HOUSE OF HITS 1851 WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE LAST SHOWING TONIGRT WEDNESDAY ANNE SAXTER MONTGOMERY CLIFT in ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY 230 pm All footlighb fun and fancy reelthewildand Wehrvcbmtmktngmn mm copy the Kauan News duetI months after the writer was berm It says Pwtively our delinquent zsubscribers must make greater ef forts to square their accounts Hagersville tom Press ides m5 issued just Elie iarru Examiner WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 16 l953 Section 240969 Housing entities in Be Serious Problemior County Childrenfsliid Wam Against tubing Expenditures Although there are few children in pay care Managing Director Dorthzi Jackson of the Child rens Aid Society Of Simcoe Coun ty stated in her field report at the first fall meeting of the board of directors that she would not re commend that the sucicty curb Its expenditures If we try to wipe out our de ficit or curb our expenditures it would have to be by means of cutting down services and staff and from our experiences in the past with reduced Staff and facil ities it has meant that we have had greater intake of children into pay care and increased costs of maintaining these children Continuing the trend shown by gthe end of May the number of Wonderful starve ldziys pay care to the endof Aug ust in the county was 3630 more Edays than for the some period In $1952 This had not meant that ALSO CARTOON ii iii m55elilciiidfi WIND AHOY lilieliI52tdoldi PROFESSOR FBI Fox MOVIETONE NEWS than in 1952 Miss Jackson said that the budget for these items for 1953 had been based on 1952 expenditures AT 650 pm No Lessening of Demand Phc managing director did not anticipate any lessening of the demand for services in the grow ing communities of the county HIFYOU WERE PAULA SIIIIWIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII TIESIIIIY WOULD YOU HAVE STOPPED Loretta YOUNG momentamam WMMMMWWEMWhWmmmwmw EIEIIYTIIIIIE II EREIIT IIIIISIEIII SIIIIIIIII BE SIIIIIIS NEXT IIIEII SEPT 23 230 Nil ENTERTAINMENT LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY STORM OVER TIBET HOWARD KEEL THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY POLLY BERGEN In FAST COMPANY MARJORIE MAIN CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY 239 pm EVENING SHOWs AT 656 pm THE SEASONS can NEISOI nun EOVEIIOY SIEVE WORM MIME WEE RIDE WHITEHORSE jean EXAMINER FOE some prions 2m jcuTHRIIzf VCOMMUNIIY HALL REOPENS Season limits Ducks Geee End By Order OTTAWA lorryLimits On the total number of ducks and geeso that can be Shot by hunter dur ing any one Iseason have been dropped this year from the migra tory birdregulations the resources department said today Seasoning limits were removed this year became they had been toiuid to be unenforceable undue necessaryIIhe abacuncemerit said The departmentsaidfthere had been armorAltar hunters in the James area this yhar will be allowed season baglihut 01325 SEMI and that natives can take aljltliey can reasbnablyuse The WARNER NEWS Movie MOIIyHGOROIIndHTUneih CKBB Each LAfterIIOOnOt 540 limits Onigoose hunters in Ontario and Quebec are daily bag limit of five geese and in possession limit Of 10 geese and these rules apply also to native hunters lt The ancient Matte Grosso sWamp in Brazil covered with dense tim ber hasan area of 530000 sduare miles VfEEIthiIEHURSOAfH fr Housing continues to be very serious problem and is difficult to overcome when it is Obvious that change of environment is the only possible solution to familys problems or to helping to reunite parents and children There are also great many im mature parents who are unable to provide adequately for their chil den Some of them break under the Strain of trying to do so Earl Richardson president wel corned the members of the board of directors to their first meeting after the summer recess in Barrie last Tuesday evening Sept Illness Major Problem The special project committee which is making study of the services given by the society in its protection work reported to theI board that they had under study this month two cases where ill ness of one or both parents was the major problem and necessis tated the society giving service It was noted that although the problem of sickness had to re celve immediate attention by the social workers there was also pre sent in both cases inadequate housing It was felt by both the social workers and the board mem bers that had more adequate hous ing been available that in one case breakdown in health of the moth er might have been avoided and in the other case the length of treatment would have been con siderably lessened Miss Jacksqn advised the board that in compliance with their wishes she had prepared ve Inonth report and presented it to County Council when they sat in their June meeting The nancial statement at that time showed an ovcrcxpenditure of some $2000 for the period covered Misanackson said that there is decit as at the end of August Of 53614314 Calvert Port McNicoll chair man of the nance committee an alyzed the August nancial state mentpand pointed out to the board that the overexpendiures were for SuchTthings as board clothing medical and other items Of ex pense in connection with children and maintenance of childrenIic care Staff Changes In the absence of jo the chairman of the personne commit tee Miss Jackson presented the report to the board and said that there had been great number of changes in staff largely due to sickness or members of the em ployees moving out of the county Miss Helen Hastings ofBlenhcim started to work as social worker in Midland at the North Simeoe branch on Aug 24 She is to re place Mrs Joyce McNabb who is leaving the county to livevinsam ilton Miss Kimberly is the new branch secretary at Orillia andreplaccsMrs Helen Long who left at the end of June Mrs MacLeod OLCollingwood start Wasaga Cottage Owners Want Summer Election The Wasaga Beach Cottage OwnI ers Association will make repre sentation to the provincial governi merit regarding the possibility of summer elections and at the Samei FIRST BARRIE SHOWING SON OF BELLE STARR IN COLOR KEITH Larian DONA DRAKE encore cm ed her new duties as social work time requesting the Wasaga Beachl er in Orillia on Aug 15 Miss Nancy Scouler of Culling election on the Council to hold the next muniozpali earliest pussiblei ALSO SHOWING wood is the new branch secretary Saturday rather than early in Dec hi the Centre Simcoe branch utiember Barrie Miss Scouler replaces Mrs McGibbon who resigned at meeting of the association that thej the end of July and Mrs Fraser replaces Mrs Barbara Scott stam tician at head office Mrs Mounsteven Of Alliston is to he the new branch secretary at Al liston and is to replace Miss Joan Hoover of Beeioh who is leaving to be married in October The board learned with regret that its immediate past president Foster was ill and confined to Royal Victoria Hospital and risked the secretary to send him the very best wishes of the board for an immediate recovery Nmmmmuq Town Council Brier mtII00DO Ills Worship Mayor James Hart presided at Monday nights meeting of Town Council and oc cupied the chair when council went into committee of the whole to dis cuss details of the sewage disposal plant extension with representatlvs es of Keystone Contractors Ltd Windsor who will be carrying out the work Alderman Kinzie was the only member absent at the meeting An application by Phillip Strans man to operate pawn Shop was re fcrrcd to the Police Commission for report It was agreed that Rebve Heber Smith Deputy Reeve Greer Alderman Kinzie Alderman Girdwood and Alderman Young would attend the industrial promotion conference being held by the Department of Planning and Development in Orillia October 15 Fire Chief Irwin reported 1001 into that during the month of August there were 13 fire calls and 34 in spections carried out Permission was granted to the IRCAF Camp Borden to hold par de this coming Sunday the anni versary of the Battle Of Britain at Illflenotaph arriez during morning It is deemed tatb tween 300 and 400 members of the Station personnel will take part Following complaint by resid ent in the area regarding the con dition Of the manhole at the corner of Victoria and Bradford Streets the matter was referred to the Town Engineer for action on the letter if this had not already been taken letter from McIlwain build ing inspectorregarding work which had been carried out at 39 Shanty Bay Road was referredtothe fin ance committee petition signed by other residents in the area con cerning this property and the work done on it was also referred to this committee Council forwarded letter from the Chamber of Commerce inquir ing into the possibility of making available further strip of land for the KolmarWilckens plant for fu ture expansion to the finance com mittee Alderman Bibby made motion which was approved that if permission was given for the re moval of tree from town property new sapling should replace it sOmewhere else in the town The alderman said that he did not like to see thetown losing many of its trees Commented Mayor Hart This is very good motion Permission was granted to the loyal True Bing lull mh St FridayBJS pm ll Gina Bo THURSDAY FRIDAY FINAL DAYS Inuit 1BIIrriEMFIyerSHoEIIey RssocintioiiI SilentsI OASI OR MAII YOUR7CHEQUENOW It was noted at the annuali LEO GORCEY THE BOWERY BOYS LETS GO NAVY STARTS TIIIIII IMPERIAL TOWN MEE 568 matter of Summer elections are of general concern in all summer re sort areas due to the fact that most property owners are able to exercise incur franchise during the summer months The matter of excessive noise and reckless boat driving on the Nottawasaga Riveri was also discussed It was pointi ed out that the heavy wash fromi last boats is danger to persons In small boats and also caused damage to lot frontuges resol ution was passed requesting the village council to provide com tinuous river patrol for next sum iner The annual election of officers for the Wasaga Beach Cottage Owners Association resulted as follows President Whitta ker vicepresident Baulch sec retarytreasurer Linley execu tive committee Chaplin Con boy Green Sterling and Walkey Barrie Pipe Band to use the market building on Friday evenings for two hours for band practise subject to the approval of the market com mittcc Oro School Area Board September Meeting Craighurst Trustees of School Area 0m held their September meeting at No Craighurst with all members present Gordon Bidwell was in the chair The Iiinutcs orihe August meet ing were read Llllil adopted and the business arising out of them dealt Willi Correspondence was read from MacKellar McVittie Scott Continental Insurance Town meetings should be hid regularly in all municipalities Cit Izens who have something on mind regarding the condirt their municipal affairs and VIII dont turn out to meetixms at this typc to speak their mind have iieited their moral right to Hudson Que om LABOR DAY On September every person in Canada from the ana pany president down to til me boy took holiday It is that millions of people who are uting to the building of this try Therein lies the real min of Labor Day Canadians in to achieve betteran proo perous Canada Rainy River Ont DAIEIVgINO rnI SIIT PINE CREST Music by THE Hams ADMISSION 50c C0 and the Ontario Educational Council will again after lapse Clinic Of number of years have 9380 delegation from No Dalston boy in attendance at future meet were present requesting the ad Ings If proposal by Alderman mittance for children under the Harris goes through The al age mu This was discussed but derman moved that group of no action taken 999 memb conde 19905 request for home instruction ilbllty hwg pageboy was received and the Board decid mm at meetings as was ed to so an necessar mater done in the past Mayor Hart said to aigptge pip that it might be possmle to MVP The secretary was instructed to some youngsmr from the WM place the five shares of stock Schools do this work It would be donated by MacKeur in the fine chance for the young people to bank for Safe keenmg See how municipal government was administered The matter will be The accoums presented by tho treasurer were ordered paid The next meeting Will be held The Board of Parks Management at NO Shanty Bay on Oct 13 are to be asked to consider the er ection of drinking fountain at the my wm An gore at Innisfil Street and Ema IRE HARVEST I53 Road It was also agreed by council that the finance committee look in Take time tocheck your volu es and then see that you have to the matter of the Mitchell pro perty in Ward Six which is pre odequote insurance Consult sntlyRip fortax saIeIaiiddfly decide that there is sufficient space on it that it be turned over to the Board of Parks Management as playground area Both these rho tions were submitted by Alderman Williams third motion which heIintroduccd asked that the Board of Parks Management con sider when preparing their 1954 budget theerection of bandshell in Shear Park or some other suit able building in which to hold band concerts The Home of Good Insurance Since 1899 41 Dunlop St Barrie Dial 3735 TOPCOATS ALL SIZES YOUR CHOICE OF CLOTH Ih TOO MANY BARFLES When it becomes necessary for the public to cross to the other side of the street to evade the constant attention of those who wish to sell raffle tickts then it is time we Should pause and won der whether this moneyraising FROM scheme has gone too far 2950 RouynNoranda Que Press WILF TODD mm TAKES PLANNING 55 Dun wellplanned community does not just happen Good planning requires organization and coOper ation between municipal Officials and publicspirited citizens look ing ahead together to our com munitys future deyeiopment Campbellton NB Tribune DIAL 4427 Ne ch Located just south of Bank on Concession betvnen highway I1 new four Ianer WSIETURDAY runner ii IIIIIR DANA ANDREWS iconic gene commandment hummus ON SALE IO and M3 Pei at vi no