guided month In ing AROUND TOWN JAN No more European travellers land and the back In town this week friendly people made them flunk almost all of tho we think contingent at least are now The two latest Bar to have acquired continental are Miss Marilyn Kerr mi Examiner stuff and Joan who left the shores of Can in the latter part of June and been tripping around Briton he European continent for past couple of months They particularly fortunate In then plans spending of their fzrst trip abroad tour and till Paris visiting cousins Major and Mrs Scotti who are living Ir while he is stationed with as Canadian army officer Right now they are spending the few days of hot summer wen reminiscing about their travcls with their families and friends and to go back to work in the Fall Joan will be on 1hr teaching staff at St Marys Schod this year and has bundle of sou vcmrs and phbtogmphs to Show to her grade three pupils zutcr school opens on Tuesday The two young travellers Joan celebrated her twentyJust birth day in Monte Carlo on July 24 Paris best alter their sum mer abroad but they also have vivid memories of mountain climb in Switzerland travelling long the Grand Canal rln Venice In gondolas at night with Vene lion sorena Seeing the Fete dc Nu fpuld ballet performance fireworks al Versaille tra lling by steamboat up the Rhine watching whole families travel on tandem bicycles in Holland view ing the Crown Jewels in the Towcr nf London and gambling in the Casino at Monte Carlo The latter lvcd no more than 100 franc aboul 25 Cents In Paris through SferPE lIcad quarters they met military men from almost all over the world Germany Pakistan Denmark Russia Spain and France as well as the United States and Canada They attended party at theCan adian military attaches home and were excited because it was locat ed right acros the street from Lana Turners penthouse apart ment They were at the wedding in Notre Dame Cathedral of an American soldier and French Canadian girl followed by recep tion at the American Embassy in Paris and one night saw apachc dancers perform in Paris night club Joan and Marilyn left Barrie on June 25 to motor with Marilyns parents Mr and Mrs Kerr to Quebec City stopping off at Cornwall andJVIontreal on the way They boarded the ship the SS At lantic Vva the boat on which they made the trip over find back on June 28 and had wonderful trip docking at Southampton week later They joined their tour few days late in London and went for walk by themselves the first day city to see the Marble Arch Ben the Parliament Buildings Scotland Yard Westminster Abbey Bond Street Picadilly Trafalgar Square and other famous land marks For two days they toured parts of England sightseeing in the Shakespeare country with their tour party of 23 travellers mostly Americms from almost every state in the union The second country they visited was Holland sailing from Haswick to the Hook of Holland to Rotter dam The Hague Scheveningen beautiful seaside resort and Am sterdam One of the most startling things about Holland for them wereall the bicycles They wgre shown the place where thousands of Jews were massacred by the Germans duringsbhelstiivar From HulkInd they travelled to Germany where they found parts of the country still very depressing after the war They visited VCo logne and war cemetery and saw many bombedpuff towns and cities before arriving in Bonn the home of Beethoven and capital of West ern Germany The castles on the Rhine and German cafeswere sumo be high spots of their stay In country which included trips to Weisbadeu the US1Ar=my and Air Force base and to Heidelberg and through the Black Forest Their trip then took them across the Danube and the GermanSwiss border to arrive in what became their favorite European country Switzerland The mosl fabulous place inall Europe dcording tc JoanirvisuLocamo 0n the Swiss Ilalian border which is Itab with mountains Lake Lucerni sparkling With reflected lights the magnificent mountains of Switzer Heres mountains and passing through RoIrIcoandg the rst Juliet Verona and laduzi leong ideal climate and hat the country was the Ir sll cuutifui spot in the whole world llIlleiigIt they returned to Can do Ihoruughly convinced that here was no place in the World Ike thclr native country From Swllicrlurul they truvellcd Italy for the first warm weather their travels going through the In their big tour bus Mussolims uutustrasse They lunched one day In Milan and law the citys wonderful stonu lacework cathedral and Leonardo Da Vlncls Last Supper before arriving in Venice That was one if themany cities where Marilyns and Joans pedal pushcrs created plite sensation The Doges Palace the Bridge oil Sighs St Marks Cathedral thcl Ido Beach swnnming In the Adrls itlc Son gondola rides all were highlights of their stay in Venice before travelling on to ludua and through theAppenlmc Mountains Bologna and Florence There 1th strapped along the Pontc Vccchio and were very impressed with the Medici Chapel On the trip 10 Rome it was so hot that Mar llyIIs chiclcts melted in her purse they reported But they remember the thousands of silvergrey olive Irecs on the hillsides all the way in Rome and the bounty of Perul in and Arrczzo and Assisi The highlight of Joans visit was to Rome where she attended pup diu the United States Canada Ar Ibin Denmark and Sweden They saw the Panthedn Sistine Chapel St Peters the Church of Santa Morin Mngulorc tle Coliseum the Appian Way and Circus leximus the ancient church of St Peter in Chains St John Lutcrnn and all the fountains of Rome but all in the midst of vcry hot Italian summer Travelling on to Pisa they drove along the Mediterranean coast to Genoa and the Italian Riviera to the Cote DAzur where they swam with bikiniclad Europeans at Monte Carlo and at Cap dAntibes and stopped in Nice and Cannes The vivid yellow mimosatrccs the blue blue sea tirejblue sky rind the snowcapped Alps in the background was the most beauti ful sight wchad seen yet remarks Joan Touring up through France to Paris they stopped in Avignon and Vichy on the way before leaving their tour to join their Pansian hosts The strike that was on in Paris for most of their stay was very exaggerated in the news papers as far as they could see and with car to travel around in they were hardly inconvenienced at all Staying at St Cloud about 10 miles outside the city they were able to travel in every day but missed all the summer heat In Paris But we were never so excited throughout the whole trip as we werie when we came into Quebec harbor on Monday morning and saw the Chateau Frontenac Even the night before sighting New foundland was very exciting All over Europe they vowed thatthe first thing they would do when they arrived home would be to buy great big hamburger and some apple pie with ice cream But they gfaphed with Toronto Canada companion right at thei beautiful Rhine Falls in Germany during their summer Eur was also good audience mg with pilgrims opezm tour The two Barrie girls docked in Quebec City onlwhen would say something In from South AInIricaGermany1n Monday after more than two months travelling through French and the People would not MISS MARILYN KERR left hoped and Miss Joan Saso photo Great Britain and five continental European countries BDC Eye Columnist Describes Visiles Inlerprovinciales Trip Introduces Guest from Quebec missed more than that about Can ada We take everything for granted is their realizationafter seeing people less fortunate countries Pd TAKES BRIDE gro nun When Dr Keith pavey of To ronto begins work for the New foundland Dental Clinic project of the Junior Red Cross he will have as his amistant hisvbride of few weeks They were married just prior to his graduation from the University of Toronto During the next year their interests will be concentrated on the west coast of Newfoundland They will visit many fishing villages with float ingclinic The dental projectls financed by Juniors of Newfound land and Ontario TRY AN mnER WANT AD PAINT ROOM WITH WW run THE PRICE rwo PAIRS or NYLONS The following article wrltlt ten by The Examiners BDC Eye columnist Lorna Cunl ningham describes her rcccnh trip to Quebec through the Visites lnlerprovlnciales plan and introduces her French speaking guest Solange Mont grain who is visiting her in return in Barrie In the Pro Vince of Quebec the Barrie girl learned great deal more about the French language and her visitor is now Learnng to converse fluently in English drey Gilpln spent month in the same town Another Barrie student Bev erley Westman did not travel to Quebc this yea but had as her guest for month at her home in Tollendal 15 yearold Montreal girl Nicole Beaudry who was here from the middle of July to the mid dle of August Next summer Beverley is going to make return visit to Montreal By LORNA CUNNINGHAM Wen Im back although rath er reluctantlyi My twoweeks in Sorcl Quebec were all that had ODORS ruin tic with Susi Sun School Boards SOLANGE MONTGRAIN Quebec Hostess Both the hostess and her guest are 17 years of age and have been writing to each other for several months before their exchange visits To further interprovincial relations the visitor from the ueighbuilg province is IIIking her hostess to go to Quebec for the Christ mas holidays and learn little more French Two other Janie District Collegiate Institute students visited in Quebec this summer on the same exchange plan Karen Gray spent two weeks in St Joseph about 60 miles this side of Quebc City and Air BANANA CAKES CAKES COOKIES ems our CAKES HOT MEAT PIES axons anIGHNUTs Buns pro Home made Brand Institutions Householders wnY BE WORRpr WITH SEPTIC TANK and VOUTHOUSE TROUBLES Susi Sufiiodem chemical product will eliminate offen sive odors liqulfies in days Guaranteed to work DISTRIBUTOR Fred Watson 49 Essa Road PHONE 6598 BARB In If to say the Ecuzi As lord tile people Were 30 md free and any ti so patent when to Spa chllfl The French new seem tL Worry and fury take life as It curries ifle that some of us ought to develop Thenr lift 25 not zoo dlflftll tram ours but Etherc are some Ilffcfclltts flat found aerv acrecable From Aug ii to Aug 13 lthe tirnc uf my life because 1hr 2was urzleihlrzg doing excry rnznutc and nevir dull muzqu ncvcrl ghad lung to bc lltliltciick much for lmy purer l1gl25cl Not that ldid wry much sightseeing 35 and beforcmtizerc was never la dull minute The first few days was there WAS Lilnur sea The Frcnch speak 11Ckly that really didnt even recognize the language Gradually managed to pick out words and thgn phrases that know but find to ask them to speak more slowly and daslIncILy Ihd have tendency to slur over their words as we do in Engluh andl and of course the younger sci u5c5 grout deal of slung Above all found that my chief difficulty was my limited vocabu lary but that Is one rcnsun why went to Quebec tU Increase Ill vdcnhulury and did just that very hopefully took fl French Engllsh lzctionzrry wrth Inc Ind Ii first looked up the words that could not understand or did not know but found that was not saying very much so away went the book and started on my own would not say that my dictionary didnt helpqu because Ive had many good laughs over it Some of the French meanings for English words were rather IIpIozIrIous and the French nevcr use them lilil vice verszl also found that there is difference in the pronunciation of words Some words are pronounc ed enirrcly different from what we are taught but the reason is that we are taught Parisian French This difference in pronunciation many laugh understand me did not do very much sight seeing but did manage to visit Montreal three times and saw that much things rather dlIfICllIl fl lung to fire will my ldlLdLth me Excryxiuzg upon the prompt of Quebec Idsclflklrd and to be trunk did not want to icavel The more wrlst about and sire lonesome get but 3231 wry lc2y renundcr of trap will the and she will stay 11 81 until Sept brcncbdpcuing Guest Sillllgc Montgroin Is 64 of bubbling and bouncing Ercnct Curindi girl Soimrgc Is Cllitff responsible for my month time Surcl nnd vhcn you golf to know her you will realize why taxi thought tho of French people Vert dark but So Liflgv does no burr out this be =qu because hc Bun grccn and olondc Ildlt Mon dune vv mun In Sorel and Llllillilcil tin convent there for ll yenrr Lo your however she went to an lsn convent Sueztaping fol mprcm her English but She slay cd only four months irzil then flu 5IltiI her your In Solul Since fourth form It the end of their high school Sulangc nuw fancy true but not for long This January she will gt to another convent If merovc her linglmh and to take an advanced business course As So lnngo says If person wishes fill advance In the business world It is almost essential to spunk both English and French Illr invorIic sports are tennIs swinumng hunting and skirtingvl us you see she Is qmlc uni Ithlclic girl tlIc Sorcl Tennis Club and must say she Is no mean player for she boats me all hollow ller hobbies are lillfIlllg VllllllL joking those French jokes hockey and basketball as spectator Oh yes she docs try it little boogie on her ninno Like other people In Sortl one doesnt seem to worry Innl luch life Is It comes She very friendly and tunloving girl BIionil loft Barrie said Just give me two weeks and wrll know something about Sore Well lmvg seen Sorel and now think that could say came saw and conquered some things that Is My two weeks there certainly helped my French increased my vocabulary my speed of writing and speaking French and gave me better knowledge of the French people had the must among other things Belmont Park an amusement park similar to Sun nysidc of Toronto Mount Royal McGIll University and the city of Montreal In general For me It was really thrill to drive along the St Lawrence winch is very attractive by day and simply beau tiful ll night with the lights shin ing on the water will not at mzuvellous trip and wouldnt have missed II for the world We FUNNY FISH LOUISBQURG NS iCI Fish dealers Herbie opkins and Billy Gallant found alalll1liln fish In their ice house About feet long the fish had jaws which curl ed into an enormous leer MAGAZINES Ladies Home Journal for good only tillVOclober Let us handle all your renewal where Plan now to give magazi Just arrived KELIIEY 24 Granville St In your own home just call 3644 Barrie CARDS SPECIAL OFFER 20 months $460 30 months $700 saving of 12c per copy over single copy price This of 1953 offers same price guaranteed magazine for everyone business or pleasure mulled any nc subscriptions for Christmas CHRISTMAS cIIIIIIs an entirely new and attractive assortment of Christmas greeting cards and novelties much larger and more complete line to suit every iasie See them before you buy order now pay in December If you wish to see our line of samples ighlcf Mrs yer for llSl Will littl and his Zil Solnngc belongs till KNOCK Recent Visitors Recent vfszzors IvlcCorrlston was Mr nod 32 Ted Blair and and fondly Toronto With Relatives Mrs Bowman Sr spent If ILW days lust week with her dau Ilouurd and fulll zit Gfftlfcl Lulu Tommy Howard returned Iumu Iih Ills cranllmolh tic coilszns Mr and Mrs Allen and family Francis Limo spasm the weekend Willi Alien Kc returned home wtr iium Iitcr pruning purl of the summer Mil ILS uncle Attend Weddlng Mr and Mr ALIcn attended the Vncnzim Alien Wedding 11 Nowrnznkct on Saturday The bride vuh Anne Allin more of Mr Allen Visited Ilere Marian null vvuilncc Black vin cd Ii Shannon during the week Ella Kclccy IsILId her grand mother Mrs Ford InIi other rel atives Il GrIufcl lust week CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING PHONE 2414 Plastic Linoleum Rubber TILE INLAID CONGOLEUM LaId by EXDCYI Prompt Ser vice Runnable Prlcu For Further Information Cull FEBBIISIIII REID 13 Melinda St Barrie Phone 2613 or 6262 so extra fresh clean and bright TflidnkfioodnessYou Girls Told Me AboIIi Better SANITONE Dry Cleaning Now everything own ls Sunlione Dry Cleaning Really Does Get Out Al the llirll Yes our customers tell us we work miracles they never Try us today 88 Dunlap St East thought possible Original likenew feel and nish re stored colors and patterns revived perspiration odors and stins removed all with never trace of cleaning odor And put better press lasts longer See for yourself wmnn ELEANEIIS LIMITED Barrie PHONE 5531 Itcnicr Phone 3644 WE HAVE within All filllIirIi iiIIIeIIsuII SIllllLlllll F0 Beauty Patterns in Bright young girls are flocking lo see them Stop by today Sciocr rhe pallern youll cherish always iiill WI illiililll Still Only 17c 2492 loaf WEEKEND FEATURES FRESH APPLE PIE REGULAR 453 when included with the purchase of any obherltem on your own signalurr FAST ismImmune SSOtQSIOIlO without bankublesgcurity Up to 24 months to repay Phono at stopsin for fast friendly serviuo Munewde attritionsmut oralI onch FIEHMMa IN STOCK on 015174 Budget terms arranged Ii inllhmhk MI pawl mono door phone 5529 BARle am launch40WWmm new nals JEWELRY Ensl