Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1953, p. 1

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is Iwthwavv wiuarpvweacadwv wow waycwbcw WWW man MONDAY and Fatally St $980 Serving THE TOWN 01 will AND WY 83160 51 39th YearNo 14 9119 arrir Examinrra mmm lynchQMmWMvn UJIL ml Audit him Manager And Ofce Clerk Indicate How Bur glars Gained Entry And Tried To Blow Safe BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY OCTOBER 1953 10 Pages qu BARRIE FAIR lREAllsu 0001110811001 FINE DISPLA Gwen perfect weather and show in most communy Howiei ham to match It Battle Falr on Friday and Continues to Give 111 records Paid attendance was over 17000 Excellent Semce During the put 1ve month fMalcomsonallnounced happily Not only were and rumor rezudlng Barrie Com rowds on hand during two afternoons but My jllso This was by far the blggest exhibition in the munlty House have been very rampau and have had marked effect on the use of the full 11123 by various member organ nations The directors state must em Ithe new curling arena available for inside displays and new llvestock buildings the fair had ample scope for alon this year As result there was fine albmund with something of Interest for everyone The 110 was outstanding especially on Saturday aftprrlooli 1131 the hunters and um ers were the and the wasted hon ms phatically um the lease on vldcs IiVelilboodl Twolke MANAGER SHEWFELT points to broken latch on door Carol Dean of fflce staff indicates damage where robbers worked on safe Robbrs Foiled ln Attempt 10v On Sunday at am when Con stable Murray madc his regular call at the plant of Wonder Bread on Highway 11 near the CNR All andaleHamilton crossing be dis covered that robbery had been attempted The wouldbe thieves had evid ently attempted to make entrance by removing sheet of metalfrom one side of the timber rlb build ing but were foiled by the double thickness of lumber They then tried to open window and avaln failed butijnnzilly gofinmby washroom window by raising screen and the catch broke allow lug them entrance They were glow Wondcr Bread Co Safe weekend receipts were in the snfc and proceeded to blow the safe with nitro The charge was insuffi cient however to do the work but damaged the office considerably and blew out the windows there Foiled in their attempt to break open the safe they apparently left the place but because of the steady and heavy rain no tracks could be found outside the window or on the grounds of the plant which stands well back from the high way and ultc disggcc from 1113 nearest bul mg PC Tamblyn culled Don Blogg Burton Avenue one of the older employees whom he knew and on evidently familiar his advice contacted Manager with the place knew that the Shewfelt YOUNG COUPLE BADIJY INJURED INBEETON CRASH Mr and Mrs Jack McCullough Qung Totterlbam couple were d1 injured in car accident early yesterday morning on Conn tv RoadNo about two miles east of Beeton They are in Stev cnson MemorialHospltaIat mus ton Mr McCullough has two broken legs and serious back in jurles ers McCullough has one broken leg and severe lacerathns Both also suffered considerable shock After driving friend to Brad ford they welc returning to Bee ton when the car left the road ailpr opposite Nat Steviarts gate way It went into fiVefoot dileh travelled about 100 yards west and crashed into an elm tree The engine was pushed backinto the front seat by the impact They must have been trapped in the car for some time before being discovered by passing motorists who summoned Dr Fred Spear ing from Beeton Allislon provincial police Were called and it took considerable ef font to extricate the injured cou le fromlt the scat They were co to Alliston inle elmbub istcolmn gBa$ebaII By WALLS IE Rommber me Msed to pro ddcea column fairly regular until tlhe last weekof August when took train triple Saskatoon and was givcpvguite an honor butat the me time got ddledwitll considerable work an 11y Returning utter who Day to the desk in Blmie which in find nurse at tripgm at the salch time bree fine organiza gtions one at thelocal leve10ne provillciakand one national Since then 11111111133 have headscarceapd ntr Mirth mpg wltlb the This is National Newspaper Week in Canada Don Failbalm on his Neighborly News Sunday morning stated that newspapers are themedium through which the people get to know what is going on locally and nationally Scalrcely week goes byuthat some weekly newspaper editor is not protesting about some council or public body holding meeting in secret They claim that public business should be conducted in public and that the newspaprs should have the rlgbt to pass on to the readers any information on wasunposslbte to Write other tbe absolutely necesary the business conducted was the sulmumly of the value of news papers by this commentator However in Spite of theseme tes there are many council mectmgs held which are called without notice to the public or prssand at which matters of fin ancial and general importance are discussed and deal withwhich may only leak out when some re ferences are made later on when the ratepayers get their notice of increased taxation This practice is notrconfined to am one mun icipality Fire Preventidls Week This is also Fire Preveption Week This lternatioual week has been establled in order that peoplcinigcnerall maybe made to realize the dangers of fire When the evenlpgsgmw cooler fire will be started met Perhaps the nes and pipes were cleaned while the beater Was out of Then again perhaps they were not When the dirty pipes are left through them inihealtillg equipment that has beenouf of use all sum CHIEF ADVISES HOW TO PREVENT HOME FIRES Fires in homes kill more people in Canada than in all other types of buildings combined Fire Chief 11 Irwin said today in connection with FirbtPreventlon Week Oct to 10 sponsored locally by the National Fire Prevention Associa tion The dollar loss istremendous but the toll of the dead and injured is even worSe said Chief Irwin of the house res Mmfjresgjf 39 all of than can be prevented 118 said Most home fires come from careless smoking and handling of matches smoking in bed careless hand ling of kerosene gasoline and other Building Permits flammable liquids defective and overheated heating equipment stoves and lanterns dirty attics lclosets basements and other bad lihousekceping habits dcfcctiveor Ioverheated chimneys and flues children with matches and cigarette lighters COLLIDED WITH BUS On Saturday when car driven by Flore Audio 31 Shanty Bay collided with Gray Coach bus Eat the east end of Barrie lpasscnger in the car Mrs Audla was taken to the Rayal Vic 1torla Hospital for treatment of facial cuts Audia will face care less driving charge here ASIA ONETHIRD The continent of Asia contains about onethird of the earths en ltire land area Bleak Record For Centennial YearNine Months WilhllkeeOuarler Million Raise Building permits for Towncf Barriewill break all records forCentennlal Year 1958 with an increase of almost $652000 over the same period of 1952 Jan to Sept 30 almost three quarter million advallce For the last month 310116 an in crease of $60625 is shown this year over September 1952 All of this is assessable properly with the ex ception of one church building total of 317 permits were is sued from Jan to Sept 30 1953 with bofbl amount of $1928746 and 293 permits mued from Jan to Sept 30 1952 de total of $1276775 or an actual increase of $651971 this year In the number of dwellings there is decrease over last years similar period but this was due to tightening up of mortgage money temporarily With 111 new dwelling permits for January to September 1952 value was $816 300Vand for 1953 103 dwellings at $795500 decrease lb$20800 For the llirstiljfomling an historical precedent 65 permits Were isned for television aerials with an estimated value of $950 Permit Details DWELIJNGSSeptembcr per Stollar 280 Dunlop St West at 145 Puget St builder self Schotanus Umpia at 398 Codringlon St builder self Spring 185 Codrlngton SL eight dwellings on Eugenia St builder self lubrey Smith Nwmarket at 47 Shanty Bay Road bmlder Lyall Guest Painsv wick ames 90fumber land Sf at same builder self Dean Arbuthnot Barrie 111109 Collingwood St bullder self Mrs Inger Aarson 216 Dunlap St East at OmbardDrive builder EdSon Veitcb 79 woslcy St Wily liam Emery5Balnfleld Stdat 78 Berczy St builders Emery the soot thatbas collectedinside Engineering cpl Mrs Watter fjalls down andhealpsup attlltecl pom This becqnles cl bazardwbn thegres aresfarted in thetall Manyhordes are heated with Space heaters These oil heaters pro perly Wedcared for are Se om sop 221 Innisli Sta30295101115111 St Builder Pratt ISSN1 picl St 11111 81 Mcng ht 126 Cook 51 three dvlellmgs on Nel son St buildergseli John mm 58 Codn baton St at Sun mall Road tbuilde no upmer blitz 5L GAR16351 Rapist Strfbuilder self mm Eaddeu 89 John St madden $511 66 Henry 51 Scan 101 10 13ch 1033119 st Slliev St St Rglltunt 14071312111 Thomas woman 53 11181311 5000gullon Hosp zrl poms Irvpuck v09 Donald 51 Full Gospel Tabern acle 20 Mulcaster St remodel and c0ntruct addition to church building builder George Holly Newmarket Repairs or Alterations Nesbitt 17Thompson Sf construct sun porch builder Allen 19 Thompsou 51 Haslett 50 Sophia 51 reshlngle dwelling Bertram Bros builders 28 Johnston St ESmith 157 Collier St remodel store front builders Bertram Bros Hambly 89 Bayld StJ erect sun dck on garage self Mrs Mc Kever 45 Shirley Ave rebuild back kitchen builder McKev er Sarjeant Co Ltd Mary 51 tank self Robert Hodges 118 Sophia St West remodel dwelling at 103 Blake St into four apartments Fleetham 5011533 Road alter atious to store self Mrs Lain son Wood St rebuild wood shed builder Ferguson Jamie son 179 Owen St addition to dwelling self LLitfle Dunlop St West erect tool shed self Webb Essa Road reroof store builder Martin Thurman Mrs Robertson 122 Hayfield Sh repairs to dwel bullders Hill McKnight 126 CookSth Montgomery 117 Ow resblngle dwelling builder Pierce Smart 45 Clapperton St repair dwelling builder Bierc Green 36 Pentang St addition to dwelling builder Grifn 49 Ebsa Road Fraser 302 Innisl Sfrepair garage self Mrs Willouglfby1 24 Wellington St West repair re damage build crs Hill MCKnight 126 Cook St Landry 134 Essa Road ex tensxon to garage builder self Mrs William Shaughnessy 30 Kemperlfelt Drive repair re damage Ibuilderj Tracey Elmvale RR Burton Avenue United VOhurcb alterations and heating builder Ferguson 13 Adelaide St 11 Haolmnane98 TlfflnfStbdditionzto body shop builder self Ndrthgmves 910 Nelson 81 Addition midwel sallf Blggar 80 Wars leyStdreshingIe Welling self META Gal$103194 Bradford SEQ iresbingle cbvellipg builder Ls nemamllucllllrsll French 01 at Half carportand game Claw in 242 251 Public Relations Barri Community House does not expire until December 1955 and they axe in hopes that sat isfactory arrangements may be made after that date so that the facilities now provldcd for the community may be carried on Your continued use of Barrie Community House as in the past will enable the steward and stewardess and Mrs Reg Ayrcs to give the excel lent service to which the mem bers have become accustomed President 11 Rodgers stated today MOVE GARAGE On Friday last large garage was moved without difficulty from Paiuswlck to 11212 home of Mr and Mrs Young 136 Burton Avc via Highway 11 by Varcoe Broth ers service Provincial police took care of any traffic problems Most Important Single Component in Business or The importance of public rclal Lions in business or the professions today was emphasized by Charles Watson vicepresident of pub lic relations for OKeefes Brewing Co Ltd of Toronto in talk given to the Kiwanis Club of Barrie re new era competition has arrlvcd of keen and vigorous In the future it is going to take more than just product advertising to sell goods It will take great deal of public goodwill building and public wooing to sell in the volume necessary to provide the millions of ncw jobs that are re quired Three Areas The speaker spoke of the value of good public relations in three areas with other business peoples with employees and with the com munity as whole The business of having good relations with the public is not reserved for the ex clusive use of the oneman busuless nor is it the special prerogative of the big company that operates professional public1elal10115 de partment What is good for the corner grocer is good for the char stores supermarket heyillustrated Today we are onceagainin buyers market People can pick and choose what they will buy and where they will buy it And they are doing just that Stores are holding sales Carl salesmen are calling us on the phone at our homes or officesAnd the companies that hadgood public relations when they were in the drivers seat are cashing in now when sales have to be fought for Bigness of Outlook Cloud public relations is mat tr neither of bigness nor of small ness of stature MrWatson told his audience at the Kiwanis Club It is matter of bigness of heart and of outlook If we doc good public relations job among our employees our neighbors and our customers we gain several things besides heap of inner satlfac flop First we gain the goodwdl of Prolessions Today Kiwanis Told that many Of those 13901310 Whomeas and AOV clovers and grassespemjons in cats and have such atrocious relations with the public are ready to kick you in the teeth if you ever so delicately point out that damaging fact to them 11 you men have the courage and the dcslrctoalcarn what pcof 51E think bfwyou rind willpoo fession or business there better way than to make little survey on your ownlf you dont know what people think of you how in the world can you run your business in way that yo customers will admire On the North American contin ent this year business the pro fessions and govcrhment will spend one hundred million dollars to nd out more about people so that they can pick better people for jobs and give them more ord erly and intelligent training so that they candevise more scien tic and fruitful selling methods and above all for better public relations In this way better ways gelling along with people are discovered and developed People We Work Will The speaker emphasized that thercis just as much room for good public relations With people we do business with He quoted Edgar Kobak celebrated radlo and television executive as saymg that good public relations start with good private relations and it must start with the head of the business If our men and women are not public minded then they cant act that way with the customers And how do they get that way Maln ly by having top men who are public minded and who wrll cre ate good employee relatlons Here again it doesnt matter wbefher you employ two people or 2000 Turn to page three please theupeople we spendour days with And when we haveour fellow workers condence and support they produce more lmy pro duce better happier and theyre healthier because theyre Second we earn the approbation and the friendship of our neigh bors and we hclp make ours better communityfor all tbepeo ple and we never kmle when were going to urgently heed to have that community rise up and say that company is good neigh bar LfThird we do better business Our kind of public relatlons spills over from the plant orthe store to the community and then to the whole market where we do our business Fourth we build the 31leva of greater andstmnger Canada For they thingsthe sin ple things that build goodwillare the very things that make our cars tam more desirable and more gen fruitful than any other life mankind hasyet de ninety linodeof Investigate Relations The speaker denedpilblic re lotions asthe wrelations chat you and your organizatiqnwhaver with other men and women either said 51beg 01 in groups He it seemed utterly incdedible that folks 3th are wooden fully unbelievably smart in manufacturing managcr mm and accounting guil the dumbest and Add ux is no provided great competition The midway was large and had lots of attractlons Shows had plenty of games blngo refreshments rides for young and old one sldeshow and everything was clean Friday night Barrie Cltizens Band and the new Bursa Pipe Band provided music at the grounds after zdown the main street The evening concluded with fine display of fireworks with special group of expert from RCAF 13X Depot Angus handlmg the show semi highway The sky was lit up with rockets and 111111110010 flares and thunder flashes for almost an hour Special mention should be made of the Alr Force display on the second floor of the new mebprda mg Here was set up an lnterestlng display of force equipment It was in charge of Fllgbf Montezuma Murphy and Fllght Sergeant Kendall mow1 Grain Small Seeds and Field Croploals or barley and Competitions Grand championship award forlcorn of Stmud placed thirddn and ensllage coni the best exhibit of grain at the my Warmca of qum fair went to Carl Peacockm 21 Stayncr who won the five dollar cash award offered by Master Feeds Toronto Elevators Ltd His top prize was in the Beaver oats or AOV class and he took second prizes in five classes peas AOV grain Grain corn red clover and ensllage com third prize in the barley class fourth prize in the exhibition sheaf and sixth prize in winter wheat third prize in the red c1611 and William Bellmiy of placed thlrd in the white classand fifth in barley Gerald Rattle Guthrie 100k fourth prize with his train can and ensllage corn and with his exhibition sheaf Slump the Beaver oats class was Leach of Alllsbon and Geotgobl cs RR Stayper stood confluen Harold Bryce RR Stayner was silage corn and sixth bl another top exhibitor in the grain and small seeds divislon taking first prizes in the barley timothy to emerge one of the high award winners and third prize in the Beaver oats or AOV class In the winter wheat class the Stayner district grower came fourth and in the exhibition sheaf display he won fifth gluing Ken Peacock of Stayner took first in the winter wheat class and had the best exhibition sheaf of grain at the fair His barley ex hibition took second prize and he was fourth in the Beaver oats division and fifth in the peas class Another top exhibitor in the divv isiou was Isaac Shaw RR Hmke stone whoe Ajax oats took first prize He tooka fourth prize with his red clover Gordon McArthur of Stayner was top winner in the grain corn class and took second prize with his exhibition sheaf and third prize with his peasdllis red clover exhibit took fifth prize Isaac Spears HR Thornton bad the best exhibition of clover and Lorne Handy RR Barrie won the first prize in thAOVgrains and stood fourth in the Max oats First in the cnsilage corn class Merit to Cyril Cook Also among the top ekhfbltors in several of the grain classes were Henry KanisnRR Phelpston who stood second in the winter wheat Irwin Clark RR 0119 Station in second place in the oats and third place in the timothy competi tion and fifth prize winner illwint er wheat Elmer Stoltz of Alliston in second place in the Beaver oats and fourth place in the barley and Eugen Smith Agricultural SO cictyT plsiderrt from Utopia with second in thetimothy class and fourth prize in the pads Max Craig of Craighurs took third prizes in two classes Ajax cats and exhibition sheaf ofwheat Grand Champion Gucrnsey Bull Fair sixth in red clover High scorer in the eldiQsk 1953 was Garfield Ken William Bellamy placed OHM Murray Warnicu wa Other winners in Clarence Dunlop of in order of standlnt ax Stoltz Gcorge well WE Thomas Smith of Crawford Frank Elphick 0111161113 Darby Waverley Johns8vuccaod Allistair Crawford Rex Watson RR Bmieiwade high scorer in the petition in seed rummagm with Wilfred Murphy 1111 lgbirgle placing shown and T66 RR Barrie third Other competition its der of merit were Max Gals511311 Brown of Dalston Lorne Thomas Smith ER Em gia Francis Shanahan of Maurice Danby and 21 El pluck RR Utopia Potatoes Grand championpttftgm at the fair this yearm Snider of Cralghurst who of Chippewa varieties wulxfdifa top award Other rst prizes in the potato varieties went Hawkestone Warba and bler top exhibitor 91 Craighurst mal reserve whose first prize was in din section and Angus winner in the AOV section Winning potato exhiblfac entries were judgedubw Whiteside of the seed bag or tication servicecf Department of Agricvl ed Mrs Irwin Clark oijrbf in tbeWarba class 13 Turn to pligkfjouf

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