Off Fasc bIe mum the or mating To In Hmt RIMS at Each 54 prwcnts dzcmttunx every inch at floor space can Epmolem but cladding attic mush uttltmd and imagination plus ytsoncolthc momlascmcttngobiaoodmcanmoteadnmmom type rough and ittvitios in planning your tuning chit is second to no other in your Ik homo Literatlly the on L5 the tim home nished lumber m9 Plenty light and fresh air can andA opportunitms to gm molded by dome comics in lls tag and dwonum arcmd were awn types of counties Isolation um mu keep it cool In An xtuc room not ontv adds val imprinter and well heated in winter QllCK DELIVERY ANYWHERE IR covyrtnxs with curtains slip covers lamp and nicknocks in hormoniz mg or contrasting tints should be your aim wide choicc of wall board and other finishing mater inls is available and the WT so lcction can create any desired ef fact Your lumber Thurman is the man best qualied to advise on the ob lection of proper materials wheth er you are planning incorporating usable attic into your new home or convening your existing unused attic into an attractive and valu able addition to the liveable floor area of your home build is to set aside sum equal to twice monthly income as an em urgency fund This will help defray any additional costs which may be incurred during construction In most new houses there are ex penses related to the actual sett ling down Some pieces of fur niture or equipment such as stove or relrlgerator may be required immediately New drapes and floor coverings may also be necessary Funds kept In reserve may mean the difference between getting off on the right foot or facing possible financial difculty Moving into now home for sale sure more CALL RAY Mom mom oumr STROID sort Highray No 11 uahlc living span to your home Place beds or bunks under the root gautomattcnlly snow and toarlbcoh shelves window seats and 32302318 on other ports of the beta ltotbcr builtins should be designed rctrci is privacy when the siderution This will be great nos of the nous Ls comma or mil spaocsxwer and at the same time succeSSfUI Home Drive out of town for quake mu mm my own Requnes Two Limitcd on fr chiidztn htrwm orcloihes closch is especially im When you plan build or buy RUNSWHK 53 13 343 pmb mm It be used for house there are two things You IM xxx roofs uric Zion Make color and cheerfulncss the outset the down payment you can 113 paper plann keynote Guy brightb colored oor anord and me exncnses month The savings you have in cash bonds or other securities will of Spend as down payment To find out Just how much you can afford mounts MILL shut if 5121 zwa and muting willislopc Cabinets chests of drower mil be an Indoor have for child Wit the hoof slope token into con won offord aslizmu Izcmxc 25 give the mun permnality of its F231 ail czcrmztzc the pur Your attic mom should also have mu 5m 30 512 to fulfill half hathmoin or powder room if congldefaans Salt ma be r1cx mom pay xSSlblt Rheum storage or the spam to miles sleeping Dr 531651 room must take into consideration at the tomonth ownership course govern the amount you can in the monthly upkeep of the house AA make out family budget In the first column total your gross mon thly income In column two list all your living expenses other than present housing costs such as rent heating maintenance and repair and any spccial municipal taxes such as water tax Subtract the total in column two from column one and you will have the monthly amount available or heated homeowner ship Then inquire into theap proximatc monthly costs of taxes and fire insurance in the area in which you intend to build and esti mate the cost of maintenancenhd repair and heating Maintenance and repair of the house should be considered as one of the monthly Icostiz of homeownership from the gbeginning ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS of all kinds mammal Com mercial md Domestic IMPERIAL ESSO OIL BURNERS Sales and Service Wallwin Electric out FOR SMAll Homo CABINSGARAGESFIIIING STATIONS HEATS mom To rooms 2WAY Heat It RodiaIes and Circulates Exclusive Superqmo Triple Combustion Burner burns CLEAN gives MOREHEATwithLESS FUEL MODEL09C Shop at 54 Sophia East Ra Perry 5m Safety Constant Level Valve auo matically meters correct amount of gallabl for princtpal and interest on Pram payments on mortgage loan re Enemhermg that payments plus tax WaistHigh Heat Control es and Insurance should not exI Modem design Beautiful Heat With these estimates you will be mle determine the amount av mils SWmE MODEL FOR EVERY HOME AND FOCXETBOOK rmd 23 per cent your monavi Proof BakedOn llammcrtone rc0mc The advice often givon to prosE EIMSII peciixe homeowners intending to you save 25 to 550 more your fuel bills by PMBING nail Ill 10 $533323 present oil boner on SUPLY LIMITED WEASY TERMS COME iN TODAYAND SAVE EPLETTS ELECTRIC 139 Dunlop St Phone 3721 961335 is so Bame mow Ioo ts 1th 3mm rttsmmo HEATHG MRI LTD wand Aux FURNACES mm on mm an coxomoznxo sys mus Timken lISef MONTE Quip on Bonus mm$wnm WWW an Cu TSpecifyltluores famous yaiutrfor Iou 0w To YOURSELFE fgmmu mg Tonya mm manommemidpmn agreshowtondoutexaaly hwmthyaucansave Empammkmwmnm can monogamka annindzdviseyolanm Lgchesnzhstmwef MfwmmWemu Mymmoubm at prices your new home One coat exterior Sole Papers at Bargain Prices 1954 Patterns Now On Displdy mmfmgam FLR5ANDER5 To RENT 71mm WallFlame Let us cut the overhead under your feet hyitenting you white shown here will give you the smartest looking white paint job ever See our full range of Mooresir mink and ensure the best Wallpaper It every purpose WKWMML Mm Blane backed why set of Floor Sander Machines Rates are reasonable Wofflimken ALL TYPES OF FLOOR FINISH IAVAILAB LE jgivasanrlavmsnptzo25 or roIIIIIIIIT CompoundAvoiloble in oil Colors unmwwmrm or mnnmwmnummomwmununu smwmwwzwm ghw Models 1514 Tato 1600 Man mm aw nustsoxmm monouns oaxTc NSIQN LADDERS FIN ViiE WIT mwm9rMummItorsatemausizes AusAuTOMAthoILIIEATTmCOMMT onlollyourdecoroting fortyour new home Lotwpuguperdhu Point Phohelilmi 31f you new Tinxken doeontmake good on our