Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1953, p. 2

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Sunny and Cool 153 mum lower H0 llirllidnlliiebililneggrkm am be lly This Mom Mr Pastor felt that his criticism lwas entirely justified butlie did loot think that that condition exist Following monitorlit woo of sunny walker change tune on Sunday with rain nod it bu mined cool since but mostly runny Yesterday uni my the wind kn been no therly our strong Last night wuquitocoolwithatnuil of other but the WW iirol and theistimaton had arisen dill not go below early my gthrough sheer luck understand patio our troubles upon in at Hr roster Humor boon mom in our use attire grim Square this would not 1o some up Police Cm Williams chalrmmsoi the slines requirements under anything cxcoplt exceptional conditions sbowed that busts did not need 10 lbs in the town sqpare any longer itharilfl minutes Lullaby Pur ml United Oct4 II Oct at oclock Auspices Wom llMlB ens Missionary Auxiliary 313115 RummusaleEssa Road Pres bytrim Church basament Salon day Oct to Auspiccs Evening Mural etc swam Want the email Pm Wm 75 Entries Now witb the Rational Gallery for Cram mum is sponsoring 91 interestm lms on at and exmtwew 1mm in Louise Coliev is as Momma from me 1mm 91 ll 5mm mmbgf any with emanation and cm The committee in charge of the mm 5mg mm plans letter 1le mm the 90 Mr Beaver Barrie has done mini$10 Febmaryt Venues considerable work to make thwart mg action on the part of the courts Gumman We Special band med scrious traffic problcman mad loading and unloading Later after Mg Eaishayobemm $055 had been dme the mmrind painted voluntarily by Jack Wests have been mods County Arts mo County Art Show iwliicli will be shown on the 21le gm km to Ant 3mm which is hooded by 1W Balm by as the Gray mad but Well Which Painting may beliunx Wlsman These were paneled at The square ha not bccn uncle direct control or under any com 0mm ed today study of the coachth mnknta bad writicn again demandZ m5 mmnmnp Hall Got Ausotm Thornton L01 Rm Bully gum Admis sion lt 115 WtWAue holding bamr mid ta in tho 88 Room at the mum Church Friday Oct 161 23m iiinave Rum ale Central United Church Simdny School Room Sat 11W Och 17 auspices Jr WA Docter am Dancing ovary Fruity Aim Gates and his orchestra tibc original Dc Lauriers Orchestra Beeton Arena mu 1131f Barrio Citizens Bond Booster Concert Roxy Theatre Sunday evmint Oct ll Witch to ur tbg announcement 109m Homemade bake sale Saturday morning Oct 10 at the Barrie Market Auspiccs Mldburst Home and School Association 115 Mixed dancing every Friday and Saturday at Pine Crest miles north at Barrie on Highway 27 or miles south of Elmvale Music by Replaces 106mm Anniversary scrvlcw Utopia United Church Oct 11 Services 11 aml Rev John Silvester 730 pm Rev Burton Hillsdale 11116 Rummage sale auspices Ladies Auxiliary to Lions Club of Bar rie Saturd Oct 17 at am in 4100 Temp basement 41 Collier Street 115118 Mr and HIS James Leonard Strand will be at home to their friends and neighbors on the occa sion of their 100111 year on Kildare Forms on Oct 10 or 11 from pm to pm and evening to 115 Tim Grcyvmcelluron Aberdeen Angus Breeders Assooiation are holding their annual sale of 10 purbred and 25 Females at Walkman Sales Arena on Thursday Oct 15 1953 at pm All bulls sold eligible for 20 premium up to $75 Stewart Cooper Secretary Mark dale Ontario 115 itsiial 11th wk Aberdeen Angus bulls Auxiliary Doors open am 11 Rummage saw aupiccs Ladies Auxiliary Canadian Legion Oct 23 Legion Hall Owen St Doors upon pm James Dunneu converters 115118121 Micrnoon lea bazaar and bakci sale in Eastern Star rooms 171 Owen St Wednesday Oct mm 3530 Auspiccs Boyvlew Chapter No 105 Tea 25c 01 Seeks Solution Parking Issue Conunqu from page one much for using that ground was not questioning the prpposod bylaw 10 bur buscs from parking in the square but rather suggest ing that the motor bus today which has been recognized as axvcliiclc of public convenicncc had as much right to the parking space as pri much consideration in suggesting that the coach lines provide their own services He added that merchants did not want the terminal away out on the 03130 of town and appreciated the buses bringing tourists into town Admits Justilird Mr Foster was sorry that there was some justification in the argument but he felt that the Gray Cach could make consider able improvement Any movement of people or vehicles causes con gestion he pointed out and it can become concentrated and dccon centromd We are taking big step aving the subway to try to to away automobile traffic irom down town Toronto but not cv rybody can do it He suggested that the bus lines be allowed to drive buses in and out in controlled area He did not know whether it wasnt just gsbad getting buses out of lane woy into the street The angle parking of buses should be no hazard if they pulled up the way they should and with single park ing on the other side of the streei he felt that there was still quite an adequate travel portion As osthe buckingin of buses was concerned he did not think that the Barrie situation was any different from that of Huntsville Orlllia Toronto Niagara Falls Chaiham and other centres He thought that the traffic plan was excellent but he asked that provision be made on occasions to have space for buses reserved He was asking for trial on the situa tion Volume Increased When the Gray Coach Lines lo cated its present terminal the vol ume oibusiness was possibly not quite as large as it is now admit ted Mr Foster and he expressed his appreciation of the fine at rangeemenls ihcbus lines had bad in the past afid tlie coopiation the company had enjoyed With the increase of business and jibe making of Barrie rather focal point in the distribution of pas sengers it certainly had added to 11181 number of coaches in the neighborhood of the Market Square buthc did not know whe ther that in itself was too bad situation gt He wasinclined to agree with the adVerse criticism of the oper ation and use of public lands that had been brought to his attention some months ago and lie was of the opinion that the bus linehad been having coaches on the Mar ket Square and street that should have been parkedaway in the back of Collier Street on their own pro perty He hoped to rectify it to very marked extent He said that the Gray Coach had the situation of coaches coming from the north and south into Bank at one time and naturally wltvhBarrie as focal Point the Gray Coach tries to make the coach going from Barrie to Mid land rPenetang and Owen Sound available for passengers going frgm north and south lliis does mean quite number ofpassengers he admitted Normally operations are done on the south side of Collier Street im mediately in trout of the present terminal but for coaches coming from the north if was convenient to use the Market Square thereby winds Oct listiisrWr losing portion of lbclievcd had icctritly come undoraitmtlon lllt control of conucil admit the poor mans means of convoy ance he stated and as public use of the highway or parking parking 13 vehicles parde there The two werc not uncommon at the and of cupying onetenth the space wen thosc automobiles pointed out the morning at Mlnetb P0331 but frost wusocn only thin morn in on the bills Mostly sunny and cool today with strong bx the prospcct Temperatures were 1in Low 63 36 51 35 30 land which hel Oct Oct Public Convenience Perhaps you cant blame us too He truier owned cars The bus is what you might call vehicle makes the most economical He had looked over the area at the municipal building that tiny and had counted space coaches parked in the square oc giving scrvim to just as many as Gray Coach representative He suggested that with reason able omount of control it would not be at all unfair to grant parkihg area to public transportation veh icle vllh proper control and pro per supervision serving people not so fortunate as those who had cars Without wanting in any way to suggest the proposed bylaw was unfair he said that he thought that under sound supervision public vehicle should not be denied sonic tliing that privately owned Veb icles had gotrivfl The Gray Coacli was trying to do good job here in the Province of Ontario The number of people moving across the highway for interchange was something everybody was in volved in as people on one side of the street bad to get to the other side He asked that the same cousider ntion be given to vehicles per lorming some service to the people as was given to people driving their own cars Holiday Weekends Deputy Reeve Greer asked if it was necessary to liaue all buses pullinto Barrie or could some by pasSlhc town itig iristances on holiday weekends and Sunday nights when there was great deal of transversing of the street by passengers not interchanging My Foster replied that some coaches with full loads were not coming into Barrie but from theirans portafion angle Barrie was pret ty important point Barrie has become n1ocal point of redistribution dont think its bad thing for the town At times on weekfand holidays things had got litilehectic but he did not consider that traffic was half as hectic as on another corner in town little bit of traffic congestion is healthy sign Empty Parking Area Reeve HeberE Smith stated that in the past three years unoftwo three four five and sixbuses had been parked in the town squar while the area behind had been completely empty or occupied by ing Reeve Smith asked if it was not is common situation in Toronto and oiiier cities when public vehicle were not dischargingwr picking up passengers they were parked nfll the street Mr Foster said that any criti visn is to unnecessary parking was entirely justified It shouldnt have existed wont continue to exist it iwont be ignored It will begivcn every Requests Provision Aid Harris asked how much provision the coach lines needed for parking Mr Foster replied that he did not think that even in the busiest time should be any more than three or four buses there longer than 10 minutes if the town square be came paid parking area and the coaches asked the town for an area to conduct operations he would feel fee was justified but if nobody else was going to be lcbargcd he did not think they would be charged either Has the station outgrown the service it is tryinglo do today asked Aid Williams and Mr Foster replied No Situations such as had been arising in Barrie August or the first of September but everyone had forgotten them by April next year Congestioniscommon gentle men have travelled frOm Gru venhurst neck to neck and been held up at Washago for an hour Alderman Williams asked in how many towns comparable in size the Gray Coach had been permitted to park as in Barrie Mr Foster re plied that there WCICAIOUX such centres in the province mission there in immedime amen iter the one used with soccer by 13 mmmm the Newmarkez Art Club =s relerrcd to the absolute abuse by the Gray Coach Lines of any priv ilegcs legal or otherwise they may have in regard to par log and loading and unloading of buses Alimany hours during the daytuses had literally blocked the entire area west of muni cipal building They bad vio listed nonparking regulations by permitting buses to obtrudc iiito the travelled portion of the street at their station The commission termed this grave traffic condi tion The road here is lost road for throughwrafilc from highways No 11 and 21 stated the committee chairman Hr statedihat buses rolrudlng into the travelled por tiort of the road and backing up held up traffic and that there had been lot of complaints lie adl milled that the coach lines usedl great care in backing out buses but that lot of people bad ob jetted On the other side of the square there was the some hazard Greet Board have one bug road and one on the other Lots of times instead of parking on this side of the road they could have parked behind the building Mr Foster felt that any traffic held up by buses could catch up with people blocked at the next corner lie did hot think the buses were any greater delay than stop light Deputy Reeve Greer suggested Ald Paddison asked if the Gray Coach had made any attempt to acquire lzmd to park buses off the street in Barrie or if the coach lines were considering construct terminal large enough to park busss off the street dont know where was Mr Fosters reply Permission To Park It was moved that the Gray Coach Company be given permis sion to park three coaches for limit of not more than 10 minutes at time on space parallel to the American Square This space would be re served for them and they woulg not have permission to park an other place than Within line marked off on the square This motion was tabled think we ourselves brought mix OWL tinnitus 10 stun mu pastelblue Pyrex Bowl is nolw packed inside every Gian Size package of Princess Soap Flakes This smart utility bowl is guaranteed heatresistantCollecl complete set Bowl ofieredfree so youll try Princess Ihe pure soap flakes that wash your clothes fluffywhite yet are so mild they can actually be usedin babys bath Today get the Giant Size Princess Flakes omh the free Pyrex Bowl inside Hotel on Market See Its WARMFLOOR Hoot mimosa on my Furnlco lets IN the floor Need mbasement Auto nntlclno fire tending cieimtnouiny fuel no arbor Exclusive Coleman futures fuel move the heat to keep the flours rowm 9299 brist uuhLvi 722 that limit on buses should be tables Not allowing driver to park here ball an hour was going too for be stated drpa iraltic committee on Oct 19 1111111111111 1111311111111 ruins 2944 most attractive cover for the icoialogue was designed by Ed Hooper oi Barrie and executed through linocut by Mr Beaver lThe same design has been posters which will soon make their used for the motion setting time The Gray Couch Lines tramc rtment will met with the ICE CREAM CANDY 22 nunmr STREET WEST mobs 1562 Ioor Forum gm wt $19350 Low Down Payment EASY TERMS nmm mums 11HEGE DAIEvDIPPER ovum naturist 1111511235 to small frequent Washes for scorching and sterilizing for diapers baby clothes tin gerie riace fabrics and woollens Removslne WSEDWG SAVIMJ WEEKLAKE IOIIEIIISM ow ups stomv uvcv smut ms SPECIAL 15 oz Tin 25 SPECIAL 20 oz Tin 33c SPECIAL REIOUDOUS swim pout our HIT COCKTAIL wit GOLD FANCY Ems 33 Arts VIE For TuAuxsoiwvc MAPLE LEAF SPECIAL murmur am 35 snow BIO mm FilllllS 27 French Fried PBIIIIIIES 25 Green Orange iii111115 mfzo 11111511 mm srniiwnmms Cu Mm Cosh cuoxcs LONG ISLAND IIIICIIIIIIGS 45c FRESH GRADE 110111111 11111 39= ALSO AVAILABLE CHOICE SELECTION circuits mails4 11111111115 ATTRACTIVELY PRICED ALL POULTRY DRAWN FREE OF CHARGE Grade ROASTS CIIOIS STEW 111MB in BASKET 35c 19 Wow may Six Delicious Flavours CBEAM Priviimtick Cut Cull CAPE conzuo 1EATMOR BRAND sv With gleaming all white finish Splash proof tub sturdy wringer with finger tip safety releas heavy pressure balloon rubber rolls self tilting drain Ilume and ONE YEAR worms communism 11bcsLLoBAo CALIFORNIA SWEET mime man QTOIIAYIIIIHIES GEORGIAN BAY CRISP JUICY TEE combiner withinany otherfeui durum APPLES uvvmhi ONTARIO snow wmrr Moostupor Wm WPme mp3 poumxo mpg CALIFORNIA mm mm Powerful quickcumulus inimil gt 6119 Amqvmw Large Lovell safety wringer balles Efe Cllv a1 planners kvanabie without 11min ppmn stanvtly for thevbig weekly wetsit sheein ModolMMO Itogulory $21900 SPECIAL FALL slur Monmouth siandard Regularly $19900 association 519P11Pef ix $1791

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