Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1953, p. 8

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ac Wtrc Cooler Washer Wall tbs rain came at last and the hot weather vanished lcavlng embody thankful for change to temperature The men and women who wurkrd daily lhrough the Iniihot hours Seemed to have the least to my about the execs Ive heat proving Again the effect the psychological aspect Exhibition Misses Joan Finch and Joan Jennett spcnt few days recently with Shirlcy Britlnin Mount Dcn nis and also attended the Toronto Exhibition fluent Visom Sgt and Mrs IAIwrcncc Tlflglcy Ind family Camp Burchn visited it Vernon 11 Jcmlults lulcly Mr and Mrs Roy Bcst Donna and Lovmn nctornpunlcd by Mr and Mrs Edward Bust Cayuga rcvrnl guruts It Gcolgc Hulls Returned Home Ilrn Johnslorl daughlcr Mir Ilnur Ztkcl and Chlltlftll Toronto hnrc Icturrwd from work at 49ch Ilcuuh Mr and MN Wollcr King Brad ford lslltd durang this lost wcck end with Mr lilld Mrs Frnnk IIlri div and Mrs Ficd how Mr and Nt Illiillu Bradford uric unlit Mrs parcnts hmc llt Sunday Mullicr III Mr and Mrs llinvcy McCullouth of chinzt irc VISItIng Mr and Mrs Dalton Ranting Wilbur llirkzimii motorcd In Elton Murilsnllm lit AVInirlg till Saturday to Alix lllorrlson Mrs with licr Evnns livnns Thompsons with Mrs Lcn WA Meeting This years first fall meeting was held last Wednesday at Mrs nox presiding The devotionle part was taken by Mrs McCutchcon and Mrs Carr The topic for worship was on Forth and Trust Faith is kind of climbing instinct which drnws us upward and on ward With Strong and inlclll gent faith In God as II basis all implosile burricrs will be climbed This rnuchnccdcd faith in God is only obtatncd by prayer To be gin the business purl thc minutes of the July meeting wcrc feud by the Sucrctury Mrs Henry Sonic purchuscs had bccn rundc for tho church kitchcn and some drupcrics and floor covering for one of thc bdscrncnt moms The full bllnll was set for chncs day Nov 25 Tim plilChllSC of Christmas cards was plunncd and two of the mcmhcrs were appoint cd to purchase gift for onc of tho nwnibcrs who had met with special disuppointmcnt Further suppllcs were givcn out for thc bumnr and money for tho cuntu dny fund was also rcccivcd Rcv RIIII Mrs Mnrlin who have rcluiII cd from thcir vnriltion wurc pros cnl and also our Visitor Mrs Tholnmon IISSISIOd by Mrs All Black and Ilvclyn scrvcd rcfrcsh mcnls St Judes WA St Judes WA Incl in thc Insc rncnl of the church with Mrs JllIllICStlll as hostess on Iuusduy at pm MIN Jcnnctt prcsid ing opcncd thc Incclirig with Hymn 21 and led in pruyor lhc scriplurc llfxtlll St Mntthcw 3rd chuptcr was road by Mrs Rcid Mrs Dlklllm lh Who 15 Minutes and corrospondcncc were ill Rcv lloguctl Ncwmnrkct cullcd on Illtlltlh Iltltdllsl Mon day EVERErr Hospital Very sorry lxt rcport Mrs Icn cock is pnticu unwAllton hospi tal and wc ill wrsh litr 1i wry spccdy rccuvciy Weekend Visitors Pic William lildcn London spent the holiday cckcndat the home of Mr and Mrs Earle Birch Mr and Mrs Albcrt Gibbs Tor onto spent tho wcokcnd with Mr and Mrs Wilson and Elwood Mr and Mrs Frank Patterson andGIIlc spcnt tho Icckcnd at VISDW Clear Lnka Muskoku Moving Sotm Mr and Mrs family who hnvc offn living Everett for the pilot yczir will move to lctnwnwn Comp very 55 me soon Mus Ruth Smith chN has JUST 0n Holiday rm and Mrs Donald Wilkinson and family of lornnl arc spend Mr ing weeks vacation with and Mrs Wilkinson Mrs Frank Gallauglicr Alliston is spending few days with her sister Miss Jcrmic Jenkins Ball Games Evcrelt won over Barrie on Fr day evening Sept by score of 31 The fourth game in the ser ics was playedMonday evening at Barrie Some team will have to will be no great loss to any of the teams to loSe the series Everett has done remark ably well as Barrie is much and has better chance of picking players Accord up these games Everett played better ball few minor errors win and it larger place Ing to fans following than Barrie is why Everett lost to Barrie couple Of the games and we must congratulate Evcrcrl ball players at this time for their splendid work this searer DW Adair Toronto spent the weekend at his home here AREYQQTEINME HDont try talk wise invcstment when see one rimmed Toast Ccrticxteal Authbrizcd investment for trust fund Short town your rciid Mrs Rcid read clinptcr of An Irish Saint Plans wcrc mode for chrnoon tcii illlII bake solo in Novcmbcr NONI mccting to bc lltld ul Mrs Jcnnclts on Sept 29 Mccling closcd with hymn Master Let Me Walk Willi Thcc followed by bcncdiction MIDHURST Sympathy Extended llic sympathy of this commun ity is cxtcndcd to Mrs Orok and Dr Orok on the sudden pnxiing of Jnmcs Orok in Royal Victoria Hos pital The late Mr Orok was lifelong resident on the old Orok homestead on the third concession He will be greatly miscd by his old friends and neighbors Mr and Mrs Homer Robitaillc Port Colbornc friends holiday flown home from pleasant and interesting trip School Association Meeting lion held Tuesday Sept in SS 17 R01 call was famous person have always admired Mrs ODranc led the devotional and Mrs Russell Mrs Frankcom was in charge of the recreation were Mrs Percy Sutton Mrs Leslie Sut was COIIVCIICI Lunch converters period ton and Mrs Stan Wall on Sunday Mr and Mrs Lorne from six months motor through the USA Church Services There was no service in Dalton anniversary Mr Veals in charge into Anything elscl know Mirinterest Manchuready Mtl Smutng to $50000 Blllillllltl ltd spent the holiday weekend with in Nova Scolia Shc reports very The Home and School Associn their first meeting on Mr and Mrs HughProctor and Karen Of Toronto visited Gill Fowler Marilyn and Jackie visited Mr and Mrs Lynn Russell returning trip in the United ChurchOn Sept owing to Regular ser vice will be on Sept 13 with Rev TIIE YIIIID NOTHING ORDINARY ABOUT THESE lIlll minus DY Earthworm SKIRTS As we round the turn to fall every eye is ChOose from wide selection Of handsome turned to walkers shapes materials and Smart new skirts in 3010s gabardlnes flannels tweeds taffetas and brocades Youll slmply adore them PRICED 398 To 695 Your chance to finish off your full wardrobe in burst of budgetwise slyle happy gloryl Our bugs newsin shaped and Picked every bolt wITHYOU AND FASHION IN MIND WEVE JERSEYS GABARDINES HEATHER OTHERS MIX sumNOS KASHA CLOTHS 898 to l298 WOOLENETTA PLAIDS RAYON TAR TANS AUTHENTIC WOOL TART ANS FLANNELS TWEEDS BEAU Illm TIFUL NEW FLECK MIXTURES YOULL BE INTERESTED IN THIS NEw ALL RESPOND BEAUTIFULLY IO NEEDLE AND THREADi HURRY It costs little more to buyexcellent quality Before you buy sec To SEW UP FALL SAVINGS our showing of distinctive slim shape Langmuir travelling cus es Youll be ngd that you did ONLY OLD STORY IS OUR HIGH QUALITY are newsily softened PRICES START 398 OTHERS 498 to 1995 WERNER re 11001 SOCKS Walkers are featuring English made wooland COtton cherub socks Dozens of differcnt little beauties socks youll fall for these Many pretty colors NEw SEASON EXCTNG nnnm Norms SHIP HT WEIms lll Rim CHILDRENS SECTION Important lOOklng dress es hand picked for dis criminating as conscious women Ador able new styles in wide range Of delightful new fabrics Jersey Sllk Cords Fancy Crepes etc PRICES START $159 YD STARLING SALE OF PRETTY NEW ringing CREPE Every blouse new Eheylrcx very chic styles in sizes 12 to 20 Cup sleevqs dainty trim lace buttons etc and Girls weighty cotton cardi gans pretty dresses tunlcs sweaters skirts blouses corduroy or flannel jackets jumpers slacks Mothers will enjoy shopping at Walkers for backtOschool at two very popular pric hogs See these blouses for SPECIALFEATURE GIRLS ROUGHIES WESTERN STYLED LINED JEANS Saniorized and warmlys lined these are grand AND YOU BUY FOR LESS HERE $1095 sure jeans BOYS LINEDJEANS Authentic Broncho jeans Well lined Sizess to 14 years Theyre tough and durable ENCIIIIIITINII NEW lllllS HIIIM nun rum returner Casuals Gay Toppers Felts ITSWALKERS FOR HIGH QUAL SHEETS nuow cur5 numrn nnowsi BEDSPllElllls Visit Walkerssecond floor this weekend for rich pure wool Kenwood Blankets Imported Bates BedSpreads Fetherrniows Rubber Foam P113 lows Chenille Spreads HudsonS Bay Blankets mm FABRIC GLOVES Better quality fabric gTuv es nice cult and size range Usubl $150 sellers FEATURE 00 PRICE Velvets everyLhat brilliant Youll be glad you shopped at ngkers when with style Therfs one juSt for you visitus todayf tEOONOMYTRiOEDf 398 498 OTHERS 698 898 you see our grand stocks VISIT WALKERS WHEN YOU NEED DETTEII IIIIDIITY BEDDING REGULATION STYLE GYM NYLON AND WOOL high quality wdol yarn blended with Nylon mixture 12 pretty collt ors This is your Opportunity its awonder value WONDERFUL GOODYARN AT MARVELLOUS PRICE GREAT STOCKS NOW nan SHE YllllllllIlE BEMNIHHS SEOONO moon DMDIIEILIIS Gay colors Some With motifs also plains 8r plaids All have fancy FANCY FIGURED Hummus acupunct are In WEIGHTY wooumS handles Grand iwell yrsLurdy rompers Shop this met at Walkers PRACTICAL LONG WEARING 45 GAUGE 30 DENIER LOTION First quality 45 gauge Ny Douns of Dries folk this grand fabric Ions mom fall shades Autumn G10 Belge G19 First quality These Nylons sup nice buy at this sale price finalllssmnls All Dent SIZE 29 v15b3nd WIREPWDIINZWIQ about We lea Stockyour linen shelves now at our IOw sale price FEATURES PRICE Walkers sppcial he in good qual75de Hundreds of satisfied ctistom it ers shop from fires grand rcmnanfjtabletig Dress goods ELAID staples draperies and the low priccs makD them real bargums

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