Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1953, p. 5

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Bay Church lCoupIe Celebrate Setting For etiy Wedding Thomas Anglican Church Bay was ing for summer wedding on Satur September 1953 at three in the afternoon when BIBS Anne Oliver daughter of and Mrs Dudley Oliver of Bay was married to Fred Allen Ssrjcant son of Mr and Frederick Sarjeant of Barrie marriage ceremony was per by the church rector Dr Lighthourn against back of beautiful late summer from the gardens of Mrs Holden and Mrs Wilson Shanty Bay Angus Ross played wedding music bride is granddaughter of late Canon It Spencer who rector at Shanty Buy for 12 Among the wedding guests her grandmother Mrs Spell Sidney British Columbia Oliver gave his daughter in and she was wearing of French lace over white styled with full ballerinu skirt and fitted bodice with collar and short sleeves was wearing matching lac and lace halo headdress her fingertip veil of not She while prayer book with of red roses maid of honor Miss Mary El Young of Barrie was wearing gown of pink orgundy with velvet sash and was carrying bouquet of blue Cornflowch and bridesmaid Miss Nancy Lock of Toronto was in blue organ and was carrying bouquet of Miss Susan Spencer of Camp cousin of the bride was girl wearing white and blue and carrying basket of mums Ross Sarjeant of Toronto cousin the groom was groomsman and Sarjeunt of Barrie brother the groom and Peter Oliver of Bay brotllerof the bride as ushersk reception followed at Windy Farm Shanty Bay home of brides parents where Mrs 01 received in bronze taffeta ring corsage of yellow mums was assisted by Mrs Sarjeant of the groom who was navy blue with white For wedding trip to the Prov ofx Quebec the bride changed XTRA MILEAGE see out Newrrnl nllllPEllus EXCITING SHADES DELIGHTFUL PATTERNS Willi TENT llwmur to 34Bayfield Street Barrie Phone 43I4 Anniversary Mr and Mrs Tom Tattersall their home 24 Parkside with party at which they enter tained around 40 guests from Bar rie Fennells Corners Utopia Stroud and Delhi Married 25 years ago in London Ontario in Dundas Street United Church Mr and Mrs Tattersall have been making their home in for the past seven years since he left the army Before that time they had lived in Kincardine lfor five years They have one daughter Mrs iGicn Murray Joan of Toronto land son Graham at home and Elllrec grandchildren Mr Tattersall is district agent lin Barrie for the Prudential Assur lance Co of England Their home was decorated in pink and white for the anniversary party and they received many cards and gifts and best wishes from their friends and family on the occasion Barrie to grey suit with black fleck Iicr accessories were black and she was wearing gardeniu corsage On their return Mr and Mrs Sarjeant will be milking their home in Peter borough Gucsts from distance at the weddan were Mrs Spencer of British Columbia Major and Mrs Hale of Winnipeg Mr and Mrs Donald Kertiand of Hudons Height and Mr and Mrs Doll uld Billingsley of Sarllia Collier Street Afternoon WMS Opens Fall Season Approximately 22 members of the Afternoon Womans Missionary Society of Collier Street United Church braved the 90 degree heat of Friday Sept to attend the first fall meeting at Collier Street United Church Mrs Max well thc president presided over short business session Thetheme of thveorship ser vice was As we grow nearer to Christ we grow nearer together Thetheme song of this years study book is Jesus Shall Reign Whereer The Sun and was sung atthe meeting Mrs Harold Forster conducted the devotional reading scripture from the 6th Chapter of Acts con cerning choosing leader follow ing it with some writing by Dr Stanley Russell revealing that Christ the Master washed the feet of His Disciples and closing with brief prayer for Peace in the world piano solo by Mrs Chis holm was refreshing interlude in the program and as she played Chime Again Beautiful Bells by Sir Henry Bishop some of the members were reminded of the sound of tinkling ice The offering was received by Miss Partridge and Mrs STE Lewis and was dedicated by Mrs Nesbitt with the dedication used at Mission Band meetings Mrs Parsons presented an arrangement of the study book Whereer The Sun by Dr Sam uel Moffett one of five broth ers all of whom work in some capacity in church work Her as sistants with the program were Mrs Wiggins representing the African Church Mrs Ferris the closeout some OPEN SATURDAY SEPT1 JACKSDNS nursrom BARRIE METALand SALVAGE 156 Tiffin CLOSED THURS ALSO CLOSED SATr 53119 VSt Barrie FRISVEPT ID or II Silver Wedding celebrated their silver wedding an John are vismng Mrs Sarah Jane nltersary on Saturday night iMacDonald and her sister Elizabeth Ddch idetferles Reg for this week PW Mrs Maudie Biduke and her soul Mr and Mrs Gordon Franks ufl Toronto and Mr and Mrs George Poacher and children of Willow1 dale spent the weekend will Mia and Mrs Puncher Burionl Ave Mrs Atkinson and Missl Leona Atkinson of Crown Hull the Misses Atkinson of Blake 81 Barrie and Miss Eileen Clark ol Guthrie have returned from two vceks holiday at Serrannc Lake NY Miss Mabel Sprott of Montreal and Harold Sprott of Ottawa and his two daughters Nora and Deb omh are visiting Dr and Mrs It Sprott Mary Si THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 1953 Fred Newton and Edith ruvmwcmumw here land son of Town we 11$ch Mr and Mrsfkm WWM telrmle Detroit also Kr Scheme of Toronto and Mrs McKenzie of Caledonia end At Capreol illciulscl IS for October thank vlrs Alvin Webb Anti SI JIItI offerng clingsslc of two quits Mrs ll Black visited lost work cndmg 1f tale to Northern On wlth Mr and Mr Morley Wch at turn old Mocurgng of Caprwl coming run by ulllll DUHLGIH Muir CUIIV toulln and Ioocrrnory ct at contest on vliltl rlzs Nelson Zulu lle story Lint hymn ltrltvr cultElm nots Crosby UUIU 13W wrote Utl ymns if her IlicW NW 544 hum Um of her best loved hymns l1 who hit lily 515 interesting Returned From Europe Ms Shirley Frazer turned from Very month trip through and lr arr Mrs George Muir of Foreman visited on Sunday with memo and Tom Moore at Trails cottage Mr and Mrs McCabe Detroit are spending few days at llalgitls umu KYBEH PASS 13 NW The Kyber Pass in the mountain Mr and Mrs John Clark Jr of Byron spent the holiday weekend with his parents District Inspector John Clark and Mrs Clark Toron to Street Mr and Mrs Derry Smith illd their two children Alison and Collin have left Barrie to take up residence in Peterborough Mr Smith was formerly associated with the Sarjcant Co Ltd in Bar rie Mr and Mrs George CaId well and their children Gary and Marilyn have returned from mo or trip to Quebec Province where they visited in Montreal and Que JCC and toured the historical sites llong the way They crossed over $60 day It Levis from Quebec City orl their Wily home and into the United States at Roches Point travelling down the Richelieu River to Lake Champlain In Malone NY they stopped to see state fair which they found very similar to the fall fairs in this part of the coun try and were particularly impress ed with the displays and the horse show They spent two days in Alexandria NY from Where they took two cruises through the Thousand Islands including hull day at Boldts Castle Through out their interesting sightseeing expeditions the Barrie travellers were much impressed with the hospitality of the people of Quebec Mr and Mrs Frank Boyes and their children Patricia and Barry have returned home after spending two weeks at Port Elgin Frank Taylor is vacationing With his parents in Montreal Mr and Mrs Gerald Patterson of Winnipeg have been visiting for two weeks with their parents Mr and Mrs Marshall Parkside Drive and Mr and Mrs Patterson Bradford Street They motored east to Barrie and Mr and Mrs Patterson will be driving west with their son anddaugbtece inlaw for three weeks holiday Mrs Marshall will join them later in Winnipeg and will motor back to Barrie with Mr and Mrs Pat ICISOD Indian Church Mrs Miller the Canadian Church Mrs Mill ward the Mexicdn Church Mrs Nesbitt the leader asking qtiestions Mrs Parsons took the part of Dr Moffett author of the book and of Mrs Fact Finder While being Mrs Fact Finder she told of the symbol of The World Council of Churches It is she said fishing boat such as Peter used The mast points toheaverll travels the whole wide world with its cargo ofVChristian faith and brotherhood hope and Sharing Receiving at the door were Mrs Wilson and Miss Goodfellow The meeting closed with Bene diction by Mrs Maxwell Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that We ask or think unto Him be glory in the Church NEW CAMP SITE Eddic Shore onetime National Hockey League great has Vshinted his fall training camps for Syra cuse Warriors and Springfield In dians from Lindsa to Stamford After training in Lindsay for two years the arena committee raised ehley RMI Sister the rental of the ice from $45 to is estimated Shore andrhis team spent around $12000 in the town grades ME AND MRS GEORGE nuptials took place in Guthrie United Church The bride the former Frances Mary Squire daughter of Mr and Mrs William Squireof Oro Station and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Cecil Sutton of Shanty Bay Afters wedd ing trip to parts of the United States and Western Calladai they Will be making their home in Barrie Smm sum mm SUTTON whose late summer Dorothy Johnson Is New President Of Music Teachers Miss Dorothy Johnson RMT was installed as president of the Barrie branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association at the closing meeting of the 195253 term held at the home of Mrs Allicq Booth on Hayfield St Other members of the new ex ecutive of the association in town are Mrs Booth RMT past pres ident Miss Audrey Milligan RMT vicepresident Angus Ross RMT secretary and Mrs Inger Aarson RMT treasurer Active members are Miss Jessie Bryson RMT Miss Elsie Clou Redempta RMI Mrs Thelma McGinnis RMT Miss Rumble RMT McNeillie RMT James RMT and Machan RMT The Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association assures the public qualified teachers Qualifi cations of all prospective members are examined by provincial board the members of which have been approved by leading univer Isities in Ontario Active members are entitled to use the letters EMT Registered Music Teacherl after their names Asobciate mem bers have deferred registration and are required to improve their qual ifications within twoyearperind Auxiliary members are those who are not teaching music privately In an article especially written for the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association by John Weatherseed wellknown Toron to musician and former president of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association the increas ingly evident fact that music is one of the most valuable parts of general education is pointed out to parents Music education uses the eyes and the memory quiteras much as the usual school subjects and in addition stimulates the imagination and demandsahigh degree of co opraiion between the brain and the muscles In adolescent and adult life music paves the wayk to pleasant and Wholesome social rc iationships of enduring value As parent it is your responsi bility to make sure your child re ceives the best ermine musical education even in the initial SeriOus damage can be Innisfil Twp Council Choose New Police Chief By ILGS At their September meeting held at Tllornton yesterday one of the final motions passed was that Inl nisfil Township Council accept the tender of William Blogg Barrie as Chief of Police forthe township stipulation was added that the new chief should reside in the township The salary to commence will be $2600 annually with slid Ing scale raise to maximum of $3000 Mr Blcgg was Governor at the CountyGoal and has served in the army as asergeantmajor He is 30 years of age and was highly re commended He will be given full control of the setting up of police department in the township Ace Al Big Bay George Hogan scored holein one on the 125yard eighth at Big Bay Point golf club Monday with an eight iron while playing vith Herb Anderson Jack Batten and club professional im McAvox wit nessed the shot ton and family Detroit Mich with upcun countries Guests Honor Mr and Mrs Elinor Pratt enttrq turned the United Church LllOlI oll Thursday evening ll honor of two members Mlss Kay Glbbllls until Donald chc whose vclilizng Sell for Sept 19 The cclliig wls pleasantly spent together and us tokcn of the good wishes of mu choir mclrlbcrs Kay and Doll were presented with handsome walnut slop table After expressing lllclt appreciation fillil lilunlts fur lllL gift an enjoyable lunczl completch the evening Recent Visitors Recent visitors lilfliltltd Slit Jill Brolcy Toronto with her coulzl IDS Donna Mono and Glenda Mn son Mr and Mrs Clarke and lem lly Windsor Mr and Mrs Huinus and daughter and Mrs Leonard Owen Sound Mrs Dales Fergus Vernon Wicc Striitllvillu Mr and Mrs Dales Waterloo at Wilson Wicus Mrs Duality lllfl daughter Mrs Ilccltltt illld gruntiU daughter Aml Toronto with Mrs William Lamb Mr and Mrs Wu Mr zllld Mrs Altllur Smith Severe Face Infection We are pleased to report Duncan Campbell is llrlpronirlg liter hav ing severe infection in his face making it necessary to go to the hospital and have it lullCcd In Hospital We are very sorry to report tllzlt Miss Betty Cunningham who as sisted with the vacation school here this summer assisting withV the older pupils is patient inl Riverdzllc Isolation Hospital sufi fcring from polio With Relatives Mr and er5 Frank Ayerst of Mooreficld Spent the weekend with his son and family Mr and Mrs Mel Ayerst Lynne and Wayne Ferguson spent few days lust week with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Russel Stewart Churchill liss Barbara Jean McDonald spent few days last week with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Irving Cooper Cookstown Returned Home returned home after an enjoyable trip to the West Coast Mr and Mrs Ken Carson have taken up residence in the Gibbins apartment willie Mr and Mrs Keith Constable have moved to their new home on Church St East With Daughter Sutherland returned with Mr and Mrs Hand on Sun day after spending some time with his daughter Mr and Mrs Robertson and family at Lynden Visited Here Visitors included Mr and Mrs WASAGA GOLF Although the clubhouse has been closed this summer the WaSaga golf course has been patronized by an average of 125 to 150 golfers daily It has been operated by Simgoe Ventures Ltd of Orillia Douglas Nelson and family Orillia at Dwight Nelsons Janet and Judy Gray Toronto with Mr and Mrs William Sutherland Smyth Barrie IL Smyth St Calltarincs and Crawford Smyth Spencer Sadler Win Bowling At Alla ndale Greens Gordon Spencer and Henry Sad ler teamed to roll three victories for 42 plus three total to win first place in mixed doubles tourna ment sponsored by the Allandale ladies at the Allandale greens on Wednesday Mrs Walter Smith and John son were second with an even 43 on two triumphs and Mrs Nelson Magee and Frank Goring copped third with one win and 38 plus three done by inferior teaching in the early stages Toronto called on friends 1a5ll week WMS Meeting On September WMS held their meeting at thcl home of Mrs Mayes Businessl SEE THIS Honest Joe has thecleanest 1939 CHEV Showroom condition Cant be told from new Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Pb 5430 pruycr Jy lIIISZIIlllL Will for llCtflllg lllILl cstlllli lcrnl vlln Mrs Motculfc again Mr and Mrs Gibbins have Presbyterian between Pakistan and Afghanistan only 50 feet wide at its nab IOWLS part Rescue The Polishing win used to thc Ilkl followed by Ml Mull saluti pizllc Euncn tllutl by 311 TRY AN EXAMINER WAN served by lfil hosts3 hilt ilcr Libr Slsltrll is Clti Church Services letlutl Church sum of regular hours con lncllclllg on Sunday Sept Ell Willi Szlblllltl School 11 pm 21nd LlllllLI ulttf ul p111 itIVlCi EtlUllL clculnc WI Meltings Illsumo Iilursdugs Sllll IT Elc Womens rerun illectlllgs 3f summer aldzly Iiml is tthCLttl to be very UIlfItl historical rt SCIIICll Ulltiltl vlrs Fred chlV slur It tEXptTCLtfl to glvv in account or nur interesting up to Eng3 land and to SllUliil lullgizlnd lf tliol WI llitlc Also to be favored are 1va lf the dancing class and other program MolrlbLrs lllti vzsitorsl Will be unlculnu the to this nectzngl on Sept ll lr tin cunlmulllly hull at 311 LN ANTEN MILLS School Enrolment 23 School has reopened for zillolllell us ICLILIitII There is an enrolment of 23 Mr and Mrs Dnvugc and dilllgll lCl of Toronto spent the weekend ill Ivlrs If MCRnQS in sun when you lay the NI thrill allit iu ilsml of mallet Return To Toronto Lille Rickey 21an Gregory Col lins have returned to their home irl Toronto IllLCI spending the sum nlcr with their grandmother Mrs Campbell Mr and Mrs Jack Murray and son and Doug Murray also Mrs Noumea UNION L111 22de ESAHLiIfa 9UF SHAW DISTRICT MANAGER 54 Dunlop St Barrie TELEPHONE 4760 ildl Alltrluliz ORW ICH The best lliltlsglfllllltl illilil tum UNION ITS our to beautify those old IIoors with cum noon SANDING EQUIPMENT You can do professional refinishing job with our complete easytouse Clarke Rental Equipment Save time and money and give your floors new Beauty and lustre we furnish all equip ment materials and complete instructions 0ur IIentuI PIun includes everyillingyou need PHONE vouknrsenvmons GAME AND FISHERIES ACT DIDYOU KNOW That it is contrary to the act and regulations to carry loaded firearms in any aircraft motor car or other vehicle WE ARE AUTHORIZED ISSUERS 0F HUNTING FISHING AND GUN LICENSES 800mlpr St East phongV WE DELIVER wnuceorussrnou seuomm BACKSCHOOE IN Berries Longest msmunoys cpumsm

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