Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1953, p. 6

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rm nation mm mun 0010323 1953 LOST room FARM EQUIPMENT LOSTWallet GeneraIView of Race Track and Crowd at Barrie Agricultural Pork mug in Barrie coiuripvMASSlZY HARRIS Com Binder log $110 and personal paperd FindE good condition Apply East half keep money but picaizreturnllot Con 2553 311112113 whet nd er 110 RobinI mi 32 73ICORN BINDER and Loader good Squad Leader Him83 W39 as new Apply King betray tie with Mrs Wattle and 3ily hm 22 rpm the weekend with his moms sate Exchang gpoc L8 my 3911 131 FORD FERGUSON Tractor and 10 SALE OR Exchange2 ongpiuwt Sherman yrasmgmnx Ema Dc ECIWIO Wilson BSA DO Worslcy Strcei truckflat bottom high racks good nambppwne 4351 wwumig is 111 Chicago attending regions Cilllillthn Would QXCIIBDSP 0D DIG rWwwvvmivj iconfurnce of the American Osteo pcsiy In town or lakeshore prop MASSEYJIARRIS Blower CutImgjpamm Associapon we 98th Lrly within 10 miles of Barricllox complete wztri 01138 aluulbm on DC Phone 4361 23111113I8uck Rake on Ford truck Jot lklotinhy pilOflC 59ri Bradford AGENTS WANTED 3M3 WV PAPEC Culling Box or 3110 Filler ACINTb amd no lmcmb with pipcs and extra Stl knows in moi ll 11 53 91m 111mm LXCLI1 shape Quotes 1111 and storage cpzicc For further iiii ill 1011 plcebc wrltc gt CUI Te 1399 The Qticcusvayhlo jaw113114 unto 9703 711137173A GEOHGE WHITE Thrcaliing Mai 4413111 cliiuc 2410 high lly3l0l and clover zxtincnmmn also 721 17 Mr and Mrs Egic Kitchener Mix Shirley Kitchener Master Nigel Kitchener and fleas03 nucbael Toronto peuf the week end in Barrie and attended the ouptzmi of Carol 121122 daughlcl 1117 and Mrs Vern Manin ir Central United Church 09 11 Howard who return cd ilum Korea year ago and has since been 511101551 at Winnipeg with the Royal anadian Horse Ariilicry Regiment visited in Bar tic Iccently prior to his posting cilcctivc today to Montreal Capt illcward was formerly imlructionl al and administrative officer forg the 45111 AntiTank Regiment RCA Grey and Simcoc Foresters BORN 3LLANAt Innisfuil Albcrta on Sept 16 1953 to Fit Sgt and Mrs Allan ncc Mildrcd tiny assortment for higlieltl c0mlt Ivy Incqualled Christmas values in Ultl IAs irpi Cu llir in Nts ld Wna mm morlv 311 Body Conditioning Arthritlc mm mm ribbms Licensed Graduale Maaeur klmgs Clearly Nameon Edwinz 7W hugs luASr ELVIRA MONEY IS XOURS StyHilllli Binder Apply bill NameOn hristmas Emiy CL Twink Phnm mm nibsinus Ovcr sixty mictested 393114i llrlilS terrific customcr appczil jluldling 25 card Prize Assortment EOIII Christmas Velvet Madonno mum Penei pleamg WU my llm Wmms card3 Edgemn Drive game kiih Gfl Wraps KlflfiiiS ChristL 135 500 3111153 PUPUP bilOki Bible Treatment remedial exercises gt Scientific reducing car Vlllt for compictowatJ IIE samples NOW Pllm 3079 10 am 01110 pm 15in Private Appointments only of Simcoc My Company Lintcd Dept 1A Room Yongc Street Arcade To ronto 04991101 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having any claims or demands against the Estate of THOMAS JAMES RENNICK late of the Town of Barrie in the Coun Retired deceased who died on or about the First day of July 1952 are required to for ward their claims duly proved to thc undersigned solicitors for the Administrator on or before 30111 day of October 1953 And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the Ad ministratorrwill proceed to dis tributc the asscu amongst the part ies cntitlcd thereto having regard only to such claims of which he will then have notice DATED at Barrie this 29th day of September IAD 1953 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barrie Ontario the Administrator 51mm for 113118F Phone 814rli 807021 AME Henrietta clairvoyantl rca logs daily at 50 Maple Ave In town for short cpacc of time only Consult the Madame Will attend private parties 30113 YOUR SYSTEM needs lodinc NovaKelp can help supply it Avoid and relieve deficiency dis orders Iikc Anaemia Constipation Piles Nerves by starting to take INoszKclp Tablets today liiree economical sizes Ill all druggists 30113 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Administratrix of the Estate of Mandala Monty Desjardins late of the Village of New Lowell in the Township of Sunnidale in the County of Simcoe Plumber dc ceased who died on or about the 28111 day of June 1953 will dis tribute the assets of the decezised tofthe persons entitled 11181131041me October 51h 1953 having regard only to claims then properly filed With the undersigned COWAN COWAN 53 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors fo the Administratrix 1071131 MARKET PRICES SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed TENDER FOR RECONSTRUC TION OF WHARF KEMPEN FELDT BAY SlMCOE COUNTY ONTARwlWlll be received in 111 office of the Secretary until 300 pm EST WEDNESDAY 0C4 TOBER 14 1953 gt Plans form of contract and spe cication canbe seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer Department of Public Works Ottawa at the off ice of the District Engineer 36 OCTOBER 1953 noes clanL2 mos 1709 As quoted by First Coopentlve Packet of Ontario Band Hogs $3450 Sows $2300 EGG Large Medium Small Johnsoni daughter ICathrinc AnnL DURKBEAf 1110 Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sept 30 1953 to Mr and Mrs Gcorgc Durkcc Stroud son HOGGAt the Royal Victoria Hosl pitul Barrie on Sept 30 1953 to Mr and Mrs Wesley HoggI RR NO Thornton daughter LONGLEYAt the Royal Victoriu Hospital Barrie on Oct 1953 to PO and Mrs Longlcy 511 Sanford SL Barrie son Rob crfl McCURDYAt the General Hos pital Chesley Ont on Sept 29I 1953 to Mr and Mrs Ross MO Curdy nee Frances Livingston Barrie daughter NEARAt the Royal Victoria Hosi pital Barrie on Oct 1953 to Mr and Mrs Harry chu RRI No Midhurst son CARD 0F THANKS DAVISWe wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the nurses and staff of the Royal Victoria Hospital Dr Little neighbors and friends for their kindness and tributes of sym pathy in our bereavement in the loss of loving husband and fath er 0110 Davis Mrs Davis and family 113 IN MEMORIAM CRAWFORDIn loving memory of our dear mother Amelia Jane Perry who passed away Oct 1947 Husband and family 113 KELLYIn loving memory of our dear father and grandfather Charles Kelly who passed away Oct 1951 God knows how much we miss him Never sball his memory fade group upcning night ouch winning Il Linc yums izum opponcnts Kcnwclls lcgion llEPL Wcslous RCAF STRIKES SPARES ll Barrie Bowling lzizziu In hiyslvrs Iindluys Burbch liigli sznglc Now how VIIZCCI Till LADIES TOWN LEAGUE Mens Town League 11101 The lid was lifted off the monk town group Monday cvcziing and inrcc tennis fuilcd to get their test off Ihc ground rivals SevenUp Copaco Dcluxc Taxi Sandy Cove Barrie Tanning NO Cliff Browns Brass Glenn Bell Telephone HEPC Allandale Drugs Supericst Webb Bros High single Bruce Kerr TannE ing335 High three Bruce Kenn Tonning 743 GROUP Paced by Vic LeGear Barrie TanI ning No swept Copaco for seven points Tuesday evening as thisi group opened Vic rolled 622 forI three Immediate past president Gordi Skinner had his Rebels in fulll Aizanduc Drugs Viau Motors Supcrtcst and chbs all ICLLiVGdILukesjde Cabins whitewashings from their rcspcciivtoi Coopercucs iJacksons Grill chl Sons Peggys Beauty Salon yT Eaton Company jClmkc and Clarke Finlays 98 SISandy Cove Robinson Hardware chenUp High three Doris Garvin Peg igys 739 high single Betty King Viau Motors 325 Hold Stispecl Inf Toilenhcrm Bank Robbery Out on bail on shopbreaking charge Joseph Cushman 48 was arrested yesterday by Toronto and provincial police at his Strachanv Awardod OBE Cxii ti Ilwdvlgl uutIIr7gtI car 301 31 Plz ILCOL AMY Opal DSO MC former officer comi manding the Royal Canadian Arm oured Corps School at Camp Bor den who received the highest hon or Of the 136 Operational awards announced yesterday by Army Headquarters at Ottawa for gal lantry in action and plain hard work in theLowan campaign Col Amy 35 is native of Newcastle New Brunswick He won the Military CIOSS while serv ing with the Calgary Tank Regi lmerit in Italy during World War Two Later he commanded the Canadian Grenadier Guards in Northwest Eurcoe at the age of 26 and won the Distinguished Scr oGIOKJaIQIJUIUIuILIl the Cavulczidc headquarters will be cs tablishcd at Gravcnliurst town lialli Ion Saturday and Sunday so thutz ivisitors may register for 13111011le lion in the cavalcudc As the register they will be given iistrutiori card which lthcm to reduced rate for all accomrnodation and meals vliilc Ithey are in Gravcuhurst for the tour Color Cavalcade From Gravenhursl To See Muskoka To introduce nonresidents of the Gruvcnhurst Color weekend first annual Coming its Cavalcade of Oct will cntilic In order that visitors my have the opportunity of tour will leave the town hall at one oclock The tour which will ed to the Royal Canadian Announ ed Corps following graduation and was overms by 1940 He was twice wounded in action Since the war he has commanded the RCAC School at Comp Borden and held offices at Oliawa and Edmonton before going to Korai He now is serving in the Director ate of Military Training at Army Headquarters attendingl church on Sunday morning the follow route of about 65 miles luround Lake Muskoka will be led lby 21 bus willf stops at Port Sond liicld and Rosscou where short musicul programs Will be provided iThc cavalcade will arrive back at tlic Gravcnhurs town hall about six oclock The Grnvenhurst board 01 trade will provide guides to 511133 grifrtlt 1le assist visitors who miss the caval cudc whenever ocssmlc LlQCh change their foliage to kui autumn colors Ibozird of trade has decided to hold Fortunately tirctrces in Muskoka ghuvc not bccn denuded by tent gcaferpillals this season as they =werc in previous years so that the vivid contrasting colorsshould be at their best on the day of tile cavalcade iSigns Contract iwiih NY Giants Gord Dymcnt ace righthander for Midland Indians of the North rSimcoc Baseball League ovcr the past two seasons has been signed to New York Giant contract speedball specialist with pin point control Dyment signed class contract offered by scout Tony Ravich big sixfoot threeinch hurler Who tips the scales at 195 pounds Dyment Won 20 games while losing three as Midland captured theirWdWH secnd straight North Sbcoffc this season TBYAN FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY flight winning seven points from Duncan Plastering Harry Hobbs and his 692 triple enabled CGE to win five points Avenue home and charged with the Vice Order The Citation In connection VILh armed robbery of the Royal Bank Tottenham Aug 27 when thrcei he PM Of the OBE 533s LtQOI men herded the band staff Amy as GSO Grade worked Cracks Peewees Adelaide Street East Toronto On tario and at the Post Office at Barrie Ontario Tenders will not be considered Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where father is laid Sadly missed by son Charles 11 daughterinlaw Edna and into supply blueprints and specication Ottawa September 18 1953 unless made on printed forms sup plied by tbe Department and in accnce with conditions set forth CHICKENS Over6 lbs Special Grade Grade Grace to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Under lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Callous 20 over the above prices ROBERT FORTIER Secretary Grade3 Department of Public Works Over lbs to lbs 23 25 16 1101131 Undch cubs 25 22 12 Complel New Had Office the Eac tender must be accompan ied by certied cheque on chartercd bank in Canada payable to theorder of the Minister of Public Works or Bearer Bonds as specied in the form of tender for 10 of the amount of the ten der Note Upon application ft the undersigned the Department will of the work on deposit of sum of $1000 in the form of certied bank cheque payable 30 the order of the Minister of Public Works The deposit will be released on the return of the blueprints and specication within month from the date of reception of tenders If not returned within that period the deposit will hemforfeited 3v 27 18 grandchildren 113 KELLYIn loving memory of dear ufather and grandfather Charles Kelly who passed away Oct 1951 We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are always near Ever remembered by son Don and family 113 KELLYln loving memory ofa clear husband Charles Kelly who passed away Oct 1951 God saw you getting weary Then did what He thought best 116 put arms around you Charles And whispered come and rest It doesnt need special day To bring you to my mind For the days donot think of you Are very hard to nd Sadly missed by wife Jean 113 KELLYIn loving memory of dear father Charles Andrew Kelly who passed away Get 1951 You presence is ever near us Your love rerdains with us yet You were the kind of father Your loved ones would never for get Sadly missed by son Delmar and family 113 McNUTTIn loving menialy of my dear son Pie George Robert McNult 079401 Perth Raini ent died of wounds in Italy Oct41944 My lips canot tell how much miss you My heart cannot tell what to say God only knows how miss ou from Kaybee Lunch Ken Smith produced 325 single which allowed Smith Farm Dairy to edge Brewers Retail 43 Barrie Tanning No West Knights of Columbus Dom Auto Wreckers Smiths Farm Dairy Brewers Warehouse CNR Telegraphs Kaybee Lunch Crowe Automotive Duncan Plastering Copaco AFL High single Ken Smith Highthrbe Harry Hobbs 692 GROUP Kegwells Service Station and Legion werehthe big guns in this ices uwmMNuIHHoo oouwww+ugtmwgq 323 Cushmans was the result of an employee taking downlhe license number of the car used by three men he saw dash out of the store ice raided the Sirachan Avenue house few hours later they ar rested Cushman and another man on vagrancy charge rear room ed help by hurling pop bottle through window On Sept 12 Cushman was ar rested on aushopbreaking charge involving the attempted robbery of safe in store on Queen St PRECIOUS STONES The Dominibn of Ceylon has large export trade stones chiefly rubies and sapph arrest tirelessly and enthusiastically in Korea and played leading part in Welding together the many and diverse elements in the divLcion He has been constant visitor jto all front line positions and has thus acquired an extensive and detailed knowedge of the defent girl clerk attract police state greatest value in operations His personality and tact have ensured the best possible relation ship between the staff and unitsl In addition his liaison with the US Corps and Army could not have been better His service to the Commonwealth Division has been outstanding LLCol Amy graduated from Royal Military College Kingston in 1939 and has served inthe ac tive army since He was appoint the planning of When pol in precious Winners and Losers in the thihuood FLOUR In home that is lonesome to Sad1y missed and lovineg re membered and moth 113 RUTH1n loving memory ofour dear Sydney Ruth who passed away Oct 1952 1113 memory is our keepsake With which well never part Godhas him in His keeping by brother John We have him in ourjhearts Ever remembered by Mom and Dad Roadway and brother Stanley Ruth 113 VVCHICKS BRAY NovemberDceuiber broil er cockerels should be on order The Manufactqu Life the pioneer onTorcntos new Ems surance ROW has Set up new standiiids for officeaccomm ation With thecompletlon outs eleven storey Hcad Of ce addition photograph of the ElderChurch area tors Life buildingand how Head Office sltes 1051 Confederation Life 31 mfeggshown at Cahadasflrst subway poll mufedmto the 01161190111 cec loncllo shownmui mxsomcarea tomorrow Heatijomce slit ortheglhctependenbgrderoffenders rm now Ask us for particulars Ask also about started chicks Contact us 50010 Copeland 1111 Burton Phone Beeton 55r12 iiAucrION SALES 115182 Oct George 11 Davis 0951 all lot 10 C9111 Essa lots doth 01 all militants Terms 110115 Ivy worm sal or 31 WELL mi WINNERS have bendcidcd and it looks like Reeve HeberE Smith alopg with uinessmen Harry of dressing six handsome turkeys hancocx and Eldon 24116 Greer the losers will have the pleasure The Barrie Businessmens Turkey Fed ing Contest final weigh in was heldat Bar rlewlllarm Supply yesterday morning and according to agrecment the owners of the flur bhice smallest Would dress the kelp at Barr1e Fulton 59119 or at five oclock Winners 11 Turkey Feding Contest 3010 Bibby and Fair SecretarysMart ager Wm Malcomson are quite pleased with the result and look forward to the great event sive line which has been of the CUSTOMMADE VENETIAN BLINDS at theLow PLASTIC TAPES WIDTH 14 to 22 23 to 28 22 to 36 37 l43 to 487 st to 72 LARGER The largest bird weighed 27 pounds and the smancst 2112 pounds quite fine placard for BruGeBIQwn Graduate Fouling Addbyme ANY LENGTH up 1064 yup to 64 up to 64 no 64 64 In 641 E51 PRIC QheckThes Features FULL SIZE HEAD RAIL new improved mechanism GoonQUALITY ALUMINUM smug baked enamel finish Adorn catch or peel wont shrink easy to clean or stretch SELF ADJUSTING Mon BEST corran cows pulleys at all cord passages CHECK THESE PRICES PRICE

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