AGENTS WANTED MONEY ls YOURS NameOn Cbrtmas EVgry assortments for highest cums Oett sixty salesdested terrific customer appeal Christmas values in 25 card Prize Assortment Christmas Velvet Madonna Surprise Currier and Ives Scenes Appealing Every religidtm humorous cards cards stationery nap Gift Wings Kiddies Christ stockings pulnl books ribbons gift Write for complete cata opup books Bible WANTEDMen to own 3111 Opeer LOST FOUND STRAYEDHolslezn Cow years old milking from Lo Con 10 E353 on Monday Sept Cook Thornton 5512 LOSTLadys ng1 wastwutctl Phelpston Hole up Sept P1121151 leave phone Snlrzc 5377 Keepsake ward t710+1113 Business Opponunltlcs samples NOW Print namedd mtg 90 9981731 Lm clearly Nan190 Smuunlllg machines These machines new in Canada and wtll prove me FfYonge Street Arcade ID59332St moneymokers an em tvendlng machines on the Market today These machines Baked 510 000000 operated in the Unllcri States last year Protcctcd terriv tories Personal inter icw armingI ed Enquiries coodeu not Your in 11131 investment will return youE approximately $800 per month mung Company Limited Dept 1A I99118F Wanted TO RENT or Buy org modern house Apply Box Barrie Examiner 11101406 RENT4 or roomed house rent in town limits Ap Box 53 Barrie Examiner 1199104F ROOMED Apartment wan1 by couple no children Abstain References Phone 5813 uny 1110lt1100 or roamed or apartment in Barrie or Borden area Urgent Phone ll 105 OR FOUR roomed apart with bath wanted by two vicinity of Collier St Phone pm 11103104 COUPLE rcqire 23 loomed selfcontained suite stove and trig if possible Box 12 Bzirrie Examiner 11104106 IN Barrio urgently re to rent or buy $500 down monthly payments Due to our daughter must be school Box 68 Barrie Ex 11103104 YOUNG business couple selbcontained or roamed apartment or small Moderate rent Object to call their home Box 11 Examiner 1110t MARKET PRICES SEPTEMBER 11 1953 DOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY quoted by First Coopentlve Packers of Ontario Barrio Hogs $3300 Sows $2200 EGGS Large Medium lbs 42 35 24 to lbs 43 42 35 24 to lbs 36 35 30 der lbs ecial 34 28 l8 2o over the above prices corn 1105 18 to lbs 16 this is only on palbtimc 12 until you can expand your lugs to possible 51500 to per month on full time You 51 rtquxren to have 52500 in cushy Ilnvestment secured busillcss onu personal references local and per manent address and scrviceabh cai Unless you are in position to meet above requirements plezuc do not request Interview Box Barrie Examiner 29104107 uvrsrocx FOR SALE CALF FOR VEALING Robert Campbell Churchill Phone Hm chroy 9101 12 WEANLING Pigs iiiciimstnrted Scharllagl RR ND Ynukstown 3rd line w101 RED COW years old due Sept 10 Arthur Snider Cruighurst phone Blilr 9101 10 GOOD thrifty pigs weeks old also sow pigs weeks old Phone 1101 Minesing 9103104 NUMBER OF Weaniing 80211311 large English white Pigs Apply Harry Ross Cookstown phone 55r23 9101105 12 EWE LAMBS Suffolk and Dor set cross also few young Suffolk breeding ewes Caldwell Shanty Bay 9103101 PURE BRED polled Hereford bulls 18 months old Red Durham calf week old Switzer Phone 843m Crown Hill 9103101 GRADE Holstein Heifers years old TB tested and vaccinated one fresh with calf at foot due in October Wilison Angus phone 831112 910l REGISTERED Holstein heifers from good ROP dams due in September Herd accredited and vaccmated Apply Gordon Atkin son RR Barrie Phone 8424 9103104 CHESTNUT Gelding and filly and years old year old Belgian quiet around all machinery Dur ham and Hereford cow calf at foot Ayrshire and Hereford cow district Large bar and Imus twins by side Tamworth Sows hyd due soon Number of Chunks of $9551 Pigs Alex Allen Cookstown 3mm 9104 FARMS FORTSALE WILLOUGHBY AND 50115 100 ACRES $13800 EV C011 Twp Essa All work able clay loam soil level under draining good wire fences wells 55 acres pasture Brick clad storey house with rooms Hydro Half cellar Excellent con dition Bank barn36 x96 Pressure system litter carrier milk house Hydro Implement shed hog pen bend house garage Milk route at roa miles to Thornton Cookstown Taxes $300 Easy terms Possess ion immediately Owner would consider selling stock and equip PRIZE WINNING FLOAT in the big pr ode held in Barrie on June 22 1911 the occasion being the celebration of the Coron Ltd ation of King George The wellknown For Sale or Exchange SWAP for six or seven roomed Allandale district sell for $600000 150 acres sandy loam some bush six roomed house with hydro and water two barns drive shed 51013th on plowed Two miles to vil lage 19 to Barrie to Camp Bor Box 65 Barrie Examiner 23102104 FARMS FOR SALE OR RENI 100 ACRES of clay late of cultivation in the Mineslng house or will road in winter 10am irif ro throughout immediate pos on Apply Box Barrie Ex 21103105 == EHIcKS BRAY HATCHERY still taking or ders for dayold chicks They may still have few started ask us Your OctoberNovember broilers should be on order now also Ask us for full data Copeland RR Beeton Phone Bee ton 55112 AUTOMOBILES CASH $$ CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St list 24101 Phone 5430 13104 Centennial Flashback Winning DIED HAMILTONAt her home Colgan on Wednesday Sept 1953 Ida Nicol widow of Millal Hamilton dear sister of John Nicol of Nicolston and dear aunt of Ra chael Sloan Resting at her home Maple Villa Farm Colgan where funeral Service will bc held Friday at 230 11111 Inter ment Alliston Union Cemetery FARMS WANTED WANTED TO RENT or Buy 50 acre farm suitable for gardening near Barrie Apply Box 18 Home Examiner 31104106 HAVE SEVERAL inquiries for 100 acre farms Apply Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street phone 2377 31104 FARM WANTED within an mile ladills of BarriRply glvillg acicl age of farm condition of build ings distance from school and sale price Apply Box 13 Barrie Ex amincr 31104106 PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehill Drive Barrie Body Conditioning Arthrittc Treatment remedial exeTClses Scientic reducing Licensed Graduate Masseur 10 am till 10 pm dally Private Appointments Only Phone 814ml 30700 LADY Commuter at Stroud wants accommodation for transportation to Queens Park by 830 am 11110114 day to Friday Phone MrsCarter Fioat In Barrie Parade of 1911 drygoods firm of Sarjeant King was 10 cated on the present site of Walker Stores cussion at September meeting of Coldwzltcr Council IDunlop presided and all members were present Ellcld in thc fircmcns room in the court house as the school fair com mittee were meeting in the coun4 cil chambers preliminary Reeve Andrew The session was ICoIdwaler Council IHeavy Agenda September Meeting building bylaw sewage dis posal hydro financing and specd ing were the main topics of dis lN MEMORIAM BROWNING1n loving of Walter Brov11ingwho posscha away Sept 1916 understanding was reached on the type of bylnw ffavored to control construction in ithe village and further study will fbe given the question Before the sewage disposal by 011551 10 has 16 018311951 law is drafted meeting is to be held with County Health Unit offi properly Cwners installing individual septic tanks with tile beds where needed According to figures presented the meeting it was shown that current revenues are not sufficient that times heals anjto maintain the hydro commissions Early in the summer IBarrie hydro office wrote the Cold Iwatcr commission that rate 1n crease should not be necessary there icials Council favors memory They sorrows Operations And hexps one to forget But time so far has only shown How much we miss him yet remembered by his 104 SEYMOUR ANDREWS111 lov ing memoryof our dear brother George Scymour died Sept 19 1949 and our dear15900 George Andrewsi who died Sept 12 1951 Peaceful be thy rest dear loved ones It is sweet to breathe thy name 111 life we loved you dearly In death we do the same Sadly missed never by sister Helen and husband Lovingly However here at present with zGOrlIlIan and family have been bank mccrdraftswoccur ring in recent months Revenues amount to about $1 monthly with expenditures about It isIcontendcd that the $200 monthly availabl is insufficient to pay salaries and maintain lines The reevc and council arc very concerned over the excessive rates of speed by many motorists coming into Coldwater from eastern and forgotten western aproachcs and speed 101 Itrap may be set up inIaw who only brother Barrie Business College 66 Toronto Street Barrie Phone 4824 DOCGARIWilma and John Ince Wilma Briggsi wish to announce the birth of Robot 15116 at titular Hospital Whitehorse Yukon Lu Wedncsday Sept 1953 104 BilOADHEADAI the Royal Vic 11111 21031211 IBazlle on Sept 1953 IU Cpl and Mrs Broniillead EU Saskatchewan Blvd Camp Borden daugh ter Piltllii JunetI ONElLiraAl the Royal Vlclorszr Hospital Barrie 111 Sept 1963 In Mr 11111 Mrs Loo ONeill Amen Mills son Mun AUCTION SALE Wednesday Sept Iii Wrich um sum mm eta Pipe hundry Infralure gcrSystcmn 011 1km In nuts South OH Ask for Pamlocue Shim Delivered You By Freight SEE AND SAW SN OHNSON murmur out OPEN WEI 208 Lot Cull 11 Wm CWIIIIIIDLII Auction Sale of purebred Short liIir1 cattle farm Implements 111111 nouschuid furniture Sale at p111 DST Terms cash 11 3111 Ewen Auctioneer 111117105 Thursday September 17 Archiw pugr 1A 16 Con Sunnidule on 5111111111th Road milessouth of 51111311111119 Corners Auction Sailv ofi Farm Stock and lmplmncnts Szllci 31 130 pm IDST lcruls CZISII5 Albert Cultlum clerk iczly CoughI glin auczlunecl 102101 Soturday Sept 19 Iiuusch furnlturc ILI effects for Mrsf 11311111 341 11111111111 511 Burl reservc Terms Siessor jAIlClionvLr 1021107 Wednesday Sept ItiEs11c of the 11111 ALISILII Osborne Caroline St EDIIIL Auction sale of householdl EIIIIIIILIEIP and effects Terms 011511 Shh 11 pm Spmulc auc llUllcer 1031031 hlonduy Sept 21 Edmn Wilson 1101 Con TIIy one mile 11151 miles north Vuscy Farm stuck limpielncnts and household effects Solo 111 p111 Terms cash Tracer Auctioneer 1011061I hlonda Sept libRobert Clark IWLst 1427 Concession Essa two miles south Essa Station Auc tion sale farm stock und imple ments sale at 22 p111 Terms cash Sproule Auctioneer 103106 iThursday Sept 34 Farm stock and implements the property ofI Oscar Bates Lot 21 EH of Con it Essa milc west of Ivy village Sale at pm DST Terms cash 104109 Friday September 25 Farml stock and implements and house hold effects for John Elrick at Sh Lot Con Toivnship of Flos at 130 p1n Terms cash Jerry Coughl lln auctioneer 103109 SEE THIS 1939 CHEVI Showroom condition Cant be told from new 220 Bradford St P11 5430 Cross Town Motors DONT MISS THESE F1111 BARGAIN PRICES FEATURED AT com ON GENDEALELECTBIC llllrlllnzlllllolls 13 SPECIAL 9MONTHS BUSINESS COURSE Empire 31211 local 3009 evenings men as going concern if 50 de 1940 NASH coupe reasonable offer 30102m4 sires Farm in exsellsnt state th 20 if pm 1313 REGISTER NOW FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING cultivation w1th burldlmgs In good 39 DODGE Sedan good condition YOUR SYSTEM needs Iodine mpair NovaK91 can hel vsui ly it APPLY To Se leasonable P110 $17034 Avoid am mum dgmgg FINAL EXAMINATIONS AT THE END OF ANY orders like Anaemia Constipation MONTH AS SOON AS YOU ARE READY LENNOX ROWE 1933 MASTER Chevrolet good Piles Nerves by starting to take Newton Robinson Ont running condition tires nearly NovaKelp Tablets today Three DAY TLASSESGOMMENCED TUESDAY SEPT phone Cooksmwn 2613 or 43141 new Apply after pm at 98 Well economlcal Sizes at all drugglsts 34304405 inglon St East 13104 30401 JOSE Com Pmcpal 50 ACRE FARMVVsapdy loam brick house and blink 53ml trout Member of stream For particulars apply Har old Litster RR HaWkestoner Mitchell Square 104105 100 ACRE FARM clay loam was rin Creek buildin in 00 dunneven em cgndioh bydmmmugghout 31500 8m andsnme from deep milk route silo steel stable water te as bowls brick house With bathroom The Business EdllcatorsAssoclation of Candida and furnace Box 17 Barrie Ex LY aminer 87104105 120 ACRES 15 miles west of Bar rie 5m11es northof Camp Bor den 60 aores bush60 cleared momed house electric installed watelilnsidel1 GoodbztlrnR11ver r1 roug proper eason or sllIng illness Apply Box 10 Bar get out the most stubborn mammfr 3101 and perspiration stains 1111111111 301111011 011110111511 01011 MODEL L376 REG so SALE PRICE PRICE cu as Item not in mummyobmousm ALSO THESE oralin Low mtan MODELSQ If youll let meet this one time Ofcer promise FT to getout oi hore just as foot as thishcar will 30 gSENIOR 700PARADE HsFREE ICE CREAM FOR 3009 Icons COMPLETEJERSEY DISPERSAL Fully Accredited Willem Calfhood Vaccmated clout 1311011111111 mm grades on The mm he Mam ammo Bump on Rubi L54 HAYS SALES ARENA Oakville Ont FREE BALLOONS P9350113 Monday September 111th3 1951 my nsm 8J5 BAND CONCERT hid Expo Prom Th 11 lots 19 ureb milk eswn ebolanc breedzgeuehfors Lorellmzm 10 due sale time and during 0ct vino mundaneInca ltor ober Included are panoramas or Brown Worlds 11mm 11000 DRAW FOR LEGION CAR on 111 115 cu ft neg $549 111351 95 cu ft Bonsai L987 RotoCold 9cu tting $1159 112 years and under 11min 1o on row mono prices II Brnmptonnmcle Basil Mpton Wonder and other pop tresinolud 14 daughters of Whtmsion naou Empton Dosixnh Favor summon In Chains ctcAlso in Rom Ice Cream W101 thrush Lakevtew Pm Milk minWWW mm Balloons donated bysunmllns and Co 813111 are ten entries 0111 the herd of mdlaprorval 17 IV no ta 1L do DIXCIea rs 13 Amssm Barrie HAYS FOAAEfsgnzlPAJLDAEILSIC Millim3 ms Pusan Phonem3or6362 30X9