Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1953, p. 10

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Wadrliu with theirmrnc mMmmVn by the WI mmmnmformumim mwmmwwwmmd villain mtymlmmmm mm poiiunlife 31 91909 thin annual MW of maximum is the mmm as Gods WWW 8mm the marina pl mm This com new 34 entirety melr mm mm 11210114 civilized peoples thrmh an though not alwa Own with mpc we lng fervcr and dirt 9909 who live in live cilia especially are liable to orator or izmre the Divine 1313 cf invest may llings intervene between our daily bread and in creative hand any of God gifts through ature arc malted We are an inclined to think only of the pm we ourselves have played and when so much to our 03m industry or enterprise that it is rather rare thing up armistice that 11 its in God we live and We and have car being lilo grater many soul could be con ceived than that Of people who rcgard Thanksgiving 21 I151 another weekend imi iday for stampeding to some wreaked pica sure pursuit Unless we are entirely incap able Of intelligent feeling this season re minds 115 that no matter how clever and cfficient we may have been and whether we live on the land pr in the city mg gifts of God have been the basin of all our gains and His generous Providencemhas been the background of all our blcnsinvn It my bit that the past year has not brought toimany Of us any outstanding blessing or that narrow and tragedy Or mils fortunc has struck many heroic servant Of God once said Rejoice in the lord al ways we know that all things work mgethcr for good to them that love God Life is an lntermlngllng of joy and sad new The happiest life is not all joy nor is thc 534149302111 sorrow There arefhcn two ways of looking back over the yearaaincc Thanksgiving 1952 We can dwell on the swimming 11m had mapping we have had to bearth grivarlces that an llnoyed and irritated us or wccan than of all the Martin for whichin spite of every thing we have cam for thanksgiving George aileron of Scotland in later life wrote this prayer My God have thanked Thee Mad timer for the miles but have never thanked Thee fur tile chomp teach me that have climbed to Thee by the path of pain teach me that my cars have made my rainbow There is much to brthankful for even on dark days Everycloud has zilver lining We must trust Him and do all the good tve can making the best of everything and hoping the best for ourselves 115 families gather together on this com ing weekend to partake of the warmdlfe of h0methey may pondcrph the human in gclitlity which has in this Canada of ours achieved wanders and by intelligent industry and enterprise developed great nation of the world But this shank not be mater iallrtic attitude Let us give credit to the generous work My lm from whom all blew imp flow The Skys ihelimit Moravillelp is forlhccming for the baby my We has published 11 booklet entitled 101811 81mm Igdiriribtltion among wide variety of young peopldr groups and womenlr organizations otllinz 15 left to chance In fact yu 13m It the baby lltern 50 command manta There are bureaux where baby sittcrllw young Oldmalc felnaiwan be hired by Naturally the applicants must be pMiy Willofolks baby must be well imnod the house must be clean and youre of the world if you can provide my padmotor transportation wand fro 11112511401113 has been made easy too church sillrted something when in 01 Clear IIhiwmnulldin Pont om Va Im Mvntwnl Iranian IlnB records would go over in big way with our baby sitter and with baby 100 mm both get big kick out of the burp in aperttion dam in music wuld surely be more careful with the safety kpins if tinkilng voice issued admdrlitians On the smbjetl Of course we might go the whole hog with visual aid through the medium of TV 32193me parlor can waterworks Johnnywinmme 01 mmwcanmuommdpanumw lam 531m enterprising recording outfit amid came up in series Of musical D65 and Denis for baby sitters With all the attention being knurled or Buy Ker2px this additicn to the modern familys expand 517 ing budgct there seems no good reason why mamas help Implant get instruction while III the job in an upwdatc and entertaining is Infinity be 723qung 191341 ccgre murstpalztms as 111m 1mm pr hour and tuning hi2 llmzziss biasing and he may YR 313515 meaningleis 81017 in fate the use is meanng mac of me 35d izcmcbenzible seeming tan and at gram Cd pure mm in mrrobcrzzes NIH It il grcfm and different fate God despotic and W335 $331661 speck 6175 demanding and lzfc is short bleaki 79 355331 mu 1m no mu 11 341 821 Ensmmr IMO iiONK an wrwww Bars Herr frimi source ct 121 attend the maritalle $22 faith and the beauty of daily livE Idamiay aiming Canal mg He is our Jay andVCmpanj CLxch Wrist liaising have wet ion our Inspiration 52431 greyhaired Aunt Lucy Or would It be too Wk God that at difficult to find soothing syrup manufac turer willing to rponspr nightly program just about the time baby is most fretful The snag would be in deciding when babies are mast frctful But there is little doubt the last word will try by There are name that get enough every other day Two trllrds 1h wcrlds 1790922 to bed mgr every night And that mans nearly two billion 115 Trch isnt person in Barrie will has not enough and spare And tinge who say they drrrit gel cmcugh could well af comc from the baby siticrs themselves Be ford to erc up their smoking and fore long we shall have 23 baby sitters and then well the skys the limit The hand thatroclns the cradle is the hand that rules the world OPINlONS Or 0mm Effective AdveriisingMediUm iSudbury Stan Anolm lrJlucntlal organization the Indeprndent Grocery Alilancc has gone on record as stating F112 found newspaper advertising to be its most effective medium and wzll spend more than $2000 000 for twice in Canadian and United States news paper in 1351 The Latlcrlal advertising rnanagcrof IGA told the annual ccnventlrlrl at Chicago that the organization has found uprofltablc to increase its newspaper advcrllslng budget each year It was not so long ago that the Ontario Retail Harvrar Atloclation alto went on record as saying It has Merl proved lime and time again that consistent newspapcr advcriirlng by all retailers help not only to maintain and improve your posi tion in tncmommurzity but provides the perfect medium 111 vxhicll to bring the consumers alteatipn ta the many cervical available at their local hard ware dealer The lcaaml 31 not 13rd lo nd because it is in arm that the consumer can read at his leisure and bring sale messages In the attention of other members of the family for their pcruyul inclusion and decision of neighborhood talk that frequent comment is Did you see theirad In to And it is not unusual for one new papcr to pan framhand to hand so others can see the bargalnc or special paler offerings in the news iilt cflmfurt of Ills own It is characcrLeic days paper pach ad vcrtlrcmcnts RecallsiFlrsilnk On Fingers Elmira Signetl The harm town recently celebrated its 100111 arlnivcrcary and the home town paper where we first 01 ink on Mr fingers published an anniversary It was grand accompllshmeni Orihy issue ewrpapers The issue pf 100 pages by WHO Barrie Examiner and truly by uni of Canada leading weekly r1 cucccrs Of the imuc was the Overall coverage by new and pictures of 100 years of growth and delici Opmcntlof community in all its brancitcs including its churches induriry sports education and crlii munin liiclibrouaht many hoursof keerv enjoy ment and revived memories which had grown faint rilquugllwtlmc helped gt113 relive some of those happy and wonderful boyhood days and recallcdvfaccs long forgotten Like thousands of others we are care fully preserving the issue to be read and reread and if an aniliVWQjlNu can dothat it it success ful Power to TaxTo Destroy 51Cuiilallnezl Standard It 21 llUIllm oroldf vintage the power iotax 411 iilc power to destroy Take the case 011811111 It The Ontario department of public Cronby Tllc crooner 11 reported to have the ill 11 rst inconmin lipilywood lie has been compclcd 111 OIIfl hi rcal willie horses etc for ale to pay 16111131llama1 taxis allowing rill tiling of highwifc ndvr 21 lama lawn rlnc 11 11 won Willi mptehensive manual Intended 10 prcmlmcd to have ilclcngcd in his wild and he was cermm that God is concerned lnxcdvccurdlnuly California also has sales tax and utaic lllcnme lax Cmaby is reported as lucky in hold hIli big ranch What is confiscated from 1111 holdings can only be conscated once It in 01111 IOYWCI in up camcmcnt of state politics No doubt in Culifcmilt we are people who youndly bum nnciaiivm III England but that great Milk is rumlmg clove Micond Big City Stuff Arrives WIllfIllIl lichoi Whats happened in Marion Whither lm vim 1111th that rustic charm We now have smooth ridenlirll bright lights palking meters and hero comes the lust sirawproferslonnl wrestling It is lumglcd about that name of our wiltedfame are thinking mrluuvly of going back to the farm to get away from the bigcity atmosphere 15mm Newspaper Rubllshed Monday Wednesday Friday um Barrie Ontario Clllldl in mm LIMITED 011 VOPruldmf NWR MimiOIMW canal Valli limnmn WM circulation Imqu Maul rim uniondrirkingf We are lelllam Ross Wallaceg at it through eyes attunedto lave and mercy we have been told in Nut luxurious pmpic in Southern Ontario Lei In flunk God for roof over our had and bed to 111 In Tilerc land winrel the homes have cn blown 11 bits bed destroy and the land devastated Korea 123 just bit 011111 of Ontario all winter is coming on Some of llem must be wondering whether liberation is worth the price 35 1qu for our good luck Perhaps iwe should ask our federal mem her what is being done to relieve dlslreu in that unhappy country lrlgi Ask your church WMS what you could do to help Let us thank God for liberty This is perhaps the most cherish ed possession which waxaan people can own If is precious to be able to go where one desires to do what one wishes to worship as ones conscience requires to earn oncs bread in job which is rai isfying to the heart and to speak the truth as it comes clear in the mind In the Soviet Union all of these liberties have been interfered with in thc intern560 the State since it enough for us just to be thank C0 which we had share in liberat our Hope and Crown Let 215 think God for Jesus Excerpts From Newspaper Pieces Of May25 1896 The other day Mrs 3mm of newgmp behind land Then the R650 far exh Rediscovering The Wonder In picture published May 25 1896icd doctrine of free trade might1 Some Lifes Good Gm lhntl have proper trial but that xlll The type was smaller than of the newspapers of today Eggs 9c 4c 10c llc to 14 large roll lie to creamer pounds 16c to 17 tubsfmonth from today 15C to ISO W001 136 to 20c rignmcnts solicitedJ YOUngfdyXesterday Produce Commission 71g1lld dollar piece It was found Front Street East Toronto Co Coal and Wood Grate Nut $525 NO Nut 54 Conger Coal CO Ltd Caws guaranteed Blight Bros 65 Yongel 14 pommines 85 05 5mg 52 Street Mark Twain at Pneioria London May 251112 Telcgmphl will tomorrow publish despaichE from Praetoria saying that Samuell Clemens Mark Twainl titltec the lmplsoned members of the armesburg Reform Committee Sunday ind lound them spirits There will be mourning an June they consider the whole more im123rd pormnt than tlle part We also be lieve that personal liberties must be exercised only with the inter ests of the whole Editor World Over hill dale through th bush and Guide fountain pens with carat gold pens $125 each fullyiog Crud 10 133351 and the briar the glad trumpets clarion community in blaste proclaim to all right think Farm WENbf WW Wam bit 383 33 ifmrmnim tawn 57 357 19 mSLSiVing 33 515 59 137 35 10633 immgzyn 1M 315 cumming czmmgs have some of time 2153 for 2w clanmu durum the came be this Lu he is the cure is man beauty his past couple gram cometU i=5 8003 AGmrr Ihenwrr is an mum of advancing an 35 Ctmmmi 0626b F=r1 121 511 congratulate Innth and purpcc God ara for us and life 1132 if Bilm 11755 picjay If he avmir of very wuhwhjiz Why 19 161 From my marinas historhcal slutl United CINIICI COIIIGI Under CIIIIICII Hand 03 God In duly elli min 1133 Because we knew 33 regardng Barnes luster had RE LEWIS MA BD And Betsyrzeracc trim he 11ml mute the day Jams Of Nmrctb LIL Cars of 100 main kmwm lbs 10 HA Minister Mkuki he 123150011 like 28313213421 Hi5 MtnEWN havf 35 31mm 10371 Organist Ind Cholrmuter LLOYD TUFFORD itc zompauma Our delivczer frum iimlar or date Organlsi and Choirmaster Wednesday October 1m 13300513013154 prns Sazmdavscuze mumth pay III amMORNIN SERVICE Idammim 313335334 59719 33 Thou crown The Year 50 an lrxorpomted town and mOREBG WORSHIP Thy Gd955 lb Suaggrd thr 5mm pans lThnkfulnas Drapcry of Life 1nd BCIIIYI xlo incorporated vzl Bmiidms CKBB THE CHURCH SCHOOL fin6all like 9H 310 151 mEVEVLG woxsulp 945 ErinJunior InterEdIIC an 3January near and the frst fiec Senior Departments The Crowning of the Year day Douglaicx we Klrkup of Gilford found yellowedgmercial proportions equal to Eng Come to Gods House on His Day pmEVENING SERVICE bc some tirne yet lmembcr to wait for the wagon Butter gmd to choice in lbsIas lorry will be here to carry llc to 15 tubs pails and crocksifree trade silly dogmas right awaw 1313 to Cont gentleman living at 42 Bev mMORNXG PRAYER Ihe best Butler in Toronto forfngy Strch 20c First class for 17 Jas Good Eggi ME Slug 14 335 fe pagiign EVERYBODY WELCO 0195 11131 iclded to 5191 i210 city to 100 Andms Pmuricn Join 90c ovcri mind But we consider that this 121g electors of this great Domin public interest must arise from the ion from ocean to ocean that pro is most cd from above Control from above 511mm t0 Young COUNTY like we Canada and will remain so until grass roots and cannot be impos too sadly bcccmes tyranny had thatgarb in our history and we Obtained personal freedcrn at great cost At lcrlst our fathers did It would be tragedy if the sons foxgot means Let us thankIGod for szda what that freedom Rccently columnist for this paper travelled in the Old Land and say many strange and won derful nights of all he said was when he got home And is it not true If you can Like your car thiswcekcnd and wander about the county af ter going to church cf course you will he treated to pageant the like of which is not found any other place You dont even need your car just walk to the out skirts all any town or villag and IOW8Td the nearest woods The last halfcf the 23rd Psalm 15 ap proprinic for ihlsscaron Ihou spreadsi table in my sight Let us thank God for Jam of Nazareth At thanksgiving time we see that it 111 good world wel live in Our cup 13 running over On chry hand there are beauties and marvels But we are looking OUI churcth ever since we were torn that God is love we find it in our Bibles Apart from Jesus it 13 not so There arcaspccis of natutcl and history that are not at all rc zlssurlng or comforting Nature by itself is purely competitive so ciety red in tooth and claw filled with atrocities and very cruel COLIIIER STREET BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP OF lNDEPENDENT BAPTISTSII Nullmeyer Pastor MUSICAL COPE But the best sight iecilon not free trade v1nAHARr AccoRmON UM1NLI vocAt 111A11O PIUerVANGElISTOCK gmi Mlmrd Lefnnl mm the 51 Hmmmxx at mgbreedmg stock have drawn 310 incorporation Oi Barrie Enacted 56 One Iime Sears Age 04 gimp Giube and Mail lions to be 112111 an the firs Mon 2r the polltlcal graveyard oneMn 30me not much Toronto May ZleTrislmm Shari3 ll0141 COMMUNION 200 Hayfield St REGINA ICPI The rnonzhbf 23 Or CHASES KIDNEYLIVER PILLS toms POPC AR IORONTO C9 bpczr re 13 Tasman 31m the disarm Shelia Wm gramme him we mgfgrccord cntry Vol tile tiny the Rilin Winter Pair in 12 Wag was me rim my at Canadian auctluns II Wham 303 at hfs nunseifa father 101111 LOCAL mum 299 Dunlap St 31m max 1am The Only native Canadian rat is VI WV slave bum Hed wow mun the west known as the pack Repair emodc lug Storage and Cleaning Rellnlng Oct 291 special act pl 185 estblislsed VAEREN MacLEAN SUNDAY OCTOBER II I953 rm GM SUNDAY OCTOBER 11 1951 11 n1nNursery Beginners and HERO 50800 Primary Departments 945 1er mkw 51 CDS pmTllc Adult Bible Class attain population with mn8hm3 mm of January mm Meantime rc TRINITYACHURCH In MINCE WEIGHT leak FREE METHODIST somebody lost 11 AntSruhv School and Blue IMOSunday School 1100 and 730PREACHING REVIVAL SERVICES OCT 1325 Class Axmy 130115 Pmch Every Night But Sat at pm ml REV SHEBBING SUNDAY 11 ML pm Cm PmEVEXEVG SONG REV 11 MRS 11 ROTZ Preuhcr TEE BECIOR Evangeliqu and Singers BURTONAVEN Ui UNITED CHURCH Minister REV EUGENE BEECH BA MR HAROLD DEMPSEY Organist Church Owen and Wmxley Sis 8117 JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister 1m ANGUS ROSS Organist and Chomter SUNDAY OCTOBER 11 1953 Thanksgiving Services 915 amSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 amBEGINNERS man 11 am MORNING wonsmp He is Thy God that 11th Done for Thee Great and Terrible Things mannaEVENING wonsrm And the Gold of the Land is Good Holly Sunday School pm SLRDAY OCTOBER 11 1953 11 am and pm Thanksgiving Services TllcvMilnister at both services 11 amIHE CHURCH SCHOOL Thanksgiving Music by the choir and ut lt IAKE Crawford28 Co Est 1919 MYMBEHS THE TORONTQ STOCK EXCHANGE Government Municipal and Corporation Securities 91 Dunlop Street Birrie TelephOne 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Wires $111111 MlniSlcrinl llssociulion 11111111156111116 511Rva CENTRAL unlrsncHUROll Monday 11 MI SpeakerRavi Pike MusicsQM the COniroIChoir EVERYBODY WELCOME 391101311 31111 CLASS EvglNamcand pm wn$lillmlt mfg The Salvahon Army 60 COLLIER STREET The Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR MRS MILLS SUNDAY OCTOBER 11 1953 11 amIIOL1NESS MEETING umSUNDAY SCHOOL Thanksgiving Service gt Holly Communion Service 11111 Givg Thhnks Unto The Lord for He is Good zz1 FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH CLAPPERTON ST AT WORSLE REV LUCK BAV RD 800 pm hesliay Eveningl Min PRAYE MEETING lMISS CLOUGISItlifEY Or niat EVERYONE WELCOME waszgladwhen they said unto SUNDAY OCTOBER 11 1953 me let us go into the house of the 950 tumSUNDAY SC LOrd 15323 33 All Ages HOOL 11 mm PRIVILEGE or THANKSGIVING pmNIGIIT SCENES Essa Road Presbyterian ChmCh AINT GEORGES cuuncu or mauve ALLAN ALB MOTOR Rev NewtonSmith BA MILHOLY COMM NION ll ampMORNING PRAYER APOSTOLIG FAITH cannon my 11mm SUNDAY 11 1953 Sunday School pan Benton up PASTOR BUTcamsoN Mid Week Devotiqn Wednesday 130 cm Vrfha gqgscn$ REV MUIR BA Imm PBA RV Mlnlsi Yougare welcomc MB FRANK 0mm DkY SERVICES SUNDAY OCTOBER 11 1053 045 ampCHURCH SERVICE 11 luneNursery Kindergarten 11 am fThe Feast of Thanksgiving kmTwo Ways to Thank God Iime SERVICE Brgpdcast overCKBB Everyone Welcome vi Anmatedmnn the was or so mugsIEnJMRME 11113111133 mm SUNWIYQ BER 11 71953 FULL 60515217 IABERNACLE liiIIIIII all It 711111 111mm COLLEGE

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