aprons sns LEFT to take up her fulltimedutles as housewife Mrs Kaye Myers was presented with lovely red floor lamp and garbage receptacle by her friends at the Bar le Works of the Canadian General Electric Co Gord Brown made the presentation CiE Ni ON BEHALF 01 all the employees at the Barrie Works of the Canadian General Electric Co Manager John Mitchlnson presents recent bride Mrs Anthony Jarvis with beautiful silver tea service The former Mary Frcchette the bride has been CGE plant nurse and leaves this week to make her new home in Detroit Three lovely cups and saucers were also pre sented by the CGE employees to the bride and the maint enance and boiler room men and to crib employees gave the popular nurse beautiful bouun of gladioliller wedding Entertainments In Honor Of Miss Marian Heath Before her marriage to Joseph Cumming of Detroit on Saturday September 19 Miss Marian LOUISC Heath has been entertained at sev eral parties and showers In Toronto Miss PhylVanSeter her maid of honor entertained at miscellaneous shower Mrs Hor ace Holt gave Revere ware shower and some of the bride clects fellow graduates of the School of Household Economics presented her with sterling sil ver comport Her friends at Wil lard Hall gave her set of lin erte When she visited in Detroit re cently two showers were held in her honor miscellaneous shower was given by group of friends from the church of the grooms family and personal shower was given in her honor by Mrs Hugh Reid Several Barrie friends have also entertained for the bridetobe Mrs Arthur Morrow and Mrs Her bert Morrow were hostesses at linen shower Mrs Greig and Mrs Stubbs gave kit chen shower and Mrs John Couch and Miss Helen Reeve cousins of the bridetobe entertained in her honor She was presented with Kenwood blanket pair of Ma deira pillow cases and number of kitchen gadgets Lynda and Cheryle Couch made the presenta tion on this occasion trousseau tea was held in her honor by her mother Mrs Health at their homeon Codring ton Street when friendscalled in the afternoon and evening Miss Lillian Heath niece of the bride ed 8400 geese Gooch was working Suzanne Lamport Puts on Blue Bonnet Votes it best Suzanne Lamport prefers BLUE BONNET Margarine to any Spread at am price Shegeujoys it all the time And like the daughter of Torontos famous mayor you will love BLUE Boxxrrrs fresh sunnyswch flavor Xoull be delighted with thejiutritiou of this ne quality allrcgclttblc rliargarine And youll nd Buurzrllonnnr reilly helps your food budget Take tip from women who can aord the best and buy the best ask for BLUE BOHNEI Margarine Available in regular eco4 nomy pdckagc with polar wafer Alm in the famous lisuww QUIK bag for Eluckcst cleanest coloring 31433 your noun MORNING SlUGGISHNESS Do you wake up morning after morning feeling tired out And does that dull opened the door for the guests and assisting with the trousseau were Mrs William Heath of Montreal and the bridesmaids Miss Phyl Van Sctcr Mrs John Couch and Miss Helen Reeve The tea table was decorated In silver and white with white chry santhemums Pouring tea were thc aunts of the brideelect Mrs Lau rence Reeve and Mrs Gordon Reeve and serving in the dining room were Mrs Edward Heath of Erin Mrs Grcig Miss Eunice Sny der Mrs Stubbs and Miss Lorraine Somervillc Prince Of Wales Home And School Will Meet Monday Prince of Wales Home and School Association will hold its first meeting of thescason on Mon day Spt 21 at830 pm The date for the meeting was set at an executive meeting this week Monday will be Ieachcrs Night andthe school principal Law will be speaker His subject will be Guidance in the Elemen tary Schools and his address should be of great interest to Home and School members tentative program of speakers for the season was arranged at the meeting and members can look forward to interesting and stim ulating meetings Prince of Wales Home and School Association meets on the third Monday of every month at 830 pm LOTS or GEESE THE PAS MAIN CI Prom Graham Couch bf Cornell Univer sity recently returned from South ampton Island at the top of Hudson Bay where he and assistants band for the Canadian Wild Life Serf vice on the project USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN beavyseusation drag onall day lifoanusery Dont put up with it Chances are the whole trouble stems from sluggish kidneysand constipation Your system becoming clogged by accumulated poisons that are slowing you down Kmschen Salts are Wonderful help at thesetimos In many ways they are identical with the waters of wellknown Mineral Springsin other words much more than simple laxativc For lmischencontains diuretichigrcdfents for the kidneys So they help you to get rid of waste matters through calthy natural bowel and kidney action Millions peoch use Krusehen They hbvo foundthat loss than half tea nful 10 hobwater works wonders ind out what Kruschen can do for you from your nearest druggist today took place on Saturday Aug 22 in St Marys Church Country Women Hello Homemakers From the mended by the delegates of the meetings of the Associated Coun ACWW conference who kindly sel try Women of the world emissar ectcd favorite recipe from out res of goodwill will return to their World Cook Book norms in many parts of the world with better understanding of life in Canada We too have be ctcd by the friendliness andx description of familyllifc 35 old by the delegates who vc on farms in other countries This associa tion held conferences on mutual problems such as how to improve the lot of countrywomcn and how to present their ideas to interna tional councils With member ship of over six million and rep rcsentatives from 26 countries we believe their efforts will have farreaching effect Then each Womens Institute in Ontario an organization of the Associated Country Womem may take to heart the words of Halsey You cannot be thousand people but you can join thousand people and the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts TAKE TIP Gleanings from women In other countries People may be highly educa ted vet they do not pay close at tention to the daily nutritious foods that are needed to maintain good health Too few rural homemakers lbs cubed Italian Mazctti pork tbsps fat small onions tbsps parsley cup green pepper rz cup celery 07 can mushrooms can tomato soup cup water cup cooked noodles Brown pork in fat Chop onions parsley pepper celery and mush rooms add to pork Stir In soup Add tsps salt gtsp and water pepper and tbsp molasses Pour 32 cup noodles in an oiled casser ole cover with the meat other cup noodles hour at 350 degecs Dutch Apple Pie cups sifted flour tsps baking powder 12 tsp salt tbsps butter egg beaten 23 cup milk or apples tsp cinnamon V4 cup molasses tbsps sugar Sift flour baking powder and Add an Bakc for regard homemaking equipment amsalt together cut in butter add radmeans of saving time effort egg and enough milk to make all soft dough These recipes are highly recom land line greased and money in other countries The newest coats for Fall the lowest price special purchase that means real savings for you Buy now oLASSIC cows in soft nosey fab rics nonrigid and dark colors Beautiftu lined FUR TRIMS Fitted Coats Elysians Molaines Newest fabrics Newest shades Roll inch in thick pan make CGE yrs Cover dough with and sprinkle with cinnamon and nmlasscs Bake in hot oven I400 dcgs for 30 mins Sprinkle with gtugar and buke mins Serve hoL sliced apples Ceylon Itlcc Zelzps rice cup chopped peppers cup onions lfsp soya sauce tbsps butter Boil the rice until tender and fluffy Melt butter in skillet add boiled rice sweet peppersonion soyu sauce and tsp salt Toss lightly until delicately fried Serve with chunks of Cooked chicken which have been rolled in beaten egg dipped in bread crumbs and browned in deep fat Serves Swedish Torte cup sugar Zn cups allpurpose flour cup butter lcup sour cream Strawberry jam Sift flour with sugar then work in the butter and sour cream the cream should be thicki Pat some of the mixture into pie plate to make thin layer Spread this with jam and press another layer of doughover top Bake in hot electric oven 400 degsl for 15 mins then move oven indicator to 350 for 20 mins Serve In pie shapcd wedges with whipped cream Makes two in tortcs Norwegian liyldkak To cups cold mashed potatoes add cup flour and salt to taste Make mixture into round cakes 114 in thick and about size of saucer Place these on griddle To Queen Elizabeth of the most mm by the Queen Curing Litton Year was that more than 700000 Lr from all parts of the Knig dom and most CULIllI of the Commonwealtn it took le form of spectal tribute service Each guide unit kept of its service and rcpresentativc record cards taken recently to offered by Guides iGirl GUldes Offer Tribute of Service LONDOS Sept ll Iv 0323 3750 50 1898 ill 0Velmliartd regard for the mid aim wetwag settlements tier Conny record number of were Buckingham THE BARRIE EXAMINER munitions it spaces and planted gardens 112 towns and villages made Elihu tare gardens for invalid mnconszmmm and knitted rugs blankets mdlpaks and recreational area clothes for old pepple in Britainimdjmge gage in up lcztizens Palace for the Queens intltcilOll Guides everywhere lltl 11 kinds of JUbS for other people as part Three kennels for guzcc 1t2t1$= for file blind have incn endowed 30f their tribute with more than 5730 the gearncd and saved Other CUHlIi lbutiuns wtll endow brill for nlti people who attend the lwith dogs Poor Cilillltll lbeen given twochk holiday Varied Activities grls Every lighthouse round tltl coast of Britain llibl been adopted by different Guide units Gifts hospitals settlements cluding the rosy Relief association There were many notable utes of service One culnpul British Empire adopted blind baby and llctjlfputl responsibility for its future Guides helped with housework uul shop5 old have tclcvi ping for old people Some peoples homes now sion sets bought entirely by Guides earnings Other Guides have cleared waste water and brandy into flour on all Roll it to in ublung the it pastry board square Place the butter centre and fold dough Ll lfl Roll out gently as large as possible without butter breaking through to centre Repeat Fold each end once crosswise each time Use this dough for tarts napoleon squares Bake in oven for 10 mins THE QLESTION BOX Many questions have been mailed directly to the signed addresses Thank you for signing your name hot electric and address in full on your letters to us Fold timesl but place in electric rcfrigcratorl cakes and cheese prmcipl gtxnining school and provide tinml have both in money and kind were sun to We cor MOl2 Mufti roar 1N MY cookgff IVE GUARANTEED musr crcnncmrs Authorized investment for trust funds Short term5 years yearly interest payable halfyearly In years $41018 accumulates to $50000 Write for dampire folder CORPORAII HEAD orfrrcr 872 BuySL Tomato srrnuuormusrsa SEARCH OFFlCl Dunlap 50 My Ft mm mamao and brown on both sides These cakes are served hot or cold with butterggoat cheese sugar or syrup Danish Pastry lb butter lb flour n31grcups cup water oz brandy Mash butter in ice water and it into square Knead The youve uttitedfor new paternal gives warplete restraint yet 49 sets your body frog makes every motion bebutrtl No gure problems howl Figuromo gives you all the control your gure needs truncations exees amazing threchimensional NEW absolqu freedom of body you wont feel you are wearan this Flexees girdle mm NEW free leg action this exclusive design is created to slim you not to cage you NEW comp afa grace in all your motions stooping site ting recdting undhonding plus the wonderful freedom you naturoliy desire its all due to Elguramas exclusive new design created sections that repeal the directional pull of your body muscles yield like your own muscles Soother neverhim room featurese stillordimcnsional 3Way Home different dlogcnal stiltpanels front and hock superbly halfmoon sections give you grace in overymotionf unload Huntspatented design uni control musclesag givasyou rusted feeling pm Fuguromobringsvbodrbablrfy you never had bolero makes loblrbcoutiful Before you your melodies be rst to shame girdlexstfsm mm maulpawns