Heat Continues Rain This Morn Minor Relief The first shower since Thurs day Aug 27 fell this Inan and the past two nights have been Ilcepablc but 90 was shown yesterday with 68 through fart night in part The general summary for this part of Canada is above normal temperatures for some time Workers in the outdoors have gi been carrying on nobly in cun gm the UL DH motion with daily bread and milk to say nothing of soft drinlui and ice and many Oth ers indoors have been suffer ing in silence 31 chefs bakers dry cleaners sinkers printers etc Temperatures were High 87 87 89 82 90 89 90 legion Win Barrie District laurcls Barrie Legion made their conquest of the Barrie dgtgict senior softball championship as convincing as their fin in first place through the regular schedule cameronl Losers of only two games all season the Legion polishedl off Canadian General Electric four games to none With one game tied Wednesday evening as they aired out 43 victory at Queens Park the end of bestinseven final Th Legion now wait for the winner of the BradfordZFen Dells tussle 1n the South Simone championship finals before attempting to cop the senior crown and the beautiful CKBB Trophy Bradford leads the bestinflve series 10 with the second game tonight at Fennells One Game Away Dangerfield Generals Edge The pitching continued to hold up for Barrie Dangerfield Chuck Edward and Doug Generals as they battle in the bestinfive north divisionl ffricflsigwrfhigpmgrz 1112115 of thestiuth Simcoc Booeboll Leagiic ground mm mans John Ltlcltle who turned the mighty biwud Rcdmcn in 103m mod mm slde out in the serniIuiuls produced brilliant twohitter oracle to drive home on Wednesday night to scrape Everett Maple Leafs 32 at Agrix Rimbetimhxg at cultural Park and give Iimnagcr George Bouchey 20 mar ow mm bass on me May The thltffnlb C4 advance to the Ta Vtmu Wiriumg um South Simone lcguc Iorugbzl lreli 331 When 4211 11 111o 1211113 11 mouthful WWl Hillle ms mini em they Linc fourth tzlt Will be 335 393193 mu vzuw nun Monday thmg pram grounded lo short but the wins anozlm tubular diamond mm iwm Sud and 00d made the Ma if fbllllizj szonlng up pixva Lackx W115 powerhouse to fit Admc Leafs lfc fanned 13 batters over Uh 41L the vcri frames and walked titre 11111 whim ml runs ugamsl him were couple of 2111 211 111 ILgnt plotcs unearned v11 331 111 in 11 11 11 Jmkm mum gm walked two Willl 111 Gcmtrois In from 34 and struck one butter He gave up In the suvcuth 1111 11113 f1lonc curried run fivcrcu itlcmplcd rully 1m every Doug Coulsou and John Reid with opportunity offcrcd Luckio Innl hm hm ouch paced the Generals Ire1 ll Jltrnkzns to open 324111 mum Jenkins and Heath lric inning 1119 got Lndlow on strik crlrlml collcclcd 1310 lone hits 011 at but two 1111111111 ulzllls iccounil LadJ2 Ld for one run lllfl plocvd runners Evcrcll on socoud 1ud liurd Arthur EliciBurziu gent who 51111111 in the opencul Umpires Sutherland went down on 511sz us Lackic plulc Clarence Hoggart base pouch everything in bud ucross Bowling League Meet Tuesday The mens Barrie Bowling League annonnecl meeting of the executive tum captains and 11 Interested players nod sponsors will be held Tuesday Sept at the Bowling Acade emy starting at no Any bowlers anxious to com pete in the group this season fond not yet located on team are advised to attend this meeting or else leave their name at the Academy Tournament Afler several years absence from the scene at the Barrie Country Club the caddie 1841019 champion shiptoumamenl was held Thurs day The event was started just as the Second Great War broke III 19119 Art Powell current mens champion won the opening honors 11ml season and Jack Nixon 1952 mens champion captured the trophy in 1940 But the event was cancelled dur ing the remainder of the war and this season professional Charles Kearscy saw bright future for the caddie honor Ihero is DISSIblllly that Clydcg Top gross Over the first rune was Cameron who fired gross 106 to carded by Bill Van Goal and Steve emerge as caddie champion willlMIirphy was top of the second eventually capture the mens title nine in the future He will have his Everything Ready For National Air Show in Toronto Canadas position as one of 11131 worlds leading air powers Will be underliva Sept 19 11 the National Air Show in Toronto This your the Nlllllrlllll Air Show performs double function Not only will be the show Window of Canadas aircraft industry but Vx 111 oilnl 1a RAD lrwonx It 11111 115 uliihlllil obscrvluicc by Canadians 01 A1 111 Bf owns and optrates 10 Douu Bibby Won the best not radio sliinns Clllf0VS bout 1930 01 dv Iiamc engraved on the trophy In past years the RCA 11010 Sid 11vtr tn first 111111 111 Charles person pilvatc owners operate an lsd ho ismall scattered on shows all own Ld on talk lllt llbl ovci 11101130 sinuous cmploy about 3700 to Cameron was Mike second 110 count 011 lucloccnsmn r1 my IS conccu raw Legion didnt fold as most obscr strikes to squelch the threat vcrs expected them to do when our Snache showed signs of weaken hurlcr Leo 111b1ne left the mound ing In the third with two out Cec stuff for home Playing coach Stcvc took Bill Raycraft and Jock Tum Hines struggled through the final bull singled in succemron for two two games of the set with Ron Bir runs to knot the score 33 But his and Johnny Snaciie boll claim Snachc grew stronger after that and ed onerun decisions only allowed two more hits over Iiadian General Electric with the remaining Ouflfslngs backs against the wall made CGE 113 terrific stab at prolonging the llUlChlnwn 53 3b playoffs They were missing out L33111131319111 35 fielder Bob Plait for the Illlll ef gOOl 23 fort but pitcher Bill Ruycrafl was illcm IJ brilliant in defeat Tumbull Raycmfl was nicked for two of glChvirdsfn lb his teams losses but should have louy emerged from the series with two Mammy rt Low 60 61 61 62 59 61 63 Murphy with Jerry Murphy plac ing third Best not of the day was register ed by Paul Rogue Bob Cameron was second and Ron Noble third 28 Aug Aug Aug 30 Aug 31 Sept Sept Sept 11 victories and one defeat He had Emsbm 1f victory in his grasp in the second my rt Second 4xwvaz um roomy wwrbWuEMwdmbivw kuezkirmw duccd game of the series but two unearn ed runs 10f him escape with tie instead And Wednesday evening the big fellow limited Legion to seven hits but the latterswinning run was un earned The teams were locked 33 in the fifth inning when Pal Wana maker with one out beat out bunt Twopascd balls to catcher Jack Turrrbull allowed Wanamaker to reach third and Steve Hines brought him home with 11an league single over second Those are the breaks that prevailed Raycraft throughout the series The Legion nevertheless were full value for their sweep They were well balanced had terrific hitting power and behind the pitch ing of Labinc presented rugged foe But Labinc couldnt have pro any more than Johnny he did for the final win he was touched for eight hits but for the exception of two fram es kept them well seattercd and proved very tough in the clutch Snaahc was never behind duo to firm firstinning footing pro vided by shortstop Doug Kettle who blasted his second home run of the series this time with two mates aboard Wannamaker and Hines both singled with none out and Kettle powered on outside pitch in the leftcentre field slot for 30 mar gin CGE progressed from the rear in the second and third innings Jack Turnbull lined scorcher to Wan amaker in left which tooka bad bounce on the fielder and sailed for homer with none on Murray Richardson then followed with triple but Snache retired the next three men in order the last bwu on Ladies Softball Entries Scarce Capaco Trophy There is strong possibility that no competition in the ladies divi of the Simcoe County Copaco lly playdowns will take place season The Barrie Recreation Committee have announced that Barrie Greer Aces are the lone entry Newmar ket Dixons requested entrapce but the Committee wish to leave the Trophy for the purpose donated to the Simcoe County teams However the Committee has ex tended the deadline for team en tries to the ladies division in hopes that Stayner Elmvale or Edgar may compete The new deadline is Friday September If no opponent appears for Greer Aces the trophy will remain in thehands of 1952 winners Midland Merchants OOOOGCHOO Legion Wanamaker if Hines 2b Kclllc ss Bowen rf Ihurlow 3b Hardacre Perry 1b Thompson of occoocwNwm cowcwcmmmm 041 300 010 Runs batted in Kettle Hines Turnbull Double Thurlow Triple Richardson Home run Kettle Left on base CGE Legion Struckoul by Ruycraft Snache Walks none Umpires Herb Dymcnt plate Bill Hare basc BOND HEAD Mrs Kennedy Kenneth Mary and Linda visited friends in Osh awa last week Visiting Here Mr and Mrs McLean Detroit visited Mr and Mrs Cardy McLean last week Miss Marion Burton Hillsdale spent few days with Miss Mildred Reynolds Mr and Mrs Joseph Noble and Linda spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Tyson Noble London Mrs Mina Colwll Mrs Bert Colwell Ted and Irwin Bowman ville visited at the Bradley and Sutherland homes last week Recent Vlgltors Recent visitors at the Immeth Mr and Mrs Josph Noble includ ed Walter Evans Detroit and Mr and Mrs John Batchelor and Wayne Kapuskasing Legion Teddy Hipwell Toronto spent few days with Mr and Mrs Ted Hipwell Sympathy Extended Sympathy is extended to Mrs Cyril Drury whose mother Mrs Johnson passed away on Thursday The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon with service at the house and burial in Beeton Cemetery New House Ron Grimshaw has commenced work on his new house which he is building west of the hotel Pupil Returns Christie Rutledge teacher in Danfortb Technical School To ronto and his daughter called on Mrs John Broderick last Monday Christie was at onetimeafpupil of Mrs Broderick when she Jauglii in Honeywood public school and was also bright member of her boy Sunday School class sons Dept Store BARR BATHING TRUNKS forchlldren BLousEs up to size OvnnALLs for children washalble denim 59c iHORTIE PANTS forchildren sanforized sizes 24 390 SKIRTS fOr children fullflalr 981 SWEATERS terry cloth for chlldren1 89c SWIM TRUNKS for men SWIM SUITS for women FLANNEL BLANKETS 198 nunnuuiunu double bed size each $195 SUIT GASES Army Duck cost the government $10 98o cinnamon for quilting each Sc 100ilF forohurch or any charity Work etc FLANNELLETIE wide yard290 VEXTRA eroIAI FOR THIS wIiIIIIDND SPORT SIIIBTS for often and boys regular $298 98c DIAMOND RING sure1 engagement and weddingband i3dlamond regularrsi6500 one set only $8250 Closed Thursday andFriday September 10 and 11 for holidays tocuperate from the heat 311111111 casinoneyneiunaea Cash Your Baby Bonus Cheques at Jacksons JacksonsnepIJIores 59 DuNtorfsr PHONE 4348 persons Second Straight seventh and final inning to 0110 cash three runs and defeat Newmarket Dixons 53and capture the bestofflve Barrie district ladics softball championship series three games to It marked the second successive season the Aces have won the crown but they became the first winners of the Edith Bowen Hare Memorial Trophy donated for competition in memory of one of the best hurlcrs to ever compete in the group The Accs completely recovered from 11ch slicllzicking administered by the Dixons in the third game of lhe series Dorothy Miller who had registered 16 consecutive scoreless innings over Nowmarket in the scr ics limited her archrivals to five hits But Sarah Barrudcll although tagged for 11 safeties proved tough in the clutch until the seventh when she relinquished slim 32 margin and allowed the Aces to scamper for the winning rally The Aces opened the scoring in the second frame when Dorothy Miller tripled with two out and Reid followed up with an RBI single Newmarkel were held in tow un til the fourth when Reids homer with none aboard tied the count The homesters took over the front with two runs in the fifth engin eered by unverror Roses double and Barradells single They had the sacks full when Miller retired the side The Aces out the deficit to one run in the sixth as Beth McLean opened the inning with double took third on Hazel Wrights groun derlo second and scored when sis ter Lorna singled Newmarket couldnt get rally started in the sixth or seventh but ANGUS Sunday School Classes The United Church Sunday 11001 will resume classes again on nday Sept 13 at 1030 am Week at Farm Mn and Mrs Ralph Carman spent week at their farm at Col home and Sunday with friends in Hamilton Visiting Relatives Mrs Partridge visited her hus band at Sunnybrook Hospital To ronto last Friday Jack Croft Brockville is visit ing his soninIaw and daughter Mr and Mrs John Duckworth Symmlhvxmiued Deepest sympathy is extended to Rev and Mrs Johh Sylvester in the passing of Mr Sylvesters grand mother Mrs Sylvester Elmira Weekend at Wasaga Mrs Eldon Latimer and Miss Margaretespent the weekend at Wasaga Beach Mr and Mrs Dexter and Miss Valerie spent Sunday at Wasaga Beach With Mother Mr and Mrs RichardArmstrong London spent the weekendwith Mrs Armstrongs mother Mrs Dean Mrs Dean returned With them for 1holiday Accid to Foot thIemIEfO rtune nu in his foot while at work week ago but is home again from the Royal Vlcx totla Hospital His many friends wish him speedy recovery Reunion Held Here TheWDOISey reunion was held at Angus Community Park on Sunday Aug 30 Miss Graham and Mrs Napier Toronto visitedtlieir niece Mrs Clifford Duckwortlr last Week New Home Mr and Mrs Shortt and family have moved into Miss Jean1ar Bushs house Mnf Shortt is the new principal of Angus public school WA Meeting The Angus United Churb WA meeting was held Aug 19 at the bome of Mrs Cliford Duckworth withc good attendance weekend Visitors Mr aridv Mrs Oscar Irwin She1 home and Mrs Goldie Perkins and Mrs George PalmerToronto Spent the Aces were strong in the final stanza Marg McFarlane Robin Len nox and Dorian Parker all smashed successive singles and then Beth McLean proved the big weapon with her second consecutive double Robin Lcnnox Boll McLean and Reid with two hits ouch sparked the champions offense BARBIE McFarlnne 3b Lennox 53 Parker cf McLean 1b Wright if McLean Miller Reid If Daley 2b NEWMARKET Preston If Mc Donald ab Dean Reid 55 Watt 1b Osborne 3b Durroch cf Rose 1f Barradcll 1p Barrie 010 001 35 11 Nowmarkct 000 120 03 HILLSDALE Here at Weekend Mr and Mrs Martin and daughtersr Anne and Linda Toronto spent the weekend at the Martin home Family Dinner Miss Doris Shackleton Toronto and Mrs HLJOhnston and Horace Second Line were among those who attended the family dinner at the home of Mrs Ganton in hon or of her daughter Beth and her husband Robert Cascagnette With Relatives Mr and Mrs Fisher Ganton and Mrs Brandon spent the week end with relatives in Sudbuiy Mrs Thomas Morrison Bobbie and Rhona are spending this week with Mr and Mrs Marvin Ferndell King City In Midland Mr and Mrs Glen Murdy spent the weekend in Midland with Mr and Mrs ATWoods Mrs Murdy re maining for few days At Exhibition Mrs Alvin Brennan and Larry visited Mr and Mrs Rodney Stark at the weekend and attendedlhe Exhibition Mr and Mrs John Rumble and family and Mr and Mrs Harold Dunn and family were among those attending the Exhibition this Week Miss Irene McFadden is on holi days in Toronto this week New Position Miss Elma Gauton RegN has accepted position in Midland hos pital Dalton Crowe has purchased the lot which was formerly the Tilley place and is buildinga house on 11 WA Meeting The members of SLADdIews WA held their meeting in the church auditorium on Tuesday ev ening MissMabel Turner gave the devotions The evening war the weekend with MIandMrs =Sandford Page Mr aners Douglas Blake and Carol Toronto Mrs Kirk and Robert Blake Mrs Furnish and 5Mr and Mrs Duck Toontospent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Blake announced rcccntly the franchise Greer lites Capture Ludies Title Barrie Greer Aces roard from behind in the top of the OMNIBUS 1111 Omnibus Corporation 11115 completed the acquisition oral Motors interest in tlic Hertz DIlVU1Slll it was by Benjamin Weintmul president of the Omni bus Corporation In acquiring those properties from General Motors Omnibus paid for the stock and the satisfac tion of other obligations approxi mately 81081540000 According to figures released to stockholders llic Hertz group reg ported net earnings after 111ch Of 3312281100 in 1952 Wcinlraub reported that the pol icics developed by Hertz under General Motors ownership will be continued He announced employ ment contracts btcwccn the new ownership and Walter Jacobs prosident of Hertz and Joseph Stedem vicepresident JacObs said that James Reedy vicepresident and operation man ager Shauhnessy vicepresi dent and general manager of the system and Daniel ONeil treas urer and comptroller have also been retained under employment contracts The Hertz companies own sta tions in 31 cities and through oper ators licensed by the Hertz System rent passenger cars and trucks in more than 550 cities It was organ ized in 1924 The system is the largest and old est vehicle rental organization in world licenses in the United States Canada Great Britain Mex ico Alaska Hawaii Cuba Swit zerland and Ireland The proper Compzi nics my ties will continue to operate under the Hertz name as wholly owned subsidiary of Omnibus Omnibus also controls Fifth Avenue Coach Company and New York City Omnibus Corporation Drowning Fatality Takes Boys life A1 Collingwoocl nineyearold boy Allan Horsburgh son of Alvin Hors burgh Collingwood mdrown ed In 18 feet oflfvitert an old quarry near there on Thursday If is believed he slipped from rock1edge while he was skip ping stones in the water His cOmpanion Bryan Elyea gave the alarm and firemen Victor Willisonand JOhn Dance recovered the body about two hours later Allan whose mother lives in Torontovzs visiting his grandr mother Mrs Elsie Horsburgh on weeks holiday spent in quilting Miss Kale Mc Kay and Mrs George McFadden served lunch rim buton Initiation MST5 351331 rm 1911 N920 ELM AD M12123 Force Day ing various types of aircraft 111 one big dcmonstralion at tho Nalionul Air Show More than 30 glands of 10 different types will be flown Two newcomch to the show be ing staged OVtl llic CNE water of Gcn the Omnibus lighten theC119 Elvine Boxcar It operates through front arc the chzivillzmd ComolJ jotpropelled pride of RCAF Transl port Command and the vc1salilc Fuirchild Flying Boxcar 11114 twinengine transport which is literally Whill its name implies Marked contrast will be cvidcnt among three types of fighter at 1110 Sllliw the pistoncuginc Mustang of Second World War fame and two jets the F811 Sabre and tho Canadiandesigned CFlllo Cunuckl The full support of Cnnzidas tluco armed services has been plcdgcd for the National Air Show Ito be held Sept 19 ovcr the CNE waterfront in Toronto The Royal Canadian Navy ls sending from the East Coast two types of aircraft used aboard the alrcrnft carrier Magnificent hey are the Grumman lAvengcr anti submarine plane and the Hawker Son Fury shipboard fighter Gunners of the Royal Canadian Artillery representing Canadas Army in the Show will sct up anti aircraft batteries along the water front to fire at targets lowedwf high speed by Air Force bombers Biggest participant is of course the Royal Canadian Air Force Ten types of RCAF aircraft from small Chipmunk trainer to the Comet jct transport will go through their paces Other types of RCAF planes which will appear at the National Air Show are the Avro CFlOO all weather jet the famous 11186 Sabre the T33 jet trainer the Mustang the Canso flying boat the familiar Harvard trainer and the Sikorsky 551 airsea rescue helicopter The National Air Show produced by the Toronto Flying Club pro mises this year to be bigger than ever before CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING Play and EnjoyJGolf at HlLlllllllE Golf1 CLUB Shack 331 Club Rentals Green Fees $125 $150 Good for all day PHONE STROUD 2211121 BIG BAY POINT ROAD Painswick RE No Barrie llic lulc lo ltSIIVI 1111 Hum The Gonole had 10 come from bllllllll in the lllllll iflcr Everett pl1tl an uuvuruod murkor 1n the bottom of 11113 llillllt Sin1195 from In Past 20 Years Electrical Output firestonc PHOTOCLEAR lORONlOCI11111121 Is llll most productive country in tho world according to per czlpiln annual 0111 go president of Canadian Wastingl house Co Ltd and director of 1110 Canadian Elcclriml ManufucE lurcrs Asmcinlion said here rci pul of physuzll energy II Rog1 ccully Speaking bcforc the Automotive and EllLlllCIll Duy luncheon 11 the Canadian National Exhibition M113 Kongo slated 111211 Canadians have1 19000000011 onerjocs probably more pur czipila llizm any other country He explained that the encrjoc is the newest unit of powcr worked out by Canadianl electrical engineers to establish the annual Output of physical energy by 1111 average working man for whole year An cnorjoc equals kilowatt hours or about 103E horscpower hours and Its power value may be produced by man electrical generator or machine The Canadian electrical and automdlivc industries produced an outstanding total of 147 billion kilowatt hours of electrical and mechanical energy last year Mr Rogge further stated and when this is broken down into terms of power and energy through the enerjoe unit it is as though every Canadian had working for him sizeable army of 136 robots each equal in strength and energy to robust man 52 111111 POWERGLIDE SPOTLESS CONDITION RADIO AIR CONDITIONING DIRECTIONAL LIGHTS BACKUP LIGHTS WlNDSHIELD WASHERS SOLD wmI 4000 MILES FREE sermon TAKE TRADE Buy With Confidence At Dangerfield Motors Barries Largest Dealer usao cAII DIVISION 233 BRADFORD 57 DIAL 4931 5110621 IERMS ran as THE JUDGE Compare Firestdnes Ifcdy lomance with any set anywhere Compare Fiieilones richly design ed beautifully nished cabinets Compare Firesiones convenient terms COMPARE THE PRlCE sinsrntuon 1111111111111er or the full purchase price of your set cheerfully refunded GARTSHBBES FIRESTONE STORE Corner Maple Avenue and Dunlap Street PHONE 3195 Heres handy tip The tip ofthe WDodcocks bookopensdrld closes jwhilo theiiow is held shut This enables the Wondrockfoi pick up the had he feels with his bill While 3111121119 in In been van disbmud