Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1953, p. 12

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rlt may 41953 mm Society Meeting Nattaoniudiuz flowers were in to mating of Huronla Hor Mum Scalar by Harry Stain Mu Midland he assistell Victor Tamer local florist and William Wylie to judge some displays brought to the meeting Mrs Clarke Coldwater had the best Indian and Mrs Gilson Waub tuition had the bust table display imweaker Was introducw by John Shelton and was thanked by Mervyn Walker The meeting decided to consider an alternative of shrubs as premium to new members who have receiv ed flowers up to now committee was appointed to assist with the flower show at the hir The next meeting will be at Wau baushcnc on Sept 24 John Tipping presided and re ceived fifteen new members Thch is total membership now of 58 Old Car Permit Found Going through some papers Orla Banncrman found car permit is sued to Ed Haskell Goldwater in 1917 It was for 2horsc power Ford runabout and cost $10 com parable permit today would cost $2 The lirensc was issued by Webb Barrie and was signed by Minister of Public Works and Highways MacDiarmid Fair Board Meeting Coldwatcr and participating townships were well rcprcscntcd at the fair board meeting Sept With Albert Orton presiding many details of the coming Diamond Ju bilee show Sept 14 and 15 were ironed out cleanup bcc will be held at the Fair grounds on the afternoon of Sept Among appointments made was Eplctt to look after allcon cessions in the rink and on the grounds Reeve Andrew Dunlop was nam ed chairman of banquet commit tee to welcome former residents if sufficient number can attend Separate admission will be charg ed for the concert by Midlund Boys Band on Monday night The pedigreed calf donated by Dalton Jcrmcy Jarratt was enter ed as an exhibit at Orfllia fair This year there will be parade of all livestock on the race track at 430 pm on the second day of the fair New School Principal Goldwaters now Public School principal Ivor Humphries has mov ud here from ilawkesbury when he has been teaching Mr and Mrs Humphrics and two children Lynda who will be in grade five and Michael in grade two have taken up residence in the upstairs apartment of Mrs Stan Lovcrings Eplctl Si residence Mr Humphrics was born and raised in South Wzilcs and began teaching in England in l937 From I941 in 1945 hc served with tho Meteorological division of the Roy il Air Force The new principal and his family have bccn in Canada only short time but like the country All are fond of sports and Mrs Humphrics has become an ardcnt hockcy fan She is the former Evelyn Story of Manchcstcr England Diamond Jubllce Plans If sufficient number of former Coldwatcr old boys can attend the Diamond Jubilee fair hcrc Sept cmbcr 14 and i5 rcunion ban quct will bc hold thc last cvcning of the fair it wasdttidd at Directors mcLting of iluronizi Ag ricultural Socicty hold in the Court house on Scpt It was proposed that if the din ncr is hold thc guest of honor should be Hurry Martin Main strcct merchant who has attended every fair since it was started in 1894 Mr Martin has in his pos session the in in 30pnge prize list put out by the Society for the second year with fair dnt cs Tuesday and Wednesday Oct and In thoscdnys the fair washeld on the grounds where the Lanes live and where their home Graymorc an imposing stone resid cncc is located on Gray Street display was held in Mannings Hall where the Coldwatcr Band put on performance for the fair The first fairs featured horse shows Arrangements Made for BordenSchooI Registration and Class Enrolments Carried Out onMMorning of Sept Camp Borden Citizen Wcll tanned well scrubbed and shining the junior citizens of Camp Borden will commence the new fall term in the public school at 0900 hours on the morning of Tuesday 8th of September regis tration day Enrolmcnts for kindergarten will be taken in the new public school building In order to enter kinder gartn children must be five years of age before the 31 Oct 53 Par ents are requested to please bring birth certificates Should the num ber of kindergarten children be low enough it is hoped that furth er enrolments may be taken in De cember 53 for those children who will have reached their fifth birth day by Jan 54 Again birthcer tiflcatcsare requested The new public school building will also receive the students who are In Grades and Children who are in these grades and new to Camp Borden will be enrolled along with the oldtimers by their gradc teachers commenc ing at 0900 hours The older children who have been promoted to Grades and will be received in building No E316 Thisyou will remember is the accommodation borrowed from the RCAMC School wherein the public school was once entirely contained Newcomers to these three grades will therefore please report to E76 at 0900 hours on Tuesday morning As usual texts and work books wilL be supplied to all grades It is essential that teachers be in formed of the state of progress of each new student Parents for this reason are requested to accompany the new students on registration day It is further pointed out that any recordswqrjreport cards having to do wtthv previous accomplish ments in other schools be handed to the teachers at the time of reg istration Parents are cordially in ylted visit the public school at time and are urged to take ad vantage of our open doors For those parents who find it pxpedlent to plan for school holi gays as coincidental to spots of have Christmas holidays start ftcr school hours on Tuesday 22 Dec and continue until 0900 hours on Mon Jan 54 Armistice Day 11 Nov Thanksgiving Day in Oc tober nally and Teachers Con vention data to be announced arc eluding kindergarten from 1330 hours to afternoon dismissals for kindergarten and Grade at 1530 hours for all other grades at 1545 hours It is expected that parents will continue to assist us in main taining an excellent record for punctuality and regular attend ancc The teaching staff has been ex pandcdto take care of the in creased enrolment we expect for the coming year We have lost sev eral of our former teachers due to acts of God such as babies wed dings and postings but their places are being taken by others who come to us over the regrets of their former employers and with the en thusiastic commendations of their former inspectors Staff members old and new are looking forward to the recom mencement of Home and School Association meetings This organi zation had its inception in Camp Borden during the Easter term last year and has already done great deal to facilitate the work of the public school Meetings are ex pected to resume early in October and since program of interest holdlng activities is in the offing parents are requested to keep an eye on The Citizen for meeting dates High School students from Camp Borden will be enrolled at Bant Ing Memorial High School at Allis ton also on Sop Holiday dates for these students in the main co incide with those for public school School buses to Alliston will leave Camp Headquarters at 0815 hrs on school days proceeding to the South Barrier via Somme Blvd Lets have nobody miss the bus The new public School has had curtains and drapes added to the auditorium during the summer Its outside landscaping and lawns to getherlwith thgbeautyuand effl cicnt layout of the building itself makes it one of the most ideal in stallations of Its kind in the coun try With the parental cooperation and support to which we have be come accustomed we expect our students to continue to do full credit to their environment lino legal School holidays Parents ll be informed of dates aiSOOIb Tbef school year cartoon29 daily schedulc of school from strain 0900 hours for all inclining kindergarten to luau for kindergarten and at1130 hours for all If dos at 1145 hours After Ulonsforall grades in XLIIMBIRG SUPPLIES nial mu Balms mm THE WORLD Wuh Im IlIII Not all soldiers resort to weap 0115 when called upon to fight an enemy This fact is being pointch up realistically by 17 husky members of the szadiun Provost Corps from Camp Borden Ont who daily present an unarmcd combat dcmV onstratiun as part of the Canadian Army exhibit at this years Cann dillli National Exhibition Undcrcommnnd of Lt Henderson of Ottawa the group pcrforms thrcc tmcs daily at 1130 am 230 pm and 430 pm Each dcmonstiatitm is of 15 minutes duration and includes gymnastic methods of disarming soldier who is armcd with rifle and bayonet disarming person with revol ver defence against kicking at tacks body holds choke holds club attacks and knife attacks All membch of the group trained intensively for month prior to the CNE and have rcachcd high standard of proficiency in this typ of instruction which is part of the curriculum of every Canadian Army recruit The team represents cross sec tion of personnel in training at the Canadian Provost Corps School at Camp Bordon They are roar row lcft to rightPtc Vernon chlz cll Vernon PEI LCpl Thomas Crooks Sliclburn NS Itc Walter Ogilvic Ottawa Ont LCpl John drawing match football grim and classes including those for produce livcstock poultry fine arts and dis play of carriages According to the advertisements hovering operated the flour mill there were several hotels and livcrics and The News Publishing House would print job on washbozud if desired Donors to the fair 60 years ago included Bennett MI An drew Miscampbcll and James Play fnir as well as three Orillia weekly newspapers The Packet The Times and The News Letter Kitchen who farmed and run post office at Matchcdash was the first prosidcntFirsI VicePre sident was hovering grand father of Mrs Lloyd Lethcrby and Cecil Lovcring whose farm was where ShcppnrdBuchannn farms are now Andy Paterson the second vicepresident had store where Kingsboroughs Hardware is now Rev Joseph Sheppard Anglic an Rector at Goldwater was the first secretarytreasurer Directors 60 years ago were Jo Russell Mcdontc Wallace Bor row Matchcdash Harvic Goldwater Manning Cold watcr Beatty Tay LLeath erdale Coldwatcr Josiah Keen Passerton David Levering Match cdash and Oliver Borrow Matche dash Harry Martin whose son Chester is secretarytreasurer of the local fair himself occupied every office on the executive and was particul arly interested in poultry and flow ers He has maintainedhis member ship continuously inlhe Agricult ural Society and is member of the Horticultural Society organized last year New Home Construction of Jack Sallovis ranch style house on John Street is well advanced CANADIAN IMPORTS Last year foreign prodbccrs sold in Canada more than four billion dollars worthof their goods YOUR IF NERVOUS TENSION is making you irritable rundown nervous upset dont just long for relief 85 Dr Chasei NERVE FOOD Sun 39 Bu tin largo 5e Blatchiorcis ORIGINAL CALI MEALloi rams IIIUIIIHIIHIII rd Feeds Inronto 7m are not madeofQTEEL Poltras Kelowna BC Pic Alex ander Simpson Aberdeen Scot land LCpl Jean DecarieSt Catharines Ont Pic Leslie Mil ton London Opt Ptc Edward EarsnicaElimbcth New Jersey USA LCpl Allan McDonald Winnipeg Man Cpl Floyd Leak ey Gnuanoquc Ont Pte Douglas Bulwor Port Alberni BC Front rowleft to rightLCpl Albert Powell Mackayvillc PQ Ptc Reid Surrctlc Pctitcodiac NB Pte Paul LnFlnmmc Quebec City and Pie Edward Cotter Vancouver BC The Instructor knccling and facing the squad is Cpl Paul Mag nan Ottawa Ont Prom Tile Clmn Borden Clilun The Barrie IlorliculiuruISociety GARDEN NOTES By JEAN GABLE Our annual flower show is over for another year and we can look back with satisfaction on good effort The show itself was very good and we were most pleased to we come the new exhibitors We did miss some of our regular exhibitors who were away on holidays and also some who were unaware of the change of entry time but an other ycar we hope to welcome all Now we cast our eyes in the direction of the Barrie Fall Fair and make plans for their flower show This will be the first time in clev cn years our fair will have flow er show and we know it will be welcomcdibuck Anyone interested in the flower show prize list for the fair may call me and Ill get youa typewritten copy of this sec tion or the cntirc Fair Prizehlt may be obtained from Malcom son We do urge all our members to support this fair for like every thing else it will only be as good as the people make it Soon we shall be having our frosty nights again and after this week they would seem welcome But with the first frost we must say goodbye to allour nice window boxes For manyyears now have kept window garden About September 15 fill three large 12 inch flower pots with good soil mixture Into each pot plant about six varieties of plants which have previously slipped Inns siruiiniirsrrr and rooted in waterfUp until last year planted as many colcus plants as could get These plants are easy to grow are disease rc sistaiit have few posts and only one special need lots of sun They come in many shades and some with crinkled edges and by spring have grown into very large plants always plant tow trail ing plants in with them like ivy trailing Iobelia or any variety might have used in my hanging baskets duringthe summer placed all three large pots in fernery by our large dining room window which faces south and cvenon the coldest day we have an indoor gar den These plants can then be slipped early in the spring and you have plants to set out in the window box when the time arrlves This year planto try my luck at growing annuals thrOugh th mstalmd some bad cuts and bruisf EVEREST SLEEPING BAGS at We MW 11 W1 500 be Well The Canadian textile mdmiry again produced the 598ch sleeping bag mus used recently by the succctf wiin number 01 Silver K1913 MI Ind P411 5113 mm Edi Mount Everest Charmin Womens Institute members at children visited Mrs 50131131055 tended Hillsdalc Womens Institutt parents Mr and Mrs Lloyd Joh xtwsruxr commsox at the home of Mrs Joseph mind son Siayncr on Sunday The newsprrnt produced In enjoyed thcir hospitality They zl Etteck by modern Canadian phir so heard the addresses given by Sunday VII hmongmachine would cover highAJ Major and Mrs Lane Goldwater MI 8383er lgfsffge at 0550 wide from vanmuvcr spec Recent Visitors sane Beach with so and Mrs DEMO Mr and Mrs Richard Peart and Kennedy and children who Bernie and Mrs Kidd and Billie were on holidays there TIINC IIPS Toronto were visitors with Mr Am Conan and Mrs Wesley Johnston on Sat Mm Hamid Mama Sr Mm 2nd LINE FLOS cm Width urday of last week Ben Still in tat Mrs Harvey We are sorry reoprt that Wesley 50mm attenefik Charles Jamleson is still in St Andrews HOSDIIJI Midland His friends and neighbors whit him speedy recovery Summit Bad Cuts Melville Goddard had the mls fortune to beknockcd down bya nurse on Friday of last week and winter Many people keep gar lcn indoors all winter by slipping petunlas particularly the big double and single ruffled ones and potting them up All plants should be thoroughly sprayed and examined closely before being brought in or else such things as precious African Violets and other plants may become victims of the bugs brought in The Gardener Artists paint Authors write The Bcauties of the past My canvas is garden My pen good strong hoe My colours are the petal Blooming row byrow Mon Sept You say my work will fade Its glories soon depart noon pm But winter in the garden Can be summer in my heart Mam Yorke BEAT nus NEAT Awiiucs DAY DELIVERY BALANCING 1mm SERVICE CIIIIIIY MOTORS LTD MARKET so 351mm This is your opportunity to get complete Information on what the Air Force can of fer YOU 33 an aircrew officer or as skilled airman or lir woman technician in mod em aviation trade 75 am Mt SAIAIIA DIARIES ERIE BillllllE mu AWNING C0 34 Bayfleld Street Barrie Phone 4314 TIICVSIIIIIIT CIII T0 MAIIIICI SNIIII CAIN IIIIC FEEDS Recommended MIX for new or repaint job3 aluminium wuh tho popular frieze cowlmeted green or grey You must see these spoon Trims Sale Priccf 9975 10 norms sun mm noIIr Miss THESE BHRBAINS BEDROOM sums HOG FEEDS 130 you knowit takes an average ofone hour chore tilde Per month to look afterime hog CHESTERFIELD sunrcs You can savo time which is Wurth money by reducing the fooding time necessary to grow hog outto market weight Warns arc Time required to Iced hog frombirth to market weight Jr 95 011 grain alone to 10 months In On grain snortGAIN to cmpnths Labour saving is hours per hog 730 hourson litter of 1998S tunneling1th to less tool all 5anan HOG mumNo rRoonAM 10 days to 10Weeks amounting Booster 10 Weeksto 1201bsl titgrain to Concentrate 3120 lbstonmrketwt sjgrain to concentrate ix ixfHN vi ivy jBALANCE yourgrcinwith sunkGAIN lure carver

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