mmnrnm to mun aquipnwnt here Will be recbm tCP Catapulv mgndtd to city council by com5 tint of automatic shut mince of experts 035 has claimch on oil domestic gas 26 lives here this year Returned limo Miss Ruby Davis who has been In tho Wcsiern Provmcrs for nearly year has rcturncd to her home here Mr and Mrs llerb Davidson and Miss Charlotte Davidson Port Cre ml were rcccnt VlSIlOlS of Dr and Mrs Hurry Leadlay EYE CARE caisson Noel Stephenson R0 OPTOM ETRlST at WWSONS JEWELLEIIS and OPTOMETRISTS to Ammmntsr DUNLOP smart own ONTAng New Home Mr and Mrs Emery Bassrngth wane and family have moved from hcrc and have taken up residence ncur Alliston Mr Bassmgthwnitc has recovered fairly well from his rcccnt attack of Polio WW xv It 43 to THE CANADIAN NAIIIIIL EXHIBITION AUGUST 29th TO SEPTEMBER l2th Except Sundays 365 Itcduccd Fare Round Trip For Childrens Rates See Your Agent Includes Exhibition AtirniSSion and Bus Transfer direct into and from the grounds LEAVE BARRIE 850 mm 900 am LEAVE TORONTO 1115 pm 73 COLLIER ST BARBIE TICKETS AND mrommon AT Barrie Bus Terminal PHONE 5571 Bxpcricnpcd truckers know theres no such thing as an All Round Truck Each type of truckingiioh has its own special problemsand fits own special dpproachcach rigging truck thats Bean dc Aiigncd with the particular job in mind Thats why theres to calm measure of usfulncss and an extra capacity for work gt zf ptntcns IMPRIIII in every iMCTruck because GMCs are ccically engi nccrcd fort ioh Theyre engineered with choicc of axles with choice of transmissions and witha choice of engines so that your GMC will stand up longer give better service and cut opera ting costs to minimum Your GMC Truck Dealer can save you Guests Herc Eldrrxc and Miss Marjorie had the pleasure of visit from Mr and MrsWilmott Davidson and Mr and Mrs Winston Smith Tor onto also Mr and Mrs Charles Roach Barrie recently in their new home Mr and Mrs Allistatr McLellttn and Christine Margaret are visiting at Mrs Mcmllans parents Mr and Mrs Henry Davis They will be socriding month in Cookstown Mr and Mrs Milton Trace and Betty spent it dav through the week at the Leadlays Mr and Mrs Clifford Spindloe spcnt few days with Mrs William Spindloc Leaving On Trip Leaving for trip to Western Ontario are Mr and Mrs Hansen and Mr and Mrs Lorne Magicugh ion and Sharon Camp Borden Arthur Kidd returned home from Edmonton Sept Mrs Kidd isrc maining couple of weeks to visit longcr her daughtcr and mother Died Recently At Stevenson Memorial Hospital Allislon on Friday September 1953 William Kidd McLean beloved Inns SillCllS ALL STYLES ALL COLORS ALL MATERIALS 90 Sizes 28 to 44 newest shades for Fall STEPHENS 15 Dunlop St PHONE 2566 his mm year The runim tout place Monday Sept from his late borne Township of Essa In torment won in Alliston Union Co metery hian The Cookstown WI opened their new Fall Susan on Thursday even ing Sept The meeting was held in the town hall with the new pre sident Mrs Patton in the chair The business included discussion on the booth at the Fair committee is to purchase pins and recommendations were made for Life Membership Mrs Monkman gave report of the vis it to Canada Day at the ACWW convention in Maple Leaf Gardens Aug 24 Mrs Walkcr convened the pro gram commlttee Mr McRuer Agri cultural Representative from the Alliston Offlce gave verv inter nstiog and informative resume of the work carried out in this district Many were delighted to know such extensive informationl and assist ance is available At the close of this talk many valuable leaets folders and booklets on all subject of interest to the householders wcrn distributed Mrs John Farts gave reading Janc Brown Mrs Lcmmon the current eVents The meeting closed following which the committee scr vcd dcllcious refreshments to over thirty members and visitors Congratulations To WI The citizens of this Community would like to express their conv gratulations to the local WI in winning second prize for their float in the Barrie Centennial parade Ihc intcgrily involwd as well as time and endurance were worthv of worthy commendation and Cookstown appreciated the honour they brought to the village in win ning second prize insuch large competition The Agricultural So ciety also entered very beautiful float The Fountain of Youth but Since there seemed to be no group ian for this float it was not con sidered in the judging Meetings The United Church hold their Sept meeting on Tucsday cv cning in the SS room of the Church The meeting opened With hymn Mrs Hindle read the Scripture The lesson thought and prayer was giv cn by Mrs GrahamMinutcs and correspondence were read and the roll call answered by 17 visits to the sick Ten cards were also sent to the sick during July and August Plans were made for the Annual Fowl Supper which is to be held on Wednesday Oct 28 Mrs Gra ham Mrs Cousc Mrs Kellogg Mrs Looking At ltn Wynn promptly to out of em ployed peoplemarried or sin gle The loan is lifted to your individual circumstances No bankable security required Phone for Visit loan If youro in hurry phono Ind everything will be ready when you arrive Or write or come in See for yourself why thousands of pgople say Its to be sure Above payuh am calling ml layman In lnbuuu wown on Win caJ loom $50 to $200 on Signctun lurnlturo or Auto COMPANV 2nd Fl Public Utilities Bid 15 BAYFIELD STRE Phona 5931 Barrio Donald Fish YES MADIan JPEN DAILY TO 55ATURDAY TO l2 PiEYosLtlteres it GMC spccititqlly ongincereitllgygggr moncybyspccifying GMC truck that will fit your needs Visit him soon and rgetrn real truck naturtntmorolsvntur him mad III nildtntr of all sunoundlng inn Pmonal llnunu Company of anode Recent Visitors Mr and Mn Clarence Bell and Ronald of Orillia spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs lvan Burke Mr and Mrs Gordon Matthews and children of Niagara Falls spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ronald Allan Mr and Mrs Gordon Toms To ronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Hunter Miss Mary Donnelly is spending couple of Weeks with herfather Mrs Watt and MISS EveA loco Sloan Toronto spent the hull day weekend with Mr and Mrs Mac Stewart At Exhibition Mr and Mrs Sturgeon and Margaret Mr and Mrs William Alters Misses Beth Presser and Joan Jackson Mr and Mrs Sloan and Kay and others in this locality attended the Exhibition in Toronto during last week At Funerals Mrs Sloan Miss Mary Sloan Mrs Watt and Miss Sloan attended the funeral in Waverley on Monday of Mrs William Ban nistcr ncc Helen Trueman Mr Moir and Mrs Campbell attended the funeral in Toronto on Friday of their cousin Mrs Frank Bentley Podtfu in Barrie Miss Kathie Browning has sc curcd position with chlcrs Bar rlc WI Meet Sept 10 Churchill Womens Institute will hold their meeting in the Comm unity Hall on Thursday Sept 10 at pm The roll call will be ans wered by An Educational Radio Program Mrs Seymour Kcll will be the speaker ltlaris Mrs Hindlc Mrs Coutts and Mrs Wilson were committee ap pointed to make program arrange ments for the concert which will follow the supper The meeting closed with hymn and prayer by Rev Kellogg The program convenor Mrs Ev ans opcnod with piano duct by Miss Webb and Mrs Carr con test was held with Mrs Wilson be ing the winner The next meeting willbc at ers Corrigans The program and lunch committee for October Miss Paterson Mrs Glass Mrs Miller Mls Leadlay and Miss Cowan Lunch was served by the committee The of the Anglican Church had quilting bet at the home of Mrs William Spindloc when eight members were present to help The Sept meeting of the Presby tcrian was held at the home of Mrs Currie with 18 mem bers and five visitors present An excellent offering of $24 was re ceived The President opened the meet ing using hymn 74 followed by the Lords Prayer and Psalm 96 The minutes were read and Kap provcd and correspondence was read The convcnors of different committees gave their reports and also the Treasurer reported It was decided by the ladies to have congregational fowl supper on Oct 23 Quite lengthy discussion folv lowed Many articles of clothing and toys were brought for the bale which will be sent to Miss Dyke Chincsc Gospel School Cebu City After the business was finished the meeting was taken by Mrs Currie Mrs MoLcllamand Miss Sutherland assisted with the program Each member of the committee conducted short con test Thcsowere won by MrsEI Today In almosicvc representative is on attain nancial security ursclf and your dependents win bin Trotter and Mrs Pat ton The Currie and McLellan sis termsang and Mrs Sutherland gave short reading After the meeting Hrs Erwin and Mrs Rcive assisted the hostess in serv ing lunch The Oct meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs Erwin Day litre Mr and Mrs Walter Wright and daughter Mrs OBrien Aurora Spent day last week with Mrs Cole and Mrs Ney Birthday Celebration in Sept Mrs Cause cele bratcdjnothcr birthday For the bccztsion her son Alpine Cause ar rived with cake bearing 95 candl es The community would like to extend congratulations to Mrs Cousc Bnby Girl To Mr and Mrs Joseph Davis nee Eileen McDonald on Aug 25 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie daughter Cheryl Lynne chkcml Visitors Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Bruce McLean were Mr and Mrs Keith Cousc Mr and Mrs McLean Toronto Mr and Mrs McLean Charlottetown PEI Mr and Mrs Carl Mitchell and family Barrie and Mr and Mrs Kidd and David also of Toronto 49 GRENFEL Sunday School Bally On Sunday Scpt l3 at ll am the Sunday School will join with the congregation for their Rally Day service Mr Chantlcr of Bar rie will be the speaker assisted by the minister Ilcv Silvester Plan Corn Roast The Sunday School are holding corn roast Thursday evening Sept 10 at Mr and Mrs Mc Maslcrs Everyone is Welcome 0n Motor Trip Mr and Mrs McMastcr and Mr and Mrs Wilbur Walton motor cd to Sault Stc Marie and points in the United States Mr and Mrs William Walton Lunda and Dcnton have returned home after spending fcwdays with friends in Detroit Miss Tomkin Toronto visited last week with Mr and Mrs Clif ford Harris United WMS and WA The United WMS and WA met on Wednesday afternoon Sept at Mrs checrs with 12 pres ent Meeting opened with the dc votional by Mrs Wilbur Walton Faith was the topic Mrs Scott presided for the WMS meet ing opened with hymn 069 All People That On Earth Do Dwell followed by prayer Mrs Ford road The World Is My Parish Poem Do Something For Some body SOmewherc Hymn 252 closed the WMS meeting Mrs Harris presided for the WA bus iness It was decided to go out and collect instead of havmg fowl supper Final plans were made for the bake sale and bazaar which FOR NATURAL PM ASK lilyPu YOUR SECURlTY COUNSEL ry community in Canada be job helping families In IouiibniIBSL HE AD OFFICEI TORONTO CANADA BARRIE OFFICE bank at Toronto Bldg was held on Saturday Sept at Boyds paint and wallpaper store in Barrie and was decided suc ccss Lunch was served by in hostess October meeting will at Mrs Wilbur Walton IlII WHEEL ALIGNMENT BllllY BIlMIIllG WllElll Billlllllilllli BRAKE SERVICE coRBt MOTORS LTD MARKET so BARBIE Timberloxia non oxidizing and docs not stain or weather out like varnish type materials Recommended for Summer cottages Halflog SldlngCcdar and Spruce Siding LOR an Imperial Life in wnkfs of life to for the future of Let hIm help YOU plan Call your nearest Branch Ofce today ANOTHER NEW BANK CUSTOMER Johnny bank account one ofneorly 9000000 now carried by Canadians the chartered banks +3750000 opened in the last tenydoalone Tod3r proctidally vgrqdygqu to Embattled Competition among the bonks inoll forms of banking service one of the Infinity 19501603 prompt efficient courteous attentionjto your needs in dt yourotm locttl branch Tn BANKS some voun camum