Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1953, p. 7

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garden given second prize Weekend Vth Mr and Mrs Woman Mr and Mrs Nicholson Strachan gooih Mr and Mrs Ockcnden i1 mamas am QM mowWW DIED CNE waterfront in LANDSwmudcnly at Emulsion Sabre ole Comet the 1M 51mm Sept 1333 Nibimg crewman 111$ 13 ald dearly belovcsisauna Ag and Mrs 10ch of Siroud and liililh Mrs Ermi Alhrliol Mrs ion Ros Margauxll Edward Roy of frizilrlnnl and Thomas interment 311011 Pitmin fund lcl Sc 13 PARKER 1h Royal Victoria Hosp Bililll Monday 31111 llvl Lilfl EDGAR in Wharton Mr and Mrs Wallon Johnston lld family spent the holiday week rid at Haliburlon as guests of Mr nd bind Buchanan Howard Shcardown wasl mm mm CROSSLAND WI Mocking New Pics Womcns institute me 31 121 home of Mrs Archie Worn less 3ch will our isllors and 14 zlzcznbers present Meeting op Lllfd wle the lnsliulc 0dr repent Operation HAWKESTONE CRAIGHURST 1211 grillgpailuic spam New mum moors in Slrachans during mp Ea day in we chm Tommu In one and Mrs Mead Amma Flower Show weekend and Weekend With Parents The Annual Flower Show spani School Ania School opened on Tuesday Wei Ms Ilcndcnnlng Rosseau to and Dennis TOleO were Mus Connle Flclcller of Vaseyu lllc noose and lot on the Mom red by the local W1 and the are gladlo han Mr lest with us our Lullllnufllly They hale bought spam the weennd with her arEUR flint izg llic Lords Ployer ifltl MSgt articullural Society was held Ill engrxrgdfgriljjefiLlfr MW weed Give Huwn lcpcllrg lllc Moi bed id illr Wild and MF imd Mm Slewurt Culiwl Plans were made ne j0 WW Ari1r Snider nllcndcd the silvcricur amen vu be comm 3v he school on Friday Sept llfor another term Wellillms mi R91 VW dim Cam wcddnzg If Mr and Mrs Reg 01 Fri it yilh Mrs Range and Mn Mr and Cw amended curls Hospital to the end of August Returned Hume ENHVW mmmk up TEEde 30 ivJf camll Guthrie as judges There the CNE in Toronto on chlncsg We bell m3 191 have been SWIM ommunl umbmg 35 good showing of flowers and day for some years members of the lcnly of compclilion in mos bound of trustees were told lhelrla Mrs Sinkinson and Mrs chbill lbave refulirid home aflc =Dcldn ilus Im mepsmp by Sm ew davs Tomnm MJQWS Ulwmd BumlUcurrcsll cvcnls Mrs Skin Allen ENE Mr and Mrs Ellorlnil reading Mrs vmw Mr laSSCS Sthlng flit llllleil laken firsl meeting of the all seasan km Ixck 1lli low IvlCZ rs 01 the scholarsyMrPast With Mrs usl lughl MAS Shirley Somme 5pm gas CWWW MM 0w judgvs Spence and bobci MocLeod call Revmwmg the Duly and Angus My HWW Hunky the homes to judge me no Harvest Service financial slnlclncnts following lhe Rm 54 Id gardens 11nd Jean Ash was Sl MS 7551371303 CllUfChvlsum1ncr rcccss the hospital man arded first prize for the best Crow will Will hcldms Hal Mil1 313d 501le SNTlllY ltSl haksgwmg SEYVICE On Sun ECanleron said lbal he fell this was Nial bCPl 10 ll RW 08 due to the fact ihal 111c hospllnl Kirklatrick room bull ucl other 111 G1 311 SlllitV Greovcs illinw Nn AL from Tmpzllu Iktfiliic ilei llllillli LIllg mm Num Penildf Wright Will be 598C131 was now getting everything going 5090K Room roles are higher 111dlll hos are spending week in Hornepaync pilal is drawing more governmentwiih their duugiiler 11nd 13111113A ii Alicn 2111i Mrs NILcling Clilhcrl aflir grunts because it now has morcg public ward beds on Sk It c12 inc lltS E111 cimxnitzoc Sclvcd lunch Weekmid Visitors Mr and Mrs Russel McEIwoizl For me gm mom 0f the GA bgebqmrg hp fvlr and Mrs Jnmrs Slralll Billie year there was an estimated sur mmhogs it WM plus although this was mostly in Oriai 1313 011 used for capital expenditures 102p gm which now total $6421 for the year 938 Baby PM Anderson and Graham Slralh BHi RR dorm Hosllml lild Kcitll McElwziJ ulrivcd rem Indigent days or the whom year go bird under doctors core be to dale are almost as much as the 0m Barr Friday Sept 11 dmlgllltiVancouver on Sizlzilizoy to spend hospital had in the entire year Of 30 lr llid Mrs John Grooves and Mrs mic iBFl wishes Doris Street in Orillizl Presbyter 1952 11 have now reached total of 2353 Miss Eileen Clark was guest This summer the hospital receiv the BrownWarnica nuptials in LUNCH AT cd bequest from lhc isle William UI full ilkl Recent Visitors Wall Gray Gram Gray and Son Peterboro Mr and Mrs Royal Gray and Mr and Mrs llnrvcy Berry Englehorl wcre TKCCXIL vix ilor of Mr and Mrs Roy Gray Week With Daughter Mr and Mrs Thomas Shellawcll is we make all types of keys Sunday Services Sunday Sept 20 lilt Ccr il Knox Prcsilylcriul Chiral WEI bc 11 130 pm 1110 wil iilizllic 11 this tune lli 11A 102 li Day in Toronto Mrs Billcliffc and Mrs McGillilray spent Monday vmiling in Toronto Game Fisheries Act DID YOU KNOW that ii is contrary lo the not and rcgul lions to use artificial lighs for the hunting of Deer or Monsc 00111111111011 Toast and ll IIJHLIZLI Dulolliyl ilc vls VliliximgtI lllillili iiilll Qlic his 13 lcLO Cladnun once if Icilu lclin PM GUTHRIE Ii Recent Weddings If Dr Melton and Mrs Mellon tgallendcd lhe wedding of Mr and ELL11 suznc lime With Mr sci Mclllwain Service has been cancelled on5 Sunday Sem 20 in St AidvnSidllti Ilzzlsltcit rpczl bowled in Church due to services at the Unit lvm lfnd Vk ed Church at 11 am and 730 pm1 bunfln There will be Spec music chinlu Ncwnllirkcl 1sllcd old Mrs Howard Propllel ind sonimcm Village sunmy Knee injury lrs Juc Slrntli 111111 the misfor tullc to sustain knee injury We liopc for speedy recovery WE ARE AUTHORIZED ISSUERS 0F HUNTING FISHING AND GEN LIC ENCES Mrs Harold Kehoe formerly Miss vian Churcll on Sept 1111 Toronto Gcncml IllizlJiidi ml Monday Sept H1 1003 ULIJIL Squibb of Cooks 1n Purl Law Mrs Polls Mrs Sam Allen Martin former resident of Esso Road Presbyterian Church Vhen Miss warnica be illfggltto rebiifide cnmc the bride of Murray Br01ldemh The bequest was in he Home From Montreal lamounl Of three thousand dollars ICE CREAM CANDY ll Mrs Muir has returned In July there was cash surplus to her home here after spending almost equal to the bequest but 22 WEST montli with Mr and Mrs Kenneth during that month lhe hospital got iolong almost on its own resources Bill and Mr and Douglas Wilson and son spent the weckcnd in Pctcrboro Visitors Here Miss Agnes McMahon Geraldlon Onl is spending week with her parents Mr and Mrs Irwin Mc At Exhibition and family and M1 and Mrs Exilzbllion and Mrs Thomas Hodgsunwh Craig spcnl Saturday at Toronto We are glad Iitllc Sliuron lollon1 Mr and Mrs Russel McElwain and Keith McElwom spent Sunday Willi anti Mrs Polls Mr 11nd Mrs Ilzlnnun Buclgcros and Mr and Mrs William Ferguson Port Low Stanley and Jack Barnes lnd Max town licluwd Illsbuzlil of Flor clice Bczinclt fro fallicr of Harry md Mlt low Joann lzlll lirlillicr Hill Aurora 21 Ill 4911 11 ilic Jcllnctl Eii1il Home llnrric Funeral gtclvlcc lclinc11y Sept 16 at p111 Interment Sf IIIIIIIIS HARDWARE Muir Montreal is 111plll lm having polio Miss Alicc Barnes Preston spent Baby Girl thc vcckcnd with their purclils Born at Royul Victoria Hospital Mr and MIS IV BillilcS factor as Jul financiall due lo 131110 Sunday Sept 13 dollgnI an abiQxmauyylarge paws whichlJohnslon and son Brion Bass Lake for to Mr and Mrs William COTEAl the Royal Victoria lipsl 1953 was party duem holiday dummy Mr and Mrs Ross McDonald Grczivcs piml Barrie on Sept 15 to Mr and Mrs Earl Cole 70 tion pay There was also great Thamesford 1168 Dorothy Bragg 01 PANTRY AI AP deal of medical and surgical sup 189130111 f0 11 CW 1415 Peters Cclnctialy Churchill CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING BONE 24H Mahon Phone 2556 WE DELIVER something that ilhad hardly ever Recent visitors with Mr and been able to do in lhe past ers Edgar Johnston Ivere Mr and Au ust as not ul as 530 Xe Mrs Wilfred Johnston Mrs Bernal Plies purchasedduring the month Ilirs John Irwin ond Linda Orl and large capital expenditures to 11118 spent day With her mollicm Bucks Now so tailing $1869 Mm F0 Bake SEPTEMBER 16 1953 JEWELLAl 1110 Royal Victoria In July more were 293 indigent Miss Mac Robertson and films no CAT EGGS Hospital BillllC on Sept 14 clays and in August 215 indigent Myra Reid of Toronto spent tho POULTRY 1953 to Mr Jon Mr As quoted by First Coopentlve days weekend at Miss Reids home in Jewell 213 LDunlop St East doughnut Capital expenditures had Includ the Village LESYKA me Rom Victoria In Toronto cd alterations to buildings and re pairs etc all motions that had been passed by the board in the last few months The chairman compilrncnted the committee on the work done to the balconies of the old hospital building and vote of thanks and appreciatin was ex lendcd to board member Charles Robinson for his supervision of the work The number of patient days have dropped little each month it was shown in the July and August re ports of the supervisor Miss Helen Shanaban Patient days in June were 3276 in July 3193 and in August 2904 Obstetrical cases had remained about the same the July and August totals being 85 and 82 compared with the June to tal of 37 The hospital had its peak number of outpatients during the summer montbsx In July there were 194 outpatients treated and in August there were 233 lreated This com pared witb 123 outpatients 11 June The average number of Latienls in the hospital in Julylwasllla and in August 935 The peak nilrnber in July was 116 and the peak in August 108 Heres the clearanceiyouve been waiting for Skirts and Blouses that can be worn now and all through thewinter and at Great Big Price Reductions Year Round Wool SKIRTS Plains Chocks Plaids in 11 won derful color assortment Regular values to $1195 WOOL JERSEY BLIIIISES Black grey red purplerkelly many styles in the group Regular prices $795 to $1295 5951 905 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD ZA15ITGUFCKIV65 7h 00101100 01 Blouses Slightly countiir soiled that regularly sell at 6395113069953 now at special clear outprices 195 295 Benn WEIGHT A354 pounds EEED COST $2675 See her now at limo Story DELAVAL Sills MW snare sh PHONE 2221 as 09 scdledtondcrs marked Tender for Dobentureswiil bereceived by the undersigned upvto pm Eastelrifandard TimeMonclay September 281211 1053 for the purchase of $148 16370 Town of Barrie serialdebentures as follows flyLaw No Billed Motoring Terminus 1854 lPubllcSohOOl Addition 11900077 ill2 Oct16 19501973 20 1890 Sanibary Sewers am 904678 Oct 10 19541968 15 Storm Sewers 1893 Opening Streets 351092 4l2 on 16 RD Sidewalks 4570000 Oct 10 PurpOe Amount Inteicst 19541953 19541003 10 $10810370 InfereSt payablconnuallyon October 16th Lmkmaiturity only callable Debentures 01111 ry Validation Certificate of The Ontario Municipal Board like informtionon this issue and the Towns financial posliiion moy be obtained from 1110 giundersigned ulpon appllopllon humiliate r0 acceptance will main acceptance up to Twelve oclock midnight Eastern Stan M01101 September 28111 19531endersto be forntlrgissuemghest any lilyaccepted ChickTreasurer Mr and Mrs John Pugsley and family Mrs Davis and Johnny spent the weekend in Toronto John Campbell New York City visited Mr and Mrs Ophic Leigh recently Mr and Mrs Earl Leigh and sons Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs James Leigh New Residents We welcome Mr and Mrs Mor gan Plumb who have moved into the village and are living in the home formerly owned by William Scott Jr Meeting The Womens Institute meeting will be held at the home of Mrs William Scott on Sept 23 Here Recently Mr and Mrs Jones and family andMrsl Hunter Orillia were re cent visitors of Mr and Mrs Earl Davis Mrs Allan and son of Toronto were recent visitors of Mrs Wil liam Scott MOlRIn loving memory George aWay Sept 16 1948 Youre not forgotten Dad Nor ever shall you be As longas life and memory last We shallremember thee Sadly missed by wife daughter of and 106 Moir who passed Hogs $3450 EGGS Large fA Medium Small Bv Cracks Peewccs Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grade lo lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Under lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Canons 2c ov POWL Grade IOverS lbs 32 14 IO lbs 3Under lbs Packers of Ontario Barrie Sows $2200 Ilospilzll Barrie on Sept 14 1053 to Cpl and Mrs Lesyk RCAF Station Edgar laugh lcr AUCTION SALE Saturday Sept 19 Household furniture and effects for Mrs Maude Cavanagh 248 Dunlop SL3 East Barrie No reserve Termsl cosh Sale at pm Slessom Auctioneer 103107 Monday Sept 21 Edom Wilson= Lot C011 Toy one mile east miles north Vasey Farm stock implements and household effects Sale at pm Terms cash Trace Auctioneer 104106FW Monday Sept illRobert Clark West Lot 27 Concession Essa two miles south Essa Station Auc tion sale farm stock and imple ments sale at pm Terms cash Sproulc Auctioneer 103100 Thursday Sept 24 Farm stock and implements the property pf Oscar BalesLot 21 EH of Con Essa mile west of Ivy village Sale at pm DST Terms cash Norman Coxwortb Clerk Man ning McEwen Auctioneer 104109 Friday September 25 Farm stock and implements and house hold effects fOFJOhR Elrick at Lot Con Township of FIGS at 130 pm Terms cash Jerry Cough livl auctioneer 103109 Monday Sept 28 Peter Moloneyp East half Lot 11 Con Medonte 18 Township Auction sale of Farm Farm Stock and Implements Sale 16 of 130 pm Jerry Coughlin Auc iloneer 106110 am mom Mngreulbigcookingjob Four Super Speed Surface Unifsl BanueiIize ovenl Prices and speciflpoiiom subieci to change wiihoui notice in Several Usgd hinges tradeins on new Despite Rangesfor sOIO OI tolled as 100139711 DimModem sanity Super speeds fochnilg Slihmlinod COIIIIOI Panel Roomy Shrug Facilities Thick Fiber gluslnsulaon Everyibing you want MI EZ TRIS 6m illodayl HulkIlse Cooked 6111 copuciiy forfcooklng soups slows CUR unit mines or lowers self cullmot ically and becomes an extra surface Imii BanqueiSize Neill Perfect roasting baking and broiiing are youri with 103516 20 15 ovenbig enough IO hello layers Of cake or have of broad Automatic Cooking Cook by 1110 clock while you tell orshopl Automatic timer clock handles balling or wash ing for youOr operates 111 appliance mallet if us for Au roux ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ANONEATINONEEOE $511 AND stamps Gcaie FrsbKillOdlto lbiaveragc ennui10 FOOD BILLS LOW Iona PEAS Iona Cut Wax BEANS Iona TOMATOES AP Choice PEACHES Florida Grapefruit JUICE Ann Page SALAD DRESSING Ann Page KETCHUP AP Fancy Red Sockeyo 5A1MON REZRNUI BUTTER em coma 195 PRODUCE SPECIALS California No new crop nest for Eating lbs TOKAY NO A1WI1ilei Table Stock New Brunswickor Ontario GRAPES POTEIOES 1011 Bag Ontario Grown NO washed ready to cook I9 200 iins 20021111521579 28oz iin 18 1502 lin14c 20021111525 1602 iar 130 111 19 fzs iin 3c 1602 iar2 SPINACH Onfrio Grown NerdEarn Yellow COOKING ONIONS No1 Jarsey new crop SWEET cellopkg 15 cavalry431 so 23c cantons Ann PapsVitamin Enriched WAD MM REENWQDRQOS NUCOA lt Kelly BlefidefoiFCidd VINEGAR Its Digestible tcnlscoau Grade to lb average 0113 11 out on 611ng mums

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