Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1953, p. 1

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bisinline Qaite AN INDEPENDENT NEWS Serving THE TOWN OF BARBIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE Since l864 89th YearNo iO4 FORCENTENNIAL YEAR BARRIE SAYS IT Moriadalmatian Iii hmmmummu BARRiEONTARiO CANADA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER ll i953 lTH PEACHES LEGION BRANCH GIVES $100 T0 CITIZENS BAND If announced this morn ing by Mchrroll chain man of the Barrie Citizens Bind committee that the local branch of the Canadian Legion Uhrliarrir Examinrr Further School Space Needed Chairman Tells Board Members who Ctuu AIM Audit DUItut his donated $100 to help the band in its present financial difficulty At recent meeting of Town Council Mr McCarroll stattd that the band had debt of roughly $990 but council was unable at that time to approve grant Following the news of the bands plight the Kiwanis Club of Barrie handed ovcr cheque for 3200 An anonymous donor then turned over $50 to the bond The new gift from the Canadian Legion brings the to tal up to $350 tNNISPIL SCHOOL FAIR WILL OPEN WITH BIG PARADE By 1165 further pointer to the fact that the Barrie Public School Board is still perturbed over the towns school population de spie the fact that new slxoroom addition at Hillcrest is due to open very soon came at Wednesday nights meeting of the board when Gable chairman went so for as tosug gest that it might even be lieccssary to build new school Space Needed isdcrublc dszcrcncc in the distance Thc board mcctlug for the rub his two chzijrczi aged and had time in the new school year had to trutr to scnoul instead of going practically concluded all thc busxlto Coo ngton School which they mess on the agenda when Mr Gablvi ind amended ins year they now szizd We may have to build 311 had to go all the way to llillcrcst other addition at Codrlngion Mr Cubic said that the board was School or somethhg else Wm no lgnormg suc requests nor did should decide Shortly If we are to they to the difficulties nccd Space and what we are to do a5 which arusc certain cases regards fourzoom sixroom uri Do lus cumin WCk every Clllllluum addition Codrington 011 the boundary sstcm wrli pr new school if is to be ncwi bc rc vcd and if anything can be school we wzll nccda site In any dune ll il be he added It is case we should look around fvc1v df Tltc buocd wishes to On Tuesday Sept 15 at 100 pm parade to the park in Stroud of all School children of Innisfil will open the first school fair in the Township for nearly twenty years The parade will be judged for best marching and also the best school chant Prizes arc being awarded for livestock vegetables grainflowcrs wccd collections fancy work knitzing wood carving and many other achievements The schools from which the winners originate also receive points making the competition doubly keen Safe From Store gspaCC that might be nccded in the give cvczy fd proper classroom ifuturc facilitilN if it has to mean Newton remarked that thci 1min ran91 or them iloud on the classrooms was being Till3 IL1Ll Id there was no morc evenly distributed through thei problem so ill as thehkindcrgnrt ischoois cn pusz xcrc Iuirccmelziasabus Mr Gable answered illlsiltli sorvtcc Wits pmvidcd in thelrcase lever by pointing out that lllCFCLbut them this difficulty regarding worc still new industries comma the junior gradcs limo the town and that would httvcl Board Briefs rcnool ula Ion Its cited on up The board endorsed recom mendazion by the management com fin the future They would have to lc thouvht to the gm comm db under that the board pay In full for the bus that will pick up the kin enlirc question wds fmly mmJ tkdcrgarlcn children In the CodrIng lion area who have been transfer rcd from that school to the Hlll crest kindergarten and that the management committee to go into itch matter and bring back any rc route be determined by the com Imittcc is likely that this scrvtce commendations to the board as to what is likely to be required School Boundaries sociatc Storc 73 MONDAY WEDNESDAY ashramiv single copy 14 PagesTwo Sections Safe With $800 Taken From Store Overnight Robbery Police this morning were still following up their investigations in connection With the safe robbery from the Canadian Tire Corp As 90 Dunlop Street West which took place some time between Wcrinisduy night and Thursday moshing Entry to thE premises was gained by the rear of the building The office was thou cntcrcd and lb safe containing about $800 in small bllis was dragged out through the rear door It was then loaded on to some type of vehicle and driven away First intimation that anything was wrong come when member of the store staff arrived at the premises yesterday morning Pol ice were called in and the investi gations are being carried out by PC Frank Parks and PC Charles Gorham The Last Column Elaboration Unnecessary By 8001 TAYLOR PICTURED HERE by Examiner Staff Photographer Red Favero are left Miss Carolle Hornsby picking peach es for her granddad Stanley Lambert right iless Muriel Anderson assibting her neighbor Mrs Robinson centre with her peach crop This summer the town has produced crop of peaches up to the standard of the Niagara peach belt in size and surpassing them in flavor The largest between the stationand the way 11 near Steele Street large tree startedieight year two peach stones planted by him eight years ago Farther east at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Robinson High by them from peach pit produced two baskets of fine fruit Mr and Mrs Charles Harris 88 John St have Recovered Last house and were grown from was conrmed ms mom in that the safe which was removed from the Canadian Tire Corp Associate Store Dunlap Street West was re covcrcd last night by the police According to police Barrie resident while driving in the six year old tree also startd ago which had every pros Nig in Al Cundles inEirieiailiiifeivil 295 The question of the new school rington Street who was in attend ance and who referred specifically to the boundary between Hillcrest and Codrington Schools The Berczy EStreet boundary missed his house by about 50 feet but it made Corr7r will cost in the region of $550 for the year After being addressed by George Frickc jr on the matter the board agreed to accept the offer of the Rotary Club which Mr Fricke re presented to supply coloring books Issued by the Department of High tTurn to page four please yield from one tree started fromapeach stone was in the beautiful garden of Mound Mrs RSLeishrnan 100 Blake Street which produced 10 baskets of choice peaches These Emu plotted asthe tree was almost breaking down Shown here is an equally large crop but from We trees at the home of Stanley Lambert 13 Mary Street and next to the municipal pumping station of which Stan pect of good crop but in more exposed position pro duced only two fine peaches It too was started froma pit Just on the deadline this morning Mrs Lorne Robertson of 43 Penetang Streetcaalect up witnthe information macs she was gathering another ten baskets from trees on her lawn which started from peach stones evidently dropped ther some years ago has been engineer in charge for 24 years The trces are NEW GOVERNGR couNcIL PASSES NEW BYLAW SPECIFICATIONS LAID DOWN 0UNTY JAIL Donald Frederick Wood who has succeeded William Blogg as Gover nor of the Sirncoe County Jail Barrie is the first man ever to be promoted to this position direct from the jail staff Mr Blog has just been appoint ed Chief of Police of the Township of Innisfil Barrie FOR EREcIION TV AERIALS Regulationsmgovorning the erection of TV aerials in Barrie baivcbeen incorporated in new bylaw which receivedits third reading and final approval at spectal meeting of Town Council on Tuesday night No prson may erect enlarge or ing inspector adequate to carry the remove television aerial tower or mast without first obtaining building permit in accordance with the building bylaw of the Town of Ibis painted out hmvevcrrthac persons who have aerials presently erected are not affected by the new bylaw so far as the erection of them is concerned Up until this time no standard has been laid downby thoTown of Barrie for these aerials Fol lowing the collapse of some of thse however due to different factors it Was felt that some defin ite steps wouldhave to be taken as to laying down regulations Bye laws of other cities and towns were consulted and particular attention was paid to that drawu up in Guelph The new Barrie bylaw has been molded along similar lines to it The application for permit shall indicate in addition to the requirements of the building by law the exact proposed location of tho aerial tower or mast and shall include specification covel In all material to be used in the aerial tower or mash nd the pro posed method oflcon traction and Wood who is nativc of Stratford rjoinedr rthe jail staff 1944and served until 1946213 chief turnkey Prior to joining the Parry Sound area on different con struction projects During his army service until 1944 hclwas stationed gt Ottawa and latt at CampBorL en the staff otthe SimcoeCounly Jail In 1946 howeverfo resignedhis husband went back to conStructibn work travelling to differentparts of the provinco until 1949 when he rejoined the jail staff ascus todian officer his term service he has served unden our different tremors IAccording Mr Wood thfact at he has it 11 selected torthe the new policy oilthetDcpartment of Reliant to try and attract new entrants to the service Mr Wood whohasbeen playing in bands and orchestra since the la is menthol of the Ban rig uzwsliaandfas chase drum Re 3313 member of Curios On his discharge ho joined erection plhebylavrgocs on to state No permit Will be issued unless the aeriaLtOWer or imastris rot apr proved manufacture and is to be erected 5nd guyed to the table of RCAMC in 1940 heiworked inlhe spread and rise as supplied by tile manufacturer Thezbuilding inspector shall not issue apermit foran aerial tower or most 30 fet Irmore in height from its base until bond or lia bilityninsurance policy satisfactory to form to the town solicitor has been filed with the town clerk Such bond or polcy of insurance shall more the applicant and the corporation the Iown of Barrie iomtb in amounts not less than the following an amount offriot less than $5000 coverage for pub lief hilltyvand proporty damage mcluslvk In thech of an aerial to be erected on building no permit shall issued unless the building 35 52 39M animosion thorium member jof Collier Street 3891 31018 married to the tormermtnfs ueo Lloyd of Parry Sound an have four children Larry mom IBank Oi Toronto year vmumhelltrIvthm load The bylaw also gives the building inspector power to revoke permit if he subsequently finds material variation from the original speci ficatiorrorinformatiomsubmitted without new permit having been secured for this New Appoinlmnls Elmvale Alislon Frank Hannah manager of the Bank of Toronto at Clarksburg for the past four years and former member of the Barrie Branch of the bank for number of years has been appointed manager of the Elmvale branch William Caesar who has been manager of the Bank of Toronto in Elmvale for the past twoandai half years will take over theAllis ton branch Mr Hannah has been an active member of Clarksburgh communx ity life He Was recording secre tary of the ThornburyClarksburg Rotary Clubadherent of Beaver Masonic Lodge and he and his wife were most active in St Geor ges Anglican Church Their son Warren was honor graduate of the Thornbury DistrictHigh School winning the Rotary Club scholar ship during the last term Mr Caesar has also one record of workln Ehnvale and district Since coming there from Kerrwood nearLondon10nl he has been active in the LionsClub of which activities Mr caesar took avery keen interestin sports partictdhr coaching peiwees bantams an midgets of the minor hockey league in Elmvale eiwas also member of the Elmvale softball team playing at centreour DELAYED ACTION Mnyot the chkpsare=doorned to go through liter as bachelors it seems mainly because they be lieve in periods courtship and waterfront 10519313613 than human suture Obr Yitiusly grime reasonin is being used by the followup mum into decade phase or life tun conuptlghed b3 in periods ranging Exnmlner Photo by Favero cKBB PROGRAM DIRECTOR AT ROTARY CLUB Dave Wright Program Director for CKBB in the opening remarks of his address to the Rotary Club of Barrie yesterday mentioned the fact that there were some 139 priv ately operated radio stations in Canada with an invested capital of approximately $27000000 and em ploying 3300 personsLH He pointed out that the fees paid by theSe statitms last year totalled $200000 and that their revenue was derived from commercial advertis ing Ralph Snelgrove he stated was the immediatepast presidentrrofrThe Canadian Association of Broadcast ers Dave gaVe interesting informa estwut DISPOSAL EXlENSIOAN Cundlcs area noticed large object lying in some bush near the edge of the road He dis covored it was safe and OPP The door of the safe ha been completely removed It is understood that no explo sive was used the door being forced by an axe or similar instrument lion and an enlightening demonstra tion concerning broadcasting meth ods and technibues His account of rcconstructed hockey broadcasts was particularly interesting to the members of the club His descrip tion of the daily program the use of teletype the division of the ser vices operated within radio sta tion and the demonstration of the use of tape recorder were both timely and informative Dave is graduate of the Ryerson Institute of Technology at Toronto and before Coming to Barrie served for time at station CKSO at Sud bury He was introduced by Bill Robinson and thanked by John StetIenson Rotarian guests on Thursday were Major Frank Moulton Orillia Vearl Coutts and HaroldrWalkerof Brad ford while Al Williams and Doug Farquarson of Toronto were non rotarian guests DEPARIMENT GIVES APPROVAL Fullowlng deliberotlons which have been going on since 194Twhen it became apparent that something should be done to expand Barries sewage disposal facilities it has just been learnedthat sum of $324000 is to be spent by the town on having an extension built to the present plant Recently the bylaw to provide for the borrowing of this sum of money by debentures was given its second reading and was then passed on to the Department of Health and to the Ont ario Municipal Board fortheir consideration Their approval has now been received and at special meet ing held Tuesday evening Town Council gave the bylaw its third reading At the same time third readings were given to two other bylaws one authorizingthe town to sign an agreement with Keystone Contractors Ltd Windsor to carry out the Work and another to authorize the town to Secure the services of Graham ReidrAssoclates Ltd Toronto as consulting engin eers During the last municipal election in Barrie vote ofthe ratepayers was taken on the question of buildinga complete sewage disposal plant on CNR property to the cast of the roundhouse at 8906001 $510000 This suggestioniwas turned down and early thisyear furthercommunications on the questiohsvrere paused bettveen the townjanct the Department or health regarding the ncfirtimove Jr was back In April 1991 as result ofa request from the 1941 Town Council that thetpwn engineer secured report from qrnnnrnjtcld Associates Ltdc on improving the 13mm plant Other reports were subsequentlyrecetvd pt ppm or finnsotconsrdtlng engineers Proctor Redfe Laugh linnhdMacLarcn nnnrhssociatesx There words hummer or meetings held inithe followtng yesirs as to what shouldbe done and in Apru1952 Graham Reid Ambition Ltd annotated that It wOuld cost around $163000 monument nuuttotheexisung moot out tithe new extension would considerablyon the clerk Carnival aud numerous parades moan INIo IRENI MONDAY SillllllD MllNllNANCE wou COMPlEllNG HEAVY SCHlDllll With only matter of weeks to go before the first hockey game of the season last minute work on the Barrie Arena is being carried out to have everything in shape for the new 195354 season and it is anticipated that the first ice will be laid on Monday morning This has just been announced by Royal Black Knights of Ireland WeS Allsopp manager of the Arena In addition to these functions who also explained that from all in however there was the program of dications the year ahead should be rollerskating held two mgth each very busy week right from May to Wed Busy Summer nesday Sept There has been littlerrletup from Maintenance Work the pressure of work over at the These different acttvtttes kept Arena how=ver since theice was us fairly busy explained Mr Ali removed at the end of lastseason Turn to page four please It was back on Saturday April 25 that the 195263 winter season came to an end with playoff game be tween StrOud and Alliston for The Barrie Examiner Trophy For the five days before thatpthe members of the Barrie Curling Club occup ied the ice for bonspiel Hardly had the roars of the hoc key fans and curling enthusiasts died away than the Arena staff were hurriedly getting everything ready for the first event of the summer season the Centennial Mob or Show sponsored by the Barrie Chamber of Commerce in May That was the first of number of functions through the summer months which kept everyone busy During the samemonth there was the Barrie TDistrictmGollegiate In stitute cadet inspection Right on top of this came the International AllBreed Dog Show sponsoreLby the Barrie Kennel Club and then the Barrie Public Schools Music Festival The thrceday Moose Cen tennial Home Furnishing Show was the next event to follow As the weeks went by there were many others which followed Stoney Cooper from Wheeling West Vir ginia held an oldtirng dance jam boree Along similar linesfrnaBon Mosser and His Islanders played in the Arena The Moose Lodge also organized and ran two monster bingoes While the building itself was being kept occupiedthe Anetta grounds also came in for their share oiwork such as the fiveday mob or City Shows the threeday Lions Home Week undoubtedlythe busiest time of the year so far as cstaff was con Dont know whether you noticetl the little item in th weekend news that Peter Ward staff reporter in Barrie for Toronto newspaper took quite aducking last Sunday when he went out accompanied by afemale companion in his 144 foot sailboat which as these things will do overturned Of course there was nothing particularly startling about the fact that Pele had to swim around the 13kg for about 15 minutes before he was picked up What wasfunny was the fact that only the day belore he had askedme if could res him fbbkaremntw borrowed from him Name of the book gicholas Monssarrats The Cruel ea Mail this week brought ina letter which was posted in Edith burgh Scotland on August 19 It began Dear Scotty lve often wonclercd why you didnt bell the subscribers to your column unfurw tunateiy people subscribe to The Barrie Examinernot The Last Column more about Scotland Now know Theyd all emi grate This citythis country barring Glasgow is sobeautiiui and the people so nice dislike very much to leave today for liaris My window gives me mod for explanation of the spelling Turn to pagcfour plea ANNOUNCEMENjans BEEN MADlltof the mung the Ontario Hockey Association Scholatshilltoimss you Home week however was Wigg daughter or auditors is aiming 209 This scholarship is tenable at MoMaster 11111 ty tgamed on the Sunday of that the Barrie District 001182303 Institute Week there was the 030 Sal rolling inthevcoursom modern mums and Miriam ute to Barrie broadcast On the gap 150 unsound013500 amp mm mm the Emit cm in Ohmiohevrlnnerhadt ens Band held their banatesttvst and on Wdnesday evening the rent all theconesiatems centennial concert Arena was usad for the Baron tnEnglishtllkttn 511 evening at the conclusron of Axs ricultural Day $90qu Partners held dance and oldntime fiddlers contest The following than waaithe grand am pylhnliimnis Glob villas coed present annuity of the sewage plant man said that this particular brim was probably any of thumps unportant for the Town to humor of stars Mentions Addition New School ly in Nelma Wigg AWardcd Schdlnrsltip

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