Tar BWLW ominously is Vivi outt ti rorrrnaouccon Ont icon moonlit CPL Altcr an hourlong barrio on Click tunic shorthom all will mung Lake II Epps of Ortonan 2333me with the izlndwll l1 3MG2Ed muskeilulleiimor Fair here Hot He didnt ham flat or gaff andde entered will be room in bad to boat the fish by grabbingtular closes thin gll under the gills lenty Branch 05 gPower Engineers Meet in Barrie Receive CGE Suggestion Awards lt1 fFurmer Barrie Resident 33 so Fuxnnue ileum Durant Mug The first monthly meeting of the ISimcuc cunt Zrancli of the in istituta of Power Engineers was ilid Sept in Barrie Legion Hall pmmimm rcdemi luterating moving pictures on vlubrlcation and not water tank ex Mrs xiii DELI dz gfiigplosious were shown Watkins EFFECTVE Comuxmrno Hit he daughter Mrs cvprtildem of me lummu branch The mans or early days had at 35 lfiiihimn wailifal kinll ixgdmaggum erabi ialuphonc syvm war OWL is humbly Tmmaywm electtd eecid NA Morm Wine by compamigo minty Jun 393 frtul mmmi rd pies mammi day fundards was Jun 35 Effective 32mg we is 73 yeariircis camels hvam organ or lens diswnce Gang with noun of Ba 11 me latc Mm 319 Wliltl 31 meeting Th mmmmwmp mm Durant was born herii cn Dec 22 imuoumw V315 across pm Md mmugh 1830 and was iiit daughter of John The Insuiuic Of Pow Engineersi me mrm 01mm Minimum ford SODhlLl liflslkliiili Slip 5139111 PWNWW orgamumm ummcrmpwd was as long as 111 he only 11ft hust bcforc mov i0 Smuonary eineerd Bud iheiii me How on the drums coum keep 11 lo Vomturvcr whore sheiamed M195 mute390 in 30i healing them On clear my the smoki Slgllill system was just on good Formf id Bur um Your DODGE 10 loss St upwind for nearly 40 ilx Shi39m the Siailonri 0112 wet it in ii Li Kiltl 13 12 Ci ll WV we pimg Besides llcr only chml Mm Vlil gt cntinc Blvl illl 1h 5min Canadas first national tractor plowing champion will bc chosen from com pciiiig provmcinl champions at the Ontario Plowmcns Association Inter alllclnil Match at Cobourg Ont0ctobcr6to Above Emmanuel lluhn lgtfmefOnauymqus ganadlfm SCUIP9rWhO has deSignCd many of doiJmPS and COmSlspuiung the nishing touches tothc clay moch or mums trophy U16 E850 Silver Plow in addition to the trophy the Canadian champion and the runnerup will travel each year as gucsfs of Imperial Oil to the world plowing match where they will compete on behalf oszmada The rst world much is being hcld at Cobourv thc sccom yeariu the Republic of Ireland Hanna Al 131 Herald W+AH 4nww UNRULY ylSONER liASTINGS ONT CP prisoner who escaped from cell The loccziscd was member oiii the Village hail by kidlng 11 than in me made duo was pick THOMAS FLEAR right was the Willllel of beautiful gold the Crosbytcrlan Church FurMM service was hem Sun Iup few hams 1am map watch donated by Recves Jewellers for the highestpaid sugi anmw Sammy my 10 linking along the highway nlelgestion during the past year at the Burric Works of the Cani liuyud siniii Cpndnclud lllcZiligzd 11 Winch it iadian General Electric Co Lcn Pledgcr left who was runncri OK 53 pm111 iup was presented with GE clocksToms idea concerning the mm thinning of shellac for the dipping of motor fields with thci elimination of the subsequent wiping operation will save incl Rev Cross 5L Johm local plant an estimated $50458 during its first year of adopi Church west Toronto cohdumd tullan six years of operation the Burue Works suggestions the funeral service on Sllllldiv commitfee ha received 1100 all estions rx MWWMMS park mm Cum $19 000 SB LdllC ng CObts by cicry or New snow blower MANAGE 54 may St mu 12mm 41 Gretchen allof Toronto Theo Barrie and Richard London Ont mum Former Trinity Church Organist Dies In Golf Mrs Donald Kydd FililOlili scrvicc was held in Yorke iiiiicrnl Parlors Bloor St Wcst Toronto for Mrs Donald Kydd Gullibilily As Measured by The Newspaper Ads Are people less gullible today than they wcrc 50 years ago 75 years zigoilhc Toronto Better BusincSS Bureau and similar agcn cics who have the facts modern rackets and how easily people are taken in Would prob answer with an emphatic They can unfold amazing tales about the sewing machine and vacuum cleaner bdr gain ndvcrliscmcnts the graph conical racket and others Barnum know whereof he spoke when he said Theres fool born every minute It is truisnrof any age and man actu ally seems to enjoy being fooled Nevertheless there is 11235 excuse for gullibilily in 1053 than there was in Barnums Gay Nineties Today the public is proteclechby Proprietary Medicine Act Bur eau of Standards and close check of all adverthing to see that no false claims are made Fur thermore if it cares to avail itself of the fuels they are available in ncwspapcr magazine and voici ous types of consumer guides Nonepf these cxigtgd in 1890 and the advertising and the pro many motion schemes of the day would be screamingly funny if they did nt represent vast sums paid out for worthless colored water cures or gold leaf on lead The newspapers oftne day were crowded with ads for such items as Dr MLanes Celebrated Ver mifuge and Liver Pills Made Only Fleming Bros Pittsburgh Pa ware of imitations These were guaranteed to expel worms about photol lanes cosy dollar was the fortune llcllcr who cumc in almost 37 vari ctics Shortly after the turn of the century having noticed the mcreasc in the numbcr of driver iiscmcnts of clairvoynnlsgt 1n the lvurious newspapers our old friend lrcd Grunt set out to do some ipersnnol research regarding their mcrits In response to his rcqucsh llo have his character vzlnalyzcd and no doubt in return for slight fee he received and has in his scrap book some two dozen analy ses of his character made by such ycxpcrts as Madame Boli Knlum somc xChicngo Prof Hans Virgo North Haven Conn Prof Lco Amzi Bridgeport Conn intmotif and Prof IInrriss Edi son Bingliamplon NY These people followed um pal tcrn of trying to say the things that people liked to hear occasion ally tossing in some safe bit of philosophy Certainly among them 111 Mr Grant found himself at tributcd with almost every one of the ner characteristics and inter ests with this bit of advice for good measure Of course you know that there militia apprecia tion for any favors you may ex tend to people There is so much ingralitudc in the world that what evcr you do should be done with out motive and without expecta tion of thanks very important thing for you to learn is to for give and forget But clairvoyance was not limited to far away places On Nov 15 1006 the following advertisement appeared in the Barrie Advance and we leave you to ponder the possibilities it contained Is there an auburnhaired vi dow in this town between 30 and prepossesslng looking gentleman of 38 to manage her estate and run her busi ass projects to asuccess ful conclusion If so she will hear and cure every common ailment from asthma to rheumatism and lumbago Besides the open advertisement thererwas also the concealed type having the appearance of an intro cent newsritem under heading suchas Shall We Let the Child Die The case of an ill child would be described with every known treatment exhausted con cluding with the obvious answer There was no need to let the child die when one needed only to get some such cureall as Dr Wheeler Elixir of Phosphates and Calisziya Only $1 Of course being fooled by an advertisement wasnt neirify as muchfun as being fooled in person by the Medicine Man who came to town regularly with covered wagon thatwopened into aminio ture theatre After preliminary of Punch Judy or some songs to guitar accompaniment to draw crowd there followed sales talk that poured out in torrent and which claimed anything and everything for the product in ques not Immediately some takers probably ped the business was reason ably safe The most serious rival of the medicine trade for the gullible planted would appeara the sale was on As no one ldlike to admit having been something to her advantage by calling the Palmist Mme Zellzi this week Queens Hotel Barrio Ont Room rst flat TUMMY TROUBLE Among other causes overfatigue is said to be one of the main roas ons for indigestion Heres MONEY Madame Ray former resident of Barrie who died in Gull General Hospital on Friday Sept 11 1053 The former Edith llcwson she was daughter of no late Judge chson and for number of years before her mar riage was organist of Trinity Aug litan Church in Barrie Busidus her two sons lieuson CBC Charlottetown and William CBC Sydney and two daughters Mrs Builcy Mary Gait and Mrs 11 Dickcy Dorotliyt Montreal she is sur vived by five sisters and one broth cr Mrs Knight Grace Barrio Mrs Bcntricc McGibbon Mrs Buurnc Naomi Mrs Webster 40 With fortune at her disposal who would like nely educated School Boards lnstilulions Householders WHY BE WORRIED WITH SEPTIC TANK and OD lHOUSE TROUBLES Susi San modern chemical product will eliminate offen sive odors liqnifies in daya Guaranteed to work DISTRIBUTOR lred Wnlson 49 Essa Road PHONE 0598 BARBIE $0 on your own signature mt SAMEDAY snmcr $50to $1000 without bankabIe security Up to 24 months to repay Phone or stop in for fast friendly service WMMMMWW ousrnoin turd zitlfym In Canada 28 Dunlap snww suond oor phone 5529 3mm Pom N0 51 coac DETACHMENT RCAF The Public is cordially invited tortvisit BARR lE mm CENTRE 129131 llunlopSlreel Ens city of absorbing info New York offers to vls of all inclinations variety of activity and of sights to see On this delight ful tripayou have full days and nights in New York Mtmpolis rest including visit ilors Mmmummamammr Connyth Mouton Planned Vacation Greenwich Village and ChinoloWn You have your dnlccoiseverol olbcrfeolvrlgs that will make your trip both in teresting and enioyable lf ROUND TRIP FARE FROM TORONTO 59 WCLUDES H0151 ROOM NIGHTS in mom PHONE 5511f