Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1953, p. 12

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Fv emwh 10 of shrimp ny ml lvawom by the bride with Rev Lewis Debate Whether lthin feather headdress and Conducts Mission ExtraCurricular be re mu carrying ext Band Church Visut Acttvmes Harmful Owe To on The highlight GI the Witt The were 350 cmwmi meeting of the King Edward Home prescnr at the October meeting of lt reception followed at Hartlthe Coronation Mission Band ofland shm mm Kendal House in Barrie where the moth Collier Street United Church mm $3159 efgrefwzed er of the bride received in wine which had special program butltl tide Chow hours ng wearing navy acceesories and Earound Visit to the Churchl were FED deumenm 00m yellow roses The lwtth the minister Rev Lewis 66mg tlvoms mother who also received so mack and wearing wigiat as ggeinfoJlfgxlfouieg JUGglrEub 19180ng pmk accessories and corsage of 01 L0 do we lundlmwmr em nk r0365 llsalme Itr was acsgndgctecf by thewe pm mg com ti My For travellinx the bride wore icebamd me pawn me we um more beautifuime supplies etc and she feels that of you than autumn live in the with these added items the class wrong clmate During the cold Joby will look even more like and dreary days of winter donft regular primary room gggftggelg Eagglegfdgrsmi VIhose wishing to make dona but of the fall with its red and on may Mrs Gable Mt Wellington Street home the num in mdm aws and Thanksg gber is 4543 at meal times or Mr weekends with drives up through Murrav Iinlavson sccretarv of the the Bl Mouth gamma or to association at 3590 for further in mm and then it sezms that isjtormauon is the prettiestpart of the world Mrs Isobel Robson of the Allan Work and Worxhip Twins of both much aware of mg problems posed WOT SUN 01 RWY W001 Willi groups Maureen Moss and Anniby childrens extracurricular ac it red hat audiblack shoes purse Keargey from the juniors antituyiyicg and gloves Her corsage was of Roger File and Donald Finlayson xb had rEd roses imam Mrs Hunter from the primary The panel It acrs pit gporcd their points carefully and mill be making their home in Bar The wowed singwng wnmmuch cred was we them gm out action Do Your Ears Hang Low their excellent presentations Spo dmg fncgggd anti at he Mrs Ncsbitt told the cliil cial mention was made of the man dren ho to the rgtfutal10n MJ blade Mrs Frank Fumes A0 Dry that she was sorry ner in mm mmwwmw muwow You will seldom everemcct person from the other side of the world who does not appreciate the fine simplicity of the word fall There is wonderful feeling of safety and warmth in the feel of the fallen leaves of September and October scuttling between your feet as you walk along the street on an early fall evening and smell the Intoxicattng wind filled with the nutty odor of burning leaves even though they say they shonld be contributed to the compoet pic instead of the bonfire vou This iwcckend can find plenty to be thankful for just in the beauty of this Canadian coun tryslde where you arc fortunath enough to live for thc wondcrlul feeling of Halloween coming up and more of the crisp sunny fallt Gaye enough to last through until the spring sunshine How dale Dancing School always given part of the proceeds of the spring recital by her pupils towards project that Will benefit children This year perhaps after seeing how short supply of picture books there was for the children of King Edward School she has given two hundred and fifty dollars to wards the purchase of books for the childrens department of the Barrie Public Library This has been the second donation within short time to the department thci frst being the book truck givcn by the Venture Club and Librarian Molly Brown expresch gratituch for the muclnnccdcd gifts on bcl half of the library and Its yomgl rcudcrs The Ladics Auxiliary to the Air cine5 mu holding their tinif fircctzng of the fall season next monotonous life whom there was weande cyenlng October at no change of the seasons we think on this golden autumn day To try to give Bzirrics retarded children school that is as clean well kept up and attractive as the schools for the rest of the children of town smallcampaign furl funds to redecoratc and provich necessary articles of furntshingsi for the classroom in the old Kingl GcOrgc School has been started The instigator of the movement is member of the Barrie and Dis trict Association for Retarded Chil dren Mrs Gable chairman of membership who has taken on the job because she feels that the need to decorate theold classroom lS so great All of the general funds being raised by the associationarc need cd to budget for such vital items as teacher caretaker heating ctc until government grant is received The extra money is for blinds floor covering and paint Already Mrs Cable has raised nine dollars among her friends to help buy paint which willebe given to her at large discount but will still cost between twentyfive and thir ty dollars She has the promise of volunteer labor would also like to see decent drapes on the windows she adds an he association has been start mg little kitchen similarto those av ilahlc for Homeand school as socftlons so that rcfrcshments can be served at the close of the regular meetings There is little room in the old school that can housed for this purpose but the parents are badly in need of kitch en equipment and supplies and would appreciate donations of pets and pans and cups and saucers etc Eighteen cups and saucers have al ready been collected but about three dozen are needed Just to nlake the little school equal to the others in town is Mrs Cables aim The association Is very grateful for the wonderful response and generosity 0f citizens to the appeals for various schooli et Pep Vim Vigor Item Younger you gQSOvBODontbe mooninutull gt Oh nccdcd meowby bodldfb down laclung tron increases Vim um who and feel full of pm may uit being old Get Ostrex led ywnzcr all LL the tht Narozniak Yvonne button of $45 to the Society for Crippled Children The little girls have raised total of $135 for the polio fund by making and sellingsford who also accompanied the plaster of parts ornaments and bysoloist Mrs John Couch of Barrie collecting home of Mrs Arthur Wilson lnnisfil Street and members urged to turn out after the summer holidays 205 +5 Coldwater Weaver ReElected Simcoe County President The weavers of Simcoc County vcar at meeting in Goldwater on Tuesday evening Weavers from Orillia Stroud and Barrie gathercd at thch0mc Fred Brown to instal 1953541 xccutivc consisting of Miss Cool pcr who is also president of the Simcoc County Arts and Crafts Assoaiation and Miss Olga Mawds icy of Orillla who was returned to office as secretarytreasurer talk on good balance anddc zign particularly in stripes was presented by Miss Cooper Much iue workmanship in handwovcn articles was oni display at the3 meeting Hostesscs for the coffee party which followed were the ladicsl from Coldwatcr About 20 wcavclrs were present Miss Helenmne mam dau the AdkondacksMalne and Que for me meeting From Barightcr of Mr and Mrs Herbert 790 the bride wore Wine and ric district there were Mrs Jackmussen Nemeton Barrie wasblue plaid suit with matching hat Monkman Mrs Palmer MiSSI Florence MacDougall Mm Leslie FINE HELPERS WINNIPEG CP l2 and her sfster brought final contril Valerie GOLDENROD OFFICIAL Goldenrod is the ofcial flower in marriage and She was Waring gem of white Chantilly lace of more states than any other American plant BRIDES CHOOSE JULY record 17602 marriages were performed in Canada in July 1953 nearly 50 per cent more than June LARGEST CONTINENT IThc continentlof Asia contains 60me orgctacqmintcdz about onethird bf the earths cu tue land area Machine Accounting Service As outlined in our general Inepsage to Barrie business then in The Barrie Examiner we offer laborsailing automatic machine accounting efficiency on any accounting job Iplonr experience as accountants and auditors by far the ma iorlty of businesses keep records merely to satisfy the demands of the taxation divisions of Gov differences between bl and small business is the type of records erument Yet one of the main kept and the story and tuidance to management they tell Cost mounting is the protective of profitable operations Au humorous of their eyewhich keeps management informed machine Remington Rand have nude av totis accumulated experience of their own 2112 mutants and management counsellori together with solved man Acumen mounting problems in all types of business The 9th Band accomiting machine is veryversatilepnd adapt able to fit any system One entry of each Item posts all the related records with auto matlo ofrecordAllthe opera does Is enter amounts mdescppugm Theforcmost machine goes the rest of the work by Michigan machine accounting methods ne machine it uid the entire line of posting and automatically prints pro symbols tochow mechanical proof of correct posting feature that whuctlgettlnz better records and more MI to monument the cost generally only It little mum which wouldbe paid for manual boobieeptnp jg siseumstm co morons um IOSCS EDWARD SELWYN of the Royal Canad ian Dragoons and his bride reflected Mixs Barbara Cooperlllelen Irene Nettleton daughter of Mr and 35 their Wide for the commgiMrs Herbert Russell Nettletbu of 150 Bay ficld Street Barrie whose marriage took place onSaturday afternoon Oct in Colv 0f Mrsdlicr Street United Church here The groom the former WEDDINGS Helen Nettleton Becomes Bride of Edward Selwyn married on Saturday October Dobson and Mrs John Steele andjlgos at three OCIOCk the arm2 Mrs Simpkin of Stroud noon in Collier Street United Church Barrie to Mr Edward Sel lwyn of thcRoyal Canadian Dra goons son of Mrs Olive Sel wyn ofToronto Rev Ernest Lewis the church minister per formed the marriage ceremony Wedding music was played by the church organist Lloyd Tuflt gin the singing of Perfect Lovegt during the signing of the register Mr Nettleton gave his daughter over taffeta styled with portrait neckline outlined with tiny seed pearls The sleeves were long and pointed and the bouffant skirt fell in graceful folds into cathedral train Her fingertip veil was caught to chrome of pearls and he was carrying nosegay of cream roses stepbanotis and heath er sent by friend in Scotland Her attendants Miss Sheila Saw yer of Hamilton as maid bf honor and Miss Margaret Selwyn of To ronto sister of the groom as bridesmaid were gowned alike in blue and red shot taffeta giving peacock blue tune to the overall effect Their gmvns had halter necklines ritLtIght bodices and matching buttons in the front and were styled with full skirts and little bolero jackets Their gloves were yellow and they were wear ing bandcaux of yellow baby mums Their flowers were nose gays of yellow and bronze mums Mr Marccl Chouinard of Camp Borden was groomsman Norman Mauch of Camp Borden and Mr John Bell of the Meaford Range acted as ushcrs reception followed atthe home of the brides parents 150331 field Street where the motherlfof the bride received in silver grey French lace redingote trimmed with grosgrain ribbon with hat of purple velour banded with soft rose Her=gloves were rose and she was wearing ac0rsage of pink The grooms mother who you out nonaow A1 urea Iron mm canons ammunition and Mr Fuelbills nudical nits OWNSIGNATURE um 24 mounts 10 Itcww also received was in green taffeta chr gown was styled with full skirt and halter neckline and bo lero jacket and she was Wearing black accessories and corsage of yellow roses Leaving on wedding trip to grind nutmeg shoes and bag Honl corsage was ofxtawny roses gthcir return they will be niakinl their homein Mcaford where the groom an officer in the Royal taupe 008 dltSS Wearing 001 sleeves and skirt of tiered scal iCanadian Dragoons is an instructor iwllh the Royal Canadian Armour ed Corps Guests were present from Toron Ito Brockville Collingwood Mea lford Hamilton and St Thomas Ruth Frances Illaw 1Weds Rawn ln Fall Ceremony The marriage of Miss Ruth Fran ces Maw daughter oerr and Mrs lAlbert Maw of Minesing to lWilliam Sanford Rawn of Elmvale gson of Mr andMrs Allen Rawn of Stayner took place on Suture day September 26 1953 at two thirty oclock in the afternoon in Minesinc United Chruch Rev is Veals performed the marriage ceremony Wedding music was played by Mrs Joseph Bowman of Edenvale iwho also accompanied the soloist Mrs Ross Ronald of Barrie in the singing of The Wedding Prayer before the ceremony and 88 causc during the signingof the register Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown of French lace and white nylon tulle and net over slipper satin and taffeta the lace bodice styled with yoke of white nylon net and the full skirt of nylon net appli qued with flowers of lace cor onet headdress held her ngertip veil of nylon illusion and she was carrying cascade bouquet of red roses She wore double strand of pearls The matron of honor Mrs Gil bert Height of Minesing sister of the bride and the bridesmaid is the son of Mrs Olive Seiwyu of Tor City the bride travelling in onto After wedding trip through the Adirondacks to Maine and Quebec they will will be making their home in Meaford where the groom is stationed with the Roy al Canadian Armoured Corps Photo by Henry Rooke vellow baby mums and carricu basket formed bouquets of match ing mums James Maw of Elmvale was groomsman and the ushers wcrc Floyd Maw of Minesng and Lloyd Rawn of Stayner reception followed at the home of the brides parents where the mother of the bride received in married plum shade crepe wearing navy accessories and corsage of jo hanna hill roses The grooms mo ther who also received was wear ing suit of rust gabardine with black Accessories and corsagc of pink roses Later the bride and groom left 0mm leading mil Northern waltz lcngth gtwa ofivory chan Ontario Sault Ste Marie and Michigan the bride travelling in and black accessories and cor sage of johanna hill roses On their return Mr and Mrs Rawn will be making their home inElm ale Outoftown guests at the wed ding were from Niagara Falls St CatharinespeHamilton Toronto Weston Aurora and North Bay Nuptiols are Held For Anah Harris And Hunter Miss Anah Elizabeth Harris daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Harris of Belleville was mar ried on Saturday Sept 191953 at two oclock in the afternoon in reentral United Church parsonage Barrie to James Douglas Hunter son of Mr and=Mrs Hamilton Hunter of Ivy The ceremony was performed bygev Bew cll Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing ballerina length gown of white nylon net With feather headdressand was wcarrying colonial bouquet of pink roses and vhite mums Her attendant Miss Mary Harris of Kingston was wearim bal Miss Lois Mawof Minesing were gowned alike in shot taffeta in ballerinadengthwith threiquar fer length sleeves The matron of liquor was in rose copper and the bridesmaid was in bronze They wore bandeaux of bronze and Ytoday emu clothing or children Pairs for carorjlmme holiday expensesand many more N0 MNKAILI on you SELECT mum Nervous upset Yod May Not Know How MXouGan Feel until you make up your mind to look after yourself rithtgm If you think your trouble 18 or able then see your Doctor fora IT IS NERYES or all are doing job which makes catty doom on You New on enemy 913 with the icmc you know has prove it can help you4M Chade Nerve Food war amuse In well known product is stratifith caco five for people with Nervoux troubles It will help on to regain your vigor and big aspirin It will Itch to improve yourcnctg and good health you can your Work with minimum DI Cfmes Nerve lusta Motive to to omen forum night which might 131 WP 91mm but 59 People RESULTSIIN WEEKS 0851000 ockupat once oafteryour mm 1e Nor AC szIIArIvc HIM myouru tea at as 2mm den and other guests from To ronto and Bellevillc and rela lives and friends Loni the sur rounding dietrict who has become quite well known to the Mission Sanders Mrs Latter Day Saints Church Setting for Fall Wedding The marriage of Miss Florence Mabel Gill daughter of Perry Gill and the late Mrs Gill of Midhurst to Arthur lngraham son of Mrs Ingraham and the late In graham of Etobicoke took place In early September in the Letter Day Sains Church St Crair Avenue Toronto Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing ballerina length gown of white nylon and tulle with matchingi accessories and an orchid corsagc Hcr at lcnclant was her sister Miss Al berta Gill who ivas wearing ballerinalength gownof turquoise taffeta with matching accessories and corsagc of roses Douglas Lewis of Toronto was groomsman Following the wedding rcccpi tion the bride and groom left on wedding trip by air to New York while period on the country of the month Africa using little Afri can doll dressed in native clothes and many pictures of Africa to color to tell the story Rev Lewxs took the jun iors into the church leading them first to the pulpit and pointing to thclargc Bible resting there He explained that all the seats of the church were arranged in such the pulpit and the Bible We must start first with the Bible for it is the book that tclb us how to live good life and tell us the things we should do and should not do minister he said reads the Biblm for the people and then explains what he has read That is what you call scr mon Then followed an inspection of the table used for the communion rites and an explanation of the in scription on it This do in Re membrancc of Mc The chldren looked eagerly into the font from which many had seen their baby brothers and sisters christened by Mr Lewis and then looked at the memorial to young men who gave their lives in the last war and heard the explanation of the torch canted on it Pcople said Mr Lewis like to put pretty windows in church es He followed this up with story and explanation of the fi gures and symbols in the stained glass windows of Collier Street United Church After allowing close examina tion of the organ and showing them how Mr Tufford played the notes with his feet he led them through the doors which the choir uses to enter the loft to see the many pipes in behind the ones which are clearly visible to the audience Mrs Ncsbitt and Patty the re tiring superintendent and Lsccrcv Copenhagen suit with black accos surics On their return they will be making their home in Toronto KnappWhiting Nuptials are Held In Trinity Church Trinity Anglican Church Barrie was the setting for an early fall wedding on Saturday Sept 26 1953 at three oclock in the after noon when Miss Doris Emily Whiting daughter of Mr and Mrs Lorne Whiting of Barrie was to Charles Lindburgh Knapp son of Mr and Mrs Ster ling Knapp of Anton Mills Rev dePencier Wright performed the ceremonyand wedding music was played by the church organ ist Mrs Roberts Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing an original tilly lace over satin styled with mandarin collar and long pointed Corsage of tawny gold sweetheart roses The grooms mother who al so rcccivcd was in blue crepe and lace and was wearing navy acces sories anda corsage of pink sweet heart roses For travelling the bride chose bluegrey suit of Newfoundland cloth with black and Chinese red lopcd lace matching headdress held her fingertip veil of silk tulle illusion and she was carry ing cascade bouquet of garden ias ivy sweetheart roses and stephanotis with ivy Mrs James Horn of Niagara ontheLake was matron of honor for her sister wearing waltz length gown of champagne silk shantuntg taffeta styled with short Shirred sleeves low pointcd neckline and full un pressed pleated skirt She was carrying crescentshaped bouquet of bronze mums Aylmer Knapp of Willow dale was groomsman for his broth er and the ushers were Nelson Rayner of Markham and James Horn of NiagaraontheIake reception followed at Bay stairs Lodge whctie the mother of the bride received in an ensemble of coffee crepe and lace wearing furs and green accessories and BROADLOOM WALL T0 WALL BUGS In Barrie Every Wednesday with samples write to ItllMemoir Son THE BEST FOR LESS 84 Lappin Ave Toronto baby carnations After wedding tripto Northern Ontario Mr and Mys Knapp will be making their home in Barrie at 138 Collier St 8W rubilike that to get your Wash sparkling white Washing moire clothes clean but only Blue can make them lly wltifeScien tists have proved that true whitei mess is made up of all the seven colours ofthe rainbow and if blue is miSsing We turns to clingy yellow T113 why washingijregds gt that lastirinsit Blue to replace the missingrbltie rays and restone sparkling whiteness So put dash of Blue in the rinse water to get your wash really white And heres good news Blue is completely harmless to even the ncat of fabrics Costs just few pennies month to use too Yes for the whitest wash use RECIEBLUE lowdown INST BAD DrAChaseq Nerve Food contalnlrfg Vitami 31 Iron and other rial minerals is timetasted mula which helps to bring not only quick relief but constructive but ding 1190 your bodyand nervousystem your general allaround health and vitalit bit It should help you to sleep tot feel better look bet ter START TODAY to take Dr Chases Nerve Food on the 6wcck She II bittyrue Her PLAN WEEKS RESULTS IN 31000 To encourageon to carry through mm Plan and time enloy the warrant benefits we make this offer You mam be delighted with how well you fcel after taking ntull 474 or large boxes 1396 of Dr Chase Nerve and If NQQiretum diffraction mm gzm muhbmsoor tag carton pl mm rye ms in Witt receive Moon1mm the lbw Cltue Medicine mam 4r lure she 811328 that WINDSOR 001kng PAROWAX Wit1 Nb raygag the fashion that all eyes would be on jttiuihuarxt gar tum Lanna of 33th i$i Stonewall minor aunt Etckllnitwtnezar leave them and that Mrs Ronaldl handled by Adutt and grad Pile would be the new superinElcy tandem of the Missi0n Band MrSJinsued Gerald Quinn 21 new assistant lSmith called for vote The doci W35 immduced id 8130 ladklslon was in favor of the affirma generle discussion Principal lively bcforc tivc Autumn colors and October Allen of the Afternoon Wholthenms were very much in evf is going to teach the juniors fordancc at the meeting Membxs wore name tags replicas of leaves Mrs Ronald Pile led the Priwhmh had been skilfully made by mary Group in very active study the Pupils 0f 55 W3 k3r3 class the group that won the prize for the largest number of parents pres ent Thanksgiving and the attractive arrangement of the buffctpiwhere coffee and sandwich es were served at the close of the neetirig The president Mrs John Doh son called the meeting to order After the singing of the national anthem the members repeated the Home and School Creed This is done at each meeting in order that the full meaning of the rcsponsi bilitics and aims of the organiza tion will be fully understood by all At the previous meeting the program convencr James Popplc ton asked member what they would must like to hear discussed at subsequent meetings Parent ed ucation ranked high on the list and it was announced at the October meeting that the staff would under take to meet with the parents of their pupils for an evening pos sibly two This will give parents an opportunity to discuss problems pertinent to particular agcand grade group tary were surprised and pleased be presented with little gifts from the Mission Band in recognition of ther work After saying that it had been long time since he had been to Mission Band meeting Mr Lewis closed the meeting with short prayer accessories and corsage of red Poxcres 673075 BYWY WEEKLY tNFORMATION smvzce MONTREAL With happy hint of Auturnnin the air its just the right kind of day fora walk But walkiugs no fun when painful corn or callus has and frowning So take my Kl vice try new BLUEJAY Corn Blasters with Phepylium 1hatothe4iew medication that gets tinder your corn and helps push it out from undhteath the rst really new medication for cows and calluscs in over seventy years In actual tests Phenyliqu went to work 33 faster Worked 35more surely than any other leading remedy Easy to see whythree out of four corn sufferers say itLs the beefinews in years Youll agrcelask for BlueJ8 Phenylium at your favourite drug counter today StopfYou dont need to scruband Word To The you tense you In Do keep that salad habit even thoughwe are in into October You gather so many food values together when you serve salad itch only in what goes into thembutl If you are really wise woman iu the MIRACLE WHIP Salad Drossing that blcnds the whole salad together Tlicrcs that spe cial fsomclhing about the flavor rcsult of aisecret formulaicmod about its satin5111601511 texture that you cant ddin anypther dressing And meanjaw 6tEeI No wonder so many Women wouldnt dream of using 2115 Miracle Whipl wthint Family Now whereonee she had six Just thereame chafmmg them of mine always makes pickles every fall She feels that no home ismth without the fragrance of This is one of my friends most successful recipes Be on use the best inglediebtsv jPICKLING SALT HEINZ WHITE PICKLING VINEGAR KEENS DRY seal thebottlcufof course picklef cucumrtcuceasuceu peck megahermna two Windso in moms tons testimo ilkltettte In an Hallowecrm decorations were both included lr Wicmennlnlg slwould slfQYcurIeIIIIED yr with

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