Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1953, p. 11

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=l llamas Mills Irce 111 In dcmmmc Lltlamts Filmy g11mit Jinn1 lumbcr 1m 1mm suffered 31 1115711 Cilltiwalzt Wm mm ntzlrridl Barry md Mr and 33 free WHILE if As pcdnlc ttc Canadlnzts are if this Vilma during gurde and rmly Barrie Spent awa mg cu up mp km mu pa IAHRUd mt nearly as grateful 15 we 511mm Mdiv 1gt Pid HM1N mm 031 had bud can 11 Mn hurry szfml tlSlt n33 Mn up Lu In um 11 gt WA JJUMUI NWLW daughter The am3 am Back of the flour the mill known for her cheerful disposition Cb f1he Eu long Wm mere 15 0th expcrimce ngh Back of the mill the wheat and kindlv ways Last week Mrs tor 0m 30 Churchos helped substitute the worship 3ng the mower make up large congregatluns at ution 1f Goldwater rink for 193351 Itlblishul Frank Williams jutlltd trim ed uwav suddenly Imam jgfrlnxuidlEmaix lml 9111mm hm StimOn The linemen were in llIliI press rcpltSclllatlvcs 111 the titvia 11 lortlmn lltr=llun 05013 1m rm 113d Surge of the rink last your Mom of Hydra ICLIIIIIIIS at 11 fig Chme mg Nivnm Falls WA to Serve Turkey Supper lm Mm 525 um nest FCSW lltc wuznuns Asinc 1011 heldl 0n Tinnksglvlng Sunday do hW Mnald Culdvatcr and dimm Angllcnll united WMS Tm mm ll111 twang 11 Mrs 175 attend the church of your It n0 fun if hmms Naval MM Thf Ummi Chum W513 mm Uickirfsullls will rillKi WM choice as 13m and mm mm mum lLllll SCIVRC on 5311111133 The chll flex151g selvzcc and tea Will be amt Itml mil JIISWLICd by wholeheartedly in the up 15 Wm 590 hon lilmls choir mok 1111 11 Coltl the Sunday School room on 1112 smack mum we made fm Please consider LII but vice womip is mag 14 valcr cvclllllg it Oct Speuker will Sprung nuke sum mo that 1101 11de and pitywhcn parents by their in Dump the plt01 yen Second Cmp Blarkherrics lbc Rev Ross Cummlllg unmixrs Hf mt Canadian Club Mllhbm we Locking in the psalmisi wrote was 530 gwondey or he Gupcduorg par tamin mam my me uummn were for 1111 church Mrs Douglas 111 when they mid HMO me let hints would not lean compete IInbblin Ilout Luck tdifcussm alld reports were Wm fen gave the report of an execu into the ange of the ti he Sundav Schuol teachers Rzlbblt foot luck 15 belllgllllllt bv Mrs ANN md MW C001 tlvu mcclmg llcld 1n BIIIIIL and LORI If 38 homhomv 30 13 sneak of 199mm of God ed again 1n Coldwaier Mrs Craw cmltluclcd Thanksgiving pm have drifted 3W3 111 55 as Loving Heavenly Father All Md Brandon new mm at St Andrews Anniversary gram Im waging Harm 1m guendnnce at divine wor gum thanlgivu prmus mm 0m 1111 home and school meeting won Ar Agatn Mrs chklnson had PHONE 2931 1ulcwsllcsnylcllan Cllurclll ship now is it 300d me be isense of our dependence upon God 1mm my me hm Goldwater lzserved its 55th mnij mum AI Benm and Palme Drive Kin gund our faith in His cme Even INC53 Hum 00 Sh vermrv Sunday surnu mil mm MWt 7wrr E1 $111111 bov 0r lirl eallll slice passed tile charm on 10 13 lu dxlvi aRmv Many fume and momm wno SHOW whn also prelim mm 1LgtL LN nue Midland LOL 947 Presen $111 In irtshments 1n the Sunday School ands of miles of unfortifled border Ii wa gag 13y Rhwlslr dimriqm those aSSiSng With relch between us and our 300d The Womens Hospital Auxiliary The treasurers report was given Ml er 11 oron 11 the serum Lloyd Lemmby of the hue ighbors to the south Acmss of tile Royal Victoria Iiospital voted by Mrs IVICCallOII and show enlhustmm for the Orange Order Board of Ranagers mnved vote ll P3110 5931 Johnlylugpie Lglkgg ocean we look with prlde and at 1ts October meeimg on Tuesed bank balance of $81198 Sey lof thanks to the specml mlnlster rpg 51w Run Wv ca 1311 39125 Gaffcll Wm do gig Al ALF ll 111 gt gt of CCLSXO manually and glory in bcrng Ask Tenders Rink 1mg Buf1 41 Monday Had many for down punn can participate G111 and the late Mrs Glll 0f Mldhurst and the groom is the gxgzugtzgem lntsltiiogmiulgblllllec mm mm wh car nys th ova co 15 A5 individuals we Canadians was can be seen from Tablelson or Mrs Ingl ham and the Lite Ingmham 0f Embl Illllln Mam Street merchant 1n Midland The Church organist and 01 downmmnton him r112 mums mamas intake em ax533 2Palm Tries andrwmm meeting was closed Sclluol and church 3112 to ti Lord of Llirs wit 21 withdrawn next Suni the benedictipn Lumlf lilacs batt 11 1890 Wilt1 ltc lulzlcd d3 gurwm of anniversary by Mrs ward and IQZL ilcpc YGLillg Britons lie is crxxm 41 mum Mitts Dieting Past Master 11 SLIICQC Csullty km Sn vm Fm Tim 1911 tale male quartet as an and 115 Russell 3312 L111 the singing 11 Sunnig fannly and Mr and Mrs Foal forum Only 1111 museumJ By Nancy Cleavch ration Of the horrible atmo sphere of far of 11 dicatar to Day Saints Church By LOKNE LETIIERBY Fire Chief Seeks Competition Fire Cth William Beach has ed IIIL cvmperacn cf residents at Cultiwstcr and IBIIICI IlliriI nu Lnules 31 Alikrlkan dwelling in been pIUCIKISCtI What heme15 in you ltclltc an in 31 Aliklkm bl Humid Bum Lllld Vscckeilh ls 1110 32 var fires 112511 UlifxlV 1m Suzl tliln 1111 Card misneumsans In gt ll lies is due another handily nu me WP WI pm txglllilllll uf Fire PICVLflllwl Week when hm mnluclfd 41 1lzl day with Mr and Mrs 13m7 who numb can Lme mgeihey Perhaps we hive had In Clllcl Brach Clsllultclucd that only Cullen Strungvillc 12111 1035 senn Cununulllly Mr and Mrs Frank Miles1M HiltsIqu Nupnals lt ant lzlllrz ilil 11r nd the dill homestead for big liar MUSE mnwm we 119 Will 11 julllcd by his wlf lrzd Lt T130 many lrldividllzlis prose IIILS near pcllccl tcuzd tllr past lIlCL Too many women Tenders are helm well as men measure sumcm by CIJSIPI Max111 secretarydrumm lcr up to p111 Oct 13 for upur number 111 Cuillwulcr tudcms participated in 1311 fluid 111m LII Midland teach your children that unwed by 41306 gift comes from Gad IIaS gt 1111 URINE 11 dstlck The 13111111 your sun cl daughter ever heart every The Late Earl Kirkpatrick We lxicllu sytllpzlllly to tile lm1 lij 11 Fall KllkpilIIle New Fins cl materzulmnl threatens our spir you in any wxy VI your immutapmbk jun nil difference to church inur prct Freedom 01 Worship us the right to stay at home The lon Sluytlvr 111 Oct 15 The scc to ask 11m little child should often hear from this lllotllvrs lips that God is the blackberries 11ml All second c1111 of grew on Fosscrton hill Presbyterian WMS Irusbylvrinn Senior WMS met ppm Crezlinr of 11 tile bcntltv and the 0111911 reports Iltilty yamd 315 Nlmll IUIIM 10 SHOWN Mill feel no inncrurge to worship bc cm can 1931 311d UHdLr cause they have neglected their Ehmrd spiritual life do start back to church for the sake of small son James Jack of Stayncr Pros bytelizln Church who Ls clerk of Ada Presbytery Victoria Harbor and PortMCNicoll members of churcll prize 69th Beautiful Rag Mai Although slgllilcss Mrs Hill 81 Fessellon is widely Back of the loaf is the snowy our Hill presented COIdWllICl friend with another one of her beauti illllyqllzldc rug mats It was the 09th malt Mrs Hill has made this Cill lending bulh services The church was adorned with numerous bau quets of flowers for the occasion Al the morning service Mrs McPhce of Port McNicolI plesidedl God in His House on His Day The church service on Illanksglv lng Sunday as well as Christmas and Easter can be high OCCBSIOIISI in which both adults and childrenj vmw OVER WATER The sun and our Fathers will Copyright MR AND MRS Arthur Ingraham whuse early September twed 111g took place 111 Latter Day Salnts Church illrTOIOntO The bride is the former Florence Mabel G111 daughter of Perry On 50 11111200 mind Eucthuworthypurpom Nowyouanptthntudl Coldwdier who has been enliven illg meetings of the Horticultural Society with his helpful pointers and who recently attended his 60111 have much for which to betmnk lul Our great land is blessed wnh vast resources of field and mine and fOrost of lakes and streams Mountain in Newfoundland 80 coke After wedding trip to New York tlleywlll be making choir leader Mrs Lloyd Lethclby miles away and 1300 feet high thelr home in Toronto was in charge of music for the evening service Charles Orser of Price3 Corners was soloist and your auto ml Ind amply at Msrive It in onco fmnlm We are all top apt to take for BIRDWATCHERS 11 hem eveFV one dam 35 inlets were sung by Mrs Ed Heels mouh $11Mumrmm mum he blessings which have OSPIIG UXI ICIIy Ives WWW honored at Midland Wang PM and Mrs Morley Boyd of Drum been bestowed upon us Unlike litl Week Mr Mm W35 At the close of the pm service Emma With an honorary member ladies Of St AMYCWS fwd 119 1312331233233Silio2ToWard Purchase Oxygen Tent loyalty to our young Queen as she begins her reign day afternoon to give 300 dollars eral outstanding bills were ordered ltowards the cast of newoxygcn paid including the $10 affiliation tent for the hospital in the hope fee for the Ontario Hospital Aux Dlin recent 33 mm that other organizations would iliaries Association ands of displaced Person1 have make up the remaining 500 doll Mrs Sentlo Ball was appointed come from Europe 10 11111 ars necessary for its purchase chairman of the 1953 nominating new home on Ibis comment Tlle total cost of the oxygen tent committee with power to choose If We have done 0111 PMt 15 is in the neighborhood of 800 doll her own committee and bring in older citizens We have tried ars slate of new officers at the From the earliest days Canada Filter Centre These folks tvhn be neithbmly 101191 Miss Helen Shanahanllnspllal next meeting has depended for its defence large might be your next door nelgh families or individuals In our Superintendent had been con Tea hostesses were Mrs 1y upon Wholehearted civilian bors are giving an hour or two vicinity We have shown 1105 tacted regarding the need of mere Perkins and Mrs Kohlmeyer participation in support of military of their time each Week Md learn Ilium and getting IMV electrical Wagensteins at the 1103 dctcnsive measures T119 Ground 111g lgow to plot lter and doze our iueisperhaps we Him pital and the ladies were inform ObserVCr Corps made up of many or more extremely mtrestlng sang glimpse of the inse ed that as the hospital only own OC rOI ery of the residents of Barrie and Dis jobs One teamthat has no vac curity the privuon which ed one of these another would be trici is part of the RCAF whose ancies and hlgh percentage many Newcmidam have Suf greatly EPPIECiated After COD mission it is to guarantee the Air attendance 15 the All Cadet team fered We have freshfalli siderable discussion at the month Defence and Security of Canada made up of cadetsfrom 102 Monsa 1y meeting the auxiliary voted to Volunieered service in the corps Squadron Barrie These boys am give the hospital new Wagen is in the true Canadian spirit Tu in the Filter Centre every Thurs stein at an apprqximate cost of withstand an aggressive air attack day evening from 730 ml 900 or OPEN OAllvvro swumvno 12 law the lnformatlon to the chan ussmlmg vocalists and all mms incls that either identify the plane who had aldcd 1n the services hIlbhmllquang wkMd Eas TCA private aircraft or sus lpected enemy and appropriatene Etion taken At the moment there are vac ancies in the team working at the Sewing toys fashionsl 25 cents now ML If and em Andwh GEElectric Clock 211mg accuracme ormance lconv gt Mr McCarrOll W111 be 31011 for convenience You wind on Stimulate vs Canada 5111111195 Bonds we slippew pavement 11edlstinciivelyslyledGELullaby Only 95 llOWWOULDYOU LIKE FREE FILTEROuclsN With every demonstration given or arranged by Oct 13 we give ticket for free draw for brand new Filter Queen 159 dollars and to meet it with immedidteso having wonderful 111119 At the same time M135 Shanahan defensive action there must heing the special exermses 1n the had reported the great need for learly information on the strngtll Operations Roomu as well as us another new loxygen tent for the speed and course of all apploach ing other faculties of the 11 hospital At gawkthere are ing craft and to relay the infor ter entreethe kltchen and tho three oxygen tents but often mation to the military authoritieslnunge there is need for more which means that they must be taken away from those who need them for those who need them more The hospital auxiliary held its Trained and ready aircraft 011 An exciting weekend is being servers working in the Barrie area planned for the Barrle Area section of the provinceucxtend the near future that W111 ENG 111 from Lake Ontario onthe everyone an opportunlty t0 59 sne meetin south to South River on inqporth what goes on at the Ground 0b The Chance mA 39111131 10331028 11 Ixossgital wit spot any and 811 aircraftf1yin server COrps Well have mic Lifetime Mrs Roy Christie the president Phone to the Filter Centre located news on that event 111 next weeks on Dunlop Street in Barrie In the column Till then remember the Filter Centre trained crews oleiltel Centrt is Open 24 hours more volunteers plot the positiontday with Someone hand at of the reported aircraft OIL man times to explain what lts all about like table follow their coursclYoure welcome to drop lnf01 from other reports and ihen re visit and theres no obllgatlon in the chair Twentyseven mem bers were present Committee reports showed busy month total of 220 dozen ob stetrical dressings were wrapped in September Mrs Gablcw seviiug convener reporte 221 at ticles of sewing completed and considerable amdunt on hand to be Sewn MrsrFred Eplett announced the fall rummage sale will be held in TrltlliyParlsh Hall on Oct 24 She gwe out pllone lists and made irt1 Whennnmnkoln 111111111 mam beautiful MurielsBeautySaIO Will Be yawn this project when an henses auIost Graduate Course at the were paid She reportedi that Fricke had very kindly dangled soft drinks for the taggers ou sidcing the wcather which made $085lagzougogggketfngmgi mgr 15 EElllt if chine Or by hand Floatskirted mos pease WI to swish over crinoline doll capts fmm the waisted and demurer collared Two letters were rea Pattern 7133 has transfer and1 0mm Hoswal Auxmanes AS tissue pattern in Jr Miss sizes 11 in tank No concealer cloih filter id be regularly re moved and cleaned The PETER QUEEN method of separating dirt from the air stream is unique and in ahead Of my other system ulcer in household cleaners And remember only FILTER QUEEN has the dl storage cpaclty to go for weeks 111mm emptylng with Olli losing higlyelocity suc nail CALtTSSjWV 1101101111111 FILTER 911111111 SALES 0F BARBIE Phone ue other arrangements during the ait lt $33K Cameron reported on To OCTQBER 27 hagC151 WIiZIeShkllviri To enablerMmiel Jonnsmne to attend We 111 aryc NOW on stick No bag RobertFiunccyair Designlnstitute mm mm Make this new Jr Missdress lamentls only THE BROKERAGE FIRM OF WOOD GUNDY ling LTD mgnmfmff cgggfugggp 13 15 17 Size 13 takes 47 yards thevsetting up of 35lnch fabric SIZE auxiliary committees Both were Sim TWENTYFNE CENTS an with after the coirls fgr this pattern siampc can gigngf aivgenon noibeacceptedto The Ban1e Ex Letters of thanks for cards and amulet Housemld Arts Dept 60 flowers were received from Mrs Front St West Toronto Ont Print No Pitcher and Mrs FIett and Plainb NAME ADDRESS PATi letter Of resignation from Miss TEEN NUMBER and SIZE gt am comm MR MccARROLL Mrs Gable reported the purchase to sew embroider cmcheiprint announce appointment of waste basket and dust pan ed in the new 1953 AliceBrOoks WITH LUMINOUS for the sewing room and large Needlecraft Book Plus many more foldln table was being made by patterns to send for including Mr ray for cutting and pinning ideas for gifts home accessories as Sub Agent Of tlrir company for Bar ie andDistrict Even the most cxpcnsivc springwound clocks cant matckthls modernrlowepnced 1r car 112 UNTIL NOVEMBER 161953 Gm 90mm TRADE clonal TIRES FpliNEWIONG MilEASE pnlassmllna 511111sllnvlcla Ph9n33922 1he Bonds sell at 100 offace value until November 16 1953 Rate of Interest 304 Principle and Interest guman teed byvthcf Dominion Of Canpdu r111 110111 SAVINGST0 wdnx 110w Buycaused Savings 31311115 in anyamonnt from $5000 t9 $500000 THOs AnCARR6LL 1311014 31639 Vlslishneimm

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