MEDIA in Bordon0mm For In and 921103331 putters Find RIED MEN list Mon to If Barrie Examiner balmIll 6er time Ex prom Apply Wamwcl 731m Barrie 1111 GR WOMAN to help in 4110011 Mrs Wu horn Gigs ms phone 7121 Stroud lIllif Waco PERSON to lookafth michildrco while mother works Phone 2000 after 530 pm 1110110 min on sud TRUCK Mechanic for fleet main mm and repairs Must be cx mad Box Barrie Exam 1110112 50 work on well equippcd tum mixed tannin Good wages separate house App Box 10 liar lr iie Examiner 1109111 YOUNG GIRL for housework In well equipped hiodcrnhomc 1th in Phone 389 or writc Box 34 Barrie Post Office 1111413 EXPERIENCED Car Salesman rc quircd by Ford dealership Cut supplied Contact 11 Class at 51 Victoria 81 Allistun 1111112 GRADUATE Undergraduate or ex perienccd practical nursc for gen eral duty Inuiswood Lodge Phone Florence nraakweu Barrio 4218 1953 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe ITw wamod Chaplain ump Bor lULL TIMI Waitress Shift work Must be over til years of age For further particulars write Box 59 Barrio Ellxaminlcr 111 EL WOMAN Wanted mature age who would appreciate good home inrc turn for takingchargc of home and companionship for widower no children Apply Box 53 Barric Examiner 1110111 THE BARRIE Public Utilities Com mission has an opening on its off ice staff for young lady Typing an advantage Shorthand not ncc mry Permanent position Splen did working conditions Apply in own handwriting 1109111 TURN YOUR spare time into extra money in pleasant protable work Style sense energy and ambition are necessary qualifications Train iog free For personal interview npply Box 40 Barrio Li Examiner 11101 12 OCCASIONAL Opportunity for housewives of above average in telligence mident in Barrie or in surrounding territory to interview on public opinion surveys Write Canadian Facts Limited 140 Well lngton St West Toronto Ontario 1110111 WEHAVE AN opening for plant floliflady between 25 and 35 years old Must be in good health and reliable with least years pre vious experience as factory floor lady This is responsible position with good remuneration for right persan Phone 5917 KolmarWilk enleimitcd Barrie 1111113 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES FOR gala 91 Metal Rags INDUSTRIALIRON METAL Dtmlop St West Feudal Phone 81131 or 0487 8401 Opedt 111111 Prices Paid x3 LIVE POULTRY Highest Price paid SCRAP IRON hfdcl raw fur horsehairtuthers ji LEVlTS TRADING CollierSt Phone 2301 Meaghan dramatizeEm lms Metal Er Saltage comm 2mm ms gamma LIVE POULTRY comic Winctllmghesg rim mam sumac mam MAX PUSHKOFF 723 and 011108 1W 817 swIso Rom mum TO BUY for cash 56 in good repair In first from state price Box 34 Barrie Examiner 3310341 money but please return waist and papers Lloydfiobgrt Mouton Itui WOOD 10851 DRY HARDWOOD $10 per cord Alldrcd Fergusonvale QUANTITY or Hemlock Elml Oak and lumberPhono ElmI valc 0r2 0110112 NO HARDWOOD Hardwood Slabs Softwood Slabs Sawed and dclivcrcd Dennis Moran phone 390 6107I2l SOFIWOOD Slabs and Body Hardwood Softwood $12 cord Hardwood $22 cord Hardwood slabs $18 cord Cut and delivered Phone 6507 0107113 AUTOMOBILES CASH CASH FOR YOUR CAR 1N FIVE MlNUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 13109 lhoztc 1111111111 1010 IONTlAC $43 1940 NASH Coupe with Icccssorics $200 or best offer Phone 2078 after ti p111 or wcckcnds 13103tf 195 CHEJ Coach 10000 1105 new car condition Itisasonnblc Phone 6636 ill111413 den phone 337 or 310 1111111111 1950 1HION FARGO Truck com plete with racks hcnvy duty tircs sun visor Apply Mincsing Harry Davis 13lll112 1953 DODGE four dour Regent Less than 2500 miles Tradein accept cd NO dealers Phone 0603 10 Wellington St West 111109111 39 CHEV Pickup Truck complctc with stock racks Will accept cut 110 or bugs as puymcnl Johnston phone 3122 Elmvalc 0109120 tonal Mixed Stovewood $500 per Anglo cord OW PHONE 807111 BARBIE 76011 $33112ng giirigmridii F1831 1hirlyflvc hundred half Ith Posscson to suit Contact Henry and Slrtck Realtors Barrie Brliliwave In LIVESTOCK FOR SAIL HOLSIEIN cow years To test 4m Town and Caunty Dcsplte extremely hot weather gdurinx the latter part of August gvcry little troublc was expatfamed iwuh sour milk report the veter DIES FOLLOWING ACCIDENT Mu Theodore Lauren of Cob 0d calfhood vacciuatcd good milkiinary services of thcSimcoe Countyglingwood died in Detroit hospital GRAvyst FILL TOP SOIL DELIVERY storm DENNIS MORAN Phone 290 Barrie iLEARN TO WELD Lincoln Arc Welding School uontimtous Tuition throughout the coming season weck course ANDRADE Cr SONS Phone 10r14 7971713 EGG CANOLERs 1111 No Stroud Largo quircs crpcricuccd egg candlers preferably those who have passcd govcmttttctil 1051 Excellent pay and working itllldt tions with all employee benefits Apply or write to Canada Packers Ltd Employmcnt Office 2240 St Clair Ave West Toronto 111113Rcasonable Apply Box 58 Barrie SINGER SEWING MACHINE announces their newest machine Scws without attachments Atty pattern you dcslrc includ ing Zig Zag Makes button holes Scws on buttons Iii111413 PROPERTY FOR RENT 0R UNFURNISHED Rooms Phone 4313 15111112 $5 WEEKLY Hcafcd furnished bedroom Phone 5211 15111 duplex healed Phone 2190 1510011 SEE IT TO DAY SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO 22 Owen St Phone 4365 7111 LARGE DEEP Freezer like new Phone 0682 78 pm 7111112 HAMMERMILL Belt 50 endless FURNISHED Rooms single gen 3740 15111 UNFURNISIIED Rooms Oct 219 Bradford St Phone 2231 15109111 BOOM House near Mincsing Apply Mcl Priest Minesing phone 221 15111113 APPROXIMATELY 200 sq ft of warehouse space centrally located 1Phonc 5104 15110111 FUHNISHED Rooms Ph one $1002 BEDROOMED Unfurnished tlcman preferred suitable for housekeeping also bedroom Cen tral Phone 5211 15111112 FURNISHED Light Housekeep ing rooms with kitchenette Adults only Phone 4130 15111 LARGE Furnished bedroom and small kitchen Suitable for two Central Phone 2320 1510311 ROOMS second floor furnished or unfurnished Heated No children Phone 835r42 Angus 15109111 COMPETENT desirable home for elderly ladies Tray service Apply Box 51 Barrie Examiner 15110111 ROOM IN Allandalewith or with out board Would suit 2gitlsClosc to bus stop Phone 3438 or 5781 15111113 OR dROOM Apartment nicely furnished oil heated Desirgblt home Abstainers only Phone 3834 15111112 FURNISHED Bedroom in good home Breakfast if desired Cen tral Apply Box 37 Barrie Exam iner 15109111 r5 FURNISHED Rooms Will rent together or separate All conven icnces East and at bus stop Phone 4737 15111113 LARGE WELL Furnished bedroom ground floor with private entrance Very central Gentleman preferred Phone 3845 after pm 151110111 BUSINESS GIRL desires one or two girls to share furnished self containcd apartment Central loca tion Apply Box 33 Barrie Ex aminer 15111113 COTTAGE rooms all conveni ences Located on county road plowed in winter miles from Barrie Access to lake swimming Jn Summgr Would prefer iretlred couple who would look after gar den and do light work for rent Box 69 BarrieIlxaminert 151031 15110112 tilts 2101191151 mummonm omgminimum 15s Innrtlonsac wood word minimth intnth 50c Way 317 mile south fortable rooms goOd meals Walter Kitchcn RR Stoyncr 7111 MEDIUM SIZE Oil Burner brand new $70 Apply 10 R055 St Bar rie 7111 ELECTRIC Four Burner Range McClary old model good condition Phone 41151 7111112 LAURENTIAN Table Turnips also 33 Ford car Apply James Reid Phclpston Phone 3121 Elmvale 7111 CRESS CALLOUS Salve relieves quickly Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salvefor sure relief too 7111 USED COFFIELD Washing Mach ine in good condition 850 Phone 3160 or apply 48 High St Barrie 7111112 VENEIIAN Blinds in ex cellent condition Apply Jacksons Dept Store 59 Dunlop St West 7111113 FACTORY Made trailer complete ly furnished Apply Mr Brush Yellow Roof Cabins Burton Ave Allandalc 7109111 ADDING Machines and Typewrltlt era Sales rentals repairs Slmcoe Business Machines 00 Toronto Sf phone 4824 7136tt PIANO apartment size mahogany nish good condition with bench $275 or best offer Mrs Shepherd phone237 Alliston 7110111 SUFFERING From Backaches Rheumaliclain Sciatica Lumbago is over if you let Rumacaps help you to relief Ask your druggist 11 CROSSLANDS pre ale of boxed cards ongzlhird for early shoppers many suitable for business greetings 50 Dunlop East opposite Post Office Square 7108111 LET US Supply your hog feeds Payafferyour pigs go to market No interest Contracts available Phone or see Craig Hunter phone 53r5 Stroud 7110125 IMMEDIATE Delivery on Rogers St Marys Famous Canadian Ce ment Pyramid Brand Catload lots or less Scott Company 1001 of Toronto Street Phone 4091 7109114MW SEE CRAIG HUNTER for service on your Faster Feeds Frost Fence and Farm Supplies Sales service and demonstration on Graham PlowsPhone Stroud 53r5 Hunters Poultry Farm 7110125 WARM MORNING Heater with atomatic control 16 lengthslplp and elbow $25 Heater holds 100 lbs coal for 36 hours Phone42198 Iiifer or up ly Walls High Barrie 17111113 ROOM BOARD ROOMAND BOARD central coral Maple AvcPhona2344 12111 POULTRY 200 LEGHORN and White Rock Manseld Rm Rooster Phone verett 0r Betty modcru plant in Toronto rc for saleamonths 01d Kent 144111112 Icr due Oct 9111 Corr Lot fnnistlf Township gPhone Ivy 19rd 0111 i2 COATS good mllkers one to gfrcslxcn soon Reasonable Tichy ERR No Angus 9109111 lac pros Ivccxsbw Will sell lady number Apply Joe Mooney iphonc 59r12 Bradford 9111 32 HOLSTEIN Cows one due 061 gum due Dec Apply Stephcm 151m Ncw Lowell Phone Crccmore 1405112 9111il2 iNUMBER OF Purebred Tamwoth EBoaIs and Saws durum October Dark Red Registered Shorthorn Ithll 13 months Apply Norman lbfaycs phone 9H StIoud 9111412 PROPERTY F911 SALE 3Room Bungalow close the cstutc of the late Robert Coulsun Tenders clearly Imarked Tender for Room Bun jgulow will be received at Box Barrio lixamincr lto 12 Oclock noon Saturday Octo bcr Highest or any fender not lnecessarily accepted 113110111 ROOM WlNTERIZED Cottage Apply Angus Leslie PO Box 25l Everett BUILDING LOT on Campbell Avc Examincr 1631111111 ROOM COTTAGE chloy vill aeg lot 50x200 winterized Apply Box 48 Barrie Examiner BAKERY WITH good livin ac commodafion for sale or rent to responsible party For further information phone Ivy 3121 on Wed lncsdays and Sundays only 16109111 19 wcANEo PIGS Walter salary available Must be sold at 011cm for cash to IGIIIIIz Iii110411 fHeblfhUnit recently following car accident The quality of milk lndlcatcdtBorn in Greece 53 year ago the that in most clues sufficient camhad spent many years in Canada was being taken to ensure safelurnygd 35m Laumuconduetcd Suppll despite the Cl 31 ll Waslrestaurant business in Colllngwood go busy month for the farmer Aland one me had Mm been 13 number of cans however were renamed in Barrie and Wamga Beach turncd due to dirt or high templsm is wwwed by he humnd Spamm andmne son Nickn Windsor During August milk testing was gconned to checking raw milk for TINY BEACH BUSINESS Beach business occupied most fscdiment and temperature at the ldairy Farm visits were continued of the gm of Tiny Township during the month with particularlcguncu which held its September session of Perkinsficld For the lstrcss being placed on cooling cs tnost part beach residents scmecd wcll satisfied wlth things in their MW this summer Two Balm ipccially if electric cooling was not Iaroas CW1 DEFENCE 0m chaclI cottagers said they wcrc The role of the small community very pleased with the operation of lin our civil defence plan is just as the new Tiny policc force under lvltul to sccurlty of our nation as Chief Howard French Better roads is the civil dcfcucc organization in however had led to more speeding lthc great citlsc Ihcy asked that Kattiloops BC Sentinel Inadc next year to enforce the 30 MW mph limit supposedly in effect now PERILS 0F PLANNERS NEW CULVBRT ON Last autumn the federal govern COUNTY ROAD intent announced it was going to The hugc culvert necessary to ltilOp the floor price on hogs at the straighten the AllistonTottcnham iycars cud Tho result was rush road just north of the CPR track to market during the last couple 31 mlkis south of Alliston has been of weeks in December Other fac completed Most of the land re quired to straighten the road and tors have intruded Now if sonic farsighted seer had told framcrs climinatc two bad curves approach ing this railway crossing has been last autumn there would be pork shortage in Canada now purchased by the county and nego tiations are under way for the rust 1101 more bogs would be on the APPOINI STUDENT MINISTER The congregations of Elmvale and Knox Presbyterian Churches Flos have appointed Mr John Cooper of Winnipeg to be their ministr Mr Cooper is in his final year in thc ology nt Knox College Toronto and will he graduated next May ORILLIA FOREthN LEAVES Foreman of The Orillia Packet Times for the past 31 years Red vets Stublcy has left the firm SATURDAY SEPT 26 to open his own commercial print ing business He has purchased all the job machines of The Packet ifarnis of this nation Br00ks Alto Bulletin BUILDING LOT 826x105 on Collingwdod St between Rodney and Cook near school surveyed water and sewer Apply Smith 111 Blake St Phone 3704 Iii109413 CHOICE BUILDING lots on Queen Street 66x165 feet water and sewer available Close to Codrington school store and bus service Flock 227 St Vincent St Barrie Phone 4031 16101114 $11500NEW Bedroom brick bungalow oil heating large living room and kitchen nicely decora ted large lot landscaped near school $5500 down Mortgage ar ranged Apply Box 31 Barrie Ex aminer 16107112 NINE ROOM Brick house modern excellent condition oak floors throughout air conditioned oil heating bathrooms attached gar age tile terrace immediate post cssion Apply Barrie Motor Court 240 Bradford St 115406151 ON SHANTY BAY Road six words and bath full basement with hot air furnace modern conveniences Lot 100x200 10 fruit trees and raspbemicstxcellent for two fam ilies Just over town limits Low taxes For further information phone 0307 111109113 OWNERS HOME six rooms brick modern garage Seventy two hundred full price Immediate possession terms At very at tractive price four rooms quite modern possession to suit pur chaser Contact chry and Elrick Realtors Barrie 16111 MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING DECORATING Interior and Exterior service to all guaranteed ARNOTT avWALTON Phone 6777 141 Collier St 578117 FLOOR COVERING Armstrongs Floor Covering Linoleums Rubber and AsphaltTile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 90 Cumberland Sb Phon 5185 565142 Prompt inquiries Work WERE AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE McCartney 8f Sons CONTRACTORS CONCRETE sidewalks drlveways barnyards etc micron STUOOO BLOCK LAYING Moderate Rates Prompt Service Phone 53 Collect orvwrite FREE ESTIMATES NO JOB TOO SMALL Mil123 tral Barrie clOse to school and WOOD SAWING done in Barrie and district Phone 4170 51009111 FURNACES AND Chimneys clean ed Robinson and on 4333 leaf windowl er Ar stedivphono and trig Oneclii Eggs Chickens thch IS gomg out of that field to Ijlggwpriccs remained unchanged concentrate on newspaper publish liutin range from 35c to 80c 111 The Packet one of the Thom dozen with plenty on hand The son chain since 1950 plans to go demand as usual was good and daily in the near future Mr also for chickens with good values Stubley began as an apprentice in smaller year olds at 40c and 45c printer in 191 and became plant lb Large roastch and capous were foreman in 1922 He is construct 55c and 60c lb and good supply 1113 shop on his own property is assured for Thanksgiving market Oct 10 also other poultry SCHOOL DAb TOTAL 193 There will be only 193 daysxbf school before the long summer Home Bakmg vacation begins next June 29 Home made dainties seem to 1319mm DaVv HmV ChriSlmas have different flavor and there is holiday and the Olldays thmugh always good supply of bread thcyear will cut the school term cakes pies doughnuts tarts tea to mmlmum The ChrlSlmas biscuits fruit cake and other good Wilda5 Wm begin Del 22 and things end Jan Easter holidays will be from Aprill5to 25 INDIAN AGENT PROMOTE Henry Gauthier who has repre sented the Department of Indian Affairs on Christian Island since 1946 has been promoted to tho position of superintendcnt of tho Nipissing Agency in Northern On Fruits Vegetables Plums ranged in price from 35c basket and up including smaller Lombards and large blue Grand Duke One outside vendor had peaches at 75c and pears the same in several later varieties Apples are not so plentiful and were 75c basket forVVealthy and 60c for Wolf River large variety of EGYPTIAN BOOMERANGS vegetables included tomatoes ripe Although the boomerang E91191 cucumbers carrots beets onionsy ally 15 associated with Australia ll cabbage pepper and Hubbard originated in Egypt Pictures Of squash vegetable marrow cante Egyptians hunting ducks with loupes sage savory Swisschard boomerang have been discovered plum tomatoes in ancient tombs Crabapples were scarce and sold Well at 75c basket Potatioes re mained at 35c basket White pick1 somc effort be the Royal Victoria Hmpltxl Barrie Sept 27 1053 to Mr and M11 Bulb 54 Sunntdsle Rag daughter BANNERMANAt the Royal Vic toria Hmpltal Barrie Sept 27 1953 to Mr and Mrs Norman Bannerman 31 Dunlop Stuart son JENSENAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio Sept 27 1003 to Mr and Mrs Menard loosen 38 Park Street daughter Linda Charmaine MCBRIDEAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sept 30 1953 to Mr and Mrs Gordon Mc Bride Lisle son McFADDENMaurice and Pearl are happy to announce the birth of son Barry Robert brother for Brian Sept 22 1963 at St Josephs Hospital Parry ROBINSONAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sept 28 1953 to Mr and Mrs Reginald Rob inson 396 Codrington St daughter EARTHAt CARD or THANKS Metc words are inadequate to express our sincere thanks and ap preciation to thosc who have helped us and donated to aid in our rc ccnt misfortune To these people for their infinite kindness we can only say Thank you so much Bud and Lavina Poole 111 nm 1N MEMORIAM WHITNEY1n loving memory of our dear aunt Ellen OHeam Whitney who passed away Sep tember 28 1949 In our chcst of cherished memor ing onions were 25c quart The last of the corn was 359 dozen Flowers Bulbs Some garden flowers were still included and also gladioli in bunches at 25c Tulip bulbs Can adian grown were on sale FARM EQUIPMENT CORN BINDER MasseyHarris in good repair Price $70 Apply Ken Sturgeon Churchill 119110111 FORD FERGUSON Tractor an Plow Sherman transmbsion good condition Phone 4861 311111113 DAVISAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on Saturday Sept 26 1953 Otto Davis beloved hus band of Lottie Jane Priest in his 69th year Resting at his home Minesing until Monday noon thento Minesing United Church where casket will be open from pm until hour of service at pm Interment MincsingCem etery GALBRAITH Atr General and Marine Hospital Collingwood on Sunday Sept 27 1953 Will iam James Galbraith in his 75th yearbeloved hsband of Lucinda McCullouch dear father of Dr Douglas Mervin Muriel Mrs in Barrie or vicinity Adults Ap ply Box 56 Barrie Examiner SIGNS Truck Lettering gold LIde bedroom apartmentor house un William Haverson and Mary Mrs Lynn Rossell Resting at Mathers Funeral Home Stay ner Funeral service Thursday Oct at 230 pm Ebenezer Cemetery NIXONSuddenly at the IOOF Home Barrie on Sunday Sept 27 1953 Ethel Mossie Kidd be loved wife of the late Henry William Nifon in her 7lth year Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service Private Appointments Only T119303 Sepi 29 at Dm Phone 814111 allmtf terment Barrie Union Cemetery MADAME anrielta clairvoyant NORTHGRAVFSTAt T010010 E3511 readings daily at 50 Maple Ave In General Hospital on Sept 25 town for short space of time only 1953 Edith Northgraves Reg Consult the Madame Will atte in her disityear dear sisterof private parties 3010941 Mrs ErnestSodtt and William goongiveslltsti at the Dan ape Do 11 and uted BrownLtdl491Da rlh Ave 3BEDROOM Suite or house wanted 0961 Coxwellh Service in the Chapel 11 pm standard time ply Box 160 Barrie Examiner Mopday Entornfoment at Forest 111117112 InwnMausoleum ROOM Apartmerit2 bedrooms or lower du lex wanted Have one child Furnls good referenceSJAp PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehill Drive Barrie Body Conditioning Arthrltlc Treatment remedial exercises Scientific reducing Licensed Graduate quseur 10 am 1111 10 pm daily 114110112 BEDROOM Home required by local business familyto rent Cen Innvaomsshs shogping Phoite Mr Johnson gt 581 111001 ROOM Furnishd suite wanted NIGHT CLASSES hone also landlady to care for lbmonth Dilatation 11 51 9115 old boy mm 8105 p111 except lhtnmd for weekendsjAppIy Box 145 an ricsExamfncr 1111011 ARMY ICAPTA1NTreQIiires or mum be furnished Ipreferdbl with stove years Box is Barrie cumin autoIii ARMY MAN requires lip of apartment bedrooms thildren well $1M Harris Now ice C0111 Bo den Interment 6Toronmrect New Wish beforehand Millie Ono will be rowan in 11 3120001 enoran to miniWrasse IIik any one 30 txAnytw $0 Whom wt Alto1M hf Refresher speed troops In Twp Ics Arc locked up thoughts of you Your smiling face your tender heart And things you used to do This token of love and affection Of an Aunt we shall never forget Her memory to us is treasure Her loss lifetime regret A1vays remembered by Bird die and George Helen and Ray 111 MARKET PRICES SEPTEMBER 28 I953 nods 01mm sons POULTRY As quoted by trim Coopentlvo Packet of Ontario Barrie Market Unsettled Hogs and Sows 603 Large Medium ASmall AB Cracks Peewees CHICKENB Over lbs Special Grade Grade Gracp to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to 1113 Special Grade Grade Grade gt Under lbs Special Grade Grade Grade 16 Cnpons 20 over the above prices POW Grade Over lbs 30 27 18 28 25 16 Under lbs After di of when 1mg Upper and Lower CanndLthe 11m met Canada assembly met at Quebec in 1793 AUCTION SALES may as LII Slough Community Bales Arent Phone Whitton 102 Elm it roux My Sept 28 Peter Moloney East ban Lot It Can Madam Township Auction sale of Farm Farm Stock and Implements 331 at Ll pan Jerry Coughifn Auc tfoneer 106111 Thanh Oct William Krlly 311 Lot 22 Con Innisflt Auction sale of far stock equipment and household effects Terms cash $319 at pm Sprouts Auction eer phone Stroud 23111 107112 Filthy Oct GeOrge Davis east half lot 18 Con Essa lots southof Ivy Auction sate farm stock and implements Terms cash Sale at pm Sproulc Auctioneer 110 Tlmnday Oct 15 Farm stock implements Lot Con Sunni dale Township Clarence Switzrr prop Charles Foster Auctioneer 11211511 AUCTION SALE rmi Stock Implement HmehoId tted The undersigned has receivcd instructions from WM KELLY Lot 22 Can lnnisfil Township To sell by Public Auction on THUR OCT 1953 AT 100 pan SHARP THE FOLLOWING CATTLE Hereford Cow years calf at foot Hereford Cow years calf at foot Durham Cow years due in fall Hereford Heif er years due in fall Shorthom Heifer years due to freshen soon Durham Heifer years due in fall 2yearold Durham Stock crs Yearling Durham Stockcrs Yearling Shorthorn Stockcrs SWINE 15 Store Pigs around 70 lbs Yorkshire Sow tOpenI lMPLEMBNIS DC Case Tr for in good condition Masscy ris 6H Power Takeoff Combine IHC SFurrow Ace Bottom Trac tor Plotvwith extra furrow John Deere 8ft Tractor Cultivator Flcury Bizsel Tandem Tractor discs 30 plate nearly new Oliver Tractor Spreader on rubber nearly new Cockshutt Fertilizer Drill 11 discs Massey Harris Hay Bake 12 ft Decker Sprayer 100 gal tank motor driven wuh 18 ft boom groom and corn attachments IHC Oil Bath Mower it cut Set 2000 lb Barn Scales 1930 Chev rolet Buck Rake 75 Bushcl Grain Box Chatham Fanning Mill with pulley Cue Hammermill 5011 6inch Endless Belt Heavy Duty Trailer with Racks 2whcel Trailer Sections Drag Harrows Hoot Souffler Land Roller 12 drums Single Furrow Walking Plow MISCELLANEOUSMassey Har ris Cream SeparatorBlacksmiths Forge 16 hp Electric Motor 11 hp Electric Motor Gem E1 ectric Fencer Buck Rake Teth Quantity of Elm Lumber Wheelbarrow Gear Pump Quan tity Scrap Iron Quantity Tar Pap er 180 Bales Second Cut Alfalfa Hay Mows Mixed Hay HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS piece Chestereld Suite Large Living Room Rug Ice BOX 81le art Warner Battery Radio Lar Size 011 Stove Coal Heater lg Clary quk Stove Kitchen incl Wash Stands Forks Chains Barrels and many other articles too numerous to mention All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor is going into the Coal and Grain business TERMS Cash except on tractor and combine Terms may be ar ranged on these with reliable par lies before sale Sproule Auctioneer phone Stroud 23m 111 FOR comm1m EYE CARE CONSULT N591 Stephenmhr R50 FOR commons room 4201 OPTOMtEIRIST smmnusous JEWELBERS cud Oommsrs rumor WERE BARBIEONTARIO Due to the interest showninthe LINCOLN ARC WtELnING SCHOOL courses AII applicants for this Arc Welding penis shouldvhe on 1an enrollyrearlyl mists 11 0010b My JELHOSE 93 tho 11mm Educate nonsnzia outrun om tudents Mayzltcgtstor pt any Timo srttouogf Watch for inventory 1111011