Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1953, p. 13

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September And October Are Popular Months or Weddings mmmmmm My mom inet takeshiavidiinmd lold Hungarian melodtqi llN KOREA accompanied by of the band who put Qordmary band instrument to the VlGlila cello base via and p330 One musician Band Sit 2mm Relwho came critically from Hungary through Holland to Cut udzi can turn his hand to Ch no cello clarinet and saxophone Willi thual dexterity Durig me time the band has been in Korea it has played at lLBJl one engagement daily and ERCA amp mwmmm hair The Camp Borden CIth jThcres none so rare they Comparc Wilrl the Royal Artiller is JI old tum Gunner sang 4L5 Suit Iscnt certainly applies iii Canadian Artillery Barri flJA Wing tlzc Far Eu Straight 11 marit of =Cu2icl Bu vancty uutznc fur the gunk musxuzis now gv mg Concerts in Japan and Korea 5b Cunadiut troops and to prove it ithey ury the program with one more It has included every Illulilbl rhythm and Gypsy cau mmg mm dances to knew mow artt program zn IthSC gcmentzl and has visa had 3b US Australian and Nuilzkigidn well as Canadian units or 3513 til the The man who is responeible for oil this verso band leader lLt Hurry vlrugg v40 cImc to the fRCA from the Brtsl Army and has had the group under his Wlllg 33 wxs formed uva MRAND MRS WILLIAM SANFORD RAWN Mincsing United Church was the setting forthe recent marriage of Mr and Mrs William Sanford Rawn The bride lier Street Baptist Church Mrs Cumming is the former Mar is the former Ruth Frances Maw daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Maw of Minesing and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Allen Rawn of Stayner After wedding trip to Northern Ontario Sault Ste Marie and Michigan the couple Niagara Falls the Adirondacks New York and the Thousand Islands they will be making their home in Detroit will be making their home in Elmvale Hello Homemakers To live like king may have been the height of good living to the peoplel of past generations but we be lieve marry king of pygonedaysl have been delighted fol change places with you Years agol the royal cook hadloprcparo the foods in season Thcsc did not pro vide the hcnlthgiving foods nor as much variety in the menus as we can have in our modest homcs inCanada Little wonder the bar vest season wus proclaimed Thanksgiving We should be truly grateful for the modern packaged groceries we buy and the suretmethods of keep ing them On Thanksgivinf Day you may plan wonderful innef most of it may be prepared day before MENU hast Ham Scruba smoked ham well Place it inaakettle of fresh simmering water that barely covers it Add gt Vegetables suitable for soup libay leaf apeptpercorns Gallspice optional Simmer the ham See the plre ceding rule Permit it to partly cool in the water in which it was cookcddrain it and strip off the skin Cover the top of the ham Tullthy Brownsugar littledry mustard optional Stud it witmwhole cloves Bake the loci ina hot oven 25 degrees Everybody gets bitmdown now and tiredout heavyheaded and maybe by backaches Perhaps mic rim just temporary tone condition caused by excess acids and mstes Thats the timeto take Podds Kidney no Dodds stimulffe the kidneys and so helprestore their normal action of removing excess acid and wastes Then you feelhctter sleep better work better Get DoddiKidney Pills now Look for tie blue box can the red band at all dmggisla You can depend on Dodds 52 For Photo by Henry If Rookc MR AND MRS JOSEPH vIcARIIILR lZVIMING Signing the register following her recent wedding in C01 ian Louise Heath daughter of Mr and Mrs Heath of Barrie The groom is the son of Mrs Cumming and the late Hugh Cumming of Detroit Mich After wedding trip to Surprise Party Honors Mrs Whitmore for 20 minutes Baste it with choice of cup idcr pineapple or orange juic Dredge it with brown sugar prinkle it with grated orange rind Lower the heat to 350 degrees Cook it with out basting for 30 minutes For the last 15 minutes out into the pan pineapple slices Garnish the ham with the pineapple or raisins Mashed Sweet Potatoep Boil swch potatoce Put them through rich 01 mash them with potato masher Add tablespoon butter for each cup of potatoes 17 teaspoon salt little hot milk or cream Beat them with fork until they are very light Sprinkle them with grated orange rind Brussels Sprouts cups Brussels sprouts themwell Place them in buttered baking dish Pourover them cups chicken stock stock substitute or bouillon Sprinkle Boll them with 14 cup grated cheese Bake the sprouts in hot oven 400 degrees until the cheese is melted lIorvest Salad Cook 01229 minutes cups cran berries pint in cup boiling water The cranberries may be used strained or unstralnd If the former strain them affine time dd and cook for minutes lEcup sugar teaspoon salt Add the soakid gelatine Chill the jelly in ctrlc refrigerator When it is about to set ford in 23 cup dicedcelery cuprhopped nut meats Placeiin wet mold andxchill it until it is rm Serve it with may nnnaisc Pumpkin Pie Line pans with the dough Prepare cu cooked sieved pumpkin Combin it with egg yolks 23 cup brown sugar lgtteacpoon ginger teaspoon cinnamon cup milk V2 cutptcream teaspoon vanilla teaspoon brandy Add whites Whip them until they are stiff and told them iftto the combined ingredients Fill the 13 teaspoon salt to egg the pie shells cumintown niece IIIxVAIuct amour III otIAIIIv If Street blue CALI SARIEANI stuiidcml ton in size and weigggtn Tbluc cool outweighs all hm obest coal and Niohst service more 2461 VA notizm coat DEALER surprise party was held in honor of Mrs Whitmurc at her home 115 Worslcy St prior to her departure to take up rcsi dcnce in Toronto During the evening she was pro sentcd with Barrie Centennial souvenir plate as remembrance of her years in Barrie Those present included Mrs Banting Mrs Mario Mrs Mcw Duggauf Gee Mrs Taciuk Mrs Mrs Winters and Mrs Tascona moderate ovcn 325 degrees for an additional 30 minutes two 7inch pics Tea or coffee TAKE TII heated to one bay leaf and two pcppcr cums in it will be delectable project was to get people think appetizer sizc pieces of raw carrot and sonic mustard sauce mixedpickv lcs When the Thanksgiving dinner is served at noon therewill no doubt be an easy scrvrce andl tcrcstmg light supper menu Hearty cheese and bacon sandwiches with silo makes combination good special dessert cut the top of cantaloupe serrated fashionand then cut down every other peak ready to lift out Leave the knife ing 4A fireside dessert or afternoon early is made by using 6inch skewers on which is speared cubes oflwatermelon cantaloupe honeydew plumand mara schino Ginger snaps or filled oatmealcookics with tea com pletes the menu WHOS GOT THE SOAP The Diocletian baths largest of the ancient Romgn public baths time mm doing are always welcome For and fork handy to finish scrv snack for the guests who leaveI Makes steaming point with ticulur one the painting of flam Serve with basket ing in terms of design Some un of melba toast and cheese bites lusual and charming paintings rc aon mum tray to accompany lsulted and an interesting apprais baked ham should be home 181 of 1050 was 8WD bt MT Ben made brandied peaches match he Saturday evening ed tomatoes and Waldorf salad grapes Inthe afternoon the group accommodated 3000 persons at biggest Vton shops and creative ceramics Bflke the Pie in Elecmc 0V0 in the program and enthusiasm in all 400 degrees for 13 minutes and Info these was keen Toronto painters Applumjuice or sweet apple cider Chocolate cup cakes with orange worked the predous pro1815 Photo by Warner Bros 40 Craftsmen to Nearly 40 people from Simcoc County and further afield were cucpts at Blue Mountain Lodge uvcr the weekend of Sept 26 and 27 for the arts and crafts weekend spomorbd by the Simcoc County Arts and Crafts Association work in painting and sketching were on Painting Leadership John Bennett art instructor at tltc Northern Vocational School in pave leadership to the and skctcltcrs The fret exercise which he set was par mg sumac The purpose of HMS On Sunday morning the artists were asked to use subject matter around the burn for their work big but apple trees farm im plements etc found their way nto paintings Some showed in closcups of branches weighted with apples or wild was given more freedOm Some ulhile ofbcnadacandicd out to try something else which had caught their fancy In commenting on the work of tlIc artists at the nal evaluation crcatc als MR AND MRS JAMES DOUGLAS IIINTER Cutting their wedding cake following their September nup tials in Central United Church parsonage are Mr and Mrs James Douglas Hunter The brideis the former Anah Eliza beth Harris daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Harris of Bellevillc and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Hamilton Hunter of Ivy On their rctdru from their wedding trip the Couple will be making their home in Barrie Toronto workshops in CreativetCeramicsl Painting and Sketching Attract Blue Mountains session Mr Bennett said that he was happy about the results which had been achieved Real effort had been put forth and was on fairly high level said that artists are not competi with the camera but want to go something more than the exact likeness of subject into their work His wcckcrid pupils had realized this principle and Lirpugh emphasis on design line tune and He color were attempting to exprces themselves lelfl what they saw rcuuve ceramics The instructor of the creative ceramics group was Miss Eugenia Berlin Air who is doing interesting work of this kind in Toronto Miss Berlin is also in charge of the organiza tion and supervision of classcsin creative art for children at the Royal Ontario Museum The week end group used modelling clay to three dimensional forms Some made bowls some modelled still life forms othch made tires of human beings and anim Miss Berlin encouraged mem bers of this group to go out of doors every now and then to get inspiration for their creative eff orts She told them toobserve people and objects so that they could get better idea of how to attain integrity in their forms The experience of working with clay was new to many of those who attended They learned some thing about thepossibilities and dee wiser TODAY SUN LIFEOF SLA RATHBUN heresanewtaste thrill foryOujusttry cam antinncnmtsvnur on cereal Mmm Good II REPRESENTATIVES for Tommie HADl ith UNGHAM ill up with outstanding sculptressi Photo by Henry flonkc limitations of medium on storm forms so verer figure lNisbet of St Catharincs lwhiclr should encourage scould be accomplished Play Iurty play party on lcy of Barrie initiated quaintcd panics Ind dancing Other amusing Hilliards provocative and thought which allows the creation of three dimi Among the inter esting results displayed at the final iscsuon were little figure of lbnby lying on its stomach donc lby Mrs Rccvc of Barrie and pulling an llllilil linztry rope modelled by Mrs In comcmnting on the work ticl complished Miss Berlin said that orkithctc had been good beginning going ngmorc deeply into the art of clay tmocicllmg She urged those pres ent to stay with one medium con isistcntly so that the best Wort the Saturday letcning was an enjoyable feature iof the weekend Miss Louise Col got ac icd square games lwczc introduced by those presentli Mrs Hilliard of Flcshcrton led an inspiring worship service on Sunday morning part of the weekend always appreciated Mrsit messages were looked forward to and served as the basis for much discussion The hospitality of Jozo Weider and his family was cvidcnt throughI out the weekend All the facilil tics of Mr Weiders pottery vork Shep were made available and the ECth Since 11 Lcuduzg the Gypsy ensemble 15 Band Sgt Louis Banner who came from Holland There is IlLLl BETTER DRY CLEANING GUARANTEED iitxigz Wila placed luf all tlzc gunk tliu disposal Weekend GuLs Those who attended were MP il Iall Ed Hooper Mr anal iMrS Llcw Braver 3133 Gwen Fifi Mns Slttipoff William Parkmahlr and Mrs Corrr Mr and Mrs Gordon Reeve Schneider Bcrt Young and ill rcudwell of Barrie Zilltli district Mrs Wiiytc Slumg tv Buy Mn Robert mid Mm Copeland Elnilc 115 thl nu Mclizichcrn Stayncr Mrs Ruby Allen Collingwood Mi Winona Reid and Miss Ruth Brown Gtavcnlzurst Mr and Mrs Madt dough and Mrs Nisbct St Catharincs Mrs Vl Galbraith Sliclbume M155 Clara Hulsc and Mrs Lovell Oratrgcvillc Mr and Mrs Ted Burton Eugenia Mrs Hilliard Flcslrcrtun Miss Dora Purdon Bowmanvillc Mrs Hartman Miss Ackcrlcy and Mrs Paul Kalflcish of Will uwdalc ltle Rona Davies and Miss Helen Galbraith of Toronto Charlie Bone Algonquin Island and Miss Louise Collcy of the gtSin1coe County Recreation Spr vicc Barrie Mrs Lorway Miss Mary McKay and Thomas QfCollingwood dropped in for short visit during the weekend 11311 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Sinks Bathtubs Basins Toil ets Pipe Fittings Pumps Tanks Shower Cabinet Laundry Tuos Pressure Wat er Systems Oil Burners Fur naces Septic dc Oil Tanks Ask fbr Catalocue ShipmentR Delivered You Pay No Freight SEE Tliorough Spot Removal ODirt Gently Thoroughly Removed Colors Revived No Dry Cleaning Odor WRIGHT CLEANERS LIMITED 438 Dunlop St Barlow frnonatssr AND SAVE sv onusou PLUMIING SW STREETSVILLE ONT OPEN WED FRI EVE Register Now BARBIE Mucus ACADEMY Classes Fridays and Saturdays ST JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM Phone 9098 HIE MAGNIFICEN Niwvnnuu IN Cducdao Finest Sifvorpquo Istr llOGERS not SNACK Qvicllmd Shock gely 504 SERVIFE $7995 heltudirithis l847 page

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