Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1953, p. 10

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hildren Back To School Pleoise Drive Carefully Mr Motorist This editorile is written to ask for your assistance Yesterday3 something like 3000 youngsters in the Town of Barrie went back to school Almost 2200 of these were elementary school pupils while the remainder are attending the secondary schools This means that you in your driving will have totake added care going through town Children particularly the veryyoung are often apt to do things wit our thinking If they are playing in the so 001 grounds and ball runs out on to street ie youngster may unthinkingiy run out after it In such case it will be your vigilance that will do cide whether the child will suffer only from score or what could be serious physical lll jury One of the greatest pieces of advice which can ge given to any driver is make allow ance for the other follow This advice is even more appropriate in the case of young school children Last year there were number of accidents where young people were hit by cars and trucks as they walked from behind station ary vehicles to cross roadway Be very cautious in the school areas par ticulariy when the children are going to and coming fronrschool Keep wary eye open also for those boys and girls who go to sch001 on bicycles There is no doubt at times that they can be nuis ance to car drivers Very often they pay les heed to what they are doing than they should This makes the resplnslbility lying on your shoulders even more great The Town Detachment of the OPP has ask ed for your assistance in seeing that our child accident rate if not completely clim inated is kept as low as it possibly can be Please assist the police particularly at this time when the youngsters are just settling down again into their School routine Your constant Vigilance when you bro be hind the wheel may mean the difference to some youngster being rushed by ambulance to hospital or being able to return safely to his or her home Mr Motorist Please be careful lUlilCGflblnly in Abundance Summer rainfall seems to have guaranteed bumper grain crop in the West this autumn Already the golden wheat is tumbling over the chattering blades of combines and swath ers The present forecast is for more than 600 000000 bushelsnf wheat alonesecond larg est crop in history Most years there would be rejoicing through the land for good crop should mean prosperity through the West and by reection through the country But year the harvest season brings un certainty The bumper crop comes on top of July 31 carryoveriifrom last yearng 362700 000 bushels This is bound to create storage and transportation problems Country elevators are jammed from Man itoba to the Rockies Storage facilitiesonthe Great Lakes and Atlantic coast also are full Storing the new crop and starting it on its Way to overseas markets will be difficult To complicate the situation overseas buy ers are not purchasing in quantity Their re quirements for the rest of 1953 are about fili ed according to reports from recognized graintrade experts Canadian farmers are paid only when they deliver grain to elevators Until the grain starts moving to seaboard deliveries from farms mustbesnarply curtailed TheWests grain wealtirifor the time being will be un usable The unknown factor in the situation is Bri tain Herrinillers arealready covered for the llqu of their requirements up to or beyond the yearend They are in no hurryto buy the rest got their needs because they believe prices lipayiiili off somewhat iiiMew of the world wheat glut that is developing Still there semspienty ofiground for confidence that the problems in due course Willi be surmounted TradeMinisterH0we has expressed belief Britain willbuy about the usual amount ofCanadian wheat in 195354 Wesson president of the Saskatchc Wanwheatl pool said recently Canadian cheat exports wlii continue strong in the new crop yearAmid with considerable de gree of stability in price These statements by responsible officials ern farmer Broad Concept of Labor Day In its original conception Labor Day was one set aside to honor the industrial worker and the achievements of trade unions TOday it is still marked officially only by organiied labor Everyone else takes holiday but pays little attention to the significance or the day itself Yet the day has meaning for all of us Trade unions themselves would be the first to acknowledge that the day of outright hos tility between labor and management has ended that narrowmindedness on both sid es has no place in the building of greater Canada And just as the factioualism of yes terday is outdated so has the significance of Labor Day moved with the times On Sept almost every employed person in Canada from the company preSidcnt down to the office boy was taking holiday It is these millions or peopie whether they be long in the labor or the management sec tions of industry who are contributing to the building of this country Therelies the real meaning of Labor Day4 Canadians laboring to achieve better more prosperous Canada finer placein which to live and bring up their families Let there be rmion parades and celebrations on Labor Day but let there also be moments rc flcction by each of us on the broader concept of labor in Canada the creation by our own free efforts of the kind of country we want our children to inherit The real New England Yankee is the peri son who takes the midnight train home from New York cherctt Saltonstall Editorial Notes It has been very gratifying to see the im mediate response which was made by the Ki wanis Club of Barrieto the Barrie Citizens Bands appeal for help in their present fin ancial plight Hardly had Mr McCarroll the band committee chairman left this office the other day that he was calling to inform us of the $200 donation from the Kiwanians Latest report we had was that the band had rehived an anonymous gift of further $50 As expressed editorially recently we are sure that the community spirlt will prevail to protect one of the towns big assets OPINIONS 0F OTHERS Favorite Occupation Sloyner Sun What is there about mans nature that will make him stand fastmated for hours watching men and equipment working on construction job It is prob ably the favorite sport of the humanrace the world over Curiosity Well no That could apply to those who reside or work near the site of the activity as the final result might possiblyhave some bearing on their future life But can that account for the hundreds of others who are just passing by perhaps never to come again Interest in machinery That helps but people spend hours and hours at the same occupation when all work was done with pick and shovel No ma chinery just adds to the entertainment Laziness Some of the hardest working side walk superintendentsarclamong the hardest work inginhtjneir own trade PM After ponderingon the question we have arrived at two answers With one exception sidewalk sup erintendents exist because they like to watch some one else work The eXCeption of courseis us We do it because there might be story for the paper in the activity One Way Only Alliston Herald South Simcoe farmers are reaping bountiful harvest Crop reports show consistently good yields sofsatisfactory quality The gamble for one more year is almost over It is indeed satisfying to be able to look back on season which has been for thatmost partcooper alive andvproductive Unfortunately this is not the full picture Farmers regardless of their harvest are being badly squeezed This is not new experience for them but it is be coming increasingly alarming in view of apparent future prospects Farm costs are not moving much but when they do move it is only up Farm revenues on the other hand arefalling and there is no indication that this trend will be reversed situation like this can only continuexso long It would be slicer disaster for the Canadlab econ omy if these twoforces were allowed to meet Farmers individually are helpless in controlling their own economy Only through their organizations and the pressure which the latter canbring to bear on government and other groups within the national economy can they find their economic salvation 938m Examiner IACW NeWEPOISr published Monster Fddoy FThewmon Winniommsuummunq Ontario Canada by hemmed ViceoPitidont and as mm 11 LIMITED mm mercuryTreasurer mug cgnuaim emu finava Mastodon not rumination subw bar to GP lemon Cmdian ltokiosotita name Morn can have an apple Railroader Gives Reply To Article Re Strike Weapon Barrie Spt 1933 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir in this weeks issue on the editorial page you had an art icle entitled tStrikc is Silliest Thing which indeed seems to be the understatement of 1953 The man who wrote this article should do little morercseiirch before making such rash statement In this modern age you have two factions Labor and Manazement Management is striving to gain power and money and doesnt care who they step on to get it On the other hand we have Labor who are composed of the average human Leave this man to himself to bar gain with management and you could imagine the results So the men Labor get together and form brotherhood it doesnt matter for what class of labor but it gives the men speaker who has the power and is elected by the men to speak for them This speaker can management and say we wa this or that and if management fused the union as we call it in in terest of their men call kc which cripples that industry it cuts off the managements source of income Eventually manage merit yields and it is through this process of fishing that Labor has gained its benefits of the present day Betterworking hours More take home pay3l Better compensation benefits andcount less other benefits myself am member of one of the powerful railroad brother hoods The Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen and Enginemen It is through this brotherhoods ef hi forts lthatlhe company has come across with better conditions high er pay and might add the com pany provides for the men of the engine crews free beds at the term inals when thev are away from home with clean sheets and blan kets place for the men to cook up and wash Ask the railroader of not so long ago and he will tell you some pretty sordid stories of conditions before the union took over Oh yes indeed without unions Labor would still be working for 30 day and if strike we must to get our benefits strike we will as brotherhood all united in the one aim better conditions Always remember Labor turns the wheels of industry Take away the wheels andfjiiidbstry just does nt functions So gentlemen leaVe you with this thought Unions may seem silly to management but they are actually the Lifeblood 01 Labor l5 Yours sincerely Don Fraleigh Why Was There No Celebration We 1437 For The Girls To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir What is wrong with the Gieers Ladies Softball Champions of Barrie They went through the schedule with record of 17 wins and five losses which in my mind is record to be proud of Last evening they won the Barri and District Ludies Softball champ ionship in Nevivmarket defection them three games to one and came home to findnotcven asmbll cel ebration If it had been the Barrie Flyers greatnuinber of fansand high dignitaries wOuld have been on hand lOEIGGL them but they camehome parked their bus and there was nothing am taking no credit fiOm Mr Emma or his immortal Flyers hilt ldo think some kind of celebration could have been planned as thefv girls have practised hard duririk the summer and deserve it bitiot rtcorniiion Again take note that this is the second year in row that ihd Greers Aces sponsored by Eldon Greer who has been very good to the girls have won the champion ship know am voicing the opinion ofa number purports follbivers iii town In the future it would be ideaif on would lder lgdies sobbll hard to win oshockoyn Yours sincerely An Ardent Fan wnv iiidbmnonsou No one knows how Mount Robs son the best knownpaikin tlio Barrie Sept 1953 champiodirhipd do APIOW Commutation rs NewlyWeds Contradictions to Clarence Car ion and Miss Joan Magnum who Ewerc married on Sept Cool Weather Welcome The change in weather has cer tainly been welcome after the ex treme bent of the past ten days or so Recent Visitors Recent visitors and relatives here included Mr and Mrs Clare Poehlman Windsor with Mr and Mrs Carson Edwin Richardson Kendra called on relatives while on hbliday Mrs Wight Toronto has been on vacation at Carsons for ten days Mrs Howard Mr and Mrs Kremhel also visited there Mr and Mrs Chandler and family Copper Cliff Mrs Parr and Car ol Ann Peterborough at Richardsons McNaugixt Inc Mr and Mrs Johnston New To ronto Mrs Lloyd Lakcview Mrs Dillcnuvt Edmonton spent the holiday at Lloyds School Resumes pi With school opening this week we have Miss Verna Jobe Mcaford as teacher for the new term Now of limoe Miss Verona Usher left on Sat urday to visit Miss Glenna Dow iicy Port Arthur Mrs Baker and childrenvre turned after spending two weeks with Mrs Baker Stirling Mrs Rankin Midland Mr and Mrs Roy Rankin Toronto were guests over the weekend of Mr and Mrs George Jordan Miss Joan Greenbank spent the week with relatives in Toronto Miss Beckett is visiting Mrs Gray at Phelpston Enters Nursing Class Miss Kleona Quesncllc entered the classof nurseintraining at St Michaels Hospital Toronto Mr and Mrs Joe Dyer left on motor trip through the Northwest Territories Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pearson at tended the funeral on Tuesday afternoon of Charles Hacker Mrs Farleigh Ritchie spent the week with Mrs Mark Little Balm Beach Mrs Terry attended the Hoff manBnuldry wedding in Collier Street United Church Barrie on Sept Wallace Greenlaw Pat Stone and Max Steele left by motor for western points Mr and Mrs Bernard Stone attended the ONE at the end of the week Miss Mary McFadden spent the 0k in Toronto Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Roy Rowat Beams vilie MISSrJoan Robertson Hano ver spent the weekendwith Mrs Rowat Mr anders Elwood Frost St Catharines spent the weekend with Mrs Terry Mr and Mrs Jamieson Ottawa are guests of Mr and Mrs McAuley Mr and Mrs Stewart Brenda and Joan of Shelburne Miss Dor een Pearson Toronto were week end guests of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pearson Baby Girl Mr and Mrs Grant Pyburn nee Phyllis Beardsall are happy to announce the birth of their daugh ter Jana Lee at the Peterborough Civic Hospital on Sept Wedding Anniversaries Congratulaticms are extended to Mr and Mrs Reg Bertram who celebrated their 25th wedding an niversary on Tuesday Sept and to Mr and Mrs Albert Spring on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary on Sept building New Home The work on the new home of CENTRENAVKESPRA Ilarvestlirhanksglving Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held nextSunday Sept 13 in Chijst Church vespra Come along and bring your friends as this will be therlast service thisseason andWe can be sure Rev Mr Wrigh will have very inspiriiig Thankst giving message It is hoped also thatalfew of the choirmmernbers frbmL Trinity church will be in at tendence Mr and Mrs Ros Wallwin have been holidaying in he USA Mrand Mrs Sid Money and ifamily visited Mr and Mrs Ray Money Sundridge last week Mr and Mrs Jack Wallwih at tended the ONE last Safarday Mrs Fred Pratt has beenspend ing few holidaysat Wallwins Again At sunnylirook We are sorry to report that the condition of Frank Relph is tin changed and he is agama patient of Sunnybrooklipltoll Ediy Cothiglri Mr and Mrs Lloyd Thompson and Alvin Mr and MrsuRoy Hick llng and Douglas and Mr and Mrs Dobson have cottage rented gtfor ii weekend are enjoying them elves vtovthe full lfsure sbund ea like Would stinger When the works all done this Fall etoiiAiopilST WI Sponsor Demonstration Ladiesentirecommunityare coilj dially invalidity attend iiome prd ducts demonstration in the coni munity halidonnFridoy evenly Sept 11 amped sponsored Craighurst Womens Institute panama jIllVLOYEEB aCiinidiins ofliot their occur pition as ployoeiiwprovidq Jack Ritchie on Queen Street East is progressing favorably Surprise Party Several of the neighbors of Mrs Ray Srigley Peter Street gathered of Mrs Lionel Players on Friday evening Mrs Srigicy is moving on Sept to her new home on Stone Street which has just been completed During the evening the guest of honor was presented with gift Mrs Srigley made gra cious reply and delicious lunch was served to close very enjoy able evening With Relatives Mr xiv spent the weekend with Mr Sriglcys parents Mr and Mrs Ray SriLlcy Mr and Mrs Boardsall spent Saturday with their soniri law and daughter Mr and Mrs Grant Pyburm Theres nothing like giving Iollrs what they wot Wind Worm or mad with CowColo Dd Penetang Bottling Co LIMITED Penetang Phone 440 MeetCPI and Mrs Bob Srigloy Bar FREIGHT COSTS Or the average it costs less than rent and aboll to ship one ton of freight one by in Canada rta leads all rovinces Wm railway ghundiged million acres ALBERTAS AGRICILTLRE rctal agricultural ism Crawford Co Est 1919 mm TORONTO atOCK CHANG Government Innkluf Ind carnation neuritic ARMSTRONG MMLAREN CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 43 Collier 81 mm 61 Yong St Toronto IARRIE PARTNER MncLAREN DOOM CA LICENSED TRUSIKE LICENSED MUNICIPAL AUDITOR BADGLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 63 Dunlap St East Telephone I135 HERBERT HARRIS 00 Certified Public Accountant Toronto and Barrie IArria Barrie Office Wilton Building Post Office Squire Telephone 3391 Resident Partner NEEDNAM CPA ARTHUR POWELL CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANT 24 Dunlap St East Barrio Telephom 522 ROSE HARRISON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS SAMUEL ROSE CA SAMUEL HARRISON CA 69 collier Street Phone 4949 MUSIC lessons JESSIE BRYSON ILMII TEACHER OF PIANO BlNOlNG THEORY Pupils prepared for cumin llom of the Royal Conaerntonmf Mullo Toronto all IlldCI includlm AJLCJ Modern Methods Studio 21 landlord Phone 41 WARREN MacLEAN RMT MC0 ORGANIST PIANIST Central United Church Teacher of Plano Organ and Sinclair Telephone 4285 Resuvln Owen St Apt OPTOMETRY MAURICE BARRE FAAO OPTOMEIRISI 24 Dunlop st East Suit I2 Entrance East side of Dominion store Phone 2963 Harm 9530 and by apnolntmant Barrie Phom 4109 JOHNSTON OPTOMETRIST cinnamon St Officl Hour to Closed Saturday Afternoon ROBERT SMITH 30 OPTOMETRISI Human East POOH 25 Hours 96 our NOEL STEPHENSON 30 OPTOMETRIBT Dunlap St El Ianlo lurio Phone 333 LIFE INSURANCE ALFRED II HARRIS charhnd Lilo Undomm Personal and Family Pious Promminim and mute Analysis Close Commotion Group Key Man Partnership Penfor and solo Proprietorship manned FRIENDLY DISOUSSION 0F YOUR LIFE INSURANCE NEED Film 5551 or 2105 lurk Representh London All We do MMqlmuf DriverMechanic ofie Infanfry fjArmy framed Corporal Henry Bowenfs job as as DriverMeclflinic has allowed him to see greal deal of onada He has also served in England and Ihe Far East Proud father of ihree ychilclren Corporal Bowen uhd his wife bofh agrpe on the many advantages of Army Service advanced methods and eq mobtlovullablog xr in about two thirds of the countrysri 5tolil personal iffdomo ax pay meats Young men interested in me chonlcuqn loom skillsiin auto motive irqdo when they serve with tho Soldlonfrodosmon of the Infantry Export Instructors 19lVOC0IlpIOIO training in mod erh hook pad with palm Pi DDIO 11 Mo Street 91 Dunlop Street Baniu Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY sore tsunami mm Barristers Solicitors Notaries Publ Conveyance Etc MON BY TO 10AM Office 13 Owen 5t Iznh Bunch Office Kimmie Onuno BOYS 06 ROWE 06 SEAGIAI COWAN COWAN Halli Solicitors Noun Winn Hours If on to on Mood to may loss Conan COWAN IUILDINO MONEY T0 IDAN 53 Collier St lurid 0m GLADSTONE CURRIB QC Barrister and Solicitor MONEY To YOAN 97 Dunlap st East Barrie Phoru Jim DONALD MacLABEN QC Mich Solicitor Money to Lou jawmcjemvio Building Barrio JOHN OTTON BA Barrister Solicitorl Notary 81 Dunlap SL Room BARRIE PHONE 5822 HEDER SMITH Successor to cum vacuum Illa Iarruur Solicitor Etc Rog Block Barrio Phone 271 VETERINARY MARIAN Ind BURGIO Sophia St Barrio Phonon 4545 on 3113 sesame ml sum sfth PHONE All OSIOPATHY WILSON OITIOATHIC AND amnm CLINIC WILSON IUILDING IAIIII 5TAFFlt EDWIN WILSON 00 MAURICE HUIDOCK 00 TELEPHONE 2233 HIROPRACTOR GEO 181 BURNS DIO Licennd Druziess Thermal Leonie Radio Hydro Ind Mechuno Tharw Mich 315 115 Dunloo st East TUCK 00 OIACHJROPRACIIO Phono um XRAY Residence 5845 successor to Corbett no JAMES WINK 10 DOCTOR OP CHIROPRACTIC BymfgaoEintment 19 Essa Road Allandalo DANCING LESSONS BARBIE DANCING ACADEMY St Josephs Auditorium Phone RAD BalletPupils prepared for ennui Tim Ballroom Character Adult Amberins Clasres NBSONB EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MenlilfeCplenry Bowen know liow important their iobs inihe tradesmen to 45 No 71 onlOIOYOIIQCLI Oonr Army Recruiting Centre 230 Main in North Bay Ont VlAmiy Recruiting Coolie Joni Sim Armory 200 JGIINS St North Homilpnltlnt Army ore to Canadas ofeiy ln the Army they also knew ihdl they ore buildinggood sounclfuiures for themselves For soldier tradesmen like Cpl Bowen enioy mciny advantages in our modern Canadian Army excellent pay nancial seEuriiy throughlong fermservico pensidnsihe best medical uliddenicil cureoutstanding chances for promotion There are challengs and the iob lso big ond important one to all Conadu You are eligible ifkyou dre I7 Zio 40 yearsof age skilled and ablelomeet Array test re uiremenis Applicants should bring birth certificates or othqu prOOf age when applying for interview Apply right away Wrilo 6r visif rho Array Rambling Centre nearest your home No 13 Personnel Depot Wallis Houioxkldeuu IIClrorloifo 5th Ottawa 011 No5 PQIIOIIHIIDIponAIIlIlOIY Pork Bogot Sh Kingstonnt median Army Retrofian Centre 90 Richmond Street West fourth at ml Depot It Elizabeth Sledloud OM

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