IAZI Soan dihedral 1n Xslrlbi or january 1963 by 12 Itccll 31 Eupkli 5m Visitors Mr and Mrs cm Mliicr our omcns 111mi Bafe Mr and Mrs Albezl fldwiy RM Vi Mount sod Glen Meldu alkali to arrest 51 At The I953 CNEIMOUNTST IOUIS 31011915 ALEYIliTofT swEMUlmig THIS INSTANTQIEO A1 51111135 MEI M1 and Mrs William 51 Sutton pr dt1l llzr lurctlng Miler opened vain lite zlnglflg of hymn Breach3 on mr Bren God Miss Ruzh Fieldmal 111 the scripture taken mm biannualI lung her Ewan Mrs Jessre Ritchie 31111le 5cm Mrs Sailor 1rd inc 171r11lcl II II II ICIIIIIHIV IN BIIIVIIIIIII 11 prayer 1123 Gr II Mag Bel In LN IIIIImnI rm 5311 or 31 EIIIIIIII BtIIIIIII just moved to Pczcrhorougt llzr lt zrazwrlr ll gh becoming Mrs A2101 Stiflx 11E Jr I141 low weeks 3341 Th stItr In II III II II II III II IIIIIII II III 15 eh LU IM I1 Allard luff II report Mrs 1141le Llu 1mm again leport on Drums 11ml 111111 13le WII funds Mm LWIWILIH KIWI IIIIIIIII IIIIII MIII GIIIIIIII IIIIIIIGIIIII II ham 0m tie 1w 112 tiraipillr gt1123 flips ll$13223513131123 mm also the party lira I351 WI at SS 11z on friends here CNICEARIIIILLBE the Link Hm 13I III PEIIIIIIIIIH III III III II LII Mm JUPIch Wywndgt is my mum Flam II III IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII pt 111011 llciivcrcd 11nd brl 1=ll MS Association llclt gllrc 11310 note The lulu of 1315 rwo 317035 10 me Cum Helen Bcrlllclfllle 15 111 holiduy g1 Floppy minding mm CUES rcturncd home after zwo tdcks W11ch 11 Parkland is Mrs acb cf we ppomtmn Tll MI RUM rum mum or upcnsd the meetinul DECK ml gin Rivcl with Mrs Handy 11 Il Illiduricc Filigcrald II RU Cd 35 for he MIIum SICIIOUII hcnrly invitation 1s extended to all AND mu my we scuool 13 1151 eorlukafpleviom educationholdyoubacll Specialuttentiongivenlotnoscuut Rectal Visitors Ann Sorbet of But SllS Ollkcl 2111130 urer her daughter Peggy School In Again WA Meeting Mrs Wllllanl Mlller 321d Mrs Sid Clarke amended WA llttllng at 2112 WililBlTbIBllllfllds ironic ARTAGE AND STORAGE LlMlTED THE WORLD MOVES 50 Down BARBIE 557 Visit Mother Sherman Brown of Toronto and By Wally Bishop AYEIA CROOIEL FACT PIE HELP To 121191159011521112 BLOW momma TELLIIHEY 097311 $951601 2015ng Gage WY BATOON coz THANK9 rm Youlz A9 1b BAY Macy HEAR THATjWPATHYu mm AgouNp our Foucs School Reopens THEY wlIls 525 5AY 51qu Cugmus ET klILlcloue 910 THEY TOOK LIKE THAT BouT F02 THE ACCOWUODATION orI wml THAT16 MY cusTOMEzeww U9 Name MEETET UP STUFFED PETS growth industry dog and cat food chalked up 13 gain in physical volume of sales in rst half compared same time last 559 RENT NEW CAR SIGHT DOWN II at the MI III Mm IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIVIII IIIIIIIIII 2mg My and WIIIIJIR MIIIIIII pm Wis 32 Toronto Visitors 311s liman and School meeting of 111m Notional Exhibition were ob with friends 111 Billtlu II mm lxmlm on NtWShIUldI Ill Hub III Bumm Tlhytcs lilothcl Mrs Nullcs ofl Mrs Jumcs Miller and Donna IOI II II II II II II 1111 tIrxtl 1111 111mm 11111 Monday 01 wer where le SlLIIdlng CW lttks In Dull LImd 0th held Ross Brown cf Imuskunung spent no School rcopcncd with Miss t1 l11l1o1 on LDIISlulllllV COMPANYLYD NANCE lll MIJI by All 11ttutlng ho1da BUILDINGIUmtcd Slates rosc 75 pcr cent was 11vo11 1110 program was conI LL Fitzgerald of Toronto Spent I19512 etrolculn output was up 211 IUCI by MFR DiliEu1opeans ln Scpt 16 at 215 pm As this is IF You ms CIIIIU IIl ILpLdLnn ll Mlzpall of school 101 number at yam Graduates will receive the High School Diploma ol the TO EgAKFgt1 III III IIIIIIIIN III III IIIIII I9 111 Marv Burtch Mr 111 Mrs 11 1111 llilplcltltcd with the new Sisterunion Mr and Mr Arthur 3113 MAIN 1111lccd 111 ttLllIllr gRlvrI With her new grzllldaugh ll Itlwlzlzc 11 the noan of Miss the wwkend mm III IIIIIUIIIIII 1111 Hart of Montreal is Vlltll rcl 111l11i112btArcher wal MIIICTI Barric Emmi School Caretaker ma mu MIME III MIHll IN 1th raid weeks holldllys v11h lltClltlSi pa omce SqI BARR phone 4510 pm cemI Alum whlch was very much en 12 joint meeting with WMS zhc Crci 13313 Cgiiirfeenitm more WMS are to be our guests and charge The ncxt mcctlng 15 to be are Charae pmgam American School cs 111 1111 wholc 91171 It 21 llutcr than 1111 11111 speak chp this 11 Bill Bunch Sims and Barbara of mothers Mfr 81111511 lkizll Toronto spcn Sunday with 110111 WI0 WI 5111001 lllilllmln GUI Ilt fall 11215 bccu moved to 1gt11v1 Ills Sept 23 btCilUSt of liltlstlvl 11 12M IL food n11xcr The Bark From Hum Mr and Mrs Cilllsfnnt Klug have oplll1cr 11 nos loc11q 111 Visitors Here Visiting With Mr and 311s IV VIIII schuol vmvns rnddu me WA Meeting fltI Billbl JJm dilugnlcl of Mr AI 5ZIII DUULI AHM WV 11 0113 llg 3111s Russtll Handy for ftll21c followcd by hymn 306 Thel Mr and QIIHllmnf WWkSI Miss mm was 11 11335 hwUUIIHI pwmd and way were Phclpston lSllLl Mr and Mrs VATERAL IIII IIIIIIIIIv mvulmllllu moma VIIILIIIII II red IcIII III IIIII IIIId IIIHIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIISIIIICIIII OIIIII IMorlls King Is hc 111 c1ttillu1 WY III 43gt It luycd Buszl proceeded and hem hymn sung Meeting wasi MS 11 11d 111 New Lowell Lnltcd Church proceeds mkw Tou CAN STUDY AT HOME IN SPAII MI 11 SCHOOL eunuuts am 133 3010 um Progress Rapidly low Monthly Payments All Book Furnished SEND NOW FOR IRE BOOKLET AND SAMPLE HSSON AMERICAN scnoot Dent 35 88 Richmond St Toronto0ntI Please send me FIREE and without obligatlon 14 page booklet and sample lesson of your HighSchool course Name Address 69 Coiu 51 Phone Bank 2112 WONOIW bu hamL vcar Some Slmillion pounds sold in that period this year reports The Financial Post ART OF RELAXATION Lazincg in moderation of course is worthwhile art that many of us need to regain so that we may renew the vigor of our minds and bodies to meet the pressure of the energetic times in which we live Trenton 10m CourierAdvance vIa I1 3133 WednesdaySe 17 In VI DI Thel ll 01 YearOldiOro Fair Will Be Outcaallyopened 111611 School Childrens Parade al I23I0pm Pipe BandinAttendance IncreaseduhtIeTCIaSSes Ross Therrian and Palomino nexMuGss WAKE UP LVE ousr BEEN 117me THE sacrum rrs WARMING wml HUMANITV ITS BEAUTIFUL IDAY 0UTSIDEND T106HOI SUNSHINE BEARING DOWN NICE WARM BREEZE BLOWING NUQSE WITH THE WATER TEMPERATURE DOWN TO FORTYSEVEN DEGREESL DAY JUST CRYING F02 WATERPISTOle THAT BETTER MAm OLD FAVORTE INBENP PonyRacs Buggy Races AOHIEvEMENT DAY FOR THE 4H CLUBS GARDEN BRIGAITE lsTECIAL lEATUREs IllI mm 511 Tlll 111111111155 11111 PARKING satin or rAerIcpoqunsz