WOmens Institute Told Members Trip to Coronation umber rmed Womens Mrs Fred WW do her trip to the Coronation her fellow brunch numbers at first rail renewing the We re Wm met on humbly to resume their regular introduced by Mrs Nelson who in chart or the as of historical march the gave galeMid account her travels to her na Lind Part of her pleasure in to her home coma from reception she received of the neat that she had from Canada The Simud resident ew over and rumrked that she did not right about the date of we before leaving It was for April April Fools However delay caused lhel to leave late on April Prime Minister of Canada was the airport when she lefi and his pennission she took of him to Show to people England Mrs Webster greatly enjoyed the over the time being so short die sensation of flight not ex to grmt degree Flying the clouds she thought they like soap suds She lauded at Prestwick Scot and went to Newport Wales she arrived at her brothers three hours before she was Their delight at seeing other was mdesc riboble She as they had not seen oiher ilor many years since were children Her nephew car and she was fortun ie to able to tmvel about undisee as she found that cars were plentiful and roads were poor Mrs Webster described her visit Cross Strouci Womens In England where site at splendid meeting opening business session fol by mannequin show and Coronation display of flowers she was asked to judge The were mostly red white and with crowns and ags Mrs also asked to speak present greetings from Stroud She told of the splendid COTS Hills and Gloucester and the there that will hnake slate From the hills seven may be seen The owers were so beautiful she and said that very en part of her trip had been visit to the splendid old cathe built in 1097 People marvelled when they that Canarans wereflpbtling up Coronation decorations too Everyone had to work but every Home Economics Heallh Open Program Theme The egulnr meeting of Fishers Womens Institute was Thursday evening in New inson Hall With 18 memlt and 18 visitors present This an open meeting in charge of home economics and health committeeMrs Edwards Hughes Mrs Brown and Andrews Two lms in color were shown first was Your Children and and the second Why Tom Eat lhesewere true pictures and were very edu for the young mothers contest was conducted by Mrs Hughes with Mrs Anderson rst prize Mrs Hodgson gave report the convention held in Cooks that day Congratulations were voiced to Gould on winning second for her essay on her trip to Mrs Connell Jack and Mrs Hoohhre dele to theares convention to be in Barrie Oct 1518 came from Canada lot the number singing the door opened when you mdiynul traveller Her musics home was 300 years old sh endshe described the landi scape that Lillicl and the yew tree hedges that are used instead of fence or stone Mrs Nelson thanked Mrs Web sier for taking the members wizh her manually on her trip The prcszdent Mrs Inwcry welcomed the branch llimliberb back after an enjoyable summer The opening ode the Mary Stew art Collect and the Lords Prayer opened ihe meeting and roll cull was One of the nicest things that happened in me in the lam your The nunutcs of the June meeting were rend and adopted and the treasurers report was given Cor rcspnndcxme included recognition of sympathy cards and thunk you notes from the ill There sure letters regarding the Centcnnih and the branch receiv ed congratulation from the county presidcni and the Barric fair board the latter thanking The members for their 320 dominon Apprccmtion was cxprcxsmi by the Save the Children Fund as well as the Cancer Fund it was announced the Ericefng that workshop will be held from Jan to Jan 15 The branch has deeded to pro vide the Masonic banquet splendid report of the lower show committee mentioned Several new exhibilors It has been decided that Stroud Womens institute Will exhibit both the Cookslown and Barrie fairs special vote of thanks was given to all who had worked so hard on the float for the Cc ten nial and special thanks was ex ended to the gentlemen who had assisted The meeting for October to be changed from Oct 15 to Oct because of the county area con vention The president coiled on Mrs Marquis Mrs Herbert Wallace and Mrs John Hunter to come forward Mrs Marquis in few well chosen humorous wordsfsaid it had been pleasure to have been on com mittees with Mrs Hunter She just never said no when askcdto help Mrs Wallace pinned life membership pin on Mrs Hunter and all sang For Shes Jolly Good Fellow Mrs Hunter was absolutely taken by surprise and felt she had not earned it but al ways tried to help when at all pos siblc Mrs Ronald Fox favored by British Womens In stitute ode accompanied by Mrs Morris Mrs Nelson convener of his torical research was in charge ofI the meeting Mrs Herbert Beelbyl spoke on the motto People arent strangers to you they are only friends you have not met Mrs Beclby gave splendid version of this topic reading story of Bug On Pin Think of your own circle of friends and how did you meet them at schooljt church or where she urged Linda Walt and Carol Millhol land performed little dance and mag Me and My Teddy Bear Everyone very much enjoyed these two liotle girls performance Mrs Nelson gave splendid ac count of the summer edition of Stroud News which included two of the community being overseas during the Coronation Mrs Web ster and Simpkin the garden reported the and typically Eng rv sun ileynwufl and 31 As Snooker Ocldu TSHILJ 11T um Mrs Frrd ii fairs lfugni 1r gspcn the wctiiclld spent several days with and Chishite Maya and only Sunday lm Sunday vustors with Mixiiwrgcgampmgv Squibb and Mrancl1i liarry gThwsdg Squibb war Mr and Mrs inn Brunei and PM of To 3915 Mrs Harry of Mr and kiss A3 Gun and LL of St Pauls M43 Trim Randal Exam with gens 31 and Mrs Joseph Longueuil Gays inst Jun lir Chrome Ana 19 am Mr mr award to tire at them home on of Simply Bay is van and daugh lrtLitg Cooper Shower for Young Couple Timid Sop 132 number frrrds urul magbbors gathered wn hall to honor re ric and griom Jun dummy actl while Mile HouL lss Henry model Lifter wnsch td dhzicmg cun the smoll hours of the Eu Wail Buntiys urnth Fillll couple received imxtv binomial 415 lid Bazlcy and Ron Mrs Gordon Sunday Toronto tra park the Qut and Rug Euir at winch one of the charter metizbcrs of ms institute was the oldest ex bsz the person of Miss Mary chc and many other items God Save he Queen followed by lunch by the hostesses Looking for its you promptly to out of em ployed peoplemarried or win gle The loan is tted to your individual circumstances No bonkable security required Phone for 1Visit Loan If youre in hurry phond and everything will be ready when you arrive Or write or come in See for yourself why thousand of people say If to be Intel Ab mnolll mo ennuigr Eu Icyn Tu bk In in min locus $50 to $1200 on Signature Eurnhm or Auto FINANCE COMPANY 2nd Fl Public Utilities Bldg 15 BAYFIELD STR Plume 5931 Berth John Gillespie YES Manager PEN DAILY TO 5SATURDAY F0 l2 hm mode IomirleniSof all surrounding llIl Fame Firich Company OI Md nocoun sun Sillilllillllllillll no means BOURBON The meetingOpened with Mrs Edwards 2nd vicepresident in chair The Opening Ode was followedby The Lords Roll call IWaS answered EV Yone giving their favorite medy During lunch pre singsong was conduct Ruth Jackson at the piano The eetlng closed withthe sings ms the Queen and the mem adjourned t0= the basement dainty 11inch Was served he committee The October lstojbe held at Mrs 11038 am or ENGLISH mm xScrvc it with afternoon tca Griswoet to top oil dinner or bedtime snack when you pack PEEKTREAN BISCUiTS wall Wallpaper succesSfully createswall intereSt in your home adding new beauty and charm wherever you need it COME iN ANESEE OUR 195254 PATTERNS SUNWORTHY MASTERPIECE SUNTEsVTEDQLANCASTRIA Drop in and select thewallpaper you desire from our new 195254 patterns sum ibzdyner frmnds last week md Mrs Frank Miriwood sud Dull Airs Newton Robinson Ted Houghton is SpellLlJlg few weeks nurvestmg in the we JJhr Ramsay is spending weeks Montreal Mrs John Robinson it To onion few days last neck unend ng the DES ccnvenlmu Mrs Lesson waited Orrin uni he 511ch of 13 Miss Belly Thompym of flower dule School spent the wcckcmi tier home in Burks Foils Airs Jim Cum 451 iso numbers by the 51 tile strum any anniversary 31 on relatives ELL t1y and fanniy mil Mr it Sins Ali and and Mrs inmdy cl xl icncilg and Mrs md Mrs Mommag and fairs hichun Toronto Mrs Mucz and Similar Campbell of Kl Mr and Mrs ii Osborne lire iimvm 3115 Airs Terry and girls Mulder llr ULL is El Him 513 31 Sardinia of Moving To Barrie We are sorry to lcurn 1112 lire moving to Barrie wficrc nus Secured position with lull Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cobom and the boys spent the weekend motor mg through Northern Ontu ng North Bay Parry Sound Mugncluwan Mr and Mrs Waiter Ami Mr and Mrs Gordon Mud Johnny spent the weekend 5m iorth and St Marys Mr and Mrs John Scott LGriu Beverley and Douglas Spmrs oi Torunzo Visited Mr and Mrs llnlpn lioughion on Saturday WALLS WASHED INSTALLED CLEANED Wedding Near Picton Mr and Mrs Wilfred Bel nitvi Mr and Mrs Earl Bell attended the wedding near Picton on Saturday of Mrs Bells nephew Allan Lewis PNIINE 6765 Reliable Window Cleaners FLOORS SCRUBBED and WAXED STORM WINDOWS CLEANED C1 Glass Replaced in Storm Windows if Needed OFFICE STORE ERONTS FLOORS FACTORY WINDOWS CLEANED ALL WORK INSURED 154 00mm 51 PROP JOE HARKADINE to Miss Ruth Williams Your Best Buy in Floor Coverings Minis Gardenbright Iloruls Smart geomelrics Colourful sisalsl And many of these fashionable Gold Seal Congolcum patterns come in the modern DuoDepth eects Whether you want oors that mulch your walls or contrast with them youre sure to nd the right colours in the right patterns in the big big Congolcum range lIlJ TY Gold Seal Congolcum is still the only oor TCOvering of its type with thEWcar Layer of heattoughened paint and baked enamel equal 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while selections depositiwillhold your cost until