tlinn riding in that car The Jlllll STRING POST News of Interest to Junior Farmers morame Post Hole Meditations By JAMES nixcocx plensurc and comfort speaks much forcibly man the trim of mole disssicr Jllcld 15 up man 11 Wt the farmers and their wives in glut who pub in thi Links that counts Lust Monday nulming found Lil llkc ikrpc llkh Clcvtrlllg llt Li and tlilll irzgly to work Ikllltlu is iiztiej ch moricgvriu imtzxrr how much you lug you Linc just llllici more That L3 particularly one spends tho holidays Part of the lumping chore was Daddy doesnt it smelllgood when the tItLllUll Itmn new length It scorned Llltiltlsl nm lltltlg the ulna Mlilt rmers aric deadly lllUled the urgent task Ut burnsting lurgc irnl Litnult ltIllltllt crop of 11in lltttl Fltiti now how UVLl llld Illeull olI lc ilocl ilk chickens nui 12 Slictpi tin fence was nupui ivc It was lLlll ivottn IlL stock coco and was orting ccdur posts dug holes and gut the larger onus but SlllltiLllLtl and drove the smaller outs with it ten pound slcdgr hummer In doing truth that viiutlicr you drive or iig ll still iinrd old oild While digging post iltllts lLtlilllLS lilllt buck work it docs not put one under very liczivy nicntn strnin ln fact it provides nu onvir onnicnl purticulurly conducrvc to meditation As tho wcckcnd curs trcumcd post on 26 nicditutcd on tho socnllcd high standard of living tlizlt permits people to rush madly up the highway on Friday evening and rush mildly down again Un Sundny evening Iihough of our old licighbour Big Will tlhcrc JtlL two Will Courticcs Big Will nnd Lilllt Will nc duy we won smoking groin Big Will wnvcd his llillltl toward the conces sion line and said You know mild fur ruthcr be here stookmg car BigWiil indicated was 490 Chevrolet puttcrng along at twenty miles an liuor on qurct country road He did not livc to see twen tyfivc Illlltlltlllg traitic gnarl on supcrdupcr fourlune highway Not many think is Big Will didI howcvcr clsc wc would have moic stookiifg grain and less cruising the highways and the Mincsuig furnich would then not have to work from duwh to dark to get their crop harvested And what would liuppcn if the Mincsmg Ifurmcrs and the Fins farmers and the Oro farmers and alllthc Ollie farmch dccidcd they too woul work only eight hours day five days neck Would there still be enough food produccd to meet our riecds And at what price City editors are Wont to declare our economy is hooded for dis aster imlcss Cunndmn farmto pa it can compete on rIlicIy seem to be costs connect in Can ducc is reduced in price point where world mnrkcts unaware of tlic fixc ed with producing food ada Why do they not say the price of farm machinery must come down There must be reduction in the price of steel oil gasoline fertilizer and building materials axes and transportation costs ust be cut One of the surest ways to bring these things about continue to put til clgllly weeks With full irieosoru in may hour if the price of the Cup is low they will ho for hula cxtrzi in yield to to up the slack The wrll be rewarded in port by the knowledge they have uonc La difficult job well And tlmt is not all We worked on the iencc tcr supper one even iing and as we walked across the meadow one of our little girls said you breathe in deep She was right The clover and alsikc the wild apples in the fcnccrow and hundred other plants and shrubs lcombincd delicate aroma winch Crch formed deep red backdrop ifor the bluckgrcen elms And from lu thousand hiding places the crick ets cliirrcd their happy song iEvcrything combined to fill us twith most satisfying sense of HJLIICL and well being Is this what how often docs the really find it Twin Swing Club By NORMAN CLARK its August meeting at the farm of William Johnston East Oro on Au gust 19 Willi seven members in uttcndnncc Wc opened our meeting by judg ing sows After all the members hard at turn telling which they thought was the bestiMrJohn iston told them what he thought was thc best and why Aftcr the reading of the min utes of the Inst meeting Mr John ston told the members how to show gills He said not to let your gills get Iin fight with others because this will make them look like wild gills It will make poor showing ofn pig if it has red skin He said the most important thing is to keep the gilt moving do not let lie head get dOWn if you can help it MixJohnston then invited the club into the house where we had very delicious lunch Ralph Hayes thanked Mr Johnston for telling us how to show grits and also for the lunch We closed by giving Mr Johnston good hand Fall Fair Dates In Simcoe County Orillia Sept 1012 Coldwatcr Sept 1415 Oro Sept 16 Cookstown Sept 1718 Midland Sept 1719 Elmvale Sept 2123 Collingwood Sept 2426 Beeton Sept 2930 Barrie Oct 13 vltz DAlIRYMAN PASISES PORTARTHUR Ont CP John Davis once known astlie would be for everyone to work Diary King of Thunder Bay died longer hours for less pay aged 66 He had the first accredit Bui this suggestion is nonsensical ed herd of purebredjerseys in the Evcryonc is strivmg for shorter district and for 14 gonagcutive years hours and more pay Therein lies won the Kennedy trophy for higher and higher standard of living The promise of present the districts champion herd FAMILY STATISTICS On the average Newfoundland has the largest families in Canada ncrcntzmtcd by the falling dcw ydelighted Uurscnscs Tlic sun set ting away over beyond Willow this illscovLrcd tho profound lllt Clil thllLI SGCkS In his mad weekend trek to the country Andi The Twin Swine Club held Ho 1130 said if you let your gilts outside let tltcm out about two oclock so they wont get sunburnt you diary Uicers sit LN on Members of the crew of the Uruguayan frigate Moritcwdev visited LN Hammers during the ships recent visit to New York Stand ing withithcm in front of UN General Assembly and Secretariat buildings is Professor Enrique Rodriguez Fabrcgal Permanent Representative of Uruguay to UN vho acted is their guide 2nd FLOS Harvest Almost Over Harvesting is almost finished on LllL Second Line for which we no rill thankful Mrs Harvey Johnston spent Sill urdny visiting Mrs Gunton and Beth at Hillsdnlc 0n Sick List Little Midi Lynda McFadden is on the sick list We hupc she will soon be well igniu Visits Rainiives Mrs Eliick Elmvnlc visited her niecc ind nephew Gcrtic ziridchl villc Goddard on chnusduy TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD BLONDIE TintEu CPESS LP M025 OFTEN THE ROAST i5 8NED TO Ameooy GNCE COOKE CAR THE WORLD MOVES TAGE it you We NJCE 71 t8 UP WW GIRL HER COME mo AHTAE mm mm cum HE MM men on amazes mm 54166858 Bill WAGE HIM TO Ao nut were II we mums mouse MGWAICE CF 1544 Wiff 775 GPZE oar Muses Annsgrrr WHAT soar or BOOK Do you THINK SHE WOULD LlKE SKEETER vouPicK our SOMETHINGJU$T so ITS NICE GRAHDMA ASKED ME TO DROP IN AND PICK UP ii DONT TELL ME NOW 5TOP THAT BEGGNG JQQKED ND STORAQELIMITED SO WE BARBIE 551i KOllit come 11 ALL very WHY DOIHAVE All on on nor wow GAL Hula Luannw meets gum amen PT wow OF l6 mvpuzem mw HAPPEN 1pm All mm mu mecca OFBEEN WHAT Ll Alt04359 mum ax manta Lu gym new mm or avenge By Wally stoop nwr wour WAKE HER ll OFF AND lT DROPS TO THE FLOOR schism cm or naemg and British Cblumbia the smallest YOU JUST GOT THROUGH EATING YOURE HUNGRY WONT DO you MOWER ANQ OFFER TO LET HER JUNIOR FOR wade sues srme Qumran more House TOCUTOUT EATING serum MEALSI crunrimmica Ingmance on your prop mini Ff 17 Tube console Model Formerly $479 that your kept uptodan and re writtegto coverchanging conditions mm explain no II FINANCE COMPANY LTD Wild Innusm mm WW CLU now $249 Beautiful Set Formerly $46900 and THE WILSONI BUILDING PHONE 2931 P0 0m sq 4ka Phone 46424P51sld Bum Delivery lowi $249 suwoaru ELECTBOHOIKE Custom Model Formerly $50500 uoweaso ND Mitt01min BARGAINS These slats are hmndnew never beenold II old worn tires for new longs Ilea III Weill buy Unused Miles IlnYourIOIld Tires ism Stufin 15 gt gt We have the stat and equipment to make the nodal installation most salable for your cussmeiu TRADEle ALLQWANCEp moo humor worm annals Tm moxng IZ9IMapIeIIIAvq loodservice sPhone 3922