Canadian Mouniie May Appear In FIlm Made at Jasper Dorrie Examiner mm mm LODGE it Wm Actors and technicians from Hollyz wood arrived recently at this Canl ladian National Railway5 lodge inf malce movie called flie Far BOB ROY Country it features the 1898 JANE HOPE RUSSEL ROGERS HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE YOUR LAST CHANCE TODAY SAT Lilo mom mailman um AlVIlNlll rim ms LL ANMTRUEIIIE o+ rumour unlit us In Similar beef brought price of sumo per pound delivered on the boot The stars are James Stewart Riitli Ro man Henry Morgan and Waitcrl Brennan This will be the third movie to be made at Jasper National Par larca this year the others werel entitled and TRIGGER Technicolor Lough Treat cou lt SON or PALEFACE 916159 STARTS SUNDAY MIDNITE FIRST BARRIE SIIDon Mitchum and Rory Calhoun andzf the second was Rose Marie slain ring Ann Blyth Howard Keel and Fernando Lamas Two complete Alaska mining towns of tents and log cabins rc plicas of the booming gold rush settlements of ninetyeight have been built in Jasper National Park by Universal International film EVENINGS Evenmg construction crews for use in ll filming of the movie The Far Adults 75c Tax Inc ow Country Matinees 50c Tax Incl Sh 5A One of Children All Times 35c Tax Incl 650 pm STARTS AFTER SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ALSO MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEE MONDAY WEDNESDAY 230 pm Bob Hunter his Band Vocals by Bing Mayor It Slll SDNDIIY MIDNIGHT DANCE Labor Day Weekend Canadas bestknown Mounties may find himself cali ed out of retirement by Hollywood to be law enforcement officer in the big Yukon movie thriller Hol lywood director Anthony Mann has invited Colonel William Han cock of Edmonton retired Asstst ant CommissionerOf the RCMP for the Alberta division to play role in the technicolor production NNY VI 601 1W ON GIN 04 WW II IOU IOIIIM 100 In NH lOID It for mm quu It rIi roam 100 On our tr In UM 00 Slim IOOM silty COLOR CARTOON UNFAMman PORTS Box Office Opens Sun After 1201 am BESURETOM SEE THIS ONE STARTING THURSDAY SEPTIOIh Eve Shows AI650 pm GwaTIERNEY hMOM NEVERLET ME 60 Box Office Opens I20l om ILUS CARTOONA ADDED TREATS Boat Leaving Hayfield Street Dock livery 20 Minutes All Dance Nights BARRIE PIPE BAND DDDFELLDWS TEMPLE WED SEPT pm Proceeds to be used in purchase of uniforms5 and equipment Cards 35 51000 Specials Lobster just south of Barrie on ConcessiOn 14 betWeen highway 11 and new four loner SEPTIES Only he dared face the terror of the monstroushing that suddenly came alivelhreatening to engulf the earth IVAN IORS presenu IIIE MAGNETIC NDNSIErmug RIDIIINDDINISDII fanning King um gain DunnJanna LewisStacean byCmr Siodmk Imimrmdlcubyivui SHOWING ON SAME PROGRAM 5IIBIIIITI DDSTEILD THESE JOY BOYS ARE IN HOTWATER AGAIN IN L217 IIIIIIIEST IlirrIilclll llFllltn SIIIEIIIS World FamoIIs Lion Tamer AUDIE MURTPHY Clyde Beatty IDNIDIIT It SIII 77 World Famous Animal Hunter Frank Buckj NEWS WEDNESDAY SPEIIHI FlilTED SIINDIIY IIIIINIIIIIT gt September OJ convictedand fined $10 plus costs four months definite01itii6 ne of $250 Vincent Mullins claimed formatory and three month in that he had job waiting in North determinate Bay was remanded for trial and al hearing offhe original charger KENT SMITH EYE snows CARTOON lowed to go Henry Shilling Brad and judgment will be heard label lord askedthe privilege of getting and MacDonald was remandeduni roll IIEIIIENS SlillE back toworkwas convicted and til Sept fined $10 plus costs of $2510 with In Color CLIFTON WEBB JOAN BENNETT KEYWINTER we CARTOON the alternative of one dayjail which he took we IIEII TllllD SEPT II II Could Not Remember IIII WEINED BY HIGH mu geon and John Trusscll Gordon Moir charged with care less drivingon July iii following CARTOON LCA Charges gt Under charges of intoxication in an accident stated that he could not recall the details of the accid ANOTHER 315 Kllllllllllllrllllfml am To at 614pm UlllTnlllirmll WNW mums Sims Esrowsamenmz something on the road inst prior to craSh with another carwlien NEXT TIIIIIISIIIII SEPT IDIII lull SEWII Tiles Thu 12 Hampers 01Grnoeries given away each 3310th 38 attempted to turn around It was his first mishap in35 years For Movie MerryGOROUncI Tune in CKBB Each Afternoon oil 540 pm $39 mm Wham ca mm gt yvgt vv iriving Gordon McTurk defending THE DElln 0F lllSURll Wednesday September Magistrate Gordon Foster pre sided with Crown Attorney Thomps TQC The docket was very light and the sitting concluded by 1130 am Reports from officers of both mun7 icipal and district offices indicated thateven criminals found it was too hot to do anything Several Adjournments Some of the cases adjourned for another week were those of Donald Sly Orville Rowe Norman Hovera croft Donald Anderson Carl Slur AND MUSICAL FRANKIE CARL ANDEISH orchestra the accident Mr Thompson however recalls ed that be had told PCM Scragg at the hospital mostofthe portion lars He was convicted andned $100 public place KennethRevine was plus costs of $1450 Conwchon and Remand Ruthven MacDonald wasconyict enrol failing to return toIcourt on Feb IS 4962qu on bail and hail been apprehended in BrunswickNinth been rendered unconscious from AFTER satinyMidnight DANCE SEPT 1205 an m1 brmtm wch swr TNde The at him pointed but that Mair had