Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1953, p. 9

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IIIIIIIE llllll Enjoyable Feast roast was held at BellAireBeach Lake Simcoe with approximately the later festivities and with quite other ladies look ns and weiners and corn and they id excgllept job of looking OWE RANDSRAEED ixigrivcrinsbapeofhan fwrzj TONIGHT EVE SHOWS 60m WEDNESDAY DA ADDED 650 DJ TREATS DIES Fir547 Luv 321 uou nu runK THURSDAY EVES 650 pm ACARTOON FLIRTIE BIRDIE 4FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY 230 pm GABLE AND HIS CAPTIVE BRIDE PLUS FOX NEWS AND LOVE CHILDREN BUT aimSm LAST SHOWI DONALD WEIIDEII DDII Whhbcokd mum titanium MM BelleAire Bach Neighbors Club On Aug 15 corn and weiner ex 200 peopl present who enjoyed themselves very well Mr Boag and Mr Meekes looked after the horse shoe tournament which preceded pa lot 01 the men taking part Champions were Mr Green and his partner being runners up Mrs Boyd did fine job on the as gate in taking in the cash and Mr with him Lithuanian wife he had Annette and his band gave out some good music and great vote of thanks was given to these peo ple who along with Mrs Mary Annette Mr and Mrs Roberts Mr and Mrs Labracio Mrs Langley MES Neurby Mrs Reg and sev after the after he crowd and seeing every one got served New aruDSIViekS Rpstigouche River with five branches Awas namedltrom windfall word mean EVE SHOWS ATi650 9ptn For MOVie MerryGOSROund Tune in OKBB Each Afternoon at 540 pm Car Accident IUcky For Lithuanian MONTREAL Sep lt8 CPI Victor Kijonka con thathe was hit byra car last March Except for the accident he found my family Kijonka was sparated from his when the Nazi Army overran Lith uanip and pressed him into active SGIVICC for three years and retreated into partner withMr Meekes andihis Germany as the war ended Kijqpka came to Canada in 1918 llolrnurrcurl HERE lllllllllAXllllg THE ONE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR STARTS MONDAY ENTERTAINMENT NG TONIGHT WEDNESDAY OCONNOR AND LORI NELSON in AIPIIIINDIS DDES TD WEST POINT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS SAT 230 pm THREE EXCITING STARS LIVE GREAT THRILLING ADVENTURE abouts iders it lucky plains would never have lyn rent and three sisters in 1941 fate Of his parents He fought the Russians In displaced perstOD bridging ada UWON15HAVE AN ACCIDENT IE Youcfpy away fromautomobils YOU keep sway tom home onto qr holclst You Keep off the Streets and done walking Mon rekdnfrom mulling AND YOU WONT HAVE MUCHFUN Em WE HAVE WRIGHTTOLICY FOR YOU in clinic or Insurance Since 1399 DuARASIrE met in DP camp He continued to advertise in European newspa pers for his family but never re ceived any word as to their when lhen hewas hit by car brief report of his accident was carried In New York Lithuanian newspaper and short while later Victor received aletter from his sister Mrs Lena Wold Of Brook He immediately made plans to visit her and to learn more Of the year 940 million soda straws 362 million ice cream cones and 17 million pounds of salted peanuts are manufactured in Can M31315 Orillia Utilities In Difficulty re Promote Employee IOrlllzz Packet wk Times Representatives of Orillla Water Light and POWcr Currunizmun will appear in Toronto on Aug 38 be Ifore the Ontario Arbor Bozml to give reasons why the cm pluyea union should not be all owcd to prosecute the commission Bernard Quinn junior foreman The employees union clurms that Quinn does not want the promo lon as it would mean loss in pay and would result In his having to drop out Of the union local Of which he is prcSldcnt Chairman Stuart Kcycs said he Iclt the corrzlillSSiol would hove bccu wise to hold up the promotion until after tho current wage arbi tration proceedings were complet cd What and refuse man pro motion shot back Mayor Wilbur Cramp 53y Government Grain Marketing Hurt Local Ports Midland Frcc Prcss Herald chcrcussmns of Liberal govern ment marketing of grain ovcr the past few years have hit the Geor gian Bay ports with bangund not very pleasant one Midland grain elevator officials state that it is unlikely that there will be any further volume of grain shipments in inrgc bulk car riers into these waters until lzllc this year Local clcvzitors arc pluggcd Grain exports are not moving Large Great Lakes freightcrs have been diverted to the on trade or are being laid up There are more ships laid up now spokesmen state than for some years Wheat prices have dropped very sharply in the last few days They are Off as much as 13 ccntS bushel Bccause the government grain prices under the international wheat agreement were ducto rise at the end of July European int porters bought heavily all spring and early summer Now their elevators are also plugged With wheat prices now falling buyers are waiting until they sec how far they will go before plac ing further orders It looks as though longshorcmcn in the MidlandPort McNicoll area may have lean fall Elevator officials state that without government interference grain shipments would move much more normally throughout the Ei gt7 307mm MAS SEQ SATURDAY SEPT Flowers Bulbs play 75c dozen Egg Prices Down SEC to 60c lb Fruits Vegetables ket large large size sizes and priced accordingly Home Baking outt in comb or extracted Relations The legal action undcr the Ong toriu Labor Relations Act arose when the cummiwon promoted Business again started early with good supply Of produce On dis Fresli cut gladioli blooms were plentiful in large bunches for 250 also other garden flowers New tulip bulbs for fall planting were Egg prices seemed somewhat lower with range from 40c to ISO dozen Young chickens for frying were 50c lb and fowl 40c to 45c Large capons and chickens were Clapps Favorite pears sold at 60c basket crabapplesSOc apples at various prices plum tomatoes for preserving by the horror bas ripe tomatoes small basket 400 and 50c large basket 75c carrots beets onions 50c bas ket cucumbers priced according to size gt 40c to $150 basket potatoes still at 35c basket beans 15c qL or 50c basket Pickling onions sold for 25c quart white or yellow corn was 35c dozen cabbage 10c Vegetable marrow all Home baking was as usual very tempting also bread and Ibuns New honey was in good display 1113le rs AVAILABLE TO Ellie ileum Examiner WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER I953 THURSDAY SEPT Angstrom Gordon Foster proE Sislzirit Crown Alton sidml with ncy John Livxngslon Unemployment Insurance Several church of false Suiic mcntj ullcgcdly made by Leonard Lyons of Kcswick were laid by rt Crulcncr Of 30 Barrie audit OIIICL against Lyons who has been employed by Bowcs lax Suburban Service at Kcswick Charles Scu for the dcfcncc and Curric QC acting for the Crown ugiwd upon an adjournment of the flooring to Sept 17 but one Crown witness personnel mim agrr llowurd Kelly of Bowcs Tuxz Toronto Office produced the driv ers payroll and records of scrvzcc at Kcswrck wlth evidence indicat ing that Leonard Lyons had bcczl an cinplnycc of the company and had made statements to secure unvmployment insurance on sev eral periods when he had been on duty with the taxi Dates given were Jan 10 and II and Dec 14 15 17 18 20 22 23 24 and 26 of 1952 Another Adjournment Two charges dangerous driving and curtless driving as of July l9 in West Gwillirnbury lilid by PC Harrington OPP against Ron ald Davis will be heard on Sept 17 Foiled To Signal Dcfcndcd by chcr Smith Doug las Brandon pleaded guilty to charge of failing to signal for left turn into private drive on County Road 19 Medunte on July 28 Evidence of PC Carney OPP was that an accident had occurred whcn Alvin Ellis following Bran don with truck ran into the left rear Of the other vehicle He had blown his horn and then proceeded to pass seeing no signal con viction brought fine of $10 plus $450 costs Off Road Struck Pole Giving evidence in charge of careless driving on July 17 in FIGS against Donald Hendricks sales man PC Carney told of answer ing call to an accident two miles south of FeIgusonvale on Highway north south for 62 feet tO hydro pole which was over nine feet from the pavement and from there back for 85 feet The car had evidently left the road on the wrong side travelled to the pole struck it and went on another 85 feet to the ditch traffic was pproaching Mr Livingston pluscosts Of $1450 was imposed Objected to Charge John Adamos let speed the officer stated SEE OUR DurriIIZIIyers Hockey llsstcinlion 195354 SUBSCRIDERS PLAN 0D sin until Sept up Em oNSALE Income 0f HOW Tories Won In 27 at am where he found the car of the accused in the west ditch 12 feet from the pavement facing Tire marks extended back Charles Seagram for the defencr claimed that as no evidence of shown there should be no charge cu lom in some other provinces but disagreed and claimed that reasonablc consider ation was lacking fine of $10 38 Toronto through his counsel objected to charge of carless driving on High way400 on August 15 which was actuallmspeeding but the objection was overruled by Magistrate Fos Evidence Of PC Scragg OPP was that he had checked the speed of Adamos from Cookstown cloverleaf by following for 11 miles at 80 miles an hour the west lane and finally hadblnf stopped by another cruiser at Highway 27 He had passed 35 to 40 cars at that Mr and Mrs Adamos both stated that they were not aware Of unus ual speed They had been pro TALL SUITINGS HAVE YOURSUIT TAILORED PRICED FROM $4950 gt WILF HJOD mm or LIlII 125 Section ZwPoges to IQ Simcoe East Last Time 1930 Orlllia Packet meal Who wu the 15 Conserva tive cmdldnte to win Fed eral Election in East Slmcoe 1th question punlcd lot of people In week following William Robinsons third consecutive victory for the Liberal party in this riding check of past history Shims that in the election of 1930 Thompson KC Pene tanguishcnc won the riding for the Conservative party affect in George McLean by 340 votex Mr Thompson also won in 1926 by about thc Dame mjorlty over Mr McLean Mr McLean finally came into his own in 1935 when he won the riding for the Liberals and he was rocketed in 1940 Mr Robinson took over the win streak in 1945 1949 and 1953 father at Wasngzi Beach for 131 Icckund ed that some specific act of rcgi gencc must be shown Mr Livingston claimed Iliad con flicling evidence frequently pr vails in suchcascs but the cur wu at no time out Of the Officers szgnt ITO had years experience Mr and Mrs Adumos did not scum aware Of the speed but thcre ls no guarantee of other traffic or pedestrians on the road Magistrate Foster poinlcd out that the Officer is experienced and trained for the work and he be lieved PC Scroggs evidence tra fit was heavy as usual on Saturday In ruling for conviction be ad ViSCd the accused to take more care and to observe conditions when travelling fine of 500 plus $1150 costs was the penalty Three Mix It Up charge Of careless driving on Aug 17 in Vcspra against Donald Grant involved two other cars PC Scragg OPP was in front 101 John Cooke who was driving north on 27 toward Midhursl He slowed down at Stewarts Restaurant Cun dlcs for the car ahead which was making turn and the third car driven by Donald Grant Struck Cooke who in turn collided with Scragg doing damage to bumper and fenders to the amount of 550 PC Lyle OPP investigated and found skid marks Of 52 feet behind the Grant car indicating speed and that he was not keeping propgg look put according to agistrate Fosters vicwpomt Grant was fined $l0 plus $2050 with an alternative Of ten days Two Speedster PC Maurice Scragg has been on speed checking duty on No 400 Highway and had number of charges laid against offenders but many of these are at distance and it takes some time to contact them One charge was laid onJunc 28 against Reginald Hillman for driv ing at 70 miles an hour on 100 The time was given as 430 pm conviction carried fine of $10 plus Another case arose from charge of travelling at over 50 miles an hour on July 11 1953 laid by the pcOTECT WHAT LIOU OWN WSURE 8U PHONE GENERAL INSURANCE Clapperlon Street 257 BARRIE SAMPLES Mens and Boys Wear 55 Dunlop St 12 Barrie Mfr IO DImJOEpJI WE COSTELLO Thcir counsel lliillfllildlxi TONIGHT ONLY ABBOTT E7 STARTS THU RSDAY THE BOWERY BOYS DDWEIIY BATTIIIIDII With LEO GORCEY HUNTZ HALL cucding lo cottage of tho forumrs IMPERIAL IN Africa Screams also MAGNETIC MONSTER ALSO TIIE MAVERICK With WILLIAM ELLIOTT Sr PAULS Mrs THINHJ LJiilcr has returned home Ifvr Spcndzng holiday In Norlh Buy the gtlcst of nor bru ihcr and sirtcrinlntv Mr and Mrs lcd Woncil hlrs Ncll Blufltitll has returned home from Royle Victoria Hospital Barrio much improved in health WA Meet Scpt St Pnuls WA will hold their first meeting since June on Wed nusday Sept in the Sunday School rooms Congratulations to Publisher Congratulations to Walls on being elected prcsnlcnt of the Can adian Weekly Newspapers Assoc iation We are sure the publisher of The Barrie Examiner is well qualified to fill this important pos mun GILFORD Mr and Mrs Art Griffiths Sid ncy BC who have been visiting their daughter Jean at Sarnia are calling on their relatives this week before starting on their homcward journey Wins First Prize Everyone will be glad to know that Miss Neilly received first prize at the Toronto Exhibi tion for her lovely applique quilt This is the second time Miss Neil 1y has received first prize at the Exhibition In Hospital Sorry to report Mrs Frank Hughes is in Western Hospital TO ronto undergoing an eye operation Recent Visitors Visitors at the Rolhwell home recently were Miss Robina Morris same officer against Phillip Bogue at 1140 pm who had checked and stopped him for an hour costs of $450 TDIIIIIIII 8i TDDII Hire sir rm doing 65 miles He was fined $10 with Located just south of Barrie on Concession II betwm highway 11 and new out up IIE Vilma tuition Au CARTOON cuter wnno LISTEN 10 cm NW3 Mrs ltturi Szlton Mrs Ina Bannon and licr SlblLl Miss Elsiu Bannon ill lororiio At Exhibition Mr and Mrs Girvun Sawyer and nirziiy Itlrntdcd Toronto Ex hibition on Thursday Mrs Saw ycr also tiSilcd hcl mother who is in hospital while in the city Herc Recently Mr and Mr Jack Batcman and Mrs Shorlt Toronto spent Thursday ll Frank Steeles Mr and Mrs Norman Plant Kirkland Lake visited Mrs Thorn as Plant for the long weekend Motor Trip Mr and Mrs Eben Sawyer and small Sun Bryan left on Tuesday by car up holiday Stopping with rclativyzs in Birundon Manitoba then on to Fargo North Dakota Loyal True Blue Em High St Friday 815 pm 15 Game 250 SEPT in

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