Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1953, p. 2

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mum Millie licensed in future Barrie ilii license its tag master plumbers in accordance saith that he cm with request made by local rrwm bers of the plumbing trade who are trying to improve work done 111 the town No muster plumber Will be given license to do plumbing in Barrie unless approved by the local Exl mmng Plumbers Board made up ler plumber and one journeyman plumber appointed by the plumb ing inspector from qualied The new regulations are to go into effect 1111 Jun lifti with the passing of bylaw Al Monday evenings meeting 13 town council Mayor James Hart sugared that the license be its IJ lOZ Moose Squadron The 195354 Recruiting Drive and Parents and Awards Night are the two things holding top spot in the squadron activities The Recruiting Drive is expected to get underway shortly with 50 new cadets the target The age limit reduced last year now allows be to become an Air Cadet pro vg he reaches his 14th birthday p1 to Jan 30 119 The only other qualifications are he must be in good health and have his parents or guardians consent After filling in his appli cation form and getting it all signed up by hisfolks the new cadet be comes member of No Flight gets his identification card and be gins the yearlong course oflearn ing what it means to be an Air Cadet He must master drill which can be anything from simple floor movements to the complicated and confusing ceremonial which is used during the timevofunnual inspec tion He becomes initiated in the intricacies of Meteorology Naviga tion Air Regs Aero Engines Rifles and Small Arms has medical examination from FL Doidge thequadron Medical Of ricer gets smattering of Prim Wciples of Flight sees Air Force Aircraft including the jets at close range jets to crawl iunder oven through up on down from into and out of some of thelwar vet er at Camp Borden such as the ster and the Dakota He is allOiired to touch Sabre Jet and Harness RgcgjL if lucky see one startcd warmed up taxi and take off The first year in an Air Cadets life is an exciting one filled with all mum of newtbioss new sights and new experiences He begins three or fouryear career that may see him end up with three or four scholarships under his belt including pilots wings and private pilots license And with all this going on he also is preparing to take part in one of the biggest nights in the whole cadet year Parents and Awards Night Thats the night the older cadets gt theirvcups shields crests and what have you won during the last cadet year Per haps the most inspiring sight to the new cadet and to the many vis itors who attend the event is see ing the winners of the flying train ing scholarships get their wings GC John Syme MBE Com manding Officer RCAF Station Camp Borden has officiated at the Wings Parade in the past and movingxceremony it is There are about 15 awards this year includ ing several being presented for the first time Competition is quite keen for every awayd with over 100 ofthe boys each eligible This year the squadron celebrates its fifth birthday since reorganization and gala birthdayparty has been planned in conjunction with the Parents and Awards Nifht A11 man 11 looks like at big night and dandy time in Store Monday Oct 26 at fearTurbo MEMBER RED DEER Alta C1 Heb ry Hart membcr of the original church built 48 years ago turned the rst sod for the new $75000 $1 PAULS Harvest Home Services Harvest Home services will be held Oct at St Pauls Church RevW Province of Streetsville will be the predcher at 11 am and Rev Rowe at 730 p111 Visitors From Manitoba Recent visitors at the rectory were Mrs Fred Goodjohn and family of Elgin Manitoba Baptismal Service Sunday morning Sept 27 three children were baptized by Rev Rowe They were Dennis Arth ur son of Mr and Mrs Raymond Neely John Alfred songof Mr and Mrs William Houston Donald John son of Mr and Mrs John Lennox Born to Mr and Mrs Dalton Kell of Cochrane Alberta on Sept 20 daughter Diane Terry wee sister for Marilyn At the time of writing little chitis We hope he will soonL126 feeling better Return From USA1 Trip gMf and Mrs Hugh Jackson and Mr and Mrs McLeod have just returned from lovely trip to New York Boston andWheeling West Virginia While there they attended the WWBA Jamboree radio show NEW JUDGES ST JOHNS Nfld CP First two County Court judges irrNeW foundland are William Kent in Humber district and LWha1en in St Johns East At confedera tion in 1949 it was planned that six county court judges would be ap pointed replacing to some extent Baptist church that has been starFTthe 6E system of magistrates and ed here eelonr district magistrates here Failr contingent on qualified nun in each shop it was felt by Aid iirdwood that the term mils tcr plumber could be liberally interpreted The licensing fee for plumbing twill be $10 year of the tmdesmen was opposed by several members inf council when the nitlion was The licensing the public works sanitation and oil The motion did not specify master plumber but merely Qplumber and was amended on 21 tgested licensing fee of $50 changed to $lO on business plumbers Aid Girdwood stated that the essence ofour deniccraCy is the freedom of the worker to move from one town to Eincther lie interpreted the licensing law 15 meaning that man could not go to town and atom working lis plumber without special permis sion of board that had 30 days to meet That is very definite thing in my mind The plumbers them selves are very foolish to restrict themselves in that wayf He felt that the town could run into utter confusion over the matter and stat By local Board the calzbre of plurllbtt in of the plumbing 1ispcetor one mas mean who arei originally presented in report of waste removal committee of coun motion of Aid Girdwood The sug armor and Ivwnraw 514 writrlrpwivw do srtauil in put 1115 111 trade was his up JCS think who Would hopper if we sway i115 to every trade Mixture fames Hort said that he and not see why the Town of Irk Juzuld be setting cu not Ctzfliidtf that Would 11 the misses or Degle Reeve it Gfrcfhalr man orks tum mum of ill the publx 91 kg 131 mitt inhow 11 mar own lt lowri 1511 0111mm ho nt nti days 111212 he Wutild iuil chic 11gt 11m 111 liczu of any 5111 At lie end g0 Colon wish of 31 tl he rt con to the $30 21 ijttfl 11 sq fig flight people coming into swn fixre lieher Smith saw da this type of teeming the Centre prtnous radmg 11 mizidcd 1113111ch of or 1213715111413 spend grout money here and we owe our exist cgce to that With this type of re sale11w ltgzsiutirig he feit the totvn was making for rcprbuls laid Harris 51 ed that ryor c1 trcs Wore lining this th and that was Working very well He did not think that the li ccrr would run on such re Efrictnm basis Alli ll Pndziison tllxruqiiflh11t master plumbers should have li ccrlsu but 15 they were responsible fortheir own mun winkiflifdlflder lliell he lid not see why other plumbers hall 11 have licenses Ald Williams grid that die pluzizliiizg trade was tryingI to put something through that was not vpreparcd for and wux ing to make Barrie cluswl shop lie We added that town council was go mutton of MalOl Hart who felt that it would not be prohibitive for 11 plumbing not 00 versed in 10 involved in which members of ting something council They re trying to get its to In apposing he rimming 3f all pairs legislation lhcy are not pre pared to meet themselves Aid Harris objected to the term inology master plumber stating that there were some persons in town established in business for years who did not have master plumbing certificate as it had come in in recent yeais These people would in effect be out of busi ness on Jun POPULAR GOATS TORONTO CP About 100 goats are expected to competent Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Nov 1321 This is twice as many as last year when gout classes were uncureless deeds Starve it with core and caution Bobby Knowles is sick with broni wa mm mm SHOCKING TOLL ginproperty destroyed homes devastated futures bloated bodies matured lives lost The eeiieWhlning of fire engines slren grips veryheart in can the qulokohill terror of the question Could turn rBttterlyironiorlstberfactrthatmiostfreggcoulda prevented Fire feeds greedin on careless conjbe stopped boforeit starts bychrand cautioh KEOUR of 11 fazed nitred that it llr Lyle McLean on the arrival of baby boy Feeling Much Better ll3d to hear that Davis Arnold and Lyle McLean are feeling brill Visitors To Community ir Judi 311s Jock Skiilmg spent civilian Wll Skilliugs parents Mr and George Duns and Mrs Elphick Barrie at George Daviss 5111 and Illas Higgirison 111 and 2111 Mrs Jock Jermelt 11 Mr and Mrs Jenuctts Mr fund Mrs Horold Arnold at lift and Jennetts dr and Mrs Fred Arnold zit Mr and Mrs El wood Jennclts M1 and Mrs Jum ieson with Mrs Lennox and Ellis Mztud Kcown Mr and Charles Lotver Mr and Thomas Mul hotland of Barrio Mr and Mrs Norman Coxworth Mr and Mrs Marshall Boyd of Thornton with Mr and Mrs Harvey Banting Christ Church Services The services of Christ Church were well attended on Sunday Rev Howard gave two very interesting sermons His remarks as farewull were very impressive We will all miss Mr and Mrs spook here on Oct at pm Christ Church WA The regular meeting of the Wo mens Auxiliary of Christ Church on Wednesday Sept 23 in the evening Mrs Howard presided and led in the devotional period Mrs George Davis read the chapter 17 The missionary story was well given by Mrs James Mc Dermott from the study book lst chapter about Africa In the bus iness part of the meeting the treas urer reported 11 good balance The minutes were read and adopted Plans were mode to have snack bar or lunch counter at George Davis sale Mrs Wilmer Wilson reported on the bazaar which was very successful Plans were for sale on Oct 28 in the church basement Mrs Elwood Jennctt to be convener Th program was in tchargc of Mrs Ken Smithwho had planned an interesting hour iA duct by Jean Jennie and Elsie Davis was enjoyed very much contest was given by Mrs Smith iand reading by Miss Dunnill en Mrs Lee also gave reading tlhe meeting was closed by God cumulation this be MY re Some of the Sunday YiSLtUTSZ Mr and Mrs Keith Banting and Mr Howard Rev Pelleticr will1 was held at Mrs Harry Bautings seripture from 2nd Corinthians 81h 1111er Resident Georgs Squibb Died Al Toronto General Employee of past it Toronto General Hospital 2W1 corn or but 15 lllOl at isle Wight son of St Josephs taken on new year schoolm Keown has been gloclyd chief and has 85 Innisnt Townshiv Helm Smith Yem GNrge Steven Mu 3W dial on Monday Sept ii b95911 The student boo shortiy after school Sept to drawppuaudw 11 Henry Squzbb and the 13313 for the 1m former Eden Jones and came mlSociety Commotion Canada in 1920 He resided 11 lot wanes went to 10 on the fourth concession of hologram Durham Lilli for three years had lived at Frank Cancma ergzey 0113 1111 1927 ha niptiage to the form Florence Bennett of Cooks tlrwn district took place and in 1923 he moved to the farm on the fourth line of lnrdsfil where he 10 iWO lfsviLatirte Treasurer 21 teo years in Toronto and the form my It was docfded at that the student may on the new school paper The executive of tho remained for 25 years and hadiSociety lost no time rm followed farming before taking up nursing work the student body itsalrilmr 1st giro the pupils good time Thom Mr Squibb was an Anglican and ing Wednesday 8mg lm the funeml =ervicc at the Jenmsttfcorn roast was hold item VFtlzchZli Home Barrie on WednespiPark Midhurdt with ll day Sept id was conducted bythe pavilion from 730 p31 lie Lionel Rowe rector of Stipm and time off rcoqs iPauls Anglican Church Cemetery Churchill Pallbearch were Robert Eld rdge Clarence Cooper Melville Murray nd Harold Ruffett Reintiv and friends were pres 0111 Fun Falls Bowmunville and from the district Lovely flow ers expressed their sympathy and 1regret arid were also from St Peters Church innisfil Township Churchill Baseball Club of Innisfil Council and the empoyces lnterlschool extendedthonks to men was in st Peters Church EAdamson park supervisor for his hospitality Three St Josephs the Sodality convention Browning Edward llilock Jack iYork his summer Emma Penny Laurie and Joano report that they had the lm big highlight of the cub riculum this year 13 this com cial class At the typewriters are hm 139 9w2 five oclock and the depath hive of industry 1titled Home Is Where TheHeart ed that provalal license was rst added to the Royals list of the thing that was needed mun competitions lightedhaisheed cigarette in gun mummiesgpin smoke in bed Fire prevention is sis Juroer aroizcmm Barrie and Distnd insurance cnt from Bruntford Toronto Aur the vest at Fordham Township shed Surviving members of the fam ily are his wife one son Hurry at home one daughter Mrs Cow Joan Cookstown RR and brother Hurry Squibb of Aurora 49 lurk Eur 1215 nearly 23 cents for wages and on PRICE pioyee benefits nearly cents for all taxes and cents went to not 2205 profit Suite The Queen and benediction by Rev Howard The hostesx served refreshments social hour was enjoyed by all DISPOSITION 0E DOLLAR Out of cachdollar of sales last year Canadianmanufacturerspoid andlioauttoh Check that of wastemate oils and othsrfcombusttiblm in firesole office smote jobfog

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