3ng gm livendnle instrumental MM if by Tltomlu Boyle and Clayton Dar by and humorous reading by Mm McLeod Region 8331 in Mrs untold Martin gave the evcn visiting Mr And at that in good start Exwarden Herb Barker with few well selected ht remarks called Mr Bowins and Symplhy Randal to Mn lgts mother to the platform Mr Peter Must who is in the Royal ickmtin Hoopltll after her recent Roland Jordan have goneto Mona all All wish he speedy reitoultn bland for couple of week Emile Br noliday 31 or utt Colg Henry Fruit L303 visited Mr and Mn Wl There is quite heavy frost inf Storey 50 llhis neighborhood fig The will be no senlee ng New Tutti known mnT nix or meotVreptint you bu sold his farm on Outs Mr Norris of the an ty me vnivmm Tmmo mm address from the community and plugging crown and anchor 27 due m9mn5VENYY servlcns new has team We Pelerbom where he is employed Harold Martin presented Mr Bow Mr End Mm Arnold d3 Wk may Mr and Mrs llznr VhlildSE non of their work and Interest mikes mVervhw varwgh mnn lt Don Dull read nicely worded tral hubyterim Church on Semi Mi Hiward Barri WV than swnulduss Clara Pearson presentad Mrs report good um 3min Guthrie Presbyterian Church AtEaxhlbltlou cregitng me wanna at home here tromrgowins win black silk banal Am mm Mtg Bowen prnt cooplo Wm the Central Electric Comdlns with too dollar bill gift the emu weddm on mu Egg and ztttcrulcd llcVExhi punk from the communlil In apprecla My 11mm Anderson and Mm um Ham Mm shown in the neighborth durimt James smim me mar andlwcte to Toronto on Sunday Irving Mr and Mrs Mn Edwin replied WWM freeman and than Toronto spent Mr and Mrs Services Bpecizl Anniversary and Thank GMTX lees of St Jame3 Unit ed Ch Will be held on Sunday at 27 with Rev Kellog 803 STM Cookstown as spam amed Home 31 anders Frank Elliott re thland he after picasant vis it here to Mrs Elliotts mother Mrs Alpiwiund other friends ollday Trip Charles and Robin Wright and Roderick Black enjoyed it holiday motor trip last week to Mtlnlttnli nndscvrtfnlotber places turned totbelr home last week mi Guests of Honor Mr and Mrs Lronard Gtcon Oshawa recent newly weds ucrol honm at gathering and friends on Sat 12 at the and Mrs Fred Green evnlng Ross anlacu dress expressing the good es of all to the youngl couple and Walter Boyd prescntcdl them with nwoll tilled purse After Leonard had expressed their np preclatlonxnnd thanks for the love ly gift the pleasant evening was concluded with an enjoyable lunch Tiled Suddenly Friends his Vcommunlty were saddened to hear of the uddcn death in xToronto on So urdny Sept Don Noelands son of Neelantb torm iroud Onr sympathy inn the bereaved family mum in Hospital Miss Ty Wicc accompanied by her not Vmn che spent three days last cgk in the Toronto Gen eral receiving medical treatmen liss Wicc who is in her 951i year stood the trip by ambulance remarkably well and we hope will be much benefitled Return from Europe Bliss Mary Wright has returned home from win month trip to the Scandinavian countries with group of Cana dian and Arnerican teachers nurSs and students She reports the people very hospitable and in the Northern European cities many could speak English This was not so evident in the smaller commun gt1 itles but they found these people very kind qu vgry patientwhen making purchase and showing them places of interest Mary com menced thigweek on her new pos ition in loronto Purchase New Home Mr and Mrs Frank Campbell have purchased the house owned by Ray Johnson on the highway and 190de in on Wednesday of last week Summer Over With the grain harvest over also the exhibition and the fall fairs scheduled and ward of snow My spent Sunday with Mr and in he Sullmndly mm mm mama Mrs Earl Barbum St Marys Itioning that she had spent some lm happiest hours at New Lowell Hull Mr Bowins in his usual jovial The 303 are Mlss Band manner thunked his friends To Will hold Their rst meeting after calling some of the pleasant times the hchdays Smurday Sq 19 he had spent in the community Campbenis Mm All sang Fm They Arc Jolly Human mm bung shown Good Follows The Indies of tho rum Show WA and others served refresh The Sunday School of the Pros nlcnls which brought wry pleas btyturian Church was privilcucdl Runny 105 lo see the lllm the life of Mary Slessor on Sunday mm Mwm Next Sunday Sept 20 Ml Form Splendid Mr and Mrs Shocrnakct llamj Christian worker will Hitum 5mm SUMJ Wllh be giving an liltlsllilittl lecture leS thfrcd Shoemaker and lam ll Divine Service Miss Ruth McGillivaly and Mas The mcmbers of Minerva Mnsilcr Jimmy Roberts Iurnnln Sim MC Midi illt llillld llViW the wthle with Miss McGilli service at thu Pltilllll1lll llurclz lmys parents MxV and Mm 5d7y SiiiVZO illnm llltGilltvury Motor Trip Miss Muttlwws New 10n lull Mrs Morrison and Dorothy Tobacco Kiln Burned lund Jessie Stnlntun Barrie luck Oscar Rowe had the misfutlunln molur trip through Quebec and to hnvo one of his tobacco kzlnc Ottawa week ago All report burned on Thursday rnorninu mud lime it rs Recent Sin The Reunion lid Curlers held reunion at Mr and Mrs Lunatch 111 Esprmgwumr Park Mldlmrst on brilvd Zing mf fcfmi Sim Sunday Sept 13 when 25 sat down lb KU tllll bounnful supper The elV ihunc for speedy recovery Douglas Mr and Mrs OSCIlf Mitchell lllamilton called on Mr Mitchvllcl sister Mrs IlddlSOIl and niecol Mrs Allcnby on Tuesday in Hospital Sorry to report Mrs Earle Thoml us is in Collingwnod Hospital antll 0n Holiday um Mr and Mrs Bruce Jackson anal son Randy spent luck at thai McLeod residence Mrs John Wood Sluyntr spont Wednesday with Mrs laddlson Mr and Mrs Lurctte North Brunt are visiting Mrs Mansbridgc nntl Harry Mr and Mrs Harold Knight and daughter Jacqueline are spendion their holidays with Mr and Mr McLod School Opened School opened with Mrs Mntthl ens principal and Mrs Wilson Angus in the junior room Seven new pupils started Sympathy Extended The community was shockod to hear of the death of Mrs ONeil nee Jean Rogersh who had been sick for some time Her husband mother brothers and sisters have the synipnth of neighbors and friends Honored By Friends social evening vas held in the Township Hall New Lowell on Friday evening September ll prior to the departure of Mr Bowins who is leaving shortly to resume his studies at Queens Uni versity Kingston large repre sentation of people Torn the church and the neighborhood was present short program consisting of solos by Mrs Clarence McQuay and June lrom Crccmorc New Lowell and Barrio Field Day The field day held Sept by the community was decided suc cvss Ball tvznns were from Hon uyuood Ivy and New Lowcl New Lowell team won first money lvy second Girls teams from llarrlc and Elmvnlc Barrto lSL Elmvalc 2nd The booth was well attended and glunos at night worn Tnunnmn FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES SERVICE For Barrie and District ENJOY SENSATIDNAl until QUALITY CHOCOLATEST Reg price Hunts Choolates oomssnc and COMMERCIKL Vurnnmnv to RCV Refrigeration llo 118 Dunlap St Near Mulcnster Phone 2059 OPEN FRI TlLL pm in this Get Acquainted Sale whenyou buy GOOD LUCK Margarine at regular price THE 8HTER KlND CHOCOLATES round South Porcupine one can lnot help think our summer is quickly uraning for another year Alyllremh River Bill Storeyspent few days last week at hunch River Mr and Mrs Ross Hubbard and IA rs family spent the weekend at Parry Sound VV Wllh Relatives Vst ha Carr and Mr and Mrs liar glarr Port Credit vis ited last man with Mrs Carrs bro ther and sisterlnlaw Mr an Mrs WilliamVHubbard Moot Starts agaln Schle started here Tuesday Septdl withas in the majority of schools more childrenthan are comfortably accommodated Miss Mnrion Webb principal and Mrs logiheed and Miss Samsel are the if 95 1952 CHRYSLER Saratoga Sedan 180 KP Motor pom weekend Power Steering Power Brahmavery low mileage Donaldz McLean has returned to 1952 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Sedan 33 if lie32de 1952 PLYMOUTH Cambiidg Sedan as empoy or the gt summer len the inn telegraph 1952 PLYMOUTH CELEhWkclul 00 ofnpanyjandelll be returning to 1951 DODGE Regent Sedan 1951 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Sedan V1951 PERFECT aa Think of it 1951VANGUA1TD 53 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan radio thonew Gel yoursutthese stores 36 Dunlop St BARRIE MlsSiSnga ORILLlA gt bundles orfirlTit Brettcr Kind HERESALLYOU no simply visit any of thzfriendly grocers listed in thisraclvertlsoments buy pack age of GOD LUCK Margarine and get yourValuable Certificateatthe display Volt Goon LUCK Take your CertificateV rvandka facsimile of an endflap from an age or svieeter fresher GOOD vfETilllflgiz gin122 $533333 Hunting 1ng nttalityDChocolates LESax $0015 LyCKfMargarineVMdyour Hunts Chocmat today This git node until30th September1953 01 +031 one pound box of Hunts no sronn WATERS GROCERY Dunlop st Willi tinrtlerson at this get39 BARRIE mosmo FoonsV 294 Bunionsrw nuolntectprtce 29 Collier St ALGORDONS GRQCERY 151 VVBtadtord st BAULDRYS GROCETVERVIA 010 GRAHAM lstlDWVen Street 64 Dunlop St BAYVIEWVGROCERY PKEARNSV 150 CollierSt norms Gnocdlnt 1196VBlake St CHRISTIES IGA Esau Road COBRIANS GENERAL STORE V132Penetang St FRANK nvwnnn 62 Dunlop 8th ORVAL FLEETVHAM 50158333th GALLINGERS GROCERY punlop St 11218 BRADFORD STREET wPHONE 5355 BARBIE 52 qum Shay LOBLAW GnocEwEBIAS LTD 16 Dummstm MERRICKS among3g 1949 CHEVROLET Club Coupe 1949 AUSTIN Sedan 1948 MORRIS Sedan 19475 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan 1947 MONARCH Sedan 1946 CHEVROLET Coach 1941 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1941 NASH Sedan 1940 CHRYSLER Coach 1931 ESSEX Coupe 1950 Chevrolet Vlg ton Panel 1950 Ford Express ton 1950 Dodge Exploits Hon 1947 Ford nal 11 ton 1948 Internnttgnal VK lab and Chassis tattooed Highway Coach 25 passenger toss International K5 oath and chassis 90 CollierSta KNOWLES 58 Viotorimst 10mm GROCETERIAS 0011311 72 Owenst ROBSONS Gnocnmr 38Parksldelr BAYFIELD rnosrnnroons BayfieldrvSt on EERENCE