Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1953, p. 1

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1112 Earrirfixaminrr WsWm Ivamufummsm us mammalian unann Mum haw ram Serving THE TOWN OF BARBIE ANDCOUNTY SIMCOE Since l8 89th YearwNo 116 clash cm lurva cm LWJGA an Audit luvNA l6 FoggyTwo In BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRlDAlf OCTOBER I953 Band For Prize New York Trip Joan Sarjeant nounced as the tw nd Dave Armstrong havebeen an arrie District Collegiate Institute stud ents who will travel to New York next Friday to be guests of Radio Station CKBB at the first all Canadian music concert in Carnegie Hall They will make the trip with the radio sta tion manager Ralph Snelgrove and Fisher band dir ector gt the collegiate Town Council Briefs 00000 All members of Town Council were present for the special meet on Monday evening with May Iames Hart presiding and Move Eldon Greer In the chair for the committee of the whole meet ing to discuss the Gray Coach Lines traffic problem Add Bibby was in the chailrfor the meeting to discuss the Agreement for the rental housing project The lgwn sollclfor was asked to check to learn if lane exists be tween Tiffin strtct and the CNR llaCItSrCfellCd to as Block street The property committee Was ask cd to arrange meeting with representative of KolmarWilckcns concerning the property required by them No action is to be taken at the present time to change the office for the Family Court Bylaws authorizing the construc tion of sanitary scwcrs on Donald Street 321 feet from Boys Street to Boys Street and on Rose Street 653 feet west of Peel Street to connect with the sewer on Peel Street for servicing the south of Rose Street only as local rovemenl were given two readings leen three readings at the council meeting was Bylaw 1901 authorizing the mayor and clerk to issue deeds for certain lands sold in the Town of Barrie Those properties concerned were lot on Eugenia Street sold tolJ Cunningham lot 13 on South Cum berland sold to McChesney 101517 and 18 on Eccles Street SOld to Mrs Nancy Houlihan lot 17 on North Cumberland Street sold to Thomas Holmes and lot 17 on John Street sold to Mrs Edith Oakcs Bylaw 1905 to=r peal Bylaw 1553 regarding par ing meters was given three readings The bylaw is to repeal any other by laws not consistent with Bylaw 1897 Topranking maulch of the Barrie Collegiate Baud who wcrc eligible for the prife trip New York offered by CKBB were determined yesterday Bruce Pop plcon oboist compiled 430 out of possible 500 Bob Liv ingston trombonist obtained 421 Both these student musicians have won scholarships al the Toronto Kiwanis Music Festivals George Renton baSsoonist was third with 406 Joan Sarjcant first clarinet ist ranked fourth with 3135 Both of these pupils obtained better than 89 per cent as promotion mark last June Suzanne Walls ranked fifth with 382 Sue is pianist this year with the band and very promising flutist Dave Armstrong ranked sixth with 381 Dave is also first class honor pupil and was mcm ber of the trombone trio that play ed in Chicago with the band last December Other ranking pupils outside of the top six were Don McKinuon Lenore Bowman Tim Crawford Carol Beaver and Porgy Adam 3011 At 1230 today Friday Leighton Clarke chairman 61 the par ents advisory committee and gen eral manager of the band made the draw at the studios of CKBB for the fortunate two who receive the trip to New York The top six pupilswere present at the time to rejoice in their owu or their fellow members good fortunte Artists appearing in the Can adian Music in Carnegie Hall concert on Friday evening Oct 16 which the winning band members will attend arc Lois Marshall 50 bhe Westminster Choir directed by Dr John Finley Williamson Leopold Stokarwskt is the director The program includes Anti phone by FrancoisMorel Pam tomlmc by Pierre Mercurc Vio concerto by Alexander Broth abuhTabuhan by Colin Mc Phee Coronation Suite by Hea ley Willan and Two Mystic Songs from John Donne by God frcy Ridout The students will fly to New York on Friday at noon returning on Sunday They will attend all functions in connection with the concert Will Atlpnd UnVeiJing of MeniOrial 10 prano Noel Brunet violinist and Plan Of Playing eld Presented lo BDCI Board rough plan of playing tlcld for rugby and other sports show ing trackcluse to lhc Barrie Arena was presented to the Bar rie District Collegiate Institute Board at its regular meeting last month Cockburn Dalton Ncsbitt and Douglas Kettle of the teaching staff in the physical edu1 cation department approached the board to discuss the matter After discussing the layout 3116 other details it was informally dc cided that the secretary Fell would arrange meeting witl lhc dclcgulion and the propert and building committees of 1111 board and representatives of flu public school board to study thn proposition as suggested It was suggested that possibl the Canadian General Electric Cl might move its fence slightly t1 allow the track and field to placed so as to allow more roor al the rear of the Arena New Agricultural Building The tender of Les Bertram fo the erection of AH the agricultura building at the school was accept Turn to page fivc please Simcoe County Wlimens Institutes Open Area Convention Here 0d 15 Home Economics and Health Resolutions will be the theme of the 28111 annual convention of the Womens Institutes of the com bined districts of Simcoe Centre Simcoc East Simcoc West Sim coe North and Simcoe South that opens in Barrie on Thursday Oct 15 The convention will be held for bulb days in Collier Street Un itti Church here and it is exurct ed that there will be large num berbf delegates from each of the five districts of the area in attend ance 3Presiding over sessions will be the area chairman Mrs Ot taway Also convention officer is the area secretary Mrs Douthwaite Stayner RR Distinguished visitors and speak ers will include Mrs Purcell president of lhe Federated Wo mens Institutes of Ontario from Fort William and Miss Anna Lewis director of the Womens Institute branch of the Ontario De pahlmcnt of Agriculture Mrs Ottaway will preside over the opening morning session on Thursday when reports of var ious conVeners will be presented and Miss Lewis will address the delegates Registration is at nine oclock Presidingover the Thursday af ternoon session will be Mrs Charles Miller lst vicepresident of the area and Mrs Lane of Goldwater 72nd vicewpresidenit will preside over the Friday morn ing sc on ursduy Program Followinglopning exercises at 1952 convention will be read Fir ancial statements and the auditors report will be given and reading of resolutions will be given by Mrs James Bell of Goldwater st AMONG Tuosuwm be present as delegates at the unveiling of memorial to missing Canadian and other CommunvIealth airmen Wholostwliheir llvcsin the second World War at Runnymedednnglahd on Saturday Oct 11 will be Reverend Lighthourn DD rector of Sbgrhomas Anglicanghurch at ShantyBay and Anglicanhrchdeacon of Simcoe County Dr Lighthourn was3eniorProtestaut padre during thewar Hleaves Shanty Bay on Thanksgiving Mon 111$ day for 0tlawarom wherehe Will fly to England anTuesday morning Other delegates W110 willth the unllmg by HeMajesty Queen Elizabeth include AVM Brookes fojrmer commandingrofflcer at the RCAF Station at camp Zorden who resided in Barrieduxtngthe war and AWM McEwen alsoa former Barrleiesldent Bothwere wan time commanders of the RCAEfsNo15quber Group The shrine at Runnymede was built at cost of more than $420000 in memory of mare lban20000 Commonwealth alr metir Of which more than 3000 were Canadians who lost tb 1r livesinthEuropean Tb firehcf Win All those com memoratedhavenokncunauraVesu 950 am 3Rcports of convench begin at 005 according to the convention schedule The first converter re porting will be ers Hogan of Orilliaf Convener of home econ omics and health Mrs Ma and Miss Anna Lewis will give James Hart of Barrio will if1 ficially welcome the delegates to the county town Addresses will be givcn by Miss Louise Collcy director of the Sim coc County Recreation Service and by Mrs Eleanor Hurd dircc tor of the nursing services of the Simc0c County chillh Unit The main speaker for the after noon will be MrsJa1rjcs Walt of the Canadian Association of Con sumcrs Soloist on Thursday will be Mrs Bruce Cumming of Barrie The muscum couvener for the area Mrs Hand of Strcud will present her report at this session talk entitled Glimpses of Yes fcijfbar Friday Program The Friday morning program will open with assembly singing at 930 am followed by reports of the historical research and cur rent events committee given by Mrs Charles Newton of Barrie Some duublc vhosc bodies were recovered from thcmuln channel at Honey Hart morning provincial police are invcgtigating It is expected an inquest will be bold circumstances of double tragedy Bodies of Orillia RR left the Recover Bodies Men Drowned At Honey Harbor surrounds the two 11155101 drowning Wednesday into to of Fred Raymond and Barney Cope cog 33 Honey Harbor guide were rccovcrcd iriIO feet of lfront of the Dclawana Inn by Eli Lamoreau stepfather of Copccog According stable Jock Shepherd of Waubau shone the two men were last seen alive Saturday night when they beverage Delawana at closing time Constable Shepherd cog was reported missing Monday Tuesday check of car which had been parked near the Dela wana disclosed that Raymond was the owner and that he also was missing Provincial ropm ITICII Ontario the water in Con of the said Copc couvcner and the citizenship and byMrs Dirbin of Toronto on education committees given by Mrs Ctanston of Stayncr coun ty converter Mrs Purcell FWIO presi dent will speak at 950 am and an address will be given later in the morning by the Simcoe County librarian Miss Elsie Dunn The election of officers fdr the coming year will take place at Charles 1105 3111 on Friday Following the opening assembly singing at 115 pm on Friday af guire of Minesingwill report next on the community activiities and public relations activities in the branches throughout the year and Mrs Smith Collingwood RR agriculture and Canadian indus report on tries convener will branch activities in bitese fields Lader of assembly singing on Thursday morning will be Mrs PaWrie The president will give her ad dress at 1120 am on the opening day and an In ViMejnoriam service willbe conducted alt1130 am Assembly singing will openjhe Thursday afternoon 3655101131 115 oclock Al 130 pm Mayor Concert Artist Cancels Iggy The Barrie Continuity Com cert Asaoeiallon has received word that The French punish Samson Fruith who was It appear here in the opening con cert of the season on Oct 29 cancellcrl allNortb Amount an alignments The executive the local as sociation is meet tonight to consider suitable renement from 30110105 ot outshndim musicians offered by re Cub unblu mu The artist whoa 13th Miller session directed by county home will be the final pro gram feature before open discus ternoon an address will be given sion and questions 930 am ThUPSdBY minutes of the Probation Detention Rehabilita tion of the Female Offenders in Ontario Report of the resolutions com mittee will be given by Mrs James Bell followed by solo by Mrs Miss Kaethlcen Galbraith of Goldwater will give report on junior work and the junior girls Miss Ruth Shaver economist Bag SDATIPcrtriclges in Three Days at Temiskaming istrating fund for their assistance 19 Talk Turkey for Thahkscivingl Almost 250 Students Register1 ll BDCl Evening Classes Totals Icg11pllfgtEight Courses work bccuusc Everard Harris ls Organizing Sutherland Fund In connection with the loss sus taincd by Mr and Mrs Jamcsi Sutherland of Vespra through the recent fire Councillor Everard Harris of that township or organiz ing help for collecting and admin as they lost everything they owned including clothing Paul Fisher Barrie Red Cross administrator has seen that the young couple and their four chil dren are equipped with more cloth ing and will lend assistance to the unfortunate family wherever prac tical The purpose of the fund is pri marily tchelp finance the erection of foundation dwelling on the burnedout site Labor and forms for pouring concrete will be sup plied through the genbjosity of Stan Excll Barrie building c011 lraclor of 100 Penelang Street who employs Mr Sutherland It is hoped that an excavating firm in Simcoe County will assist by starting the project with lame ment excavation beforfcThc season is too late The goal in mind for those mak ing collections for the Sutherland Fund is first lb finance the cost of materials necessary to put in basemeht dwelling as soon as possible with first floor sub DIOVLII fill flooring and wealherproofed for the winter Il No Publication Next Monday Resume Oct 14 Monday October 12 Mini Thanksgiving Buy mm holiday no edition of Bu ric Examiner will be whilst ed Office and punt will be closed all day Ofce will be optn as usual from to 51 for business tomorrow Suturday Regular publication of The Examiner will resume with the Wednesday Och 14 issue This will contain all the usual fea tures of the Monday edition and uptodntc news of town and county at that time Papeng Honored at Kiwanis Club Too many 111 this present age are Night claSSes opened thitwaek at the Barrie District Institute and enrOIment as of registration night witch will change slightly as classes eat 11 dcrwny indicated total of around 243 pupils The first evening of the program we on Tuesday night and at that time there was conslde like in crease in such courses basic English where the registration figure was doubled Enrolment figures ilIC as yet incomplete in most of the other courses too Pupils registered in eight comm this year two of the scheduled classes cooking and drafting being cancelled because there was not sufficient registration The fact that the night school registration is considerably down from that of recent years is due to the fact that the Barrie District Cullegiufc Institute Bdhrd cut out four of the courses previously held and also perhaps to the fact that lthcrc was 21 raise in the fees Classes in art basic English chemistry for nurses leatherwork meter working sewing typing and bookkeeping and Woodworking are well filled this year Twcntyeight art students regis growing up not knowing h0w to fcred on Sept 29 and Oct for two they have never been taught how in their youth declared Cowan Jr bf The Petcrborough Examiner first vice prcsldent of the Canadian Circu lation Managers Association as he addressed the Kiwanis Club of Barrie Monday when the theme of the meeting was Newspaper Week The newspaper boy has been to have much better cltuuce of success in later life than the boy who does nothing in his spare time Mr Cowan declared This is not just because of the fine training he has as news pupcrboy but because he l8 the two of boy who knows he has to got out and dig to make succe of life Life today has been deprived of many of the duties which helped fill boys life in the boyhood of his audience the speaker pointed out There are no wood boxes to no ashes to sift in this modern age At the same time parents with more money than the parents of that other period are altogether too prone to hand out cash in generous quantities As result the dangers once restricted to the sons of the wealthy now beset great mass of modern youth Trouble Will Adults Mr Cowan upheld the modern boy and girl The trouble is with the adults he declared Left to their own most young people will prove themselves But in many cases parent spoil their children When he was with the circulation staff of large Torontodein be found many of that citys wealthy men asked that their sons be given jobs as paper carriers for the train ing received in Mr Cowan notonly dealt with the newspaperboys training but he also outlined some of the pro blems they met during their bus iness activities Parents he warn ed must take sharecf the respon sibility in training these young business men But he pointed out the results made any such effort well worthwhle The newspaper stood behind the newspaperboy the speaker said as he told of attempts on the part of occasional customers to do the young business man goodscir culation man must have the in tprest of the boys and their future at heart Mr Cowan said as he voiced praise of the workufsuch men across the country Never underestimate the sales power of youthkMr Cowan said asbe told of some of the amazing results achieved by them in such causes as blood donors and other appeals At the same time he pointed to the many opportunities of travel afforded these boys in various contests Guests For Dinner Ken Walls was chairman forthe program Henry Vanderbeek and Norman Clarke lookedifter the singsong Head table guest was Judge Thomas of Brad bridge currently presiding in Bar tie for he nonjuryAsltllngs of the Coupty of Simcoe Court He was introduced by Currie QC Specialguests wlBob Chittlck sales manager andHarry Cooper plant superintendentct The Barrie Examiner KeyCIubbers from the collegiate were Gary Cpldwell son of Kiwanian George Caldwell and Bob Carter Selected guests were carrier boys of The Examiner Roger Tomlmson Blaih Tyndall Stan 1eyWigg Bob KenhiEEWIIDOuslas Bibby and Michael Murphy The speaker of theeveninzvas introduced by the and thanked on behalf bfth clubby Machorrison Mr Cowan is culation director of this and reformso dgily paper dini locating Bengvillumdto 311038 audiceWw C1ubs himand Canadian A1131ch classes which will be conducted by Thomas Mitchell ARCA and Mrs Bowman the latter teaching beginners group and Mr Mitchell teaching more ad vanced students Last year there was registration of 47 students inart In the basic English course only 20 students registered but it is estimated that this number is well on its way to 40 Last year 44 students registered and there was later increase of almost 20 Basic English is being taught by Law and Mrs Stewart Bell As the class at the Royal Vic toria Heepital School of Nurturing small this year there are only mule student nurses enrolled in chem istry compared to 15 last year Heatheis the chemistry in structor Forty students registered for leatherwork and there are two classes and likely third will be formed for beginners in the craft and more advanced leather molars and carvers Mrs Kenneth Cav anagb is teaching the advanced smut and Mrs Cuckbunggts instructing the beginners The metal working course has an enrolment of 15 to date com apared with 28 last year The shop instructor is Powell 01 the collegiate staff In the sewing courses there ish registration of 36 students com pared with 74 last year Three classes in sewing have been made up the beginners being taught by MrsDouglas Kettle of the colleg iate staff and the more advanced students by Mrs Margaret Gillan and Mrs Welham Thirtynine students have regis tered for the typing course ap proximately the same number as last year and there are 37 students taking bookkeeping an increase over last years enrolment In structors are Donald MacIntyte and Douglas Kettle both of the collegiate staff In the woodworking course directed by Robert Sctuton there was registration 9E211 students compared with 23 last year Classes than on Tuesday of this week and will continue throughout the fall and winter months with an fopen house dis play in the spring The Lost Column THE LAST FIRST By 11m WALLS As it is anticipated that Scotly will return next week from his fortnights furlough iin VHalifaxi am grabbing this last opportunity to write the Lstolumn card arrived from Nova Scotia address ed to The First and the rst in formation from te naval officer was about the cange in liquids he was experiencing Next he wished tokuow whatme the paper wascoming out Our tenor bad inc answer for that any Mr Taylor cannlly turnaer on bow hard tlieyj wage working down by theses and ipitifully1 suggested that he would need It holidaywhen he gof back to two weeks ago todayl Hamilton and rst 01411 ra Bill former er in Barrie Bill knit mens wear store Royatc and end to Gannon nuvmwme and bit SW11 of Barrie hadlots of luck and showedaplerttu or skill with shotogun Built lifetime thegmemortailicontafns 52 chapels each Willi theibaltlgeofthc various yanllzuexAlr Force squadrons ln lm scribed outliercpuperedcultngr willrm tho 9am

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