Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1953, p. 2

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Relve were very interested in lcollection of antique Jewellery 111 played during Centennial me At ACWW Conference Reeve window There was splendid rcpresem 13115 of Churchill WI member at Motor Trip the ACWW Canada Day in the William Truman is enjoying Maple LeaIGardens Mrs JPl03 months motor trip through er Mrs Stewart Mrs Ral Western pmvmccs The Grey and Foresters mantis of LtCols McFarland 111 ISCfiivgargrsMRpgsm mm was formed when the Fleming Pembroke Rutherford cm Nam fwd Mfg RV Him and me Si Fer Venom mm the MrsG Constable Mrs Lucas Fanciers Rear ml were smalzam amalgamauonhin 1936 Sturgeon and mm Greg In Hospital William Paterson is palium Newmarkei 111151111211 115 f11 wish him speedy ittut1 PEWTER PESIS REGINA CF Damage cancel by pale western culworms 111mm the current crop eoson was co fincdlo 1113113 spotty infestation Westvcmtral Saskatchewan gm eastcontrol Alburtu 1F 131111 Davis Everyone enjoyed the dra swam The Simcoe Foresters were also oars May 80 bask only sfirsi organized under the authority 111 he Gre Re imcnt andE Forestycrs gave 1115101 General Older dilled 5911 wry 0f nearly 00 ream tcmber 1886 from seven separate llele and 1nfantry Companies andl The Grey Regiment known as the 35111 Slmcoc Batu The Grey Regiment lavas firsttalion of Infantry The title was organized under authority of Gen gchanged the following your how5 trill Order dated 14111 September over to 351k Battalion Simtoc For 11m from the eight scattered comfosters with the molto Spcctimuzg panics In Grey County which had iAgcndo gt glnauy sprung me Some of these independent coma the Trent Affair in 1861 and 33am panics had previously been called been called on 333 service loioul at the time of the Civil War Beam vmm help put down the Fenian Raids ingot 1364 as pan he nd pm gt Mm WEN and her mm 13353 ll 35 the know as melsional Battalion which had been Gordon Webb Nelson BC andl Churchl imeoe Forester The matic and musical cavalcade Dn minion of Destiny Married Recently Best Wishes to Miss Doris Broww ing and Harradinc who were married in the United Church Sal urdoy Aug 29 er and Mrs K011 and Mr and Mrs Robert Kell attended the Wed ding of their nephew Gordon Mc Kenzie New Toronto Saturday Aug 29 53 19 Low Fares om Mdhur 820 Go ByTrain to the LONDON 351 Grey 13110 1mm lposwd at straleric points along George Webb Kingston were rel The celebration of Dominionthe Niagara frontier but was rc mm visitors with Mr and at Day bitJuly 1861mm the Occ510nlcallcd on the signing of peace Lucas of the presentation the Real ltwccn the North and 5011111 mental and Quecns Colors thel Agam me following yam hm presentation befits mode by Mrs the nan crossed he border iic Pollard wife of the Colonel of the 10 meg same Comm Nmpgnios Beglmml ils lmcpml lworc plocod on active StlVlCc and Returned Home Miss Jean Prosser has relurncd home after spending the summer as nurses old in Newmarket 110$ pilal She will enter Toronto Gen and Regimental Colors laced in St Thomao The 3151 Grey Regiment was bmughtinlo prominence again 111 the time of the Riel Rebellion andl volunteers from its ranks again cantoforward at the time of the Boer War 1mmcdialu1y upon the Outbrcoki of war in 1914 volunteers from the Mn Grey Regiment were accepted for2 the Canadian Expeditionary Fume and on 2151 August 1911 1111 first Detachment left Och Sound for Volcartier Camp In Octolror mud Company 100 strong Itll llInuincd under arms until llic flux111 was ovvr The regimen continued training and oiganlrolion from that 111110 onward 111111 in March 1885 whorl Ilic Rlixl Rebellion lunkt out In Northwest Canada 1111 3bth Regi mIut Simwc Iorcslens with the York Banguis furnished com pnsilo battalion known as the York and Simuw Battalion each Regi mcnl providing four Companies The llltil Commanding lioglrnelil LLCol OBrien for concentration area and furth 11 SucmulinCommand the Adju er drafts from the County 1111f1111t and the Surgeon were mcm sent during 1915 During the Avin lllflS of the 35111 Regiment At the ter of ISIS16 County Bullolioxumnm me Regiment received orders the 147111 prey Battalion was to move 13951 the Canadian Pacific crulted under Illo command of 11 Hallway was nearing cempletlon Coll McFarland and left Tommi more was gap of Over 121 Niagara in May from which Camp they later moved to Camp Burl don In September 1916 second Grey County Overseas Battalion the 248111 was authorized and was soon recruited up to strength sliorlly following the 147111 over to England The 147th in the mean time had become part of the 6111 Reserve Battalion and later the 2nd Central Ontario Rerehl with C01 McFarland as 0C being largely staffed by 14701 Battalan officcrs Drafts from theGrey chiincni went to France mainly lo the4111 CMRB 20th and 58th Battalions Grey County continued to pro vide reinforcements lo the battle front right up until the end of 1105111111011 andas result of ther serviceluthe Grey Regiment was awarded the following Battle Hon ors 11 70 Ypres 1917 Amiens Arms 1913 Hindem buebine and Pursuit to Mons relmentwas reorganized in 19217113 tlIe Grqy Regiment and monhad full complement of of floors keeping up training annu ally under Abe successive com COMBINATION bullion 51011111 imp can gt mand of LtCol Hinge Pnoumoilc Clout Sohly Chuk Ovumplctg Instructions compo Elm Never before on oil aluminum door at so low aprlal Made of extra heavy actructurol type aluminum Come inpnd loathe Hollmar door skiihoveiitl install it yourself this fwwlbnddts easy 11 1111 oinally in June which the regiment had to cross on foot through veritable wilder ness in temperatures often for Do low zero By July the rebellion was broken and the men returned home gained for the Honor 18 volunteers from the 35th Simone Foresters went mainly to the fol 301h November 1915 authority was lllleSIl0rlll of Lake Superior having by their efforts regiment the Battle Canada Northwest At the outbreak SiloDr in 1914 lowing Overseas Battalions 4111 201b 37th 58th and 711th and on granted for the recruiting of an Overseas Caunty Battalion the 157111 under the command of Lt Col MacLoren which was soon brought up to strength and sailed for England in October 1916 with strength of 32 officers and 966 other ranks Shortly after ar rival in England however the battalion was broken up and of the 960 other ranks 901 served In France Second County Battal ion also was broken up there for reinforcements The Battle Hon ors Arms 17 18 Hill 10 Ypres 1917 Amiens Hinder burg Line and Pursuit to Mons afterwards awarded the Regiment were the monk of the efforts of at least 250 men from the County participating in each of these bat ties The regiment Was reorganized as the Simcoe Foresters in 1921 and ten years later was grantedraffil iation with the famous English Regiment The Sherwood Foresters from the Counties Dof Nottingham shire and Derbyshlre and was privileged to adopt the Lincoln green facings of that Regiment The following year the county Councilpresented the regiment with new set of Kings and Regi mental Colors and at the same time the old colors were ceremon iously irooped for the last time at an impressive paladept Conchi ching Park Orillfa during nual Brigade Camp Later then colors were offlclally deposued in All Saints Church Collingwood On 15th December 1936 the two adjoining County Regiments whose histor hid run so parallel for 70 yearsy were amalgamated and on that day was born the Ggey and rosters under com Slmcoe F0 McDonald EDthe last commanding of ficer of the old Grey Regiment The Regiment was distributed In the two counties as follgvagzilRegi menial HQ and HQ Company Barrie Company Owen Sound later to Orillio tan Markdale Company Company Penc Tbe alliance with the Sherwood Foresters was continued and the new Regimental Badge was design ed from theirs closely For lb next three years the Regiment attended annual camp at Niagara and the in 1939 found all ranks anxlousfor active service As there was no Wordof the reglment being moblla lzed at that time some of theol ficers and many of the other ranks could not wnlt butlmmedintely of fered their services many being accepted in all branches of the Forces Arm 1940 authority was granted for the Foresters to this Company Meaford mObilize as an Infantry Battalion in the 4111 Canadian Infantry Divi sion and LtC01 Rutherford former Commanding Officer of the Grey Regiment and later the 22nd Brigade Commander was giv en the job of officering and re cruiting the regiment This was accomplished in record time and by the end of June the regiment was assembled in Camp Borden 900 strong being composed of 300 men from each of Grey and Simcoe counties and 150 from each of the Algonquinand Sault Ste Marie and Sudbury Regiments which up to that time had not been authorized to mobilize as Begi ments The first Officer Commanding the Grey and Simcoe Foresters NPAM LtCol McDonald MM was SecondinCormnand of the battalion Capt Eric Wilson was Adjutant with the following Cpmpany Commanders HQ dhm MajOI Thomp son eBenetang Company Major Wagner Owen Sound Company Major Roikes Barrie Company Major Fell MM Burks Falls Company Mdjor Menzies Sault Ste Marie The regiment trained at Camp until April 1941 when they rm Exhibition Camp Toron they were stationed for During this one LtCol ordlef1 the regiment to command of the First Bri 5th Armoured Division embarker xngland with Lt Col Fell MM still in com mand Major Raikcs ED SecondinCommand Capt Clark Adjutant and the following Squadron Commanders Major Harris HQ Squadron Capt Dunbar Squadron Major Wilson Squad ron Major Baithwaite Squadron On arrival in England they were lationed in Surrey but had been there only two months when orders were issued that the whole brigade was to be broken up and used as reinforcements Most of the of ficersl and other ranks who went overseas with the lst Battalion eventually saw action on one or more of the fighting fronts in Eur ope with the 4th and 5th Armoured Divisions or the lst or 2nd Inde pendent Armoured Brigades NO small number were killed or wounded and many others as well served with distinction All brought honor to the Counties and the Regiment from which they had gone RESERVE BATTALION The Second Reserve Battalion of the Regiment was authorized by the Department of National De fence on 15th July 1940 It was recruited to the full strength in very shout time and went to Camp Niagara on 4th August 1940 on when he was succeeded by the present Commanding Officer Lt Col Kennedy DSO ED Since its inception the 2nd Battalion has carried on as Reserve Unit train ing weekly and attending Annual amp at Niagara for two weeks In ddltion to training parttime soldiers as part of the Home 09 fence Army of Canada hundreds of young men received theirBasic Training with the 2nd Battalion prior to their volunteering for ac tive service The status of the regiment now in the new organization of Canadas postwarReserve Army is in the role of artillery and it is known as the 45th AntiTank Regiment Grey and Simcpe Foresters RCA The regimental colors were do posited in the historic St Thomas Church at Shanty Bay in cere monial on Nov 17 1946 The son of the founder of the church was the firt Commander of the For esters The colors were received by Rev Capt George Lark and LtCol BenOliel VD padre of the regiment der thecommand of LtCol Calf McRae MC LtCol McRae wall succeeded bylltCol Mc Donald formerly SecondlinCo mand of lst Battalion of 0161 mept inApr11 1941 who conti in command until December Allled wrinonerwood and resembles it declaratlon of wot te 11 ng Canadian Infantry Brigade In February 1942 came the reor ganization off the 4th Division from Infantry to armoured resulting In the return of the Foresters to Camp Borden as partol the 2nd Army Tank Brigade During 0115 reorgan ization period the Regiment now the 26th Canadian Army Tank Regiment Grey and Simone For esters milked to Chippewa Bar gt racksN1agara Falls and took over uard duties on the Niagara Power glantnand Canal for three months Returning to Borden in June they comm flriallyfrln ovarian enced Armoured training continued for year and three years after mobilization the Regiment which NOW IIIIInsluiuvciliii your MOIIETBACK 1A BRAND NEW 151111711 PLAN WHICHII Provides ldkurdnce protection to Oge 65 Returnb all basic dnnuol premiums paid assured lives 10 65 1rovoilable for male ond famole live ugetl5 lo 50 At 65010 funds can be token plumb used to poichess paiduppollcy for theoriginal somiussured dndlhe boldnce taken in cosh or as guprnnleqd income used 199mm an annuity left on deposit or guornnieod ruleiinleriir inquer now about lhlrremockable sup 5211111 new 5111 Life plop Just call or wrifai 11111131511111111 211 mum oral Hospital as student nurse in After Sunday Midnife dance Soptcmbcr 71205 11111 11 P1111 Crest Lucky spot Balloons fun galore Music by the licploncs 102 Special Friday Sept Labor weekend dance Oro Bench Lucky Star Dance Pavilion Spot dances fun for all Music by A1 Kimbcll and the KimTones Ridgbkuad to Oro Station turn right to lake 102 Bazaar bake sale afternoon tea to pm Wednesday November Oddfcllows Hall Collier Street Ausplccs Beaver Rebekah Lodge September On Holiday Neil and lowdalc Catharincs cation in Monclon NB travelling by way of the Gaspc Peninsula Wallace the uncle Norman King returned to Kent spending his home in Dies Word was received last week of the death in Vancouver BC of R0 and yrna McPherson W11 Wallacc Todd 81 re spending their va lias been with hls who summer Monclon with them In Vshcouver bert Loverock Mr Loverock was one time manager of the Bank of Commerce 1113 liefmy and had Return Lluiib Sept 21 Good goLng 811 Sept 12 lo 531 Sept 19 inclusive Full information from any NO 190 Pulp is composed of wood fibres 102 many friends in this comiuunily Jewellery Collection Churchill friends of M155 Anne This Funny WDrId neNIum siiaiciie 111659 Modulat flIn just plain Ol cowhund maamgot guitar hose and at TV show F1FORMULA It needs experience and sound judg men to tell the ualily of cloth and the dyes it will 1216 says textile dyer Edward Laycock of Ann St Prescott Out use the same sort of scum judgment in choosing Canada Dry for refreshment says Tod From experi ence know that Canada Dry has the and givc me real on ltering refresh ment 1901 Canada Dry 13 world famous for Its very spec1al flavorenjoy but 11 today mm EVERYBODYS FAVORITE CANADA DRY lb GINGER ALE rouirvounnrtnr11 wiIII THELBEST BUY DEEPFREEZE PRICE$BEGINAT$339M all kind ion store and serve fresh frozen foods of You save 10 to 25 by buying your foods in quantity Newest in convenience features Low Down Payment EZ Terms IHISDIAUIIIUI Dnopfmggg Hammer Isl voun linswu to In 11mm cdsr or IIVINOI XCall 11111111 Inspect on Stocklylhc Famous Deepfreero Va vnrrtmnouo RANGES comebacks noun FREEZERS 3050511 ModII Emmet no firDunner Fully uulombtlc Iloclrlc range built to 111 some 111911 Ilendurdiufamous Duplruu Home Erectors Every wanlodlodlvrt from Hfghzkoworr 80110160 Unit to Banquetj 3110 Own +870bacteria DENIMinvoke 11m 11 WWW perfect flavor and agklc to perk me up

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