ream memng the Cred School opened on schedule 3391 313an 04mm wewill Miss Egan and Mrs Quesnelle gambitadzatlm Insurance and Far3 gtruer Compensation Insurance BLONDIE PUT mess wrvw no Rmin Barri gave very inlcaswn Craighurs NO Mrs Walls and Mrs brothertnlnw and lstrr Mr anvfl =50 vate High are Patricia Sheppard let Mrs Jack Wormd Eallon are attending St Josephs for initiating nun nmuneratlveihis Lamb Mrs Joseph Walsh and daughterV W8 rottenTam elected to Various committees erlexh Pamsv and COCk and nchuve an omit School In Grade at Elm Dymermv Barrie were recemimm Waller Rick comma New may and Chris Macmn Vtsmzrs wrth films Mllllgan Mrs Ling is Vl5ltmg her dough sold Betty Fallon and Maureen angkgrslncgggszuu apdlf MrdMallion Sllmtfurd spent giixgh School Barrie daughter Mrs Peter Siefettc vis1doyimrf km tml Leo Fitzgerald Toronto visttedliwd in Buffalo with Mrs Butlii rs Lah Mr Toronto Wedding remployment for responstblc men or 91 ecang drawn for winner Mrs Friel ivas chum met Mrs John Fitzgerald Turnnto thy who anornixed or have spare time to act gents or well5 known investment company deal5 in in highgrade bonds in solicito in orders in their community for the issue nex month or Governl men of Count Savings Bonds Reply Box No Barrie Examiner called on friends in the village recently HomMter Opentlon Angela Marley is home after having an eye operation at the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Lucky Ticket At the last meeting of the llSUV club Dr Howies ticket was nlAMlal VllAMlN THERE 52 NONE BETTER CQMBINATION ALUMINUM WHIDOWS boltedon enamel usl like your car or refrigerator Fovrlen smart colors plus black white and natural aluminum we agm VHelen wtre in Toronto on Satur WorkOn mu iday last attending the weddzng of The CM bus has been bringing Msw5h5 eceg load of men daily to work put Ml Anfmbene Smwan was mg in new ties in the tracks near recent guest at the heme of Rev he and Mrs Duke Mr The work on the fourth line road Vr fem lSeems to be at standstill at inelwee Toronto wanesday 115 lmonm Plane To Moose Jaw Mr and Mrs James Flatmery lFergus visited recently with Mrs Davld Flannery who left early lSaturday morning to join her hus Sgt and Mrs Lloyd Sweeneylbmd M005 Jaw She 95 Jam and Terry RCAF ucompanted by hen two children bort Quebec visited last weekiggng 131339 gziglcgzhnrggkmg the VgrndanMdrSlEsg gSrErggiy Mr and Mrsn Wilmer Palmer and Mark Visited Mr and Mrslwere at the Exhibition in Toronto Gordon er and daunhter atO sawdaV 135 Tremon my Sunday Mr and Mrs Jumps Fehley Espent Wednesday last in Tnmntn Rally Day Senlets Rally Day services will be neldl trucm BWW in Holly United Church on SUDg md Mrs George Cuwanl day Sept 27 at pm Rev have purchased the bungalow noxtl Beech will be in charge The newllm Fhe Old Mm Cami from Tm oil furnace makes tho churchlgdmcu Jr quite comfortnblc puny Weddm very pretty wedding took THEWAVXVQ gag Levi Srig Dioceon Sagurday Sept leis on Wednesday Sem with am St rancis Roman Lath Va The Church when Florence Irene good attendance Mrs Dyer 01mm daugmm of John presrdcnt opened the meeting OLcary and the lute Mrs OLeury Mrs Pryde read the lesson and Mrs Brown read chapter from the study book Helen Cochrane favored the ladies by singing solo An Evening Prayer Mrs Beech closed the meeting with prayer Next place of meeting will be in the church basement Mrs Glen Staynet is visiting her mother Mrs Kell Womens Institutc Meeting Craighursl WI will meet at Mrs Francis Shanahnns on Thursday Sept 17 at V830 pm Roll call You can only make others better by being good yourself comment Craig roll call my favorite sub jCcl at school program Citizen ship and Education convener Mrs Sinton contest Mrs Ellsmere lunch Weir and Simpson He writes was united in marriach by Father OReilly to Richard Gabriel Wop pel son of Mr and Karl Wop pel Rainy River The bride was given away by her father and wore gown of while satin with bodice and front skirt panel of lace pearl headdress held her flnggrtip veil of tulle illusion and she carried motherofpearl prayer book trimmed with white mums and stephnnotis Miss Nor ine OLeary was her sisters brides maid wearing gown of blue bro cade taffeta with matching jacket and net overskirt carrying bou quet of pink gladioli The groom was attended by the brides bro ther John OLeary The ushers were Bernard McGoey and Greg OLeary cousins of the bride After short wedding trip the young couple will make their home in Rainy River New Home In Brantford Mr and Mrs Cooke have sold their home here to Mr and Mrs John Niekerk and moved on Monday to their new home in Brandord We are sorry to lose the Cooke family from our midst and we wish to welcome Mr and Mrs Niekerk to our town Aviation Reports Air Vlines and other companies directly interested in aviation are getting short of pilots reports Vic tor Koby in The Financial Post Wanted armchair executives able to make splitsecond decisions Payup to $14000 responsibilityw plants worth up to $2 millions STETSON HATS 895 and 1095 plus the lives of up to 60 people The hitch is the executive arm chair will be no padded leather swivel seat It may be rigid hardbacked saddle in the front QEws Dime Go MEAD Man 9mm mrzooucnt Honour L2 moo we OFFER IM GONNA 6315211 defuse m2 THE MVUGGS AND SKEETER GRAMPS IM WORKING on not DONT perv W5 manua WN mve was an Move MEN vaCLlKE AN MWWOULP YOU WHAT WOULD you SAY is THE MOST EXPEV NSlVE VEHICLE or=FnAnnt=lunso ow COSTPEeMlte BASlVSL MYEUES Sam By Wally Bishop WHATS THE xiv nl 59 it Dom Emmitow WATTNEWAMNT MT Mom Fowl TDWE TM TWMAN WHOSOLP VlNJDUA 50 llNYaJ DIDNT WI 5sz ADAM HATS 595 and 150 STEPS 15 Dunlap St PHONE 2586 CROSSWRD PUZZLE office of jet transport travelling at speeds up to 500 mph The jackbooted leatherjacket ed hero of Canadas bush flying past is wonderful tradition the industry likes to reminisce about but for now and for the future forget him Highly trained specialists on whdm often thousands dollars of training have been spent have replaced the ying daredeVils All aluminum Make your Ito22c more Comfortable Mars Attractive wont rust or warp MBINATION STORMSCREEN WINDOWS mmmgmm enjoyymgmmcm Ilsxilatchleasavor sparkstbe party keepsthomgoing Remember too its easy to serve Coke3i cold in the bottle remove in an instant for cleamin Nash Edama1 um windows inclu such important features as ush frame mountin interlocking meeting rail and ertip sliding Edamalum windows allow space forbxeathingncion reduce corr densation Nash Enamalunrrwindows or installed by factorytrained service crews and properVt is guaranteed Only the new Nash loamalum windows offer the real beauty of bakedon enamel colors plus ensy operation and selfstem Decide now to add comfort an beauty to your home and save on fuel bills thiswinter and screen windows that ly beautify your homeplus all the comfort convenience 9nd economy of selfstoring combina don windowsyours for no extra Cost Permanently installed Enam iilum windows are carefully nished in the coloryyou select They becomeVun imggral part of the house to provid beauty and protection all year rpund into the Nash Bumalum frames go perfectlytted storm Window times and screens that are simply adjusted from inside according xto the season The pane and screen iSens slider up and down easily nd are light to bandit Vymuleadgrmmm KOOLVENT AWNINGVSALES 32 Goldwater st Qrillia Ontario MINISTRIan Pl asesend without obligation more infor 135 on Nash Enatnulum windows Alto Il ESTIMTEF Turmoil emu nuunnunununnunu Address2 print gummy ONTARIO DISTRICT tzzooldwater St