ELMVALE re RIM FLEMIN rtilat her father John Fleming =ner took first prizes with in the heavy thorses class at the annual Showing of Fine LivestockVBig Fall old Elmvale girl with some of the first prize winners in Hr vegetable class at the annual exhibition of the F105 Agri Itural Society last week Vale Boy and Grand Champion Calf THESIIOWING OF LIVESTOCK classes was big draw at the annual Elmvale Fall Fair which drew acrowdiot 5500 last week iEallis Midland light layer cake zjelly roll lemon filled 1ENYEAR0LD anald Bell of Elmvale with his charplon call at the Elmvale Fall Fair last week He the grand championship award in the 4H Club01 Elmvaleolstein calf class fStayner 2nd Will vale barley lstlohn Elmvale oats late lst Michrthur redclover lst tbura Timothy lst In Elm ale Roots potatoesrchish Cobbler or type lst Donald Mc ale 2nd Mrs Robert Elrrlvale 3rd Mrs dubaUshEne six pota si naldMc micro Prize Winners red Alexander apples lst Mrs Bob Stroud Elmvale four Wolf River apples lsi James Lambiesifour Northern Spy apples lst Miss Calverley 2nd Gordon McArthur four Golden Russet apples lst Miss Calverley four Pewaukec ap ples lst Gordon McArthur four Tallulah Sweet apples lst Gordon McArthur 2nd Miss Calver ley fouron fall apples lst Ro bert Graham 2nd Miss Cal verley four AOV winter apples lst Gurdon McArthur four pears any variety named lst Gordon McArthur 2ndMrs Robert Mar tinWJr 3rd Miss Calverley six quart basket of crabapples lst Andrew Copeland Elmvale 2nd Miss Calverley 3rd McCrath 2nd Mrs Eimvale three swede feed lst Donald intermde feud Mrs and Mrs Burse Wyebridge Dairy Produce Crock of dairy butter five pounds lst Mrs Earl Trace 2nd Mrs RupertMcCray Elmvale 3rd Mrs Clarence Ritchi Elm vale fivcpounds of dairy butter in compound prints lst Mrs Earl Trace 2nd Mrs Rupert McGrath Clarence Ritchie five poundsofac camely butter in one pound prlntsfilst Elmvale Cream ery best caniol churning cream tunable 3murs William Fallis not iced lst Mrs Robert Marlin Jr 2nd Evils Carence Ritchie lst Mrs Bob SllOlld Clarence 2nd Mrs Jelly roll jamfilled lst Mrs Bob lStroud 2nd Mrs Clarence Ritchiczg ism Mrs William Fallis chocolate layer cake lst Mrs Ross chin Elmvale 2nd Mrs Clarence Rit chie 3rd Mrs Robert Martin in six muffins vliolewheat lst Mrs Clarence Ritchie 2nd Mrs Leslie Jones six doughnuts plain lst iVIlS Clarence Ritchie 2nd Mrs James Lambie 3rd Mrs Bob Siroud three varieties drop cookies lst Mrs Bob Stroud 2nd Mrs ClarenceRitchie display of homemade candy lst Mrs Clar che Ritchie 2nd Mrs Bob Siroud six jam tarts lst Mrs Dor rell 2nd Mrs Clarence Ritchie 3rd Mrs William Fallis six butter tarts lst Mrs William Fallis 2nd Mrs Leslie Jones 3rd Mrs Robert Martin Jr one glass crabapplc jelly lst Mrs ClarenceRitchie 2nd MisS Calverley one glass grape jelly lst Mrs Bob Stroud 2nd Mrs Clarence Ritchie one glass currant jelly lst Mrs Clar ence Ritchie one glass each two varieiles vegetable marmalade 15 Mrs Clarence Ritchie use glass each two varieties native fruit marmalade lst Mrs ClarenCe Rit chie one pint canncditornatoe3 lst Mrs Leslie JonesandI Mrs Robert Martin Jr one pint canned peas lst Mrs Clarence Ritchie one pint canned corn lst Mrs Robert Martin Jr 2nd MrsClar ence Ritchie one pint canned pears lst Mrs Clarence Ritchie 2nd Mrs James Lambie one pint canned plums 1st Mrs James Lambic 2nd Mrs Leslie Jones one pint canned raspberries lst Mrs Clarence Ritchie 2nd Mrs James Lambic one pintcanned strawberries lst Mrs Calver ley 2nd Mrs Clarence Ritchie one plnt canned cherries lst Mr Les lie Jones 2nd Mrs James Lam bie one pint canned rhubarblst Mrs Clarence Ritchie one pint cannedpeaches lst MrsRobert Martin Jr 2nd Mrs Bob Stroud with two champions Elnivale Fall RR Stay sions mi Fair last week weather the fair featured entries from all over Slmcoe County it the many fine divi in Mommas to the Flos Township village Here fine cattle divisions are paraded before the judges and the crowd ing Held in ideal autumn Fair Attraction it in ax el Johnston cake competition 15 pieccncrochet or tatting1stlt1rs 1va Mrs William Rams angel cake Mrs Clarence Ritchie 2nd Mrs EDorrcll 2nd Mrs Clarence James Lambie 3rd Mrs Bob Ritchie centrepiece embroidered Stroud Club House Pure Food lst Mrs Dorrell 2nd Mae Products for spice cake lst Mrs Gregory Clarence Ritchic 2ndMrs Thurlow Club House Pure Food Products for chili sauce lst Mrs iBob Stroud 2nd Mrs Robert Mammy 2nd Mrs Thurlow tea Kitchen Accessories Breakfast cloth lst Mae Greg tin Jr William Neilson Ltd spe towels embroidered lst Mrs lst Mrs Bob Stroud McAuleys fins lst Mrs Clarence Ritchie 2nd Mrs William Fallis Honey and Apiary Honey in section lst Mrs Cal vin Ellery Elmvalc maple syrup 1953 make lst Mrs Calvin Ellery 2nd Mrs Clarence Ritchie Floral Exhibits Cosmos collection lst Mrs William Fallis 2nd Mrs Dor rell Dahlias decorative best shr g1eb199mflst Mrs CA Thurlowi basket of Gladioli lst Mrs Harvie FallisvMarigolds lst African eight blooms lstMrs Thurlow 2nd Mrs Gertrude Forbes Marigolds French 12 blooms lst Mrs William Fallis 2nd Mrs IIhurlowrPanr sies collection lst Mrs Dor lell collection Petunias single four colors lst Mrs William Fal lissRoses three blocms one vari ety lst MrsRoss Ritchie roses collection lst Mrs Darrell 2nd Mrs RosS Ritchie Salvia six spikes lst MrsC Thurlow fern lst MiSS Edith Dutbie RR2 Elin vale 2nd Mrs Alvin Hisey Elm vale Sweet Peas collection 1st Mrs Alvin Hisey Zinnias eighi blooms lst Mrs Ross Ritchie 2nd Mae Gregory basket of Wild flowers lst Mrs Harvie Fallis 2nd Alice Reid Phelpston vase bouquet lst Mrs Ross Ritchie basket of flowers any arrange menis lst Mrs William Fallls table centrepiece lst Mrs Wil liam Fallis 2nd MrsA Dor rcll house Begonia lst Mrs Har vie Fallis house plant in bloom lst Mrs Ross Ritchie 2nd Miss Calverley Chapple special for dahlias lst Mrs Alvin Hisey Needlecraft Quilt pieced cotton lst Mrs 5012 for chocolate layer cake iced Dolrell best four articles each made from one flour bag lst Mrs Cigar Store special best six mut Robert Martin Jr 2nd MIS Hal vie Fallis Bedroom Accessories Pillow cases embroidered lst Mrs Dorrell 2nd Mrs Thurlow pillow cases any style lst Mrs Thurlow 2nd Mae Gregory sheets one pair hand made lst Mae Gregory7pair of guest towels lst Mrs Dorrell bath towel trimmed lst Mrs Wallace 2nd aeE Gregory dresser scarf lst Miss Calverley 2nd Mae Gregory dresser set three pieces lst Miss Calverley Ladies Wear Gloves knitted wool lst Mrs Clarence Ritchie 2nd Mrs Alice Glover Orr Lake gloves any oth er kind lst Mrs Thurlow fancy purse lst Mrs Dcrrell shopl ping bag 1st Mrs Dorrell 2nd Mrs CThurlow housedress home made lst Mrs Greidan us 2nd Mrs Thurlow ladys pyjamas lst Mrs Leslie Jones ladys pullover Sweater lst Mrs Gordon Strath practical apron lst Mae Gregory 2nd Mrs Robert Martin Jr fancy apron lst Mrs Thurlow 2nd Mrs Dor rell ladys tailored blouse lst Mrs 15 Greidanus buttonholes two bound and two any other kind lst Mrs Greidanus bed jacket knit or crochet lst Mrs Harvie Fallis 2nd Mrs Dorrell bed jacket any other kind lst Mrs Ritchie Mens Wear Shirt Work lst MrsG Gretdu sr2nd Miss Calverley anlu sh rt any other kind lst Mrs Calverley 2nd MrsF Greidanus pyjamas lst Mae Gregory 2nd Mrs Leslie Jones socks woollen Harvie knitted coarse lst Mrs an new new All WE same Portia and Rsrold were in Toronto on Mandar Mr and Mrs Norman Davis spent several days the home at Mr and Mrs Doug am Cook town Miss Aileen Gardener Russell and Howard and their aunt Miss Emily Gardener of Bradford spent Sunday with Mr on Mrs William Clement Elmvale Motor Trio North Mr and Mrs Thomas Gpiiths accompanied by Mr anda Mrs Doug Ross and Judy oi Cooks town left Friday morning on motor trip to North Bay and vls lied Algonquin Park and Bath res turning home Sunday evening Margaret and Jean Sturgeon spent the weekend in Alliston the guestr of their brotherinluw and sister Mr and Mrs Ken Bian chord Mrs Linwood Sturgeon is visit her daughter Mrs Dougier IFryer Toronto Mrs Grcidanus 2nd Mrs Clar eme Ritchie childs pyjamas lst Mrs Grcidnnus General Article made with shells lst lMiss Clllwrley specimen oi handweaving lst Mrs Dor rlcll any other handicraft lst Mrs in Dulivll 2nd Mrs Edith Horne Port Colborne Mrs lonson special for best pair mens Socks done in fancy stitch lst Mrs Ritchie Mrs Ionson special for best pair mens socks done in col ored yarns in pattern lst Mrs Clarence Ritchie New Pics WI spe cial for best display of 20 articles made by an Institute for the home lst New Flos WI 2nd Saurin WI Crossland WI special for best dis play of articles made by an Insti tute during Institute year not shown before lst Sourin WI 2nd Clnssland WI Cereal Shelf Girls displays open to members of Saurin Crossland and Silver Maple Clubs lst Silver Maple 2nd Mount St Louis 3rd Saurin Garden Clubs Silver Maple Amy Lee prize Joanne McGrath prize Marion Martin prize Doris Thompson prize Joan Hall prize Cl Margaret OHalloran prize Cl Shirley Turncrtprize CrosslandWrcatha Strath prize Doreen Beacock prize Nancy Wright prize Mary All dcrson prize Loran Strath prize SaurinGail Langman prize Barbara Strath prize Myrna lngleton prize Bi Anne Whitton prize Pigs Boar born previous to September 1952 lst Carscadden Stroud 2nd Johnston Hawkestone 3rd Johnston boar born between Sept 1952 and March 1953 lst Carscaddcn 2nd Curscaddenyiild John ston boar born after March 1953 lst Johnston2ncl Carscadden 3rd Gordon Brethct Sons Tottcnham sow born pre vious to September 1952 lst Cprscadden 2nd John ston 3rd Carscadden sow born between September 1952 and March 1953 lst Car scaddcn2nd Johnston 3rd Carscadden sow born after March 1953 lst Earl Jones Midland 2ndMartin Maurice RR Penetang 3rd Gordon Breth ett best herd of pigs lst Carscadden 2nd Johnston 3rd Carscadden best pen cock Elmvale 2nd Gordon Breth four bacon hogs lst Elmer Bea ett champion sow Carscad den Browns Meat Market special for champion sow Carstad den Browns Meat Market special for champion boar Carscad den Swift Canadian Co special for best pen of four bacon lhogs lst Elmer Beacock 2nd Gordon Breth ett Sons YoprNeW FIILook 895 aml io95 VADAM HATS 595pm 150 cmiu Hrs Lorne Matcth returncdgoo iSctuxdsy titer spending week with hersister in Fort William law is Albina Miss Mary Donneliy Ra tail on Friday to nurse in ne hos lpital at Fairvlew Alberta about 800 miles north 01Edmontori Mr and Mrs Words and children or Thisticton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mac Stewart Mrs Breckenridge and Mrs Henderson of Toronto are visitors with Mr and Mrs Kindest Mr and Mrs John Sinclair of Senate spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Sinclair With 6310 In Barrio Flirts Sinclair has secured job as salesman Dangereld Motors Barrie Miss Lillian Sloan Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mrs Harly Squibb Aurora PHELPSTON Schools At Elmvalo Fair The schools were Well repre sented at Elmvale Fair Childrens Dav Both Phelpston schools had floats St Patricks representing Champlulns liuronia and public School Canadas Early Schoolhouse Mb Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Joscph Loftus ccic broted the 40th anniversary of their wedding at dinner at the home of their son Franks Sailors Weekend At Home Ed Marley and Laurence John ston of SS Glcneaglcs paid short visit to their respective homes over the weekend Miss Kay Loftus has returned to Toronto alter holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs Joseph Lof tus Surprise Party For Teacher Margaret Marley ieit Wednesday for Brantlord to attend school there Before lcaving surprise party was held in her honor at the home of Patricia Sheppard Sunday evening Friends and class mates were present and each brought gift and extended good wishes Photographs of all those present were collected for Margs album and the evening was spent in dancing to the record player Then the guest of honor cut fl STETSONHATS beautifully decorated cake which was served with sandwiches and cokes Wsntabh no Mrs Walloon or Coohstm and Miss Korma Will ion of milligrams guests or In NAIlmm Rev Edwardi Mitts$511 Top onto rs arm Mrs Slurgees met Lyndaibea lot Barrie overestle Sloans on Sunday Harvestctviceo Two splendid harvest services were held in St Peters Cirilrch on Sunday The church wasr dec orath with profusion of owers and fruit and vegetables showing signs of prosperous ear Rev Mr McKittrick of Tom to assisted Rev Rowe in the morning and in the eveninngev Colonel Sherring of Barrie was the preacher Mrs John Sturgess of Barrie ins soloist picased everyone with her very line rendition of tie Cares FOR ROYAL CHILDREN LONDON CPi The Queen has accepted Shetland pony from the Highland Pony society She has told the secretary George Chcyne that she would like filly three to four years old Mr Jheyne hopes Prince Charles and Princess Anne will ride it rilliilnlllnr FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES VIII For Barrie sub District DOMESnc and COMMERCIAL llrrlilsllnllnilil MONARCH Refrigeration to ll8 Dunlop St Near Molassth Phone 2059 OPEN FRI TILL pm Crawford Co Est 1919 MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Government Municipal and Corporation Securities 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Wires ior couese HAVE AN risers EMy Dad is building it forfme right now and its scrolling on going to be pretty important to me some day And father knows how important it is to have that estate properly administeredin matter how smallic may be at present He may receive advice and assistance from experienced Trust Ofcers on the disposition of his estite without any obligatiofuhzu Wrire forties booklet Blueprint For YourFamily We aeair mo 35 summaries l49udbgnm listsMrsRupertr McGratb 2nd Vertic Beardsall Elmvule 3rd Mrs RobertMartinJr Domestic solemn ion or homemade bread white Mrs Leslie Jones Elmvaler 2116 Mrs HorvieFallis3rdMrs Clare tell loaf of homemade Fist Mrs Leslie rs Irvierallisisrd lily2 330 one pint raspberry jam lst Mrs George Johnston 2nd James Lambie one gupint blackcurrant Thurlow 2nd Mae Gregory quilt any other kindgilst MrsC Thurlow rugghookedmags or tied Sum lst Mrs Clarence Ritchie one lst Mrs Alvin Hisey 2nd Mrs pint pickled cucumbers sweet lst Thurlow gt Mrs James Lambie 2nd Mrs Bob Stroudg one pint mustard pic kle lst Mrs Clarence Ritchie 2nd Mrs Leslie Jones one pint pickled onionsv7lst Mrs Clarence Ritchie onepint pepper relishlst Mrs GordonStrathwE mvaie 2nd Mrs Clarence Rt highMagic Baking VPowder special of bestdrosted singlelsyerr white cake lst Mrs Clarence thchtewanaMr Earl illracegtl31uefitibbon Spshinl ftir It meat onebnltdozen tea biscuitslstMrs trestleJonesgan Mrsp Thurlow Earl Trace Aurora Belle Ellingtcompany special loriliest bullydozen iced cup cakes lst tarelice Ritchie2nd Mrs race Four Cornehlearobmf as truit cake Clare 9e Ritchie 2nd Martini Fallisgr 2nd Mrs George John ston socks woollen knittedine lst Mrs Alice Glover ZDdthIS Ritchie mitts woollen knitted double lst MrsC Ritchie 2nd Living Room Accessories Msame rams mittsiwwuenr Afghan 18 Mrs Dorm knitth fine lst Mrs Thurlow cola cushion silk 1st Mrs Harvie Childrens Wear Fallis 2nd MrsAE Darrell sofa Carriage cover lstMrsgClar cushion any other kind lstMrsx ence glitchie wool jacket babys George Johnstomiznd Mrs knitfor crochet lstiMrs Gordon Rorrell tailing1inishedrtlclelJst Shawn2nd Mrs 64 Ritchiebon rs Dorrell2ndiMissfl net lioottees mitts knit or crochet Culvericy crosssiiicbivttnishednr Ist Mrs Leslie Jones 2nd Mrs tlcle lst Miss Calvert 2nd Gordo Strain childs pullover Mrs G1hurlovvi needlepoin lin knittedlst Mrs Georggi John ished article lst Meek Gregory awn find Mrs Alice Glover dress homemade new in Gretdanus childs dress lrom old garmnt Enemy 2nd MrsGor UIMSIFTorom