing project Field and Garden Crops Alfred Kanis RR Phelpsfon Elwood Jerry RR Stayner and Thomas SmithRR2IJtopia were the top exhibitors in the field and garden crops section of the Junior Fair With firsts in hubbard Squas and pie pumpkins the Phelpston dislrictjunior also took second prizes in the cabbage and boot classes third prize in the Swede turnips fourth prizes in the fall wheat and tomatoes fifth prize in the carrots and sixth prize in oats and parsnip classes The Staynerl junior took first prizes in the fall wheat oats and sheaf of wheat cats or barley classes and placed second in the barley class and the young Utopia exhibitor had the best carrots in theashow and placed second ip the early seed potatoes and cucum tiers He took third prize in the cats intermediate or late seed potatoes and cucumbers He took third prizerin the dots intermediate or late seed potatoes and cabbages and placed fourth in ire onions fifth in boots and seventh in the hay competition Bruce Chppell RR rBarrie was another top exhibitor in the fair as was Maureen Elphick of win and Miss Margaret Cochranp After an informal address Mrs Collis pinned the badge on the DoririfLyODSfMiss Barbara Goodlotz$woyearold filly or gelding Rev Stanley Baggett is all rson traVeIS with the father They are pres ehtly vacationing in the Barrie district where they visited two years ago on evan Examlner Photo by ancro tomatocs and John Dunsmorc RR Barrie who placed first in tho cabbagcsbnd sixth in the table Swede turnips and baled hay Allan Brown of Dalston took Second prize in the stock Swede turnips and table Swede turnips and placed third in the early seed potatoes class and Sylvia Kell of Churchill placed second in pars nips third in beets pic pumpkins and hubbard squash The Churchill girl also took fifth prize in toma toes and sixth prize in onions Ralph Price RR Thornton plac cd second in lhe loose hay class third in tomatoes and parsnips and seventh in late sccdv potatoes and Ruby Leach of Shanty Bay placed second in tomatoes and baled hay and fourth in beets Other top exhibitors included Jimmy Kenncy RR Shanty Bay who took second prize in the win for wheat class Helen Kenncy of Shanty who placed third in the winter wheat Stewart John stbn of Hawkcstonc who took third prize in the barley class and Vital Vallee La Foniaine who placed third in the sheaf of wheat oats or barley Jean Johnston of Hawkcstone placed fourth in the barley and Gordon Wall of Midhurst placed fourth in the carrots class fifth in pierpumpkins sixth inrabcets sev enth in early seed potatoes and ninth in baled hay Martin Maur ice of Penetang took fourth prize with his sheaf of barley and Julien Maurice of Penetang took fifth prize with his sheaf of barley Bob Jackson RR Utopia placed fifth in the parsnips class and Paul Campbell of Stroud placed sixth with his sheaf of oats Kathy Price RR Thornton placed fifth in late seed potatoes CLYDESDALES More or Geldlgrs years or over McQuarrie Bros Corbetton Vince Baker Woodville Wre fordlfewson Mutton Fleming Elmvale Chas Halli day Chesley Vince Baker Woodville 23 FleminggElmVale AGRICULTURAL open Marc or gelding years or over Wrcfrod Hewson Malloh Vince Baker Woodvillc Chas Halliday Chcsley McQuurrie Bros Corbetton Ken Wray Schombcrg Twoycnrold filly or gelding Beattic Bros Stayncr Row bcrt Storey Elmvale Robert Storey Elmvale 4Harry Priest Mincsing Yearling filly or colt Beanie Bros Stayncr Harry Priest Mincsing Foal of 1953 Bcattie Bros Stayncr liar ry Priest Minesing Brood mare with foal by side Beattie Bros Stayuor Mc Quarrio Bros Corbetton Harry Priest Mincsing HARNESS CLASS Team Clydesdales Wreford stson Motion Vince Baker Woodvillc Mc Quarric Bros Corbcton Cnas Halliday Chcsley Flem ing Elmvale Team of Percherons Doug Palmer Schomberg Wilmot Shcu Sundorland Alex Fletcher Stayner 4W Reid Brampton Wilmot SheaJSun derland 3leam of light draft Vince Baker Woodvillc Wreford Hewson Malton Chas Halliday Chesley McQuarrie Bros Corbetton Ken Wray Schombcrg George Wright Elm vale Team of Belgians Kell Bros Churchill chfe Brewery Toronto $th don Walker Queensville Graham Barrie5 Sanderson Bros Shanty Bay Sheldon Walker Queensville Robert Storey Elm vale Fourhorse tandem hitch Wreford Hewson Million OKeefe Brewery Toronto Vince Baker Woodville Wilmot Shea Sunderland Sheldon Walker Queensville McQuarrie Bros Corbetton Sixhorse tandem hitch OKeefe Brewery Toronto Wreford Hewson Malton ClllllSMllllS 101101 BIG BAY POINT Reserve Your Date Now FALLBANQUETS CllltlSTMAS PARTIES No PartyToo smoll Call 35 womvpown TIRES INVITE DANGER Danger lurks when tires wear thin Play safe Shoeup NOW with new set of tires or re cap the old ones We stock full line of name brands All installation FREE cnosr suuoco SERVICE 224 Bradford Ph 5101 MONDAY NW 12 NOON pm There are excellent career oppor tunitlcs today in the Royal Can adian Air Force for young men as Mr Crew Officers and as Aircraft Technicians For full details on training pay and other benefits in your Jet axe Air Force see in per son RCAF CAREERCOUNSELLOR pl Barrie Ground Observer Corps In like Hilf MONY helps MONY Accident and Sickness plans will pay taxfree monthly income during accident or sickness No home or hospital confinement necessary No reduction in benefits for income fromother sources MONY Hospital and Surgical plans cover the entire family land pay per person up to $15 aday for hospital room for as many as 365 days surgical bills up to $300 plus anaesthetic fee ambulance doc tors calls in hospital maternity benefits andup to $750 for miscellaneous hosriital expenses such as XRay medicines sp ial treatments etc Emergency benefits include it to $45 for hospital outpatient expenses and up to $150 for home nursing expenses Also all polio expenses up to $5000 Get details now about MONY protection to fit your needs No obligation MUTUAL Or New Yoirx Tho Mutual life Insurance Company of New York vlllail This Coupon Today MUIUAL0F NEW YORK 50 Kill SI West Toronto Ontario Canada like further information on the from Accident and Sickness Province Yearling filly or colt 1McQuarrie Bros Corbottom Utopia The Dalston boy placed Therell be million and half tars first in AOV grain and beefs sec ln the pot when the World Series baseball series is completed But believe It or not there was tlmc when organized baseball frowned on the World Series and didnt want any part of It Occupation Date of Birth Americas oldest mutual grannyEstablished 110 years MRS WAGHORN PJIONE 581121 Strand mThe Badge of Service is awell deserved honor of the Red Cross Society and Miss Dunniil is one of the few district teachers who have received the award hayclasscs and carrots and fourth in parsnips and Swede turnips and the Utopia girl placed first in the cucumber and orfy seed potato classes second in late seed potatoes third Foal of 1953 Its difficultltoelbclicvc in View of the1 ircmcndous box office takings not to men tion the great impetus 1t givesto baseball thatithc World Ser vM and mangcls in onions ltgt rites was once opposed by the baseball moguls themselves The modern World Series as distinguished from primitive and casual playoffs dating from 1884 and involving American Assocuation minors was found in 1903 quite by accident Pitts burgh had won the National League pennant andeoston the Americanthat year The Playoff was drummed up privately as something that might attract enough paying fandom to pro vide winterfood and shelter for the comparatively underpaid talent of that era ttsburgh and Boston flung challenges at each otherand finally met on the eld of battle But It was an informal series didnthave league supervision much less league approval In 1904 Boston won the AL in and challenged the New fourth in cabbages and sixth in 100M Manager John Mc raw of the New lifork club to endanger the standing of my replied fl do not wish may sending amino minor Icague clu Result there 30 World Series in 1904 on Should know the background Its inicrostin The Na tion was the old established league the one and gully major McGrawsGianiswerc its proudest exponent its freshupstart at the time The American Mraws sharp and caustic asperslons on the AL wounded rbas rlague deeply Ban Johnson its president and ioper was up in arms Rather than precipitate ill estlybaeballil war the NL magnates reluctanll reed to an pl yoff ngalnsththc AL just to kceprohnsbn gqulet or new lancemu the sunflower My baptism 001d catch on with the Mo the tumultuous developed In reliant years when tboutimds Sutu 650110 millions marevlcw lton television or bollevrlifmeveut may prosv PWllrdlv thrust upon 919m ALL TRACTORS WINGHAMJQE waifcP For the first time in years no horses gured in the 27th annual North Huron P10wing Match held near here All competitors used trac tors Dr McMastermayor of Seaforth got in some practice for the mayorsplowing class to carrots JoeMcLeanRR Barrie was first prize winner in the mangels and stock Swede turnipg classes and placed Second in pipumpkins and fifth in tabe Sweddurnips and Bolb GoodfellowRR Mine sng paced first in the two ha classes Helen Smith of Utopia be hem laterat woulg placed first in the late seed poia toes socond inthc oats class and Ill AN EXAMINER Completely New Mctullcnrowrrcumsiw31 ll 20 lb Saw 30 10 Saw run up liull HP 2530 saw run in Fulbpowcrbperlillons in every position withoutjdlustment Firllyautomatlc starteundleiutch 0001mm oilfiempralures Susy starting lit all temperclues 2i =5srfT=7 WANT All6 125 Murmur honored teicher iwho then received the can is ulatlons of the 50 ils 0nd in onions third in the two present pp Elemlng Elmvale cans firTo $500100 IN VALUE TRUCKS or To $50000 JNjVAwE YERJ 02500 on Am USED flecLIP tmscbupouron GREATER SAVINGS CASH VOUCHER GOOD UNTIL OCTOBER 17TH AT DANGERFIELD Morons LTD 750 111110 11m OREGINALOWNER noon are Priorsiassgpof Less Coupon $5000 zaavttAoroitbsr Slim 54 i540 1011 51151 moldcoouflmg CLEAN AUTO 7REGPRICE $89500 Less Coupon irons tinlt5 $5000 on ALL use cans oviur $50000 IN VALUE $10000 ON gun USED TRUCKS OVER $50000 1N VALUE 72

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