Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1953, p. 8

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NIAGARAQNWELAKERe coolly the WM premier of On tario stood co the site of the first purlth held in this provincc and paid tribute to the man who established it in 1792 John Graves Slum the first Governor of Upf per Canada Premier Frost spoke at the unf veiling of monument to Sirocco and his wife here in this first prol vincial capital and cradle of ling lishspcaking Canada Now gardemllkc town of 3400 pcoplc Niagaramuthclnkc had its hour on that day when parlia ment opened on Sept I798 long bolero the town was tryparsed by tho Welland Canaland by history Appointed to brim the pruVISr inns of the Canada Act of lTEll into reality Governor Simcoc Limwd zit thi garrison town in 92 to find that his new cordial insisted uf only two llUUSES and some soldiers barracks in the little clearing hewn from the wilderness But ulrcody hc envisioned populous country whose heart would be the run1 stitutionai parliament he had lurch soul to iiiziugumtr lrinive m5 TM Thu ipcnmg of parliament ll this littic Vcsiminstcr was as man prcsuvc as primitive Conditions would permit The ccrcmony wan hcid at the Governors rcsidcncu one of the buildings cmnprisinrz Navy Hall formcr naval station Thu building still Sllld on tho bank of the Niagara River Suldicts of the garrison in bijklit scar lct tuuzcs oviry strap and but ton in place provided it guard of grams it Nltll jbirthday 1793 itnu phcrc tracked down by Indians and trans poxtatiou for life Only moi lltffl sentry at Fort Erie drscrtcd Wits the death penalty nipmrd llc was courtmartinlcd and shot as lac knelt boom MS Ufflll in Full Ner git rd Duels were tilsiu not uncommon uhcn tcttvpcts flutcd iznid 2hr monotony of garrison lift Prince Saw Falls The monotony was partly illcvi alui by the Lllti1plitlli of social Pliiltl Eduuxii llic athcr uf Quwn Vtclutm 15 sled thc Colony ll 17913 Himwif the soldiers and nus impressed Visitors are today by Ntugzira Firth then niuundcd 11 thilllukili bilul bull ilcbmtmg tlic KilnJ wm uttcildml 20 Vclliitcsccd llitltLiililL lillllkw Explostvcs lli mznic from pulp and about thrvc times that numbi according to itnu Nim if tzttllcmcn Amcizcnn ucznrrnl guru Mrs Simcuc assisted her llltximlltl in this pluisc of rm 1W ln gtlluli tnnc thc tiny Cupith sinrotlitus fltc tnugh duct of plottmr lifc ionic thing Sunuvc illctl tchicvc ll order to duplltulc litc llfc ilt innit lci lfl England iluvclupcd 1m tilllliol Ctikltgtpullilll Soldicrs who Mltid tll illt llllit sinct nul Sqlllllt Llt trod by fiftih lits linifbicids ln diuns itii tcrs inii spits In 1813 tin lnun was cupiurcd flllii bizltnriiijv llltllCLlll forces hglft 011 all Nlrfmi tumuuuczul only liw Mills mum ti the colony that Sumac guns of Fort Niagara ZtCHSS tltiI rivvr and by sloops in the llilfbill colorful but incongruous touch vzzc added by the picscncc of lllLi soilich clad in homespun and the Indians in their paint and fcuthcrs But to lnyalist and British scij tlcrs ailkt the rcrcmnny symbol1 izcd all that they had fought fut in the worm Atticricnn Rcvolutiou know illliuugn thc vzsilor is rc imntlcil in many purl of tip tuwu if important cvcnb fullmving thas dotc Blliltl barracks which nrv Sitti utcd tllltit the ccntrr of the town iuzvivcd the flames us did tlic building wherc Chief Joseph Brunt 11nd llLS Indians mi in council in liiil All the buildings of Navy other Slilt uf thci World Mit tdiiuizcd lltlt and the had Al NAVY HALL INNIAGARAONTHEiLAKE tnonu SlOIl mom to She memory of John Graves Slmcoe first governor of Upper Canada and his wife Elizabeth Posthumn Gwillim Simcoe was unveiled by Premier Leslie Frost and dedicated by Right Rev Walter Bugnall DD Lord Bishop of Niagurne Above picture was taken during dcdl cation ceremony Lifter Premier Frost had unveiled the monument In the picture with Bishop Bagnnll are seen Prcmier Frost Labor Minister Charles Daley and Commis sinner Harold Fox QC of flip Niagara Parks Commis Foi aunts Only Mus nu rut Did you over wonder who drew tlic first ninp Perhaps it cavc mun tool pointh stick and zkctclicd on the ground rough drawing for his mate to scc wltcrc llt nud cine on his last hunling cxpsdition Maybe fighter scrat stonc picture to By Nancy Clcaver bcomnc famous for his wooden globes with napcr gorcs appliqu ctl on their surface The discovery of linc engraving in copper gnvc grout impetus to map drawings First Italy on later the Netherlands took the lead in Parks Commission ments which Parks System Standing on tory of the province was ma have been built The impressive monumeiit erected by the Niagara is the latest of several historic monu throughout the 35mile ground where the early his cle the monument is 12 feet high two feet thick and about six feet wide Sculpturcd from famous Queensfon lime stands on prepurll sculplress flagstone base Miss Elizabeth Wyn Wood of Toronto stone it weighs 10 tons and If is the work of noted Canadian lNewSfriped Look Reclamation Plan Called for Linking Of Two BLjC Riyrs CANAL FLAT BC SEPT 28 tCl In some rcspccts this place win name at lcaststunds as monumcnt to British sportsman VllO years ago tried to join two prczit rivers to reclaim valley now known as the East Kontcnay country The man with the dream was BuilticGrolimnn who roam cil British Columbia in the 18805 gre comes time with every progresive farmer when he is called upon to decide whether he will increase his acreage or use every possible means to make land he has more productive and profitable Shall be add another l00 acres or quarter section or uSe the most tnodcrn farming methods available eliminate waste use highest quality seed of the best improved varieties that money can buy use just the right arnouutc of just the right kind gf fertilizers insecticides fung cidcs and herbicides where and when needed drying and harvest fng facilities to handle his seed and grain crops direct from the combine withovt loss of germi nation and inimity and in every other way bring the production of his present farm up to its maximum Many farmer has learned what can be done with improved seed lie first surveys his farm pmductlon picture Arc his grain crops of the most productive vari ctics of the highest market qual ity Do his permanent meadows and pastures need renovating and reseeding Is be using the most productive corn hybrids And with every other crop is he do ing everything possible with vari clics and highquality seed to in crease production and not prof canal lock only under consider able pressure and much against his will The BC government thought th project feasible and granted Baillie Giohman the right to 350 acres for every new scttlcr who came in However the Canadian Pacic Railway soon protested to titcfcd oral government that the scbcmc would flood its main line along the Columbia river compromise was reached The federal government agreed to let company sponsoring Baillic Gmlimnn make navigable canal and vidcncd the channel info Col umbia lnkc Later the company with noprots comingr in passed its rights on to the Alberta Ex ploration company BaillicGrohman quit soon after wards He learned federal engin eers planned to dam the river banks around Creston and decided its He finds out immediately that he cant get tin mnxinbm out of improved varieties and high quality Seed without improving the quality of lilc land This usually answrrs thc nutslim of whether he iiiids ltlvlr land or better land The place to concentrate his efforts is on his liithtlllClllgn middle class land By following sound soil practiccs hi can make it the equal of his topyicldzng soil within your or two llc saves the money that would be required to buy bignpriced land on todays marks id gets the greatest returns fro high qual ity seed of improved Varieties First he incrcaxcs the organic matter in his soils by returning crop rcsiducs making good use of manure and ngiJlIlg ctrep rootcd legumes undgrnsscs Second he rcstocks the solls supply of plant nutrients swirls crops will be wellfed Third he scis that tlilfltill Cull trol is adequate llc kcups water runoff and soil losses at 31 mini mum and makes his 5011 bcttcr storehouse for moisture Last but not least llt rcmcm bars that all of these good soil practices work together and that in the last analysis organic mat ter is the real mainspring and in dex of soil productivity BIG IRlZEWINNER PICTOU CPr Charles Hemmings of Pictou wnn 43 prizes for flowers and poultry itrin cx hibition here He captured 30 first prizes Illld 13 sccondplucc awards BUILT lOlf il 811 The Spanish town of Rutqu uinr Gibraltar is built an iucli Side of gorge 530 feet dccp FAST BELIEF FOR TIRED 37 Ilall were destroyed cxccpt flux hm 50 In his Specch from the Throne3 one in whichparliament 3mm Show whcrc he thought the enemy Simcoc reminded the members off on Rm 00mg which gimme of thc clim wcic hidinll 100323 ml William llllll mi urdgtpd bum mm For Nhuvl of pcncc and in times of war from incntnus trust and duties vhichl 35 turned on Unmd Suuigi lm 0f 11mm Mlls have the production and distribution of maps it would mean the waste of money He retired to England and devoted his time to literature BaillieGrohman left his mark At one time the town was named in search of mountain goat and sllLDp Ho plnnncd to bring together the Columbia and Kootcnay rivs There was no standard mile until late in the 18th century had been bestow men he is still landmark and the 700 said bccausc of their zcal in fending the He looked forward to the speedy colonization of the proviucci which at that time constituted the whole of English Canada Country mrganlzed Simcoe presided at four more semions of parliament before be ing recalled to England in 1796 Those mvere held in addi tions tifnll on to Butlers barracks in 1793 for the purpose of housing soldiers from Fort Niagara shortly to be turnedovcr to the Americans The barracks were built in 1780 by LtCol John Butler to ilC commodate the Loyalist refugee soldiers who joined his forces and are used today as drill hall for the soldiers at Camp Niagara The Loyalist refugees who enter ed Canada came with nothing but their faith and courage Without the most simple implements to tilt the stumpfilled but fertile 5011 they were assisted by the governi ment which allotted number of basic tools to each settler Built New and Many loyalists badbeen purged from high positions in their Ameri can homeland but they took their place with the poorest settlers helping to build new country Life in the colony although full of toilfor the settlers was often almost servitudewithoul hard lab or to the large military garrison which was considered necessary to ward off possible American attack Rum or desertion to the compar ative civilization to the south were their only escapes Heavy drinking was overlooked by theofficers but dcsertion usually meant being trade and receive money is still extant Famous Parliament Oak parlimncn is said to have met on One hm dill in August 1793 llaSj know around the Mediterranean on disappeared but its place is mark bronze plates ed by modern Parliament Oak who first conceived the idea that the world School 41me Simone Simcoo Park and SimcooStrccl still keep alive the Governors name although his most splendid memorial is the system of con stitutional government he estab lished in the province In his duties Slmcoc travelled on foot by canoe and by batenu to the western part of the province and directed the building of Dun das Street from Toronto then stopping place for Indians on port tage to London the capital Simcoc proposed to how from the bush Eventually garrison was es tablished at Toronto or York as if was called to commemorate the Duke onorks victories in France because it had an easily fortified harbor and finally it deposed Lon don as the capital Population Grew When Simcoe was recalled in 1796 the population of Upper Can ada had increased to 25000 from the 10000 only five years before Agriculture had made great pro gress and schools and churches had been established Typical of Simcocs farsighted pliins was his enthusiastic proposal years after leaving Canada forlbe before shortly after his arrival de ycnrvold Treaty Oakwlicrc Chicfl BrmSh commmmnl Brant and his followers Illllt tui xiswnce wem scratched on elm their frcatylmbiegs by Babylonian merchants whore titles played vital part Tllt carlics maps which are in around 2500 BC to Show their cs In the fifth century BC the Greeks drew the world which they It was the Greeks was not flat but sphere Later this was doubtcdby llthZdnquciingRomnn5 The Romans were practical soldiers and they new maps to show their conquesb Their network of roads madcap im pressive map These roads were constructed into the lands overcome by Alexander the Great On their maps the R0 mans depicted the earth as flat disc surrounded by water In the middle of the 13th century one Englishman Mathew Paris worked on map of hishomeland for the use of travellers Three centuries later Elizabethan Eng land was the first country to con duct survey and publish Na tional Atlas Interest was awakened in Cathay oiChina and other parts of the Far East by Marco Polos voyages His new discoveries were shown in an atlas issued in 1375 It was the sailing men who were convinced that the old Greek idea of spherical world was correct In the ltithcentury Johann Schoner long his comprehensivo blue establishment of university iniprint for the province had seen Upper Canada Simcoe died 10 fruition Canadians Find New Ma in Aniwerp The different countries could not agree on the position of the meridian Even the Eng lish who first placed it in the Azores moved it to St Pauls London and later to Green wich where it remained There are vast number of maps of our oahs surface with its over 50 million square miles of land and twice as much water With aerial photography 21 new era in map drawing has bcen brn How great is the variety of maps in todays world In Israel where the rainfall is so scanty their map of dew fall is most im portant Daily maps of weather conditions in otbcr parts of the world are studied by experts to guide them in their weather fore casts Geologists find maps indis pensable insearching for new min eral finds How many millions of holiday travellers pour over road maps to plan their trip each vaca tion Learning about maps can be great fun They are fascinat ing part of our modern life Their collection provides an absorbing hobby for many peopleand in the story of the art of map making is found one of the most intercsti records of the growth of nowledge and civilization Ask the librarianhat the public library about books on maps Three which are written for school chll cts by building canal between them That why the town 350 miles east of Vancouver is called Canal Flat Portions of the canal and some of the locks are still visible valley in the Creston district caught the eye of BaillieGrohman i240 67AM mm Effective in stripes andhow simple to sew You can make it yes YOUin few hours Yoke and sleeves go together like charm Enjoy that smart new shallow neckline Buttons in front are optional of course Easy full circle skirt is graceful75 Pattern 4585 Misses Sizes 12 14 16 18 20 Size 16 takes yards 35inch fabric This pattern easy to sew is tested er fit 4585 SlZES to us simple Ilas dren which are worth buying are The Map that Came to Life by Deverson Oxford University Press and By Map and Compass by Mustard Macmillan Co of Can ada and Down to Earth by David Greenhood gcginal 823x Saunders Publishers Start your collection of maps investing in map such as the new map of Canada 50c Dept of Mines and Technical Surveys Ottawa good map on Wall adds greatly to the atmosphere of living room orrden It can heavycardboard or framed like picture map or globe in childs woman kindlohisminter in geography Good maps like good books should form part of the furnishings of real home Are there any on your walls Copyright V7 Movie Big Stove Bty Helicopter ATIKOKAN ONT SEPT ct Mvjng ADOpoundcook stove nto the dense bush country ne here is all in days work fob helicopter pilot BokGillies Ihe bulky cook stove was one of mEihy items taken by helicopter hill and date Was no easy feat calling her Ma Mo Van Geel has serv edalotnt Catiadlansoldlers sincechc open copir could land on them Eltqw recently to smalrhydro camp at Margaret Lake about Seven miles east of here Theamp will be the home of several hundred men employed constructing new power line between Atlkokan and the Lakehead Jockeying the huge stove over The first step was to fly incite than to the camp site Then Gillies mounted on His idea was that the bottom lands could be reclaimed if some of the flow of the Kootcnay could be prevented by diverting it into the Columbia Years later the flats wer gc claimed and turned into productive orchard country by drainage Some reports say the canal was built to provide navigation be tween the two rivers in the days of the Fort Steele gold rush This was denied by Mrs BaillieGroh man after her husband died Aided Husband She helped her husband in much of his work In letter to the International Joint Commission gt which investigated water power development in the Kootenay val ley she said he tried to build complete illustrated instructions Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35c accepted for thispaftern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMiaER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Pat tern Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont An investment in Canada Savings Bonds will give you Incume you get interest Cash WhenYou Want It On this newSeriep of Canada SavingsBonda Sam5 right from the date of issue Everyslilo you investcan cam $3750 if each your until 1965 And our savm invested to Canada Sayings Ban are all as freely available tcr meet enwrgencios as cash in bank Canada Spyings Bonds can always converted into ciih anytime at 100 cents on the dollar $5000 from returned to Atikokan where pilines hadbeen placed so thatbgegielb 36 KingStreet Wear Put your savings to worknow Buy Canada Savings Bonds in any amountfromso to in coins stamps cannot be Groliman Flat He was thc first justice of the peace built the first shanty ran the first paw mill and first store and was the first post FOB OOMPETENT EYE CARE CONSULT Nocl Stephenson RO OPTOMETRIST at STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRISTS FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 4201 AccouNTANIs ARMSTRONG MMLAREN CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 43 Collier BL Blrrto 67 Yonu St Toronto BARRIE PARTNER MMLAREN 300M cA LICENSED TRUSTEE LICENSED MUNICIPAL AUDITOR BADGLEY mm ACCOUNTANT Dunldp st East Telephone 413 Ml HERBERT HARRIS co Certified Public Accountmttli Toronto and Bartla Battle Office Wilson Bulldlnc Post Office Smurf Telephone 3397 Resident Partner NEEDHAI CPA ARTHUR POWELL 24 Dunlon St East Inuit Talcphonl 8228 ROSE chanson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS sAMUEI ROSE cA SAMUEL HARRISON cm 59 Collier Street MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BEYBONRMT mean or am anionic mom Pupil prepared for mat Mom of the Royal Consulvoter of Toronto all linden lncludml Ling Modem Methods MINA studio 21 Bradford st Plum 471 50pm MAN WARREN MacLEANi EMT MCC0 ondnmsr PIANIBT Skill mild with ainun mo run looming4m 195 9ch 59 Ant4 Barrie leocber OPTOMETRY MMIBIOEbE Bonita FMS 2lnbunlop Sirmt Quito lntuneo East side of Dominion alum momma noun 33301 bx Appolnmlil Imu HI EC SJOHNSION in ct hm Wmm All nunlwmao cloud Bstutdu Arm ROWE 00 Curio Phone 4949 RRE 13 owsimmmfijoq oiinioii atmgakf 95 DUNLOP STREET BARRIE ONTARIO BOYS BEAGEAM it 30 Barrlsfarg Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyancers Etc MONEY TO LOAN Ofce 13 Owen st anl bunch Office Elmvale Ontno BOYS 06 SEAORAI COWAN COWAN lanlahro Solicitors Nourlu Continua Hours 10 can tot us Monday to mid Ros Cowan BUILDING To 53 Collier St LOAN GLADSTONE 01mm do Barrister and $olicitor HONEY T0 LOAN 91 Dunlop st East Barrio Phone 311 DONALD MacLAnEN cw Dunstan solicitor Ito Money to Loan qumc Temple Building larrll JOHN OTTON BA Barrister Solicitor Notar 91 Danton st Room 5y PHONE 5822 IIEBER sum successor to DUNCAN MccUAIGi Innlulu If Ilock Banin PM in Phono 271 VETERINARY MILO FLEMING Ind Eu Barrio 4545 smiuuN OM Tying IloNIm LOSfIEOPATHY WILsoN mornmng annnm 1qu ugggu Iiimi Iowm macro93x 00 IAURICE uunoocn no autumn 2293 cuutorkncron GEO if ELSIE BURNS DIO Drurlm Thormo Rhino Hydro ma Thuw Ewen n0 MM 30 ginning1o Rulinum Humor to no comm no more viim cumnoc Tamika 19 hid mum Barrio On it Pinon 819 Woo on aluminum oo amiasgwnx Toronto Telephone EMpire 44321 her me 0519 andyiasttiireio welcome inz space beneath so the stove the Wratlon in 19 cool be tied to the underwriting chugblletheMNnf1h ma gt Ium gnoulh nudge nor EWJW mvlflandacf4teilalifmi iunwmfrcn Ntional mnwotommmuieom5mm muWmm

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