rnorfcrm so SAL mercury so am Mlscrtuncous Butcher Among OFFICE TO RENT CAMPING EQUIPMENT Realtors 1706A Avenue 0010333 for not AUTO onus DELIVERY TRUCKS 1939 Diamond Stepin and Drive FARM EQUIPMENT VALUE i=ox SALE Mixed StovewOOd mums mica rnmu smmusu 1953 HELP WANTED WANTED Denver nuck JUNIOR STAFF MEMBER MALE 17 TO 20 Large business firm has an Opening for male junior staff member be tween the ages of 17 and 20 and residing In Barrie Junior Matric ukni desired but not necessary Group Life Insurance Pension Md and excellent opportunity for advancement are offered Reply in confidence to Box Barrie Examiner giving full particulars 1101v103 WAIIRESS WANTED for milk bar Apply Lakevtcw Dairy Ilunlup St Barrie 1102101 DOOKKEEPER accountant rApply Box 64 Barrie Examiner 1102104 aooxxsspsx stcnographcE Ap ply Box 63 Barrie Examiner 1102104 LADY for general housework from 919 hlcsdays and Fridays Phone 5488 1102 WANTEDchale help not under 21 years for Toronto doctors home with four children Apply Mrs McCullocb 20 The Bridle Path RR York Mills 1100102 FEMALE CLERK wanted for drug store Junior matriculation dcsircd Write Box 59 Barrie Examiner llOlIOZ WOMAN WANTED for repair work and tailoring steady employment Wright Cleaners Dunlop St Barrie 1101102 WOMAN for general housework in Marks Nursing Home Collingwood live in or out Nccdcd immediate ly Good wages to reliable party Apply 593 Hurontario Street Col lingwood Ontario 1101105 RELIABLE GIRL Wanted for light duties and excellent care of year old boy while mother works but of town Evcnings and wcckcnds free Phone 2261 1102 AUTOMOTIVE stock clerk for job ber must be crlenccd and know the parts busin Reply in writ ing only Good Wages two weeks holiday and chancc for advance ment Reply held in strict confi dence Parry Sound Auto Parts Box Parry Sound Ont 1102103 WAITRESS preferably experienc ed exoellcnt conditions good ges App Prysons Grill Dunlo West arrie l84thF MAN with car wanted to sell over 250 guaranteed products Small capital required No risk whatso ever Write for details FAM ILEX Dept 1600 Delorimicr Montreal 1102 MEN Write immdiatelyfor full information how to establish pro fitable Rawleigh business You will be surprised at big results othch secure No selling experience no celtsary to start Buy on credit Golden opportunity to build up so lid busincss Rawlcighs Dept 128143 Montreal 1102 OFFICE CLERK female required for steady position in local office Single girl preferred Should have some knowledge of typing and operating adding machine Group insurance benefits 42 hour week Give age experience if anyand at least two written references in written reply to Box 61 Barrie Ex aminer 1101102 PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehlll Drive Barrie Body Conditioning Arthrltlc Treatment remedial exercises Scientic reducing Licensed Graduate Masseur 10 am till 10 pm daily Private Appointments Only Phane 814r11 3070 $2000 REWARDto the party who saw dog killed on BarrieBorden Highway 11 730 am Tuesday op posite Barrie Borden Garage The towardto be paid to the party glvmg mformation leading tdfhe convrctmn of the guilty party Write Barrie Borden Garage RR fBarrle 30101102 aLADY Commuter at Strppd wants accommodation for transportation to Queens Park by 830 am Mon day to Friday Phone Mrs Carter Empire 31211 local 3009 evenings 130102104 MOTHERSYour growing children require daily Iodine ration to help promote good health Give them NovaKelp Tablets which help supply iodine and vital miner nls to the system All drugglsts three slzes 30102 POSITIONS WANTED RELIABLE GIRL desires house work by the day Phone 5241 mam104 30 no crown my mm Fistism minimum 750 ConsecutiveInsertions no Word minimum tile my HIGHEST PRICES FOR DSonp Iron Ketal Batterlac OR NDUSTRIALIRON METAL Dunlop St West Fcrndnlc Phone 811131 or 6487 Special High Price Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Price Paid SCRAP IRON tildes raw fur horsehair feather LEVITS TRADING 83 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone call accoptcd 323tf Barrie Metal Er Salvage DEALERS IN SCRAP IRON METAIB FURS RIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERB LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest price paid Special prices paid delivered Phone Barrio Stupor 2983 820151 m2 98J3 MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 150 Tlffln st 3801530 LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid Free Collection by our own truck McLAUGHLIN Poultry Dealers Allistou Phone Alliston 77W 3671011 WANTED good uscdcutting box with pipcs reasonable Apply Art Dunn Cralghurst Phone Moon stonc 3102 WANTEDSteel box for light dc livery trtlck Phone 4188 3102 Accommodation Wanted DESPERATE uple and two children girl mo 1115 buy years urgently re QUINIOUSC or apartment in or close Barrie with immediate possessio as husband transferred to Barrie and is presently travel ling days per week to and from Gravenhurstugaye excellent ref erences and steady employment Reply please phoneor write BARRIE 84 co Canada Bread to pm or Bill Checvcr BOX 790 GRAVENHURST Phone 74W any time reverse charges 11101103 TO RENT5 or roomed house reasonable rent in town limits Ap ply Box 53 Barrie Examiner 1199104F WANTED TO RENT by electrical engineer two bedroom unfurnish ed house Please write to Box 41 Barrie Examiner 11101102 ROOM APARTMENT or flat fur nishcd or unfurnished for two adults and nine year old boy Rea sonable rent Mrs Jensen 679 Gladstone Avenue Toronto 11102103 APARTMENT or house furnished or unfurnished required by careful and reliable tenants 56 Barrie Examiner or phone Stroud 19r51 11100102 WIDOWER local civilian res ident permanentlycmployed at Camp Borden requires an unfur nished selfcontained two bedroom apartment with private entrance in Codrington or Hillcrest school area for himself 10 year old son and permanent housekeeper Write Box 62 Barrie Examiner 11101103 Apply Box ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD suitable for two girls with all conveniences close tolbus stop Phone 3436 ev enings till 12100102 $500 per single cord DELIVERED PHONE 807111 BARRIE 75011 DRY HARDWOOD $I000 per cord ALLDRED Fergusonvole 79710 FLOOR COVERI NGS Llnolculm and Con oleums size apd by the yar Morboleum and Tile CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS 38 Bayficld St Phone 2843 71le LINCOLN ARC WELDING EQUIPMENT OEverythlng Supplied NUAndrade Sons STROUD PHONE 10114 770108 rug COLORED iFLAGSTONE GRAVEL FILL TOPSOIL DELIVERY ANYWHERE DENNIS MORAN Phone 2907 Barrio 140tf LEARN TO WELD Lincoln Arc WeldingScihool ontinuous Tuition throughout the coming season week course ANDRADE SONS RR No Stroud PhoneI 10r14 7971711 BICYCLE best offer 7100102 LADYS ENGLISH sports model $4000 or Phone 6398 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals re airs Slmcoe Business Machines Toronto St phone 4824 713th LADYS ENGLISH bicycle sports model $3500 or best offer Tel ephone 639B 7100102 NEW MASON Rlsch Pianos used Pianos reconditioned Phone Elmvale 9rll Frank Kennedy Phelpston one mile east of 27 Highway on Con F103 790147F COAL AND WOOD cookstovc in excellent condition with reservoir and waterfront Phone Barrie 2917 7101102 OFFICERS BLAZER RCR crest good condition Phone 2052 7101102 PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite good as new kitchen table and six chairs hall rack with beveled glass Phone 3727 7101102 BOYS BICYCLE English made gears handbrake months old Phone 5805 7101102 CEDAR POLES from 24 ft to 30 ft long for breakwatcrs Price 12c foot Phone 818r2 7102103 GARDEN TRACTOR and imple ments Also Roller pigeons $100 each Apply 109 Penetang Sitretz BARGAINNew heavy alumin umviarc waterless cooking set Dutch oven and quart sauce pans frying pan and griddle Or iginal price $10005 sale price $79 Phone 5341 7102103 BATRTUB on feet new $50 Ile ccss bath $75 new Steel septic tank $35 200 gal oil storage tank $35 Phone 4405 7102 HOUSE TRAILER for sale12x7 fully equipped in new condition Apply Cosy Nook Cottage Minets Point 7102 FOR SALE ANTIQUESWhatmt table sofa grandfather clock walnut cherry and mahogany spool beds small safe washing machines $35 up ice boxes wup dressers chest draws and pboards rockers occasional chairs Vlct 013 and recordsdable chairs buffet oil and coal stove and heaters septic and chemical closets galvanized bath windowsl doors other goods Oakvlow Rid tng School Oakvtcw Beach Phong 104 Wasaga 710210 WILLIS PIANO perfect condition Apply Mrs Mason 12 Wel llngton Street Alliston 7102 FURNITURE suitable for farm home also chicken house and1ots of wire guaranteed clean and reas onable Apply toor phone Wilfred Stewart Left0y 7102 KELVINATOR refrigeratorj A1 shape$l25 234 DuckwortbrlStl02 CRESS BUNIONSALVE relieves fast wear stylish shoes soon Drug gists sell Cress Corn SoIVe too 7192 WHY SUFFER thelony of Rheu mallow Paln Sclatlca Lumbago when Rumaca will help you to minimum 50 woodman 200 ivlth Barrio Welcome relic gist LAWN MOWER $500 St Barrie Mswntms no main chines Ask your Drug 7102 12 gauge Winchester shotgun Aluminum canoe almost new Apply711 13ng do tinned 33313 Mu CI 1mm lac recondl no ry trained 8111 at out rental gton nd Litu ltedlo preempt so 31211 39 ball 19 bn Box BordeBiamluer oil river or want amidst Wanted to yo brim1m 0321711 yDon Bermhllhono 110a 1410141 hone 5057 or 4031 133 Dunlop St Barrie P11 $1250010 room brick home cent rol large lot and hot air beating Terms arranged sumonew brick 10 room In come homor two self contained apartments attached garage conditioned heating by oil lot well landscaped also large gar den well located 5126005 room 11 storey new brick home attached gara full sized basement air con itioncd heating by oil overlooking Kemp enfelt Bay 11 BRUCE REP BARRIE 0042 After hours call 2239 16102 LOTS 66 by 523 on Sunnldale itan $500 Phone 3837 ill1017102 Rooms With Wolf 13 Owen Street Masonic TempIe Co Ltd 11 Robertson 1L McCul Phone 2356 Phone istoclot alrtuuruamsnco apartment Tele kEuphoric 1244 15102 CABIN TRAILER Apply 66 Mlple Avenue Barrie 1541 LARGE BOUSSKEE PING room suit couple or two girls Phone 6298 158911 TWO FURNISHED rooms available now young couple preferred Phone 4886 1501102 LARGE WELL furnished house keeping room Central Adults only please Phone 4098 or apply 160 Collier Street 51x ROOMED house wombmlnsw comes at Mldhurst in room Phone 2736 1610 POSSESSION 30 DAYS low down payment insulbrick bungalow piccc bath hardwood floors rooms central Terms given on inspection only Phone 4022 16102 ROOM brick veneer house 3pcc bath hardwood floors $800000 Im mediate possession Phone 5197 after pm 111101102 SIX ROOMS and bath storcy brick home hardwood floors fire place now furnace This home is to A1 repair throughout Phone 4994 1111001012 BUILDINGS for sale at Camp Bor den 101x20 field offices and 16x 35 cement store Apply Mr Harris project engineers office Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation office Camp Bordon 115102103 NEW ROOM brick bungalow in Barrics new built up area close to new school Large choice corner lot 07xl20 All rooms spacious and bright piece colored tile bath hardwood throughout oil heating Ownor leaving Barrio Phone 6218 after pm 16100102 THREE ROOMS unfurnished or partly furnished all conveniences Immediate possession Apply Mrs Fred chen Crecmore phone 97 111101102 IMMEDIATE SALE of room home with sunroom owner leaving town Apply at 131 Collier Street 1151021013 GOOD LOTS for sale 75x200 all surveyed and ready to build on No Highway on west side about 21 miles south of Allandale Anderson Holly 111102103 IUDACRE FARM for sale hydro closer to Lake Simeon nearabout and town good room housegood barns 22 acres oats Apply Fclcx Przastek RR Stroud Phone 11 ring Stroud 111102103 HAVE SEVERAL inquiries for 100 acre farms Apply Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Tel ephone 2377 133102 FOUR ROOM dwelling close to Town at reasonable price Apply Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Strect Phone 2377 16102 FWD ROOM storey brick dwelling bathroom hydro garage three acres of nd ideal for VLA Apply Ma shall Representa tive Coutts Real Estate Brok er Owen Street Phone 2377 16102 SIX ROOML two storey brikdiVell mg forced hobair oi hogse is in so endld condition and good resi dential area other homes of var ous types to select from Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 16102 SIX RQOM house on large lot landscaped Three bedrooms gar age close to school priced under $10000 Contact Henry Elrick Realtors Owen St Barrie 16102 CHOICE BUILDING lots corner of Cook and Napier Streets all facil tttes Close to school and trans portation Apply 114 Napier St Phone 5337 16102105 $5500 NEW bevelled siding bunga low large living room two bed1 rooms piece tiled bathroom hot and cold running water modern kitchen garage 12x20 lot 60x220 four blocks from school 11 miles south of Barrie landscaped fully insulated many extras Fullprice $5500 Phone 474 Stroud Terms 16102 CHOICE BUILDING lots on Queen Street 6021165 feet water and sewer available Close to Codrington school store and bus service Flookw27 St Vincent St Barrie Phone 4031 16101113 ARE YOU looking for home above the averagetypel We have some ofthe very best homes in Barrie for sole attractive grounds and dcslrable locations Inspection by appointment Contact Henry Elrick RealtorsBarrie 16102 YOU WILL like this or room modern home well loca ed large lot El teen hundred will ban dlc be once as rent We have others See Henrydz Elrick Real tors Barrie 16102 NEW FOUR ROOM Bu alow with bath lnsul clad1nsula hydro hardwood floors inlaid linoleum and bulltm cu boards on Highway 90 miles we of Allaudale Shall down ayment Easy terms Pe Ford 0813 16881 For Solo or 5121101190 SWAP for sixor seven toothed house Allandale distrch or will sell for $000000 150 acres sandy loa some bus slx boomed humid wit hydro If water two baron drive shed situated on plbwed food in winter Two miles to VII Binlo to Camp Butt 1030 outlets mvale hum pickedany isulated heavy duty wiring and water Phone 2134 15101102 ITWO ROOMS completely furnish od bedroom and kitchen Also bed sitting room and kitchenette Phone 6795 15101102 ctr ROOMS furnished or unfurnished Phone 5760 15101102 TWO ROOM accommodation un furnished West end of Barrie Ao ply at 60 Maple Avenue 15102 FURNISHED light housekeepin room very central gentleman pre ferred adults and abstainers Tel ephone 3801 after 130 pm 15101102 FURNISHED or unfurnished win tcrizcd cottage two bedrooms in side conveniences immediate pos session Phone Elmvale 50r14 151102104 FURNISHED bedroom central Phone 4643 15102 FURNISHED bedroom quite cent ral continuous hot water Gentle man preferred Phone 3155 15102 TWO ROOM furnishcdapartmenL Also thrcc room furnished Updlt ment central Box 67 Barrie Ex aminer 15102 FURNISHED housekeeping room very central Phone 6702 or apply 50 Maple Ave 1510 THREE ROOMS unfurnished Ap ply Gillespie RR Barrie 15102 ONE FURNISHED bedsitting room central location Phone 3275 15102 ROOM FOR one more with young women in newly finished basement apartmdnl in the sixplex near Cod rtngton Street school on bus line Box 66 Barriejxpminer 157102 FURNISHED ROOM for rent Gen tleman preferred Phone 4102 ev enings 15102103 TIIREE ROOMED apartment fur nished and heated also light house keeping room furnished Adults Central Phone 5082 15102 FOR RENT Bright furnished room suit nurse or business person Abstaincrs only Close to bus stop Also garage for rent Phone 3510 15102 FULLY FURNISHED one room apartment with private bath My ried couple or two girls preferred Also another furnished room board optional Phone 5470 15102104 SLIGHT htiusekeeping rooms fur nished Adults only Phone 6483 15102103 TWO LIGHT housekeeping rooms furnished Adults only Abstain ers Phone 3919 15102 FURNISHED bedsitting room kit chenette and bedroom Oil heating Abstainers adultszaflale Tel ephone 3808 15102103 TWO TRREEROOMED apart ments unfurnished Phone 4036 or evenings 2971 Adults only 15101102 NICELY FURNISHED large bed roomgwith separate beds in nice home Suit two gentlemen Board optional Abstainers Phone 3834 15101102 THREE ROOMS furnished or un furnished apartment separate en trance modern conveniences Avaablc immediately Write Box 377 Creemore or phouc Creemorc 4411121 15101102 FURNISHED two room bachelor apartment completely equipped kitchen wrth Frigidaire Would suit one or two business or pro fessional people Phone 3371 15102 UNFURNISHED larg shod room and kitchen equip 15101102 am comm snows um um mommies Barrie Tent Awning Co Phone 4311 Bayeld 91 5681417 PAINTING DECORATING Interior and Exterior Prompt service to all inquiries Work guaranteed ARNOTI WALTON Phone 671 141 Collier St v578ll7 FLOOR COVERING Rubber and Asphalt T110 plane Wall Tile Materials Supplied aha Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 10 Maple Ave Phone 5185 563442 CONCRETE TILE Weeping 12 18 Culvert 24 30 36 Well Tile Septic Tanks LORNE SOMMERS RR Barrie Phone 855r5 5991001 For Job Well Done Call JOE BREWER Phone 3228 Remodelling Roofing Alterations Cupboards Gyprocing General Building ESTIMATES ON REQUEST 525 Lawrence Parry Electrical Contractor IWater Heaters OII Burners Water Prssur Systems Phone 3896 Barrie 599IUIF WERE AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE McCartney Sons CONTRACTORS CONCRETE sidewalks driveways barnyards etc EXTERIOR srucoo BLOCK LAYING Moderate Balsa Prompt Service Phone move 53 Cottect or write FREE ESTIMATES NO JOB TOO SMALL 589128 FOR PLUMBING reairsyand instal lations Phone Miller 4911 5100 FURNACES and Chimneys clean ed Robinson and Orr phone 4333 597103 IF YOU WISH any type of garden ing done please write Robert Streahorn Staynr RR Fees 51 per hour 598102 CABINET MAKER cupboards showcases built Free Vestimatcs Phone 5105 Dibley 361 Cod rington St Barrie 5100102 TREE Trimming and removing Free estimates given 121193 3717 5961021 DRESSMAKING toys made Rea sonable Apply Mrs Wilcox Apt Blade Manor Cookstown Tel ephonq 110 5100102 SIGNS Truck Lettering gold leaf window lettering Lunda sled phone 6482 55811 EXPERT rangette sink and cupboards also nicely furnished bedfotmx with light housekeeping privilegePhobe 6342 15401102 IW0 COMPLETELY modern fur 111511911 how for rent One four bedrooms one two bedrooms Oil beatinguE Wilson Shanty Ba 15091 GARAGE for rent syllable to busmess or storage approximatcly alxw stora room upstairs En trancc on plc Avenue Apply Carroll and Company or phone 2253 151011 IDEAL for Camp Bordens Service mans faultly6 room masonry c611 severy city convenience Phonic Kama Toronto 151004 YOUNG BUSINESS woman Would like one or two girls to share self contalned apartman All carver fences central location 54 Born Examiner ritun VEGETABLES NW TOMATOES forsale 25 cents bat ket or 3100 bushel Bring onto nonunion Harry Vernon 99 $3011 Stroud at the railroad crop 201 BITCHES APPLES for sole wind Willy St Vincent Street 2910340 5156 to COMMERCIAL DAWSON Choice sample FURNACE AND Chimney Closu lug repairmg also brick and car gentry work done Apply Baton rinkle 132 Mary St hone 6328 5490110 lucinoco Oppounitlol WE HAVE mortgages ranging from $30000 upwards on farm lands Tthe mortgages are top quality aregepaid on montth basiscarry good rate of interest and or diluted at very interestlugdls carrot All on ulrles will betreot ed confidentlny For further in rmation contact Donald Chrls tian owner Lake Simcoc Homes Properties Jacksons Point Ont swell EBAY HATCKBRY match have few started chicks A31 us for 1151 Taking for mitts Order your OctoberoNowmber brodlers now also hill Copeland BR Baotou 399m 553332 gem cars RGISTERED N0 Finder 24102 Very low floor Recond tioncd motor 1047 Mercury 14 ton Pancl Best offer by Sept10 will take either of these tnicks LAKEVI EW DAIRY ISIOOJOS CASH CASH FORYOUR CAR IN FIVEMINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford 8t Phone 5430 13109 CORBY MOTORS LTD bl USED CARS 1952 Pontiac Coach very clean 1952 Ford Fordor radio overdrive like anew car 1951 Prefect Four Door 1951 Ford Tuddr radio 1950 Ford Fordor 1950 Pontiac Coach 1949 Ford Fordor 1947 Monarch Tudor 1946 Pontiac Coach LOWER PRICED CARS just few of these models left on our lot $5000 Down Payment Easy Terms on the Balance USED TRUCK BUYS 1952 Bed Pickup 10 ton 1952 For Panel 15 ton 1951 Ford Pickup ton 1950 Ford ton with Dump Corby Motors Ltd Steele St at NO II Hwy Phone 5481 13102 1931 PLYMOUTH In good condi tion Phone 2512 111101102 37 PONTIAC SEDAN $125 cash 108 Henry Street between and pm 13102 1040 MER URf SEDAN in A1 con dition ill trade on 1936 to 1940 balance by cash or terms Phone Barrie 843112 or ElmVale 141r23 113102103 40 NASH CAB in good condition $25000 Apply Harts Garage 13102 38 CHEV coach $250 36 Chev coupe $60 44 Chev tow truck whceldrive 200 1121 chain saw 3150 Parts or all makes Cash pald for cars West End Used Cars and Wrecking Phone 811r15 Ferndale 13102 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO YEAR OLD grade Holstein heifer TB tested and vaccinated fresh withtcalf at foot Apply RWlllson Angus Phone 831112 9101102 19 WEANED Yorkshire pigs Eat ing well thrifty Phone John Kezyk Thornton 10r22 9101102 YOUNG SOWS open Yorkshire English cross purebred Excep tionally gOOd breeding stock Hubbert Lefroy 9012 9101102 REGISTERED HERD of Herefords including open heifers and import ed bull herd accredited Appl Gordon Mason Stroud Phon 43r3 9102103 RIGHT WEANLING pigs=A pl to Dfdfcher RR Bradford cl phone 57114 Bradford 9102 20 WELL STARTED pigs weeks old Apply to II Alford Minesing Phone 932 9102 REGISTERED TAMWORTII sows for sale Phone 23121 9102 HORSE FOR SALE quiet and reli able to work Forparticulars ap ply Mrs Thurlow Phone 31 Elmvalc 9102 10 comm started pi Ap ALeslie No 90 Higlfway atp saleel bride Phone 8341121 9102 YORKSHIRE sow pigs 6weeks old Apply Downey Mine smg 9102 17 PIGS for sale weeks old Ap ply Powell and Sons RR Ear 118 Phone 8454 after pm 9102403 SEED FEED SEED arr free from cockle and other weeds Phone 2172 Btu1e 10101102 seed wheat Io09118811911 and treated erry Ad phongjtl Barrie RR ams 104401102 Cornell 595 eat cleaned treated and baggd 35 per bushel N051 cbmmercial 00 Phone Maple Farms Brad program 10102106 Lasts rouuo LOSTPomeranian brown pop at Glenhaven Bench Wednesday night No identification Answers to Sandy Liberal rewardPhono Barrie 4404 or Webb Gln hnvn ueach 22 irlozios dresser lost between alnswlck and Palm Beach on hauty Bay Road Apply Ped out green eyes extra toedfront please phone 315 luvrsrocxwiursc WANTEDCitric for ve tog also saw young brood ng ewes nKuapplMlncslncfM delivered 27 Well PM lei Ont 17102 1102 MISSING since Monday dark grey FAR ABOVE THE PRICE USED TRACTORS Great Bargains See Ad on page CORBY MOTORS LTD Tractor Division Phone 3095 Steele St 30102 mm MILKER UNITS All makes available cxcc 31 values These milker units in 111 condition and new parts replaced when needed You must see these bargains to appreciate them BARRIE FARM SUPPLY Market Square Phone 2982 3968107 PAPER CUTTING box for sale 13 compcltc with pipts Apply Howard Partridge Phone 1155rl2 39102 KRAUSE HYDRAULIC tiller slightly used fit Ford or Ferguson tractor reasonably priced 1951 Ferguson tractor with 90 day guar antee excellent condition Graves Brothers Ferguson Farm Equip ment 305 Bayflold Street north of WOOD FOR SALE SOFTWOOD Slabs Body Hardwood Softwood $12 cord Hardwood $22 cord Cut and Phone 0567 6101106 EASY EXTRA MONEY IS YOURS Sell NameOn Christmas Every day assortnrcnts for highestcom 11115510113 Ovcr sixty salestested items terrific customer up Uncquallcd Christmas values eluding 25 card Prize Assortment Goldn Christmas Velvet Madonna Ducts Surprise Currier and Ives CanadianScencs Appealing Ever day religious humorous car Personalized cards stationery nap kins Gift Wraps Kiddies Christ masstocklngs Popup books Bible stories paint books ribbonsb gift cards Write for complete cata logue samples NOW Print name address clearly NameOn Station ery Company Limited 1A Room Yonge Street Arc de To ronto 499118F and NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is hereby given pursuant to The Trustee Act that all Credi tors and others having claims against the Estate of Robert Med Coulson late of the Town of Bar rie in the County of Simcoo Car penter Deceased who died on the 15th day of June 1953 are request edlo send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of September 1953 after which date the Execu tors wrll distribute the assets of the Estate having regard Only to the claims of which they then shall have notice and will out be resgonsrble for any others STEWART ESTEN Barre Solrcttors for the Execu 96102F AUCTION SALE Friday September llReglsterd and grade Holstein cattle auction sale for Gilbert Knight and Sons Lot Con Vespra on townline between Plus and Vespra on Coun ty road between Highways 26 and Sale 812 pm Terms cash ifilly Coughllrl Auctioneer 101103 ursday September 317 Archie Plfcr Lot 16 Con 7Sunnidale on Sunnidale Road miles south of Sunmdale Corners Auction Sellout Farm Stock and Implements Sale aAtlettlcprl DSIT TermsCash amcerk 1m auctioneer Jeuy cough M5 The last Column Continued from page one out knowing anything about the story they can rhoquite funny if nothing else Sonicexamples and these are from one of the better class Americans editions go like this Papas life was like mr maid no matter how beautiful on top there was always something fishy underneath That one dilly Heres one that could coma straight from Hollywood Darlmgg she said Ivehever found it necessary to be faithful toany of my husbands Really ele vating stuff this isnt it Then there was the one which went To the naked eye she was nice ens ough girl unless the eye belonged to man whod been around Guess its about time got all those travel stickers off my portafble typewrih er Bow abouttbla one fHer shud dermg breath toldhim everything he wanted to know Maybe she had asthma After thainilunk gt1 bettcr pull out of here until next week the heatth liegoing for met 102105