Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1953, p. 12

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by Nugget society engagement of interest that of Miss WW and Donald murmur will take mm afternoon Octo oclock in St Clair tad Church Toronto of Examiner we grown star centre ym mortal Cup 195051 was re bave signed with Strat of the OHA Senior forthc winter tobo is the daughter Mrs Williams Dame de Grace Mon fiance is the son of Mrs Emms of 80 families are form or residents of North Bay and Don win wellknown hockev player there starring for Collcg late juniors before coming to Barrie fitdoeConntyn recreation an actor Miss Louise Colley is back from 10 days on loan to Camp Laqucmac in Quebe and three weeks holidays to face busy fall and winter season with the recrc ation service One of the big items on her agenda at the mom ent is helping to plan for thei Simcoc County Art Exhibit being held in Barrie at Codrington School on October 16 17 and 18 Miss Colley received returin invitation this year to Camp La qucmac where she also wason loan from the recreation service in the summers of 1949 and 1950 to direct session in Social Rec reation and workshops every aft cernoon She reports that one of the campers this year at the bi lingual adult education sessions was Miss Margaret MacLachlan formed director of nursing services for the Unit The Liquemac School of Com murtityPrograms has been held for f1 sunimers at Lac Chapleau in Argentqu County Quebec by the Adult Education Service of McGill University and Le Centre de Culture Populaire of Laval Uni jversity Located in the Lauren tian Mouptains about 60 miles northwestaf Montreal the camp 315 described asa human laboratory lwith two main goalsto bring to flight Information ideas and meth iods useful in community work and etc buildupskill and condence in Zdealing with people The camp comprised equal num bers of Frenchspeaking and Eng lishspeaking people People from every province of Canada from Francir Great Britain and several parts of the United States have taken part typical camp in cludes members of farm groups Simcoe County Health lteacherspuhousewives agricultural fieldmeor recreation leaders art ists adult educators New Cana dians DmOnnel executives stud ents and Writers The recreation end of camp actm ivities with which Miss Colley was concerned contributed to the pleasure and integration of the camp Qand each evening program was plgnned with care Those whol directed activities gained valuable experience in leadership Fol ing her adult eduationl work MLaqucmac the recreation director enjoyed holiday visit with relatives in Montreal and in the Laurentians before driving down through the United States to New Jersey where she shw county day camp leader of the earlyexpcrlmental years the for mer Steer who is living with ierf husband and two baby girls fin Philadelphia suburb Travelling with her sister and brothcrvinlaw Miss Colley saw the New Yorkside on the way downpthrou the Adirondacks and Catskill Mountains and re iumedv by the Eastern route throu NewEngland and anotherI moon in routethis time thcv Berkshire Hills and the Green Mountains of Vermont She was backto work in Barrie on Mon day Dates for the forthcoming con vention of the Womens Institutes of the combined districts of Sim coe Centre East West North and South have been announced by Miss Ethel Chapman homeroom omist with the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture Womens In stitute branch and home economics service Area delegates will meet this year in Collier Street United Church for two days on October 15 and 16 The 1953 convention theme is Home Economics and Health Re solutions Barrie area convention officers are making arrangements for the large gathering under the chairmanship of Mrs Otta way 40 Rose Street the count president Among the speakers at the sessions will be the provincial president Mrs Purcell of lort William History World Peace Groups Reviewed By WI The League of NationsPeace FirstTry was the topic of an ad dress given by Mrs Seymour Kell at the September meeting of Churchill Womens Institute on Thursday evening Introduced by the convener of citizenship and education Mrs Mac Stewart the speaker told the monthly gathering in the Commun ity Hall of the formation of the league following World War and of its failure which was parkly due to the fact that the United States lid not join She also spoke briefly on the United Nations and the hope for its success An interesting review of current events was given by Mrs Grctz Davis Mrs Prosser the president was in the chair for the meeting which opened with the singing of the Institute Ode and the repeating of the Mary Stewart Collect Roll call was answered by An Educa tional Radio Program Delightful piano music was provided by the Misses Kay Sloan Margaret Stur geon and Gail Lucas Mrs Spence read summary on Canada Day and the other members who had been present at the ACWW pageant reviewed the highlights of the day The meeting closed with the singing of God Save the Queen and social hour was enjoyed At the close of the meeting the roll call was announced for the October meeting An item for the Tweedsmuir Book or forfeit Sug gestions for items for the Twecds muir History Book are as follows pictures of Churchill Womens Insti tute in days gone by of the an nual bus trips or of the Centen nial Float histories of district farms pioneer families landmarks etc names and information about New Canadians in the community pictures and information of boys who served in the last war his torical news of local interest pic tures of branch officers clippings of news items of district annuals area conventions provincial board meetings Guelph conferences ecci allnewsltems and pictures of the ACWW convention in August all pictures to have dates and names and name of publication VITAL SERVICE All the emotions of the human race go channclling through the postal system The sentiments of love hope fear encouragement pass from one person to another linking or Separating families bringing people tugether or divid ingthema most potent form of communicatio ngh giver Alta Times ask for Dr Lockes 1H lphtly beaten or short thlckiyldc fut prevent you worldfamous last No 311 onfoylng footromfon In ordinaryrhou try Dr lothl Is gmlully design uamlm bvnlon path thl protruding elm and hulpl to prom well bullion mist can in opium find out or tumult Home Neargt Cooksiown full gathered double mm was nylon net with inserts of taco Her mid end veil on of tuuemdmhetdbyam embroidered in crystals and not pearls She carried and bouquet of American beauty rows uni fem Miss Josephine Lennon sister of the bride was maid of honor in strapless gown of pale mauve nylon net over taffeta and crinoline styled with lace bodice jacket and inserts of lace on the skirt She wore matching mittens and headdress of mach wild roses and lily of the valley She carried It cascade bouquet of yellow gladloh and fern Miss Marilyn Denney sister of the groom and Miss Joan Lennox cousin of the bride were similar gownsbf canary yellow nylon net with lace bodices and jackets Each wore matching mittens and head dresses and carried cascade bou quets of mauve gladioll from CUTTING THEIR WEDDING CAKE following their recent marriage lin Newton Robinson United Church are Mr and Mrs Joseph Donald Harvey The bride is the former Martha Elizabeth Beth Stewart daughter of Mr and Mrs Melville Stewart of Bradford and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Harvey of Cookstown The couple will be making their home on the grooms farm near Cookstowu WllBlDJDliNlBS cm Star rooms where the mother of the bride received in rose taupe wearing navy accessories and furs and Corsage of pink roses For wedding trip to Algonquin Phyllis Bauldry Becomes Bride Of HOffman Park the bride changed to grey suit She was wearing navy shoes The marriage of Miss Phyllis for travellin and her purse was Reta Bauldry daughter or Mr andmavy with white gloves She was Mrs David James Henry Baumrytwearing gardenia corsage On of Barrie to Frederick Joseph their return ML and Mr Hoffman son of Alfred Hoffman man will be making the 35 and the late Mrs Hoffman of Ot in Ottawa at 1703 tawa took place in Collierstreel car mg Avenue United Church Barrie on Satur day September 51953 at three Summer 3Ei9orirs ewrs me ceremony and wedding music was played Nupha Are by the church organist Lloyd Manseld Tufford who also accompanied An attractive summer wedding the soloist William Lambert was solemnizcd in Mansfield Pres of Barrie Given in marriage by her father byterian Church on Saturday Au gust 29 1953 at four oclock in the bride was wearing gown of French lace with insets of nylon tulle styled with strapless bod the afternoon When Miss Rogean ice and pearl trimming beneath Sarah Emma Lennox younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Lennox of Mansfield became the jacket of lace with matching pearl trim Her ngertip veil was held bride of Mr Mervyn Lloyd Denney only son of Mr and Mrs Elmer by pearltrimmed halo headdress Denney of Baxter Rev and she was carrying white Bible with stephanotis Hez auendams Mrs Maitland of Alliston performed the Bauldry of Barrie matron of double ring ceremony against honor and Miss Helen Mapcs of background of white mauve and Barrie bridesmaid were gownedycllow gladioli and fern in pink satin and Chantilly lace Given in marriage by her father and were wearing matching hats the young bride chose gown of Their flowers were red roses and white nylon net and chantillylace white mums oircr slipper satin and crinoline Kenneth Hoffman of Ottawa The gown was fashioned with was groomsman and the ushers lace bolero jacket highligth by were Allan Bauldryand George jewelled peter pan collar and Storey of Barrie long 1in point sleeves The strap reception followed in the East less bodice was of lace and the Miss Joan Miller of Creemore cousin of the bride was flower girl gowocd in nile green taffeta with nylon net skirt sleeves and inserts on the bodice She wore matching headdress of wild roses and lily of the valley and carried Housewife Exploits DolltMaking Hobbyl VANCOUVER Sepef Hrs Frances Wise 55yearold ion sleeve Wearing hat of net and taffeta studded with smalll pearls the bride carried cascade of locum hill roses andstephan oils Miss Marie Blenkin the bridesl maid wore dress of silver gre nylon crepe and carried nosegayl of salmon pink gladioli The groomsman was Keitltl Coatcs brother of the groom Following the reception at the parsoniige the couple left tori Eastern Ontario and Quebec tnei bride Wearing powder blue bent gallne suit with matching hat andi any blue accessories and can1 sage of pink carnations green basketcovered with nylon net and taffeta with ribbons and lily of the valley filled with rose petals which she scattered in the path of the bride Ronnie Henderson cousin of the groom was the ring bearer He wore suit of navy and white with navy bow tie and carried the rings on white satin pillow with lace and ribbons tied with lily of the valley Mrs Maitland of Alliston the soloist sang Perfect Love be fore the ceremony and Ill Walk Beside You during the signing of the register Mrs Cecil Bates who was an attendant of the brides mother twentyfive years ago played the wedding music William Henderson cousin of the groom was groomsman The ush ers were Douglas Lennox the brides cousin and Bruce Edgar cousin if the groom gt At the reception which followed in the Orange Hall Mansfield the brides mother received wearing dress of rosewood ticatina crepe with lace and black velvet ac cessories and corsagc of yellow roses She was assisted by the grooms mother wearing navy sheer with matching accessories and corsage of pink roses The wedding supper was served to hundred guests by ten friends of the bride the Misses Irene Mit chell Mary Anderson Doreen Duf fin Edythe Duffin Betty Dumb Irene Armstrong Jean Walker Margaret Murphy Doris Ruddick and Betty Edgar Later the bride and groom left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for wedding trip through the United States to Quebec City and back by Montreal Ottawa and Kingston For travelling the bride wore navy tailored suit matching the groomsnavy and white accessories and corsage of pink camattons Mr and Mrs Denney Will reside on the grooms farm at Baxter Amongtne guests present were the bride grandparents Mr and Mrs Alex Duffin of Terra Nova who have been married for fifty seven years CoalesLasbley Nuprials Are Held Al Tollenham The marriage of Miss Barbara grandmother has started doll factory in her Vancouver home She also manufactures mnkzys teddy bears rabbits and other stuffed animals that delight the hearts iiichildren Tlus work has always been her hobby but it was ndi urmi her children had grownup and mar JR tied that she decided to shake it business first enrolling for tram in course and an established doll wanted um making faces from nwldnfsbe said Up to then Id been mlthem from fabrics Rolled THE 56 Ellen St on or cooo iblfll mono 2517 L0 rely Sweater or you by for Lady Anne Swrutcrs are designed to flatter your figure The soft yarns the lovely colours the perfect fit all blend to give you the nicest sweater you can buy headed and embroidered for afternoon and evening contrasting knits latching collars and cuffs Sunforluntrentml and mothproofed lheyrc at your favourite shop now for you to choosc from And gou must see the wonderfully exciting new line of Fall Sepamlos and Sportswear by Lady Anne Royal Knitting Company Taranlo Canada 653 Important Message to Alice Lashley daughter of Mr and Mrs Floyd Lashley of Leaside to Louis Thomas Meredith Coatcs son of Mr and Mrs Eric Coates of Leasidc was solemnized in the United Church at Tottenham with Rev James Dorrian officiating The wedding music was played by Miss Eileen Briggs of Alliston Given in marriage by her father the bride chose white ballerina length strapless dress of lace and nylon not over taffeta the lace mucus mom Now It nun For yooanlnx Tomotclhtchup has ban gt family favourite and now in reopen lath cry for more tomcat households Heinz offers new moneysaving 15 or bottle Its lost or thlnp for homes when Mum and bad and the klddl Itch fortieth often and use it on can many dishes vr Look for the king of condiments In no tingslur ohm mi time you shop ll If you think that all powdered skim milk is alike you owe it to yourself to test Bordens Starlac against the kind yopjre using now Starlac like other powdered skim milk is wholemilk with the fat and water removed But theretheresedlblance ends Compare and youll see that Starlac has true milk avour the result0f Bordens experiencegained in Over 50 years of manufacturingand productsrinCanada processingdairy Andwhats more Bordens guarantees that Starlacuses only topquality milk from teste herds guarantees that every tin of Starlac proteinprolectedby on exclusive Borden process WEircept for thefatStar1ac givesyou the same npurlshment as tripquality the same quantity of valuable vitam calciumand otherminerals ins proteins Andj Starlac issoveconOmical milgulls in half+orvless you two more than ordinary brands 5Staijl3c is made in Canada Your grocelr has it and lb sealed metal containers for greater purity and convenience ftpcosts only cent or SW31 Settle for anythinoless tharl Statues it 1th If its Bordens its got to be $9901 Starlets lSCanada FirstGrade

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