Inll MAY 3m proving up on 51138111 ltd MOW the ham turn all his 285 of the Unith Church porter of the 30112181311116 Re is survlwd by No gur Grok of slalomd Grok of Lanarh 3W Jcssie Markle Toronto and his erlUrvU Mrs Elizabeth Broil burst ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced ofE Bernicc May youngat daughter of thirst Steven Bill Belle Ewart and lot late in nut to Crcil Peal Curlt Second son of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Ken Smith Mary Lou and Anita spcnt last Wtka mIXJtd 22301CBZlku Buffalo and Lime Lake N1 Mr and Mn Hum 3921 gFunerol Servico Held REV Mccuaigv of Kingsumrlthodrlngton Barrie announce F0 James OWN spent few days thi it withi eggnl 331 his sister Miss lsabclla ENIcCualgMarian Louise to Joseph McArthI Residen Mdhu and his UlOlhcl George hicCuuig Bringing in Now Anutangwell on Mary Street in 1910 ur Cumming son of Mrs Cumming gt MXoWAithmnZwh 394 Mr and Mrs Ray Gurlcpy and sons Stcphcn and Greg motored to Tlmmins last wcckcnd Mrs Mary Jefferics Rug has returned to Barrio after visiting her niece Mrs Annie St Onge and her glalldrllccus MacDonald of Lockport NY Mrs St Onge has returned with family to Lockport NY alter iting Barrio during Centennial week MARKET PRICES SEPTEMBER 1953 HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Ctroperative Packers of Ontario Barrie 33300 422oo Large 61 Medium 49 Small 28 39 211 Cracks 28 Peewees 12 emoticon Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade ade ode to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Under lbs Special Grade GradeB Grade Capons 2c ovcr the Grade Over lbs 410 lbs Under lbs uunnr than $15000 ll PONTIAC SEDAN 39 BUICK SEDAN 38 PLYMOUTH comm 37 PONTIAC COACH 37 CHEV COACH Buy With Confidence At Dangerfield Motors Battles Lidilgpcst Dealer USED CAR DIVISION 233 BRADFORD ST Dial 4981 You too can produce fluidity Pork at Minimgm osl Pig or sow Its the well de veloped Well finished and well marketed product that brings you lop market prices So start your young rpigs right away on Blotchfords Pig Starter for quick efficient growth High in antibiotics and rich in cssentiol vilpmins its extremely palatable for young pigs Keep your sows too in perfect condition with Blotchfords Sow Ration Make sure of large litter of large welldevelope pigs at birth The biggest of birth are biggest when Weoned and can be marketed for greatest prot Collin had get FREE bookletHog Growersr Guide Learn about the plulchford Way to bigger hog prots PigStart AND IRA WILSON COOKSTOWN Oliver Wilson 15 muasmo Mrs John Fermoily Mrs John lluusc Mrs John Mooney and Mrs Rogerf and the late Mr Hugh Cumming of Detroit Mich Tm marnugc wsll takc place in Colinr St Bapttet Church on Saturday Stpttmbcr 18 1953 at 230 pm mt mammals Wedding anniversary Town and County CTU MEETING The September meeting of the Womens Christian Temperance Union will be held on Monday the home of Miss Rix 52 Clappcrton St Owing to the Labor Day holiday the nitcling Ls being held week later than usual cry one is welcome GoodPrizes Paid Sale Holstein Herd At Oakville Arena dispersal the purcbrcd llol stein hold of William Juckdun Brampton was held Aug 23 at the Oukvillc Sales Arena with 47 llclil bringing total Of $974750 for gLncral average of $23774 Twenty thrcc milking females averaged $258 Five bred hcifcrs $1115 we open heifers 5160 seven heifer cal vcs $125 and one bull $280 The top price of the day was paid by Cooper Palermo for the SIXyCBIOld cow Orrmby Girl Second highest price of the day and the top figure for bred heif er was $875 paid by George Cul ham Stayner Other good pricos secured in cluded $340 paid by Allan Ald crson Hamilton 5330 paid by Frank Belchcr Nashville $330 paid by Robert McParIane Napance $325 paid by Fleet Bros Hartficld Va $325 paid by CCoopcr Pal ermo $35 paid by James Carter Brampton Three head were bought by USA buyers NEW LOWELL Visiting Friends Mr and Mrs Les Woods and daughters Mrs John Gordon and Harry spent Sunday withMr and Mrs Montgomery Nottawu Baby Boy Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Reg Rowe on the arrival of Son in Collingwood hospital Anniversary Services Annivorsary time is here again Brentwood anniversary seniccs Will be held next Sunday Sept at 11 am and 730 pm Airlie United Church will ob serve their anniversary on Sept 13 There will be no service at the New Lowell United Church for these two dates Douch is visiting friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Norman Schell and children Midland visited Mrs Schell on Monday CUNDLES Wedding Bells Wedding bells are still ringing merrily in our community Miscellaneous Shower Congratulations to Miss Mary Frechette and Tony Jarvis who were married recently miscel laneous shower was held in Marys honor Thursday evening at her home Bestwishes of the community go with her when she goes to betI new home in Detroit Michigan In Toronto Mr and Mrs John Mprray an Jimmie visited last week in Toron to Rotorlied Home Mr and Mrs Ken Luttrelland Gail have retumedfrom holiday in Long Island NY Mr and Mrs Ernest sons Terry and Bernard have re turned after visiting for month with relatives in Saskatchewan In Uptcrgrove Mr and Mrs Andrew Cumming Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cumming and family Stroud and Mr and Theo Parliament and family of Beaverton visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs David Drybourgh Uptagrove In Hospital Sorry to hear Charles Miller is patient inRoyaI Victoria Hos pital Hope he will soon regaver from the operation and be home again ReunionAt Owen sound ionto attended PostOrser 11311117 ion held at Harrisons Park Gwen Sound Sunday It was also the occasion of Mn and Mrs Charles Post Berkley California 50m visiting relatives in the Owen Sound district Mislses Emily and June Miller Sadie Hardy who had always Gratiam and September 14 at thch Oclock th BRINGING IN the new artesian well on Mary Street in 1910 Some of those in the above group are Miles Coulson Bill Wyllie Bob Coulson at left and Charles Ross cxmuyor and police magistrate Sam Wesley own er of The Northern Advance James Keenan engineer of the towns works5 and Lott insurance agent and member of the Town Council at right Friends Big Asset ReIief Ship 01 Weekly Editor VICTORIA Sept CPlMrs At Hardy says one needs friends to run successful country news paper and she should know few years ago her husband former sports editor retired as secretary of the British Columbia llurf Club and announced that he Iliad hankering to own Country vcckiy For Greece cicty stated today Ilivcd either in tcouvcr didnt know what coun ltry newspaper was but she was game to find out SO we bought the Bridge River visit here That Was the cold WiII Sail from Halifax Soon When the Greek relief ship Nee Hellas soils from Halifax on Sep tember lith it will carry $21000 shipment from the Canadian Red Cross Society Dr Stanbury National Commissioner of the SO The Assistant Commissioner Ste fan Bjornason has just returned from Greece with first hand infor Victoria outfallmatter on the needs there In some areas the entire population was sheltered beneath tents Blan kets therefore were necessity Listing some of the items which relief ship Dr Stanbury pointed Lillooct News in 1949 she said onWOUld be 50mg forward on the est year Lillooet 120 miles north of Vancouver had seen in 50 years IOI Red Cross clock in the building everything froze When we tried to get the one and only plumberhhe simply said to fix things ourselves He was busy trying to thaw out hisovvn pipes Disaster Relief tember 11 shipment Frozen Press The north wind blew for five solid weeks The press froze solid and wohad to thaw it with electric heaters but we never 1111551 ed an issucv That was my initiation to country newspaper lot of ink has run over the press since then and over me Mrs Hardyreports weddings and funerals records comings and go ings and has folksy column she describes as pure com On press days she helps in makeup room and assists with the mailing sends out the bills and keeps accounts We simply cant keep printers for long she said They drift in to town stay for few months and then go on their way Youve got to have friends when you run country newspaper If you dont you might as well fold up and forget it ThisFunny World plies 10 pots and League on August 26 Mr andMrs Lorne Qrscr To They are visited Colliugvvood last week Docent Visitors Those calling on Martin last Thursday were Mr and Mrs Alan Goodfellow Saskatoon Miss Mary Goodfelbw Barrio Mrs Ferris Hamilton Mrs No ble Mrs Thomson Martin Brad ford Miss Marilyn Martin Leon ard Bseach and Miss Culvert of Bond Read were recentvisuals of Mrs Martin III In Hoopla Sorry to hear Mrs 11 Henry patient of the Royal Violiicia Hospital WORKMEN BIGSTOCK Wc can rcpalr Incmm Womens We had five stoves going round the groups was increasingly compound but still tedin the field of Internatlonal or out that the value of the effort Work 900 Iayettes valued at more than $7000 1665 pairs of shoes worth $5000 2000 blankets valued at1 $8800 will be included in the Sep total of INA011111175 TS MODERN MACHINES rebuild or fabricate machinery to cult your sum to sans by 11 or by the ton mention 11W my 1113131 $57000has been expended to date by Canadian Red Cross for relief in the Greek disaster Canadian Red Cross clothing was first at the scene of the disaster On August 26th $17000 shipment was flown from the Canadian Red Cross stockpile at Geneva containedvsome 24500 items in cluding purchased shoes and cloth ing and bedding and hospital sup This On August 17 ton of canned meat two tons of sugar and other relief supplies half ton of soap 250 items of bedding were flown=via RCAF North Stars Layettes are high priority in Greek relief supplies babies have been born since the earthquake and are without clothv ing 1500 Canadian Red Cross lay ettes valued at $11200 admonit taining 31500 items of infants ne cessities were shipped from the Over 200 BORN NOBLE At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie On Septcmhcr 11133 to Mr and Mrs Sum Noblc1 Barrie 17 Shirley Avcnuc daughter FORBESAt the 1953 to Mr and Mrs Forbes RR Barrio son 1953 to Mr and Mrs can Mary WEB berta Smith McCulloch of Om autumn HELP ing an estimated5000 cans weed growth HARDUP THIEF the benefit of cattle the block at $135 Royal Victoriag Hospital Barrie on September Arnold SHANTZAt the Royal Victoria Hospltul Barrio on September Li 1053 to Sngt and Slulntz Quebec Loop Cump Borden Ontario daughter CLARKEAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio on September Harvey Clarke 361 Codrington 51 Bar ric daughter Jane Elizabeth forumsAc the Royal Victmia Hospital Barrie on September 1953 to Mr and Mrs Birniei J12 RR Stroud daughterl SMITHAt Portage la Prairiel Manitoba on Tuesday September 1953 as the result of polio Ro wife of Leonard Smith and eldest daughter of Mrs Allan Munro formerly Kate BERWICK NS CP Firemen came to the rescue when power failed at fruit cannery here shut ting off water being pumped to cool cans of peas The firemen pumped water into the cooling system sav REGINA CPI Weeds chok ing the cooling water intakes forc ed shutdown of Reginas power house fora short period Wascana Lake is high this year because of abundant rain which increased the KINGSTON Ont CP Some people will steal anything Joseph McEwen reported to police that someone stole block of salt which had been placed in his field for He valued MANSFIElD Improving After Polio Renews Acquaintances he found many changes in time W1 Meeting Mrs Elmer treasurer to relieve Mrs Bates for the present ItoVisits Herc add for many years around Mansfield last week Recent Visitors called on old acquaintances ited us few weeks ago spent last week with and Alliston friends Sunday Here lingwoodi visited on Sunday Mansfield Mr and Mrs Church Services Baby Boy on Wednesday morning Ruth Bates who was seriously lll with polio in the Sick Child rens Hospital in Toronto is improv ing satisfactorily and her parents Mr and Mrs Delmar Bates hope to have her home again before long Gordon Grccr Sault Ste Marie called on his Mansfield friends this vcck It is over 30 years since his last visit to this community and that The Institute meeting was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Gallaugher Ronnie Little grandson of Mrs Shackludy entertained thos prsent with his music on the accordion Mrs Kent Johnston was appointed secretary Delmar John Alden Kirkpatrick whose home has been in Western Can visited the folks of his boyhood acquaintance Another Mulmur boy from Sask last week He was Hamilton Irwin brother of Sibbald Irwin who vis Mrs Martin Thompson former ly of QuAppelle Sask is now living with her sisterMrs Myrtle Young in Aurora Mrs Thompson Mansfield Miss Gertrude Thompson Col in George Gallaugher were at the home of Mr and Mrs Victor Gallaugher Services in the churches here will be resumed on Sunday Septlgdr Congratulations to Mr andlylrs Russel NeWeIl on the arrival of theirlittle son in Alliston Hospital Falls131 scrvzcc was held on 3103 1033 for Lungs of Vcs cw 15 315 31 lzok Lleiung rcszdrnt 2pm Township rxccpl fur jusrs spt catu sp lI fc itllgilly ililzcss Ht inccn SLJULILT from asthma =le LliZS lfld titveiupcJ nophrzlm two years ago Born on Lot on the third con on of Vesprd Tgtvnslp at Mill On July 1880 the dutchtLl was the son of the late W11uglrn and Mary Orok thn Illt ox Vlcto 0214th of thc low yoars ht sptnt BRENTWOOD Home from Korea rccrptiun was held for Ptu Robert McBride the lmmc of his parents Mr and Mrs anncs Mc Brldl Blcntwoutl lhc soldier from Kurca was givvu warm welcome home by IlttlldS and relu tivos of the comnurtilt at an out door evening party Mr Bowins road tho following address Dom Bub is With the great tcst gratitude that we your fulcnds ond neighbors have gathered here ltonight to offer little token for your courageous effort to protect our Quccn and country and home Your tXptlltIlCLS must have been vuricd sumo pleasant and some you p311 no doubt like to 101 got In view of all this we thank God that lie spared you to return home to your parents safely We would like you to know how very proud this community is of na tive son who so willingly went forth in the cause of right We want you to accept this lit tle token from us all and we wish you all the happiness one could wish for God bless you Bob Mrs Reuben florncr with few gold wrist watch cigarette light er and cigarettes and huge box of fresh fruit Rcfrcshments were bring the pleasant close served to evening to MA Threeyearold Everett Krohn pf Medicine Hat with some assistance landed one ofgtne biggest fish of the season at Elkwater Lake pro vincial park He hauled in pike weighing four pounds 12 ounces measuring 28112 inches John Steele srucuit 9112mm TEACHER 6F PIANO and THEORY Post Graduate Work Under Ernest Seltz Dial 2548 137 Maple Avenue EXAMINATIONS JOSE Wtstcrn Canada 66 Turonto Street Barrie Rev Mr Vests of 15111151113 coo duczeu the funeral service at tho IutiuckSrinh Formal 110ml Pain311118 were Frederick Grok of 141113111 John Nixon Ross Noun of Barrie Fulton X124 Burrm Morrszl of Hamilton James Reed LOWS of Brimptun and David Parks of Muharly Interment wan at Barrio Union Conletery Among the many floral tributes were those from tho Womans A8 isocutum of the United Church of Midhurst Third LineVospra neigh bors ltut ktdmrs Station Mtg burs Rclutzrcs 1511 friends from 115 ancc sttthdmg the funeral were and Ffttitllcli Oruk Lanark Dated Parks Msborly Mr and M11 Fulton McMorrun Hamilton Her bert Murillo Tumult Mr and Mrs Johnston Toronto Mrs fier bcrt Orok and Myst sums Torn onto and Mr and Mrs James RoodLew Brampton Vaftce B5 Suptcme ji chosen words presented him with JEWELLERY ESSA RD annals Barrie Business College Phone SPECIAL 9MONTIIS BUSINESS COURSE REGISTER NOW FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AT THE END OFANY MONTH AS SOON AS YOU ARE READY DAY CLASSES BEGINiTUESDAYSEPT Com Principal Momber of The Business Educators Association of Canada USED TRACTORS With Sthndard Equipment Goodrunning order ready for Work every one good buy at those Vspecial prices