OUTSTANDING CLYDVESDALES on EXHIBITION DAILY PROGRAM OF EVENTS THURSDAYPREPARATION DAYOCT the ground will be open all day for the placing of Commercial Exitbits and the Secretary Will be in his office at grounds Junior exhibitors should note rules re placing of exhibits Field Crop Vegetables and Fruit may beyplaced until 10 pm FRIDAY OCT 31 antThe gates will be closed and only those in attendance of stock or exhibits will be admitted unless they hold mem bership or upon the payment of an admission fee 030 amSecretarys office Will open 000 urnField Crop Fruit and Vegetable Exhibits to be placed by this time Judging to continence at 930 Judging of Junior Exhibits in Field and Garden Crops and Girls Work will commence 1000 armA11 exhibits and Livestock shown on this day must be on grounds 115 pathRing ZJudgiug of Heavy Horses Ring aJudging of Beef Cattle Ring 4Judging of Swine Judging of Junior Exhibits in Livestock will commence 100 pmOficial Opening 215 pansHorse Races Non winners of $300 class and 225 class 500 pmLivestock Parade SATURDAY OCT 800aanThe gates will be closed and only those in attendance of stock or exhibits will be admitted unless they hold mem bership or upon the payment of an admission fee 830 amSecretarys office will open 1000 amrAll Livestock to be shown on this day must be on grounds 130 pmslRlng 24udging of Light Horses and Wagon Horses Ring itsJudging bf Dairy Cattle Ring Hudgm of Sheep 200 pmaHorseRacesZJZ and 218 Road Races Pony Races 500 panLivestoclrarade Arena Conlmission if Refunds $9350 Granted in I951 Town Council received cheque for $9350 from the Barrie Arena omission at its regular meet on Monday evening in payment money received in the form of grantfrorn the town in 1951 The arena over the past two years has been endeavoring to reach nancial position to repay the town On motion of Reeve Hebe smith the money refunded is to beplaced in reserve fund against uncallected taxes and the necess arypylaw is to be prepared When the arena was extended few years ago money was needed rwhrweeitain items on the building Accept High Bid Of Syndicate For lawn Debentures Town Council accepted the bid of syndicate composed of the Bank otloroiito Daly Co Ltd Cochrane Murray and Co Ltd and Galrdner and Co Ltd forvan of Barrie debentures in the amount of $1481tltlo on Monday evening The syndicates bid Was $9917 for each hundred dollar bond oute benture and was the highest of 12 received at the council meeting It was considered exceptionally good by council members The debentures are being raised to finanCe the addition toHillcrest Public School the opening of streets sidewalks and sewers 94M Accommodation Battles Big Fair For Centennial Year the grounds of the Barrie Agricul Society will be in greatly raved condition with race track raised and fill placed where needed and that Inb provcmcnt will heal great any slch in handling the crowds and cars entering the grounds The manage ment calls atten tion to the Elsa load entrance south of the main gate and mid way Tbetween that and the cioverltaf at Highway 100 This entrance should be greatly patronized as it provides ample parking without trouble nu the centre of the grounds and will also assist in handling the outgoing rink In addition to the main Em Road gate there is also that on Campbell Avenue which offers advantages of its own and may be reached from Innidil Street viz Caroline Marcus and Cen tre or Alfred streets without touchingon Em Road All parking amps are within easy Walking distance of at tractions writhe footing should remain dry this year with the additional fill If the general motoring pub lic will make use of the south gate on Essa Road especially it will leave the main entrance for the use of merchants and exhibitors and will greatly as sist them CKBB Giving Trip To New York For Two Band Members The two members of the Barrie Collegiate Band who qualify for the trip to New York to attend the rst allCanadian music con2 cert will stay at the WaldorfAs toria Thats the latest word on the CREEsponsored trip which takes lgrowiug in size and fame lthe end of World lings the largest of which the llumped accordingly with 38000 in The busiest place in town this week is the Barrie Fair Grounds where tremendous preparations are being made for the biggest fall fair ever staged in Simcoe County the Barrie Agricultural Societys 1953 and lineup of events that will mark milestone in the his tory of district fairs Exhibition Preparation Day to morrow heralds the opening of brilliant twoday spectacle Elite rst law was held in Barrie in the early lillils at the 31mm Square society are particularly liclecil to offer their biggest and bct show in Centennial year in Barrie and the fair can boast of having ex isted before the Ineorporutzon of town According to records it is with great pride that this annualevmt 63 ha been cam and ribbons and lmpmes plyear the directors announce lliL since for competition War ll the artl Barrie is the only Class remarkably Improved by return of several events Illiil have not been possible since 1942 In the lnual exhibition Will this year be fainVIIcId in the county except furl middle of World War 11 when me 19 ad Colmgwuuj Whmh 150 Dog355951f1nal wartime fair was held Ill the dltlon of three new exhibit build1a Linus show both ranking Iniold ml gmundi Since mt Barthc high group after such major rte Curling Club will pruvidelCXllibiUUHS 35 1058 he lnTOY Space for several new divisions 0010 LONG and Dual and 0121 This years prize money haster mill cenlrQS The officers and directors of the place on Friday Oct 16 Manager Ralph Snelgrove says that present plans call for departure from Mal ton Airport that day However the 200 pm New York flight will not be able to accommodate the entire party so Regional Manager Vie Fulcher of TCA has indicated that special plane may be pressed into service so the party will not have to take theearly morning ight Radio Station CFOSMOvenl Sound will follow CKBBs examl ple by providing two members of the local collegiate orchestra with an opportunity to attend the com cert in Carnegie Hall All told the party Will number eight travel together put up in the same hotel and share the same box at Carnegie Hall After the concert reception dinner will be held at the WaldorfAstoria and they will be presented to the world famous concert conductor Leopold Stokowski and other dig nitaries It was felt only fair to put scl ection of the two band membch on competitive basis and entry forms have been distributed by director Fisher Since large number of musicians wish to try for the trip it will be several days before adjudicatmg will have been completed gm HARNESS HORSES AT On Eve of Tonights Game Sponsored or unsponsored Hap Emms always seems to battle professional pressure as Well as keen rivalsin turn of the fair 1111948 there have been gradual improvements but this year Inc society can we the culmination of years of lllilllflifill and working to obtain the llcgtl Emms Fumes Over Professional Pressure tremendous spark in the iMem orial Cup march fazr in the countryside Ir the tees to plan county town if accept the many types ut such as fancy work Ill90 Fe Ethla and arts and crafts that it on not Fair vmturs wrll wVaViltV by safe to display under mm running feet of exhibits within such being the mg the new Curling Rink which willl now two lady um house an almost entirely new secHair board and their tion oIVcomsnercIaI exhibits as well commmees have gunned as fruit and vegetable displays divisions of interest to ma the new women worn and home hibuors and spectator cooking sections new flowerllmg Gram and my show and jUIllUI farmer displayslwork committee am In years gone by such exhibits Simpson of Elmvaleandhpr me other than lIvcstock grain and cooking committee will stage such have been under canvas and particular divisions at the term or were not held at all due to the Curling Rink as one LII to lack of accommodation Inclnew attractions of the fair exhibit tents were considered al right as makeshifts but the new Curling Rink now allows commit Sher Also entirely new this you Ill be ower show last was Barric fair in 1942 Thu Horticultural Society horticultural societies in surrounding townships of ty have drawn of 54 classes that will add ex and brilliance to the induct Fruit and vegetable have also been greatly and much higher entries erectn peeled because of the militia in the new Curling Rink This years fair is show unlike the exhibitions0t mer years Friday and sanctity be both main days as the Exhibition unlike other fairs plans to have min equally important On Oct there will be home racing the showing of beef cattle horses and swine and all the denture attractions will heiin swing All the buildtng will be judged this day and as will be Childrens Durand lJunior Farmer program in 3iarety will be carried out On Saturday more Wilbur racing and the horses show will be 1111 roadsters hackneys ponies musical program tors Although Barrie Is of the few October lemony it is hoped that the be ne weather co Day coming so late in automatically pushed man laterinthemonthanif was desirous of itva La day Friday and Saw Oct and were available Othen established and it was not of Barrie picking date or of the society fair on the first October rather than have counted upon tpdefend the Dom inion laurels Now Marian who dId fall on the Equinox gAnd now the fi ht adainst incl tt th Montreal trainin Junior ClICUIIr rofesslonals is ong again Bostonlzxm 933 wind up jumping anlf The Flyers are slated to oppose Guelph Biltmores at Bar succeeded in pulling Mohns and Mel med ranks rie Arena tonight in an exhibition tilt and when they hit the Kenney away from Barrie two boys Marian isnt anxious to ice centre star Johnny Martan will be absent Hem the lineup Virum to page four please Martan departed for Montreal Moiiday night on orders frontErank Semejthtuappasent Wants centre to fill po sition on professional farm roslgeig If Emma loses the three Message PreSIdent Fair year veteran to Selke it will mark the third memberof the with New that the ofcers and directors Memorial Cup champions to make the jump before gradu Agricultural Society present their Barrie Exhibitionvfoolm This is Centennial Year in Barrie and we Wishtlo atmg by age from Jumor company the Chamber of Commerce andfentcnnial Cousmittee linearly cl Doug Moitns and Don McKenneyiseasonBbstontried to keep Moons to make this an outstanding year We congratulate them them both with one year left signed and McKenney at their training success in bringing before the citizens the progressbf the pro contract with Boston Bruins camp in Hershey According to the records the rst fair was heldIn Barrie in andsare likely to play for Hershey early 1840s at the MarketSquare The oldEair Grounds where Canadian General Electric now plug 1951 the people voted against amnest Vm make further grant etc The grant now repaid was cremation th Arenai andrthlmade maltme Local Plans For VFire Prevention Fire Prevention Week has been proclaimed Canada from Sunday Oct 4to Saturday Oct 10 inclusive Vamoe Deputy Attor ney General states that anth orltativo Istatistics compiled and publmhed by the Dominion Fin Commissiner show that during the past 10 years 539590 fire in Canada have destroyed property valr1913 $591000000 and that during the some per VaCIlie fairer than September commission came fore council re Turn to page etch questing money locomplete can can ms roe till renovations lire heating mg ION In no th By FRANK STONE er area In the world do more opportunities come to people 11 onmmw and 8511901311 to people inSimcoe County We who graIeglLEVW YerVIilh mighty few excep apasoonota at 1953 will be no exception Vboun Iful harvest it appears Among the many opportunities one or the finest is that of exhibiting Emery Tender Accepted For New Post Office It as announced today that the tender of Emory Engineer lng and Consfru ction Co Ltd of Barrie for the new Barrie at can Fair The Barrie Agricultural Society through their Barrie Exhib ition are providing just this opportuni ano pportumty that leads 10an advantages that of learningtyhow to recognize the best that of comparing yours with your competitors Thirdly that VV to the public what you produe There are also many oth These advantages help the farmer to more economical production 333 05136 moreready market With economical production and ng ilarljletsproseety is below to cnline9 VVJWOP marsh Homemakmg Club rs and Lil Club Mem iod 4798 porous have lost their lives and it is estimated that at least 15000 others have been seriously injured as the resul of fire Fire Chief Boll Irwin of Barrie stated todaytlmt Fire Prevention Week would be car ried out with suitable pro Bears of the American Hockey League Before he left Barrie Marian ex preSSed desire tofinish his junior string Selke has the Timmins pro duct on fomwhich doesnt allow them to force profssional jump But they may offer Marian such an attractive contract that it Then as the season progressed the Bruinstried to slip centre Skip Teal outmf Barrie for professional company The Flyers were forced to hand over handsome bonus to Teal in order to defeat Bostons bid The next pressure was applied by Chicago Black Hawks who threat ened to turn Hillary Menard pro if Pas Office has been aceeptd by Doninion Department of Public Works Ralph Snelgrove Liberal candidate for Simoce North in the Aug 10 federal elections stated that the Emery tender of $394405 was the lowest bid submitted Work until new post office stands was acquired about 1885 and fairs were held yearliVuntIIv 193 when the grounds were sold Our new grounds were bought ind do velopment began in 1947 and in 1948 the first fair was heldvtherep Each year since has seen considerable ixnprovement made built the race course improved and planted The 1953 fair will see the Barrie Curling Rink completed dreads for use We congratulate the officers directors and members of the Club on their enterprising spirit and Wish them the best of brdsihould all beeager to participate in the exhibiting You are the vmture WIS and youare the ones that are benefitting most by this work thattis being laid in production and marketing Titanium Junior Fairhas been developed through the past years to meetthe needs of the young men and women so it you are wise take advantage this opportunity gram of instruction and warn lug Plans are being formu lated to have drills and tests conducted in all miracle Films and talks on re prevention will be given thostudents in making this worthwhile community acedmplislmient Recentimprovements also include considerable amount to the racetrack which should overcome the wet year new horse barn 36 120 with second oor cattle barn 32 120 have been completed and are new We arevery pleased to be able to include this year which has been WWW fewyears We also haveplen vegetables fruit as 33 minimum The memhants will also add much of telest making nonstop plyithe shownwindow of our county Wfhope k3 instance aware would be almost impossible to turn Emms did deal him to Gait down Emms wilted and negotiated trade The continual fight to keep hiswhich brought TonyPoeta to Bar Tanner Victoria publicvschool junior material is gradually diseour rie it Was the greatest favor Cth is expected to commence Wiub aging Emmsagainstopetatmg Last ago ever did for Emms Poeta we jn the next few months which will be located on Col lier Street at the site of the an or soon ya odel Shodewwm VVV mm