as NDEPENDiNt nawsrm MONDAY Since I864 ma TOWN or Baum arm Cochin or swoon 89th YearwNo 105 0R0 FAIL FAIR ON WEDNESDAY lOlST ANNUAL The Ofo Agricultural Societys llst annual fall exhibition and unwind as can ammoniaWhom In BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY SEPTEMBER 14 i953 up CFlOO JETS SHOW ilHElR PACES IN FORMATION FLYING horse Show 0pm tomorrow at the Town Hall 00 and an excellent program of cunts has been drawn up for Wednesday afternoon Officials of the society headed by Orton Crawford president and Norman Stoddart secretary suter have put rwurk into making success unec again of this very popular event in the fall fair calendar in Simone county For the convenience of Barrie citizens then will be Gray Coach bus elVlCt leaving the terminal at pm This will enable pass mixer on regular service from To ronio to make connections at Bar rie also Coaches will leave the fair grounds for the return journey at 74 similar service is also being run from Ozillln leaving at 1210 pm line racing carii has been drawn up for the two days under Canadian rc ting Association rules There will be three onelt mile beats in each race every heat race pony races Quite number of special awards will be made in the different live stock judging events in addition to the regular Society prizes In the cattle clones it is anticipated that there will be large entries in the Shorthorn Pulled Angus IlClLfOld Holstein Jcrscys and Ayrshire categories The bacon hog show this year may only be held with permission of the Department of Animal Health owing to quarantine regula iho Achievement Day for the Twin 4H Swine Club will be held in conjunction with the fair with number of special prizes being awarded by the Rotary Club of Barrie The Achievement Day program will be held on Wednes day On the same day the Oro 4H Calf Club will hold its Achieve ment Day program and special awards in connection with this have been donated by the Lions Club of Barrie 0ro Township Horticultural So cxety will also hold their flower show in conjunction with the fair The Oro School Fair sponsored by the Oro Agricultural Society and conducted in cooperation with the School Boards Teachers Com mittees and the Departments of Education und Agriculture will be held at the some time as the fair Tuesday Will bedevoted to placing of exhibits and school disy plays chncsdny morning there will be contests and then the school parade due to begin at 1245 pm Official opening of the fair starts at pm with judging to follow SAYINGS REVAMPED By GEORGE Illle In Avon Wills time and before it the popular indoor sport was composing vcrse to ones lady or writingmvise sayings better known now as cpigrams or just wise cracks but the fyears have been many and they do not seem to fit the picture as then For instance the old saying There are no pocketsinashroud at one time seemed to hit us right between theeyes but checking on it now we find that shrouds simply arent worn any more Why Well in the times of another day anoth er dollar the question of bufyirlg goodxsuit of clothes along with the corpus delicti wasnt even in the question That suit was needed by little Dannyor big Sandy as the Turn to page two please The First Column grout deal There will also be saddle FORMAIION FLYING at big that requires high degree of skill Pilots of these CF100 allweather fighters practise formation flying as part of their operational training now being carried out at RCAF New lawns Bowling Clubhouse Opened By Allandale NRA Last Friday marked on outstand ing event in the history of the Al iandale Lawn Bowling Club of the Canadian National Recreation As sociation when the new clubhouse was officially opened with fitting ceremony and most pleasant time was enjoyed by all present All greens were in excellent con dition through the work of grecm keeper Eddy Kohlmeycr retired CNR engineer and club member and flowcrbcds were beautiful as planned and tended by Frank Gor ing club member and CNR engin eer They formed grand setting for the event which opened with geldogeiher of mixed doubles mak ing 24 rinks With ideal bowling weather 12 ends were most enjoy able Bowler For First Time Several of the visitors were play ing their first game and among them His Worship Mayor Hart bowled very creditably against veteran players At the conclusion of play all were ready for plate luncheon arranged by the club under the direction of number of the Allandale Ladies Bowling Club members and with tablesset in the clubhouse which is quite roomy and is 40 by 50 feel with spacious veranduhs overlook ing both west and east greens Preparation and carving of number of plump turkeys was in the capable hands of Reg Ayres who was also at the close leader of singsong with Smith and his piano accordion Chief Clerk Was MC Approximately 101 sat down for the luncheon and at its conclusion Leslie Ellis Chief Clerk of the CNR Divisional offices at Allandale took over most effeciently the duties of masher of ceremonies In his re marks he enumerated the points in development of the Allandale Bow ling Club which was founded about 25 yearsago from the original Nor OFFICER CADETS 70F iRCASC ORODUCE FINE YEAR BooK The third annual yearbook of the officers training wing of the RCASC School Camp Borden en titled Playtime has recently come off the commercial presses of The Barrie Examiner Limited Playtime an excellent page magazine contains wealth in formation and flashbabks on the training of officers of the RCASC at Camp Borden In an editorial note the selection of the name for the yearbook is clearly explained in the following words Playtime might possibly be misleading asa title for this publication It is not as thoun initiated might surmise published for group of summer playboys It derives its name from the fact that the wireless codeword Plays time means supply and trans port officerrhls was thought to be particularly approximate since vrnany of the martin training hre are devoting their summer vacaf tions to hard work in order or duality aaofficers in the Canadian pm catchty spirit or on maintaining in excellent fashion these ideals them Bowling League an interlown organization and the activities for the past few years leading up to the present high standing with the splendid club house and equipment of which the club is rightly proud Interesting Speeches Other highly interesting address cs were given by speakers guests of the evening called upon by him first of whom was Barries own mayor whoextopdcd felicitatinns upon the occasion and expressed ad miration of the work done which has meant such donation to the recrcutional and social life of the town was followed by General Sup erintendent Hotrum of the CNR at North Bay who spoke of such achievement as good for the men and good for the railway Superintendent Edey of this division added his quota to the general expressions of congrat ulation Jack Thornton of the Pub lic Relations Branch of the CNR Toronto spoke upon the value of such group effort in its effect upon the public Rogers CNR Sup erintendent here in 1934 and later General Manager of Central Ver mont Railway expressed pleasure at the opportunity of joining In congratulations Albert Clifton President of the local branch of the CN Recreation Association gave resume of the accomplishments of the association and then called upon Richard Garrett as being the one club mem ber to whom most redit isxdue for thdrawing up of clubhouse plans throughout and for assisting and promoting the completion of the building in cooperation with the CNR representatives and with vol unteer labor of the club members On behalf of the club the presid ent Walker Webb presented Mr WmhALMML speeds is tricky business Station North Bay On completion of their training pilots and radio navigators are usually posted to one of the new CFIOO squadrons being formed in Canada FERGUSON DONATES $150 CIrIzENs BAND The Barrie Citizens Band have now received donations totalling $500 thereby going over the halfway mark to clear their $900 deficit Announcement of the new total was made this morning by McCamll chairman of the band committee when he issued the information that donation of 5150 had been re ceivcd from Julian Fergu son MP for ShucoeJIortb The What ben xiiadc up as follows Kiwanis Club of Barrie $200 Anonymous 350 Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion $100 and Mr Fergu son $150 Garrett with solid leather bowl ing case In his reSponse Dick expressed pleasure that he had been able to help in any way He had also been honored recently by life membership in the CNRA Mr Ellis then extended to Mrs Watterworth and to the Bar ric Bowling Club of which she is president the sincere thanks of the Aliandale Club for large and beautiful basket of gladiolus blooms adorning one of the tables an ex pression of congratulations from them The evenings program wound up very happily with singsong at late hour Completion of Building Theyofficial opening had been held back until the completion of insulating the building entirely and finishing the interior in plywood Floors are finished with marboleum All of the work with theexcep tion of some of the fitting and more complicated sections vvhich called for an expert carpenter was done byvolunteer labor 5Turn to page three please dipperdredge DIPPERDREDGE FOUNDERS IN LAKE SUPERIOR wood who was in charge of the which thundered lhelplessly on stormswept Lake Superior during the weekend forc ing nine crew members to hold on for 18 harrowing hours until they were picked up yesterday morning by the US Coast Guard icebreaker Mackinaw The nine were part of 15man crew on the dredge owned by the McNamara Construction Co of Sault Ste Marie which was on its way from the $00 to Fort William when it was caught in one of the worst storms ofjhe 52 on Part of unit comprising two scows and two tugs the dredge foundered after the lead tug ran into trouble After six of the crew were rescued by fishing tug the storm got worse and prevented the rescue of the other nine until early yesterday The dredge valued at $200000 suffered only minor damage before equalled by the Uh can Examinrr C8 all and Mt PM Warm RCAF Prep rainy Stringch halo Go On Display Stations Will Open To Public To Mark Annual Airlorce Day 01 Saturday Sept 19 the Royal Canadian Air Force will be marking 15 seventh annual Air Force Day and at Camp Borden as at other RCAF stations throughout the country the public will be invited to see for themselves just what the To Europe Air Force is doing Furtzier details as to what pro gram Will be CilfllLd out by the iiCAi units in this area wzl be In nounccd later tth week Expansion Program This years Air Force Day finds the ilCAF entering the Latter stages of its current cxpanszon program program aimed at producing modern fighting air force boasting some 41 squadrons flying aircraft ranking among the worlds finest and working until the latest cquip men available Senior RCAF officials point out that the program is not yet com pleted Its long job and necess arily slow one for an organization as compch us an a2r force of today cannot be built up overnight The aircraft the early warning equip ment and the many other highly technicaland unfortunately mendousiy expensiveitems rcquir cd lake not months but years to design and produce decision had to be made as how best to utilize theiskilled personnel who made up the immediate post war Air Force the ceiling for which was set 16000 It was decided that with the even then apparent trend in military aviation development it would not be feasible for Canada to maintain strutezic bomber force Rather it was decided to con centrate on fighter element with maritime and transport elements al so forming important parts of the Service Tactical support Opera tions were not to be overlooked but it was decided that strategic bOmber operations would stretch the RCAFS resources to point where none of its operational elem ents would be more than token force packing little actual punch This decision was made with due regard for the types of air forces maintained by our allies and the fact that Canada was unlikely to fight war onits own use Jet Vampires were flli Iotaser vice primarily to introduce ill to the Air Force and conpara iivciy small number of Mustangs were also obtained these being the best then available type of piston driven fighter for Canadian con ditions Plans were made however for acquisition of other types of fight ers these being the CFiOi Canuck designed for Canadian requirements A4 because no other suitable type was in existence and the F88 Sabre The RCAF ceiling was gradually increased as the international sii nation grew worse and then in 1950 the Service began its current ex pansion buildup programmnever RCAI in peacetime glance at todays RCAF Shows that the Air Force has made tre mendous progress since the begin ning of the current expansionpro gramme Two of the worlds finest jet fighters the CFloo Canuck and the F86 Sabre are in production in Canada and both are in squadron operational use The Canuck is asiraigbt Canadian venture from start to finish design ed by Roe Canada Ltd at Aliandaie YwiCA lawn was can Malton Ont to meet RCAF re quirementsand built by them to gether with the Orenda jet engines that provide its twin power units sea lot AI1IIc JiiWCilillth two gnzcr for Canadian air dc quucmcnts The Sabre being built in Canada undcr license by Cunaduir Ltd at Montreal is US designed jet fight er frontline servme by the US= AF 1s used by the RCAF as day fighter and is flown by those squadrons serving with or destined for the RCAFs NATO Air Division in Europe Construction Program Hawaii vital in the RCAFS buildup is the construction pro gram expected to run into cost of 5400000001 before completion Stretching across Canada and into the PIzinhnd the building pro gram invoivvs construction or ex lpainsion of both operational flying land trunzns blililUllS supply and cools command and station radar stations and many other essential projects The aerial protection of Canada is the responsibility of Air Defencei lCommand whose major nerve cen itre is at St Hubert outside Mon trcul From St Hubert are directed Zthc jet fighter squadrons forming the striking portion of the home Canadian air defence system On their own however intercep tor squadrons would be of limited usefulness in striking at approach ing hostile bombers and vital part of the air defence system is the early warning chain and the units which would guide fighter squad rons to theirtargets Ground Observer Corps This early warning and ground ZIS Kiwanis Officers Report At Dinner OQM Convention Barrie Kiwanis Club dinner at Community Housenuillrhmm ident Meth Adamson VicePresi dent Harris Redmond and Director Maurice MacLaren give their ver sions of the OntarioQuebecMari times convention at Bigwiu Inn Sept 79 Kiwanis dinner meetings resumed last Tuesday at Community House with Jack MacLaren 2nd vice president in the chair The speaker acting on short notice as pinch hitterwas Kiwanian Ken Walls who gave an account of the Canad Ian Weekly Newspapers Associa tion 34th Annual convention at Ho tel Bessborough Saskatoon He was introduced by Mac Morrisonand thanked by Roy Kigbtley Henry Vanderbeek led themsingsong with Norman Clarke at the piano Community House caterers Mr and Mrs Reg Ayres back from holiday most of which was spent in the North Bay area provided delicious meal The Kiwanians were happy to return to this atmos phere for the winter after sum mer of travelling around the dis trict even though the meals and hospitality were excellent CONCERT POSTPQNED Last nights band concert at the coiled because of therein and cold Barrie Citizens Band hope to stage it instead next Sunday evening if the weather is favorable Participants InOfficialOpeningOFAllanclale NRA bowling ClubHouse As REMINDER CAME COURSE The progress which has been made this you by the COTC Cad els is highly praised ina message from1iCol Calling ED Turn topage two please At long last Weather Breaks Cool Varigahle The pleasant weathcrofqultc some time not break on cum day which brought would rain lasting most of the dayanda high or 52 no 1am by day oyMaywith 42 and early tilinntomlllx camashp Th prospect for today is variable with possible album Inst week was ihshm noter IT Will BE DOGS oar bred as show stock at tho Innisl school fair The quality pot show stock FourBarrie Boys With RCAF Band There were four Barrie boys among the members of the Royal Canadian Air Force Central Cam mami Band which left from Haitian Airport this morning to overv seas for an extended concert tour The band will be playing in Great Britain France and Ger many according to plans annotate ed at the time of leaving new Barrie musician with the famous Air Forcegroup who is going abroad with the band I8 LAC John Pogue former mem ber of the Barrie Collegian In stitute Bandwho joined the RCA this summer He will have com pany from his own home town within the band in the personnel Sgt Kenneth Cooper Sgt Judi Wiscman and Sgt Jack Clark Sgt Howard Kelly another ex Barricite who has been with the RCA Band for several years is ill in hospital at Toronto and was unable to make the trip control system necessary but tre mendously complex and costly of any nations aerial is already in operation 31W that yet finished Workia steadily on the remaining perm Also vital part of the amt lav fence system is the Ground liner ver Corps directed by Air Defence Command and with Regular Force officers at key points but dpend ing largely upon civilian volunteer spotters or observers Sciencelna not yet been able to 0W cer tain common failings to all types of earlywarning radar equipment one being its limited effectiqu against lowflying aircraft Int centres have been established at various points across Canada to serve as key points for the 60C and the enrolment of civilianmspotr ters is taking place Turn to page two please Barrie Lions meetings of Barrie Lions Club have been resumed andPresidcnt Rowe expressed film at the attendance On Friday Sept 11 in Community House First of the meetings presided over by the new president was on Sept following the summer recess short singsong was led by Gerry Smith with Bill Ball at the piano discussion followed and arose from the recent changerin shopping hours from $51 to Friday night mm Lions are retail merchants and will find it difficult to attend meetings with shopping boars set for pm closing that night The general feeling seemed to be that the matter should ougth considered before tie1 cision is made and motibiw forward to the next Two interesting and lms were shown by Lion Whyte depicting lion antithet hunt in India which includeda fight to The operator came in 31 rage of wise cracks when our developed ideas of its own mm ing the general direction offs progress nish between the no By 1165 Pupils showing their renown thoughytbey may lieonly bred will not have talcum with other animals thathavefbeen Iwm be judged criticism and its ability to racism fer It would not to have these animals cbmpete which have been and