Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1953, p. 11

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gSome oi the bOOkS parchments and other historic items are said to be extremely rare and in some cases HR emfalmost priceless included in thc lid Willi Wacunuml 3f$lttitcr are Bishop Usher speller cm MEWS in 1311 daed amut IMO Brmhmu vwwbmb hm weekl tile amt the actual snuff box mod lt All OI COMl by Willineon which with CUVH mm byp3mlitfk Jilin ho turncd over to ii Hf mi mm dllfmh distiftt relative who served in tho $173M how pm 5le ml Battle of Waterloo of John Slimming lie was thanked by Mrs Drinkwam Amen SW WHmm 35 0x its sham of lmnous pcople inclueL by mm mm Rmbrmugnling Sir Sam Steclc Kltlt militaryl and Show meV leader and first head of the RCMP the thanks of the visuom ThtSir William Mulock Bishop Riv soclcty which now has 63 mcm and mm Km bets decided to purchase shrubs gt an orv membersmt premiumi Plain TM tmlw M3 my stmlhspeys and flmgs according will be exchanged at the next wt Encyclopedn Bmhca mmunz Coldwmrr Tm wan Is Vol the opinion llliil ttlllg masher memberS Ned rmtih Vlltll lglli ll1lCtz in thr nrlm 1min moms on its r15 to mtg in it our days oan chmrd the his fury of tho Dominion For lllltliln gt lcrnor General will Ollicizilly Tho porish turned out the match at on On lrtday evening Oct the nta closes Wllh prize pi sentat lbanquct In Grafton Arcna Although lreltmd has bolt in national dance Scotland hasi Storm Cuts Power When on clcctrical storm broke hydro line on main strcct north late Friday afternoon powcr lln cut off temporarily At olilngtvood Iair Mr and Mrs Percy Dunn and children John and Billy and 13mm bota Jenn and Mr and Mrs Norris Gill Ittendcd oilinxwood iziir French officials to tho British King hzirlcs ll with the result the Hutt sons llziy Company was formed Much of the graphic history of this district as well as distant londs Is bound up in thc IXlllltllS in llt shown turned from dealings with thr blunting Resident Oi Barrie Area For The Past 26 Years Presbyterian Anniversary Ina Clnydon of Lewisham Eng land Mrs ii Peyton lsnbelle of ntford England and Mrs Wisemoo tflclty of Brisbane Ans trnlizi The fubcrnl scrvicc was held on Thursday Stpt 24 at tho Pcthickl Smith Funeral Home Pallbearers were James Ecclcs Frailck Marshall Nash and thcy arc nblc to drop bombs on im porlztnt intguts To learn how to do all this pmc 3455 lnlemalwndl Plowing Match work in the lounge to relax ml and the kitchen to whip tip snnck in Theres little or noractual work involved its extremely intcrcsting ondury will be larger than ever lntcrcst cwlvo thc silvcr plow as on award le lillulCttttlllfv and the Sec School classes in which teams of two are permitted to blow in contour plowing is being en couraged and supported by the To rottlo Globe and Mail Two classes have been established with $35 as the first prize We are quippedto provide EVERY FUNERAl some murmur VVc continue to adopt eve advance made by our moles sion every improvement that enhances the beauty oi luncral service and brings added comfort to the lamily arid lricnds Rcv Jack of Stayncr lcrk of Presbytery will preach zit and great deal of fun as you join The lfllllllflllulllll Plowing Mntcn IMIS RICIiOId Henry DIES Aiiicilnttltiiini us In Bar with mm neighbor as Whmmm hwh gets underway at Cobomw Oil llll cry IV bvvtk mm mm nom mm illnllll sources of olduateis takng your place is mcmhn or on ht Is inc hifinothcf iind hilSKleXlngi Wzilkcg St Andrcws lrcsbvtcrinn hurch If Elm lhl Bani or Alillill 011 lrlbll Canadas Air Dcfcincc team Ad records according to Lashlcy or DLl 55 mom ll 05 from UnlltS Camnnmi lllilllSlKHd bvthcRCAFin thc pcrisccrctarvnmnngcr Tho demand motored vm mghnm halcyon llilt ay it It 11 am am Him Cd hm home in umn Sundav and visited tbc lcur Lake pm Spccinl mustc will be pro 0mm 103 Wlll Lm lW 316b LTB N0 317 son of scvcral officers and airmen for tXlllbll SpliCL cxcccds that deer hunting min to bc used by vitcd by choir 111mbvrS and vocI llml N0 hill and llilrold usdcn who are on duty at the Filitdcen my Dlllltus Wan QVCI 200 Im have applied and Will occupy lots The World Championship plow ing organization has everything in rcudincss to receive competitors from 12 different countries They will plow both sod and stubble and the high scoring individual will be awarded tlic Golden Plow em Visit Deer amp Site With year She had bccn sufferingl Harry Cowan and party Mr Cor Iml 51 119 Lllt ptfwl mGIHbtIs 0f lht lulisls from Victoria Illilbtltli loIt mm hm condition no camp Mk McNicoll Midland and hrllin The dccmwd ID mmrmq Toronto Visitors Honor IIddie iIawkc 71 lot the Loyal True mug Lodge N01 Mrs Arthur llardcn and Mr nnd Mrs Raymond Harden and son Tilf ronto were Sunday visitors at Mn and Mrs Thomas Scyntours Service At Kitchener Rcv Dick conducted the bar vest festival scrvicc ll Kitchener Mennonite brethren church on Sept 27 Relurns To Pulpit Rev harlcs artcr rcturncd fol the pulpit of thc Coldwntcr lltSi bytcrinn Church on Sunday after holidays The Sunday School rztllyi service followed Visitor From Arizona Charles Bliss of Tucson Arii zona visited his rclativc Mrs Marj Karel Davidson of Goldwater Mini Bliss attended reunion in Clevcl ltmlf of veterans of the Spanish 11 American war Shower For BrideToBc Shower was held Monday night inthe Prcsbytcan Church or Greta Harvic bridctobc of Thom lichen 120111 Anniversary Sunday Oct St Georges Ang lican Church Fairvalley will hold 120th anniversary along with ksgiving service for the bar Speaker will be Von Arch mean Lightboum of Shanty Bay Monday evening there will be buffet lunch and reception in the parish hall with an offertory to aid the fund for new electric organ Expect Former Parishioners It is expected many former par ishioners will attend the note worthyanniversary and inspect the remarkable display of farm house hold and personal articles dating back hundreds of years in some cases which will be shown in St Georges Parish Hll beginning MondayOct Rev William Craven the present rector assisted by committee of the parish and withthe cooperation of members of hiscongregation has assembled items for the parish hall display which give picture of progress along many lines in the last two centuries There are stone remov ing machines horse and dog powered equipment ancient house hold articleswand old fashioned military uniforms and clothing rm mums um BARRIE GROUND OBSERVEKCORPS wh ing the former was pnid signal According to lIddic llawkc 71 37 and past district mistress for be 15 doing his best drivmi in nnrgtho lodge She altundcd the Church 5i yours compctltion tn liarncsof England races The popular oldwatcr trainl Born in Egg England on Feb er and driver who stnrtcd out in 19 1880 1110 lntc Mrs Henry was competition handling thc rcins ut V1110 form Alice cmvdon daughter his own horses Billy Brine and for me km Frank mdminbeth Lucv ll bcuon driving horses Ullch dm Sh lsldtl ne lns father the into Peter linwkc of Bayvicw Hill This was wbcn be was 13 Iltcognition of MII Ri llawkcs finc spurtsnizmsiiip ovcr is hmmm mm long mu whm litnry or Condlcs she is survived rlcncc of tziporing off was llllllt il Ill Silmgs Ml Plllzzlblflh Jar Ellnvulc Fnir rcccntly During tho litigant 510m Mus Em race cvcnts in which Eddie and his son Gllllld Hrc both conipvt coming to Barrio in 1927 ccil Ilrbinson llrcnct both of Computer great many rclativcs honor by the Eltnvolc Agricultural and fricnds attended the service Society lo ccrcmony Oll tinnon Friday Sept 23 from tho Rob tiacks Mr llawkc was prcscntcd inson Funcrnl llome Coldwater it with ccrlificatc giving him and was conducted by Rev Ross Cinn Mrs llawkc life membership in Inmg of the United Church Inter the Elmvalc Fair Tribute was paid mom was St Andrews Come in the citation to Mr Hnwkes to tery Orillin Pallbearers were years clcan competition and ltittctigc and Gnrnct Dcvitt Erncst sportsmanship on the Elinvulc Miller Leonard Booth Melville track Lec Wright startcr at Elm Bell and Norton Gibson valc since 1920 made the prcscntni tion on behalf of the Society Fm many years MI Hawke has llll the new president Clarence hccn trainer and driver for hirslard am 399mm SecreiarIl ShrsmppvardS Bumbme stablesLloyd Bcll fulfilling their offices Coldtvotcr Previously he waisirom Calmk ions79 their 5UP ploycd vb Dr James Hawk and Eper meeting In the parish hall Mon Dr Park Three other bu day night and discussed plans for titers have been drivers Norman me Coming 39 Satisfactory re Hawkc of Midland when driverport 55 recelwd the boom at for the late Fayette of Pale lthe fair and those operating it un tang won stake raccwith Cream la leaderhlpl Herb Stevens and of Tartar at Exhibnmn Track ToiKClll1 Robinson were given vote mum Harvey and Garnet of Cold of thanks was decided to have water sml drive and the former neccssary repairs made to the Lions owns three race horses Eddies playground equipment at the public son Gerald who works in Orillia 399mm GOFQO 00139 lesmeda maintains his own fiveycaroldh15 mCmP9rnlp and the DUbliC trotter at his Coldivater stable and 5Chl pnnupal 1V0 Humphreysii has won prize money with him attended as guest It was an at fairs this year Gerald is also trounced that District Governor Compeem driver and often appears William Garner of Barrie will pay in races Viiur father for com an 0111le VlSll l0 Coldwater on petition 00 ErrWardens Gather Meeting at Clansmans Lodge Big Bay Point lnnisfil Township for banquet and social evening the ExWardcns Association of Lions Discuss Plans Lions Name Committees Lions Club Committees for 1953 51 with the first named in each case as chairman are Program Ritchie Lane Walter Moon Boost Simcoe County elected George Barr former Medonte reeve and past warden as president for the coming year Among the many present were lormer warden Eplett and Reeve Andrew Dun lop both of Coldwatcr former Coldwater recve and an citwarden Ernest Milly nmvsuunty messen ger and former reevc Noble Lov cring of Matchedash The Late Mrs Devitt After lengthy illness Laura Levenia Dunlop wife of the late Clarkson John Dcvitt passed away at her home in Coldwater on Tues day Sept 22 in her 63rd year The late Mrs Devitt was born in Medonte Townshipicldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Samuel Dunlop She leaves to mourn her loss 1va brothers and one sis terCharlcs Dunlop of Edmonton Alberta Gordon Dunlbp and Mrs er Etlcy Lovering Chester Mar tin Activities George Fell Bill Borrow Jim Borrow Jack Dunlop Harry Cowan Carman Robinson George Graham Percy Brimage Keith Robinson Convention and Finance Jack Tipping Reg TipT ping Sports and Playground Orla Bannerman Frank Gleadall Herb Stevens Claude Bolyea Jock Shep herd Boys and Girls Work and Scout Activities Bill Wylie Les Sanford Lloyd Letherby Walter Orr George Webb Civic Improve ment Andy Dunlap Arthur Cor nell Tom Potter Health and Wei fare Dr George Hall Dr Bert Hughes Education and Publicity Steve Brodeur Frank Williams Charles Eplctt Attendance and Membership Earl Doble Bill Phea sant Albert Orton Mel Kent Plan 1515 Dr Hughes Jack Tipping ltclxilivcs and friends attending tbc funeral lllClUdffl Mrs Jarvis of icnctnnguishcnc Mr and Mrs Coopcr ot Willowdnlc and Mr and Mrs Jarvis oi Willowdale Barrie tanguishvnc for tincc years before Birdwatchers This is our second visit with you in The Barrie Examiner and our first opportunity to introduce you to the Filter Centre Thats the rod brick building on Dunlop St across from the new Smith furniture store When you walk into the building and enter the in side door number of offices room that looks like hotcl lobby and some intrigtdrrg setup at the Ground Observer Corps That 15 varying in frontage rent 23 to 275 the toilet who live down the street fcct Hydro tclcphonc and water from you your paper boy you hnvlc now been installed in Tcntcd minister or cvrn your bnlly siltcr City and everything is in readiness ill invite you to join them as to begin setting up tcnts volunteer at the Filter Ccntrc in Entrics in most of the plowing classes will be rcccivcd as the Match progresses but insomc in stances advanced entry is required The mayorsclass on the first day will have keen competition from many newcomers Among the cntrics Irc Mayor Gracc McFar land of Lcnmington and Mayor Bernndcttc Smith 01 Woodstock Full information will be supplch and there arc no obligations when you drop ill for visit As vol untccr with the Ground Observer Corps you rcccivc porttime train ing in an intcrcsting phase of Con adas dcfcncc earn your wings as qualificd mcmber of thc Ground Observcr Corps aid in air scorch and 1LLtl and contuibutc valuable service to Canadas air defence Many cntrics have bccn received from top plowmcn for the Ontario championship class the winners oil which will compete in Canadian class to CllOUSf the two to rcprc scnt Canada in world competition British Columbia Manitoba On lario Quebec Nova Scotia and Prince Edward lSlnnd will have entries in the Canadian competi tion Each province is sending its top plowmcn The winner will re TCA MEXICO TLIGHTS TransCanada Air Lines announc cd it will inaugurate air service betweon MontrealIoronto and Mexico City starting onceweekly flights Oct 31 The service is sub ject to receipt of necessary permits from the Mexican government rear of the building greets your cyc and youre off on tour of the place First lets start with the lounge Thats this room furnished with comfortable chairs and couches lamps radio an in general dc signed to permit relaxation Straight through is the kitchen and more modern one would be pretty hard to find On the left is the Operations Room with lts huge oddshaped table anllbright lights Next is the lecture room and then the various offices Lets go back to the Operations Room which is the most interest ing of the lot We mentioned bright lights and the oddly shaped table Actually that table is map of the Barrie area in the Air De fence setup volunteer plotter and that could be you pinpoints aircraft reported by observers from their various posts Fromthe re ports the path of the aircraft is de termined and the information re layed to the Air Defence Control Centre Intercoptor aircraft are senrtup to detect and identify said aircraft and ifihey are enemy en gage them in battle long before Auditors Ken Hamilton and Ches ter Martin linever dreamed painting ll roontmcould be soeiisy and uiclcuntil discovored MERCURY cusrou FOURDOOR SEDAN Meroury beauty blcmatic ot world supremacy in thci art 01 plowing it is expected 150000 people will attend and to accommodate so many visitors the citizens of Nor1 MotherlandDurham counties citj so Cobourg and Port Hope have active committees looking after traffic parking facilities sanita tion billcting ontcrtainmcnt etc Rt Hon Vincent MaSSey Gov VOur personal service is ren dered with impartiality to all pe0plc rcgmdles ol their positions or possessions tlillll an no net vGlif FUNERAL HOM ll N512iiUSlCl rm MW Whitman tires rrar fend omit and bumper grille guards apllwml at extra tau PLUS allnevuppoWeif features Road Test the beautiful Mercury Allnewpowcr features take the tiresome wmk out of driving leave just the pleasure As you step on the starter thriftproven V8 engine eagerly springst0 lifo so smooth so whisper quiet 0n the road livelier performandefegidler handling smoother riding and safer stopping willwin your admiration too Mercury POWER STEERING at your ngertips makes handling easierdocs three quarters of the work Mercury POWER BllAleS give smoother faster stops with half the effort Mercurys lam POWER SEAT POWER SlEERiNU anr eowmsmnmuonow iwailube mall models hoops thou vital feelofthqroadyou know uTrbin fullcoiumandpitheoar inorethnu tipproqaum is needed 11 drau ic muscles taka ovei loft stocking times easier Lets you park inthe tight tenets with ease ummn ougayhlllStIaight Etoppmglsup 10 50 or faster ftoo because lower clos ironsmm cu iiiANtauangch Mm litt morothan moderator LThijeiiht of yourtoot erf foiwar or in pedal permits quick changing from gas plrdalto brakefouls reaction mistrust5m adjusts ata touchand youre driverJilted to the most comfortable driving position If you havent already enjoyed Mcrcrnry Road cst see your Mercury dealer Find out why others say the new beautiful Mercury is the greatest yetso com pletely powered 3WAY choice IN mansmssrouh MercOMatipDrive greatest of all automatic transmissions or thrifty ouch0 Motic Overdrivtboth optional cm Synclirouizcd Stindarcl Transmission Mommy Optional on allmcidels Itadjus fourfuayo to provide our just right SimP press button tome or down tuxqu heir ietwith moot tremmfeh if land drYB the relax our Lmodelsh 6r SilentEase Oplional extra coin Wln KBkTiEOW MERCOMATIC Drive in

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